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On 11/1/2016 at 5:14 PM, Get Real said:

I don´t understand why everybody is so unhappy with this, and that there are so many negative comment about all things that are happening in Thailand. This is nothing new in the rest of the world, and most of the people complaining here comes from a country that already have a since long developed system for cyber crimes and treats to the nation. Just don´t understand. When things not happen there is complains from everone here on TV, and when something happens htere are the same complaints. Be happy that they are trying to develop a country that since long has been after in every aspect of security and enforcement of laws. Maby there is only afraid people with something to hide or an evil agenda that have negative comments. What do I know? However, Inetnet is a wide network and it must be controlled in some way because there are many people that doesn´t understand what they really can say or not can say. If everyone used common sense and realized that if you are here and live by the rules, you just have nothing to hide. As simple as that instead of just complaining over everything. Negative remarks never solved anything. That´s just for people that think of Thailand as a country that should by like for 20 years ago today. Simple fact! It´s just not going to happen.

Or, When in Rome do as the Romans tell you to do, ............or risk being (crucified????).

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21 minutes ago, The Deerhunter said:

Or, When in Rome do as the Romans tell you to do, ............or risk being (crucified????).

That´s one way to see it. You can also see it another way, and that is thinking about what it is that you have to do that somebody say. I have thought about that a lot, and can only come up with that I have to have a known registred address that I stay on, and that I have to see to that my visa is up to date. Some people you know, just see that as a problem inThailand. I just don´t see the problems, and maybe that´s why I just can relax and live a happy life here. Just my philosofy! It might be totally wierd and senseless to many. More should try it though. I can guarantee it´s working perfect.

I had one person comment that he felt like he had to bow to people, stand on his knees and a lot of other misguided stuff. Maby that actually happens to people, but it hasn´t happened to me in 16 years. :smile:

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On 11/1/2016 at 1:16 AM, tbthailand said:

Oppression, ... pure oppression... 

Along the lines of the NSA in the US. Watching nearly everything. This is about more egregious censorship no doubt. Watch yourself. Big brother is watching you. 


And what this may really come down to is not so called misinformation. More like stifling critical dissent and squashing the ability to post reasonable comments that are not super supportive of the army, nor ignorant policies. 

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Half of security is "security theatre," which is convincing people that it's not worth taking a risk and acting in an unapproved manner, by creating a sense of fear.  Free speech might not need to be squelched if it is merely frozen out to a sufficient degree.  

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17 hours ago, Get Real said:

You see what dreams people can make up. From where do you get that I am a Thai? Even if that would be better to not have to do the 90 day visa trips, but that is not the case.

Your comment here is just pure garbage and nonsense. My question still stands. Why would you need to have a problem as a visitor in this country, when most of the Thais don´t have?
For your information: You never have to bow to anyone. You never have to stand on your knees. You really don´t have to bother with, or engage in the political situaton as you are a visitor.

The only thing your have to do to is make a joyful live for yourself, and to carefully choose a country with a system and rules that you can accept and live with. I am just so amazed over how
many people it is that choose to live in misery and complain everyday instead of doing something about it. Maby there is a country for you too somewhere, I sincerely hope so, but it doesn´t
seem like Thailand is on that list. Best Regards & Good Luck.


Talking about garbage and nonsense: have you actually read, what you post here?


The typical "we are visitors in this wonderful country, so shut the $#%@ up"- BS!

I live here for 9 years now, have a wife and a house and a child on the way!

Sure, the political situation in this country doesn't have to bother me...except for the above!


You just assume, that there is a country ...ANY country, where you have grilled chicken flying straight into your mouth!

There is no such place!

The thing is: if everybody -"guest" or not- always keeps their head down and just let's the "powers that be", do whatever they want...unchecked...how would such a country ever move forward!

I like Thailand WAY TOO MUCH to keep my mouth shut!

I want my family and my child to have a future in this country- a bright one!

And for that, Thailand must be criticized and made aware of its mistakes.


Please don't bother answering- your Zen- like "Don't worry be happy"- BS is totally annoying!

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26 minutes ago, DM07 said:

Talking about garbage and nonsense: have you actually read, what you post here?


