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Thailand’s Telecom Regulator Encourages Facebook Users to Spy Each Another


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Thailand’s Telecom Regulator Encourages Facebook Users to Spy Each Another


BANGKOK – Thailand’s National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC), the country’s telecoms regulator is encouraging citizens to report “inappropriate comments” on emails and social media, particularly those posted on Facebook, Line, and YouTube.


Its’s asking for people to “collaborate to suppress inappropriate messages,” without really defining what these are. It includes instructions on how to report them using each platform’s tools and then contact the NBTC.


Tech in Asia spoke with a few internet users in Thailand. They found the leaflet strange, considering there’s already a Technology Crime Suppression Division within the Royal Thai Police that’s responsible for tracking down offensive online content.


Full story: http://www.chiangraitimes.com/thailands-telecom-regulator-encourages-facebook-users-to-spy-each-another.html

-- © Copyright Chiang Rai Times 2016-11-07
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What's next, schoolchildren being told by their teachers to report their parents, family members and neighbours ?


Will the regular  ' inappropriate comments ' made by senior officialdom be investigated if reported ?

Of course not as people know what awaits them if they were to make such reports.

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56 minutes ago, Thailand said:

Brown shirts will be issued at the door as you leave the chatroom.


Yes, yet another stupid policy that will be condemned by other nations, leading to the Thai government getting pissy and ranting to the local Thai media (because the foreign press will simply laugh) that other countries should shut up and keep their nose out of Thai business because they don't understand Thai culture.  


On the next page in the newspaper will be a story about another part of the Thai government going hat in hand to those same countries begging for trade deals.  


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1 hour ago, NongKhaiKid said:

What's next, schoolchildren being told by their teachers to report their parents, family members and neighbours ?


Will the regular  ' inappropriate comments ' made by senior officialdom be investigated if reported ?

Of course not as people know what awaits them if they were to make such reports.

Yes, this is straight out of Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four, where kids report their parents to the Authorities for 'thought crimes'. 


No wonder those same Authorities don't want any of us (most of all the Thais) actually to read  that supreme political novel: it is the play-book which they are following to the letter!

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1 hour ago, NongKhaiKid said:

What's next, schoolchildren being told by their teachers to report their parents, family members and neighbours ?


Will the regular  ' inappropriate comments ' made by senior officialdom be investigated if reported ?

Of course not as people know what awaits them if they were to make such reports.


Well actually, there's the elite scouts groups in Mathayom. 

They already have been trained on how to be sure other students "understand " the special situation. 

And how to report those that refuse to "understand ".

It includes friends, family members, teachers, and anybody else. 

Now is the time to ???especially number 3.

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43 minutes ago, Eligius said:

Yes, this is straight out of Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four, where kids report their parents to the Authorities for 'thought crimes'. 


No wonder those same Authorities don't want any of us (most of all the Thais) actually to read  that supreme political novel: it is the play-book which they are following to the letter!


1984? Try the 1930s. The Hitler Youth.

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Scary stuff.


I have many Thai friends on Facebook, so I can't help but notice some of their pictures or comments, etc. Quite often I'll see very scathing replies from Thais about anything that could be deemed critical of Thailand (I know FB is full of scathing comments). What I mean is the comments are way over the top. Many local users come across as sociopaths when they feel insulted. The usual comments are;


"You stop your mouth talking about my country!"

"This is Thailand's business so stay out!" 

"You will never understand my country. We all love each other and never say bad things like you do in your country" etc, etc. (It's always a competition)


It always comes across as a 'us Vs them' thing. Like I'm going to write an idiotic and irrational reply to show how much I love my country. Then the user will just be torn a new one my many other users. 


Anywho, I'm sure there'll be users here who'll gladly report their fellow countrymen online. Then the law can just determine on a whim what's illegal or not. 



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1 hour ago, rkidlad