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Shocking footage from Thailand shows lorry crossing double lines on bend in the wet to overtake as cars approach


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The human race has three parts to the brain which are interlinked and act together in most things but it appears that these drivers do not have that interlinking and therefore do not have the same thought process so when they stop on a level crossing they just think oooh look there is a train coming, and nothing tells them to get out of the way.


You can not educate Pork.


probably get some stick over this but prove me wrong  Please

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6 hours ago, ThaiPauly said:

What an idiot, no wonder there are so many accidents in this country !!!

"Shocking"??   Naah.  The mentality is:  biggest vehicle has right-of-way.  Things like lane dividers & common sense simply don't enter into it.  This driver simply expected everyone else to get out of his way.  'Not unusual in the least. I doubt most locals would bat an eye at seeing it  If you're going to drive in Thailand, you HAVE to learn to just expect this and be prepared to somehow see & avoid, hopefully without being run completely off the road.

Edited by hawker9000
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6 hours ago, CelticBhoy said:

Driving in Thailand   . . one of the best known laxatives known to man  :shock1:


:cheesy:  ... Outstanding diagnosis mon,  perfectly true of course;

so to err on the safe side one should only partake - in  traffic i mean - whilst wearing diapers ... 

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9 minutes ago, Janner1 said:

The human race has three parts to the brain which are interlinked and act together in most things but it appears that these drivers do not have that interlinking and therefore do not have the same thought process so when they stop on a level crossing they just think oooh look there is a train coming, and nothing tells them to get out of the way.


You can not educate Pork.


probably get some stick over this but prove me wrong  Please


Really tried hard ... but no valid argument there!

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4 hours ago, arrowsdawdle said:

What shocking? Anybody that has driven the two-lane blacktop in rural Thailand has seen this daily.


Thai traffic, just like Thai electricity, is different.

True. Farlang. Him think too mutt. Farlang. No. Understand. 

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6 hours ago, scorecard said:


Reminds of:


1.   An incident 2 decades back in Pattaya. Existing Second Road all resurfaced, proper gutters and footpaths installed. Workmen painting a zebra crossing on the new tarmac. 


Someone asks 'does it have any meaning?' Young supervising engineer replies 'I'm copying this from the movies so the new road will look very professional.  Question repeated 'does it have any meaning?' Response, 'no'. 


All of the above ignoring the fact that zebra crossings (including in Thailand) are officially and exactly designated and officially recorded and approved.


2.   Maybe 10 years back several new pedestrian lights installed, same road. Button for pedestrians to push to change the lights so traffic will stop located higher than average adult head height. Why? The designer decided that normal height would just mean kids playing games and stopping the traffic for no reason, just having fun.


Never mind that kids need to cross busy roads also, and just ignoring that parents and society has a responsibility to teach kids appropriate good behavior, in any country. 


There were complaints. At some locations the button was relocated to normal standard height.

Re the Pattaya pedestrian crossing lights, most of them don't work and haven't for years, though still there, unused.


Re the VDO, reminds me of a few similar incidents happened to me while driving in LOS.

I always wonder what the errant driver thinks as he nearly wipes another life off the planet. We've all done silly things on the road, but most of us don't do such deliberately dangerous ones.

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I had someone drift out of their lane and nearly into me yesterday going around an easy bend.  Then they took offence when I hit my horn. going straight and fast there seems to be no problem but when it comes to navigating a bend or a hill it all goes to pot.


There seems to be a complete inability to interpret roads and conditions here by some. 

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1 hour ago, al007 said:


And probably so true, why not put the effort into finding the truck driver and prosecuting him


I too have a video camera in the front of my pickup, because I know as a foreigner we are often blamed when it is not our fault


Also when stopped by police, by the time the window has been wound down the camera is pointing at the window, and I gently point this out and the fact the conversation is being recorded, seems to avoid cash fines for some reason

Since installing a dash cam I've not had one fine for jumping lights,wrong lane,being farang,the cams paid for its self after 6 months.i once got a 200 baht fine for orange instead of red flag on the back of a length of wood sticking out the back of my pick up.the cheeky copper wasn't happy at that,he came over to the till table and said I was in the wrong lane and I got stuffed for another 200 baht.thing was it was single file only as the other lane was coned off.dash cams are the way to go.

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Will this driver get arrested and punished? If not than you guys better start liking it or go to Swampy airport.


This IS Thailand wether you like it or not. The big General also ONLY has words about safety on Thai roads, NOTHING is done to stop it.


This is attempt to multiple murder in my book but of course can't be bothered. They all drive against traffic, in BKK you see 2 every minute doing it. 

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Correct 49,,, chances are that even with the video available it will be too much like hard work to fine the driver & cancel his licence for 23 months.

Waste of money here this yellow paint & I bet very few Thai drivers even know what they are supposed to mean

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7 hours ago, doremifasol said:

The car driver is very cool....... didn't scream....didn't swear.....


Used to it........


Very observant, and didn't blow his horn, however I don't know if he had any follow through, as we can't pick up any scent on film 555

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7 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Where's the chief of police commenting on this? Why's he not threatening Thai people  about the laws against dangerous driving? 





more like where is the Minister of Transport and why aren't the likes of BBC and Al Jazeera putting hard-hitting questions to him or her to be aired around the world  as to why nothing is ever done about this plague in Thailand and isn't he or she embarrassed about the accident statistics?