The typical "we are visitors in this wonderful country, so shut the $#%@ up"- BS!

I live here for 9 years now, have a wife and a house and a child on the way!

Sure, the political situation in this country doesn't have to bother me...except for the above!


You just assume, that there is a country ...ANY country, where you have grilled chicken flying straight into your mouth!

There is no such place!

The thing is: if everybody -"guest" or not- always keeps their head down and just let's the "powers that be", do whatever they want...unchecked...how would such a country ever move forward!

I like Thailand WAY TOO MUCH to keep my mouth shut!

I want my family and my child to have a future in this country- a bright one!

And for that, Thailand must be criticized and made aware of its mistakes.


Please don't bother answering- your Zen- like "Don't worry be happy"- BS is totally annoying!

Sorry! Just have to reply. 9 years! Then I just beat you with 7 years. Otherwise. House, wife, daugther 4 years old but then with the difference of that I lived 16 years.

You are right though. Someone have to say something, sure.
At the first point, that is probably an issue for the Thai population that is a citizen here with the right to wote. Of course I also understand that you as a foreigner
that wishes to live in this country, for the rest of your life I will assume, want as you say help in some kind of way. What I don´t believe though is that TV is a good
place to change the opinion of the Thai population.  Here it comes down to that you need to get involved by learning to speak and write Thai fluently so you can be
a person with knowledge that the thai population want to hear out.

I do not believe in "we are visitors in this wonderful country" because it is not true. What is true is that this place is going to be a place that you can turn in to something
that suits you and your family.

Not even chickens that are alive fly very much, and I am well aware of that grilled chicken don´t fly. As you say: There is no such place!

I also hope that my family and my daugther will have a bright future, because we will also continue to live here. You don´t have to keep your mouth shut.
Just do it and open it in a way that counts and the Thai population can relate to. I strongly believe that as a foreigner in Thailand, disregarding how many, standing up
and want to make a point is totally worthless.

I sincerely hope that you don´t take this as BS too, and I truly wish you well regarding your life, family, wife and coming daugther.


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6 hours ago, Get Real said:

Sorry! Just have to reply. 9 years! Then I just beat you with 7 years. Otherwise. House, wife, daugther 4 years old but then with the difference of that I lived 16 years.

You are right though. Someone have to say something, sure.
At the first point, that is probably an issue for the Thai population that is a citizen here with the right to wote. Of course I also understand that you as a foreigner
that wishes to live in this country, for the rest of your life I will assume, want as you say help in some kind of way. What I don´t believe though is that TV is a good
place to change the opinion of the Thai population.  Here it comes down to that you need to get involved by learning to speak and write Thai fluently so you can be
a person with knowledge that the thai population want to hear out.

I do not believe in "we are visitors in this wonderful country" because it is not true. What is true is that this place is going to be a place that you can turn in to something
that suits you and your family.

Not even chickens that are alive fly very much, and I am well aware of that grilled chicken don´t fly. As you say: There is no such place!

I also hope that my family and my daugther will have a bright future, because we will also continue to live here. You don´t have to keep your mouth shut.
Just do it and open it in a way that counts and the Thai population can relate to. I strongly believe that as a foreigner in Thailand, disregarding how many, standing up
and want to make a point is totally worthless.

I sincerely hope that you don´t take this as BS too, and I truly wish you well regarding your life, family, wife and coming daugther.



"I truly wish you well regarding your life, family, wife and coming daugther."


Expert at predicting the sexes of babies as well - my my , you are a clever dude!

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21 minutes ago, sambum said:


"I truly wish you well regarding your life, family, wife and coming daugther."


Expert at predicting the sexes of babies as well - my my , you are a clever dude!

Sorry, will change. Thanks! 

Can´t change anymore, but naturally it should be child or baby.

I do hope everybody else understand that anyway. Just a mistake. Luckily everybody do them at different occasions, so I don´t worry to much.

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On 1 November 2016 at 5:14 PM, Get Real said:

I don´t understand why everybody is so unhappy with this, and that there are so many negative comment about all things that are happening in Thailand. This is nothing new in the rest of the world, and most of the people complaining here comes from a country that already have a since long developed system for cyber crimes and treats to the nation. Just don´t understand. When things not happen there is complains from everone here on TV, and when something happens htere are the same complaints. Be happy that they are trying to develop a country that since long has been after in every aspect of security and enforcement of laws. Maby there is only afraid people with something to hide or an evil agenda that have negative comments. What do I know? However, Inetnet is a wide network and it must be controlled in some way because there are many people that doesn´t understand what they really can say or not can say. If everyone used common sense and realized that if you are here and live by the rules, you just have nothing to hide. As simple as that instead of just complaining over everything. Negative remarks never solved anything. That´s just for people that think of Thailand as a country that should by like for 20 years ago today. Simple fact! It´s just not going to happen.

Negative remarks never solved anything.......................tell me wise, what did censorship ever solve?

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22 minutes ago, Get Real said:

Nothing, but neither does all the garbage that are posted in all social media.

Get Real, I think you have missed a fundamental point of 'what' free speech actually means, and what it brings to a society.


If you base your opinions on whats available on social media, well be prepared to be bombarded by views from all over the spectrum.


But as humans we have brains, which should I hope, be capable of making sense of all of those views and opinions and making a determination, for ourselves, what to believe and what not to believe.


Thailand, along with the many and various authoritarian states on the planet, can't take the risk that the opinions that people may, or may not resolve to be true to the own heads, is contrary to what the regime in place wants/needs people to believe is true.


Censorship of ideas at any level, for whatever reason is wrong. It leads to discontent and ultimate destruction of the the very thing it tries to protect.


Mediocrity is the only logical outcome for the censorship of thought and ideas you seem to hold so dear.


Regardless of your various attempts to profess your non Thai persona; the free expression I'm making is, that you are just one of the many various ultra nationalistic Thai shills (you can look that word up) that stalk these forums, moribund with fear and disgust that others may actually express views and ideas, and God forbid, express them with the Thai's in our lives.

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22 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

Get Real, I think you have missed a fundamental point of 'what' free speech actually means, and what it brings to a society.


If you base your opinions on whats available on social media, well be prepared to be bombarded by views from all over the spectrum.


But as humans we have brains, which should I hope, be capable of making sense of all of those views and opinions and making a determination, for ourselves, what to believe and what not to believe.


Thailand, along with the many and various authoritarian states on the planet, can't take the risk that the opinions that people may, or may not resolve to be true to the own heads, is contrary to what the regime in place wants/needs people to believe is true.


Censorship of ideas at any level, for whatever reason is wrong. It leads to discontent and ultimate destruction of the the very thing it tries to protect.


Mediocrity is the only logical outcome for the censorship of thought and ideas you seem to hold so dear.


Regardless of your various attempts to profess your non Thai persona; the free expression I'm making is, that you are just one of the many various ultra nationalistic Thai shills (you can look that word up) that stalk these forums, moribund with fear and disgust that others may actually express views and ideas, and God forbid, express them with the Thai's in our lives.


Well said! "Some poster" seems to spend all his time on here complaining about people complaining. He/she doesn't seem to realise that one of the functions of a Forum is to discuss a topic, not just dismiss it out of hand because it doesn't suit one's own particular agenda, and if you don't like the situation here - "Go Home" or find another country that is more suitable for your needs etc etc etc. 

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On 1/11/2016 at 4:59 PM, Stardust314 said:


Try telling that to the old lady that replied jah to a message on private chat, she's facing a few years in prison. P.S

I wrote something more, but deleted it. I'm already scared.the poor thai, at least I have a choice to leave if I want. 

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3 hours ago, sambum said:


Well said! "Some poster" seems to spend all his time on here complaining about people complaining. He/she doesn't seem to realise that one of the functions of a Forum is to discuss a topic, not just dismiss it out of hand because it doesn't suit one's own particular agenda, and if you don't like the situation here - "Go Home" or find another country that is more suitable for your needs etc etc etc. 

Thats true, i play online games n they have forums but when someone cries about some new updates, some others will tell em not to complain, then what is the point of having a forum? to build oneself up only on compliments n praises n believe that u or your product can do no wrong? it is only thru good or even bad critique n feedback that we can reflect n come up with an even better version of ourselves or product. 

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