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7 hours ago, silent said:

Would you say driving habits are sometimes a reflection personality and intelligence?

Sometimes one doesn't quite get their reply post done in a specific manner in true context using a mobile phone. I was merrily implying it seems road rage is inbuilt into Thais mentality having complete and utter disregard for other road users or even the safety aspect. Would really like to see more respect given to other drivers  to help stop the carnage and deaths up and down the country throughout Thailand. It's quite bizarre when you have to worry about friends travelling around wondering if they'll arrive at their destinations safely. 


Cheers !! 

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1 hour ago, Asiantravel said:



more like where is the Minister of Transport and why aren't the likes of BBC and Al Jazeera putting hard-hitting questions to him or her to be aired around the world  as to why nothing is ever done about this plague in Thailand and isn't he or she embarrassed about the accident statistics?


Police busy krab, have to push button for stoplight ALL day long...green-red-green-red, not easy sir. Also need time to practise for the police-band at the compound at Chaeng wattana.


They are sooo busy that we even hired private security to protect our moobaan ourself.


Seriously, have you ever seen the police arrest somebody while on the go? except checkpoints i've never seen it in 20 years not. They did sell me beer though (while on the go) but that was during songkran. sabaai sabaai





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6 hours ago, recom273 said:


Not disagreeing with you - but is it really the governments job to teach common sense, humility, respect to other human beings ?


Surely if your actions will end in the possible death of someone then you should check yourself.

When you use Common Sense,  you are beating your head on the wall!  Not saying I'm a expert but I have over 40 years, working along with the Department of Transportation in the States, I also possess ( use to before I retire ) a License and certification to teach/test commercial drivers.

One of the things we do not ever mention is common sense!  What we do is just teach and apply the law for the vehicle and what can happen if procedure is not observed. One of the biggest distraction to prevent a driver from doing something like this is enforcement and a lost! In the West every violation is recorded, enforcement depending on the violation could result in the lose of earning power. We take it for granted but just that little thing keep people in check.

Government has no business in teaching common sense,  what should be taught is basically brain washing them to obey the law. Humility respect to other human beings have nothing to do with it if you have no enforcement and penalty. What controls us from breaking the law is those two things the same two that prevents you from robbing and shooting someone.

It is not that Thais can't drive they have been condition, desensitized and turn the rules of driving taken from the West to something that is not even recognizable to us. Thus is the reason they are near the top of being the worse in the world. 

It will not be fixed in the near future because those in charge come from the same school of driving, these habit just continue to be passed on to new drivers. Whenever I hear a Thai tell me " this is Thailand " it re-enforces everything I just mentioned above.

Edited by thailand49
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Watching the video it's looks like a case of "mines bigger than yours syndrome" so I'll do what the <deleted> I want !!!!

Just another daily dose of Thai road etiquette !!!


P.S. Roads don't usually kill you, idiots on them frequently do....

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Daily routine in the Land of I......Years back a took the bus from Bangkok to Buri Ram and we experience exactly the same road situation as this one. I thought we would all die. But miraculously the truck driver and our bus driver manage to cross each other. We had the impression the distance between the two was 1 millimetre ;) Anyway this was the last time I took to bus in Thailand. I don't know the reason why Thailand's roads are the second-deadliest in world. It must have something  to do with the IQ or they all want to go the Nirvana.

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Re the Pattaya pedestrian crossing lights, most of them don't work and haven't for years, though still there, unused.


Re the VDO, reminds me of a few similar incidents happened to me while driving in LOS.

I always wonder what the errant driver thinks as he nearly wipes another life off the planet. We've all done silly things on the road, but most of us don't do such deliberately dangerous ones.

usually they laugh as its  all jolly  funny..................in their sick heads

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8 hours ago, Toscano said:

It is all good for population control !!!  I note 32000 accident deaths per 100,000 , a massive number , but the birthrate is very high in Thailand , so with a bit of luck it equals out .  What a terrifying experience for the car driver who filmed this huge lorry overtaking , miraculously they survived .


You didn't think this one through very well did you Toscana. If they were killing themselves off that the rate you're quoting, Thailand should be empty by now! Try 32 per 100,000 and you could be closer to the truth.


You are also totally incorrect regarding birthrate. Thailand has been praised by a number of bodies, including the UN, for their success in introducing birth control. Their birthrate is now comparable with France, the UK and China and is lower than the USA.

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53 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

You didn't think this one through very well did you Toscana. If they were killing themselves off that the rate you're quoting, Thailand should be empty by now! Try 32 per 100,000 and you could be closer to the truth.


You are also totally incorrect regarding birthrate. Thailand has been praised by a number of bodies, including the UN, for their success in introducing birth control. Their birthrate is now comparable with France, the UK and China and is lower than the USA.

OK so he got his zeros wrong - what the hell, so...

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Around a corner, in the rain, but he had his lights on. Standard operating procedure from all Thai drivers. You will see this 4-5 times on every border run you make in Thailand. Passenger vehicles, mini-vans, buses, trucks. They all make the same death defying passes. It works

every time here, (until it doesn't). Nothing new here. :coffee1:

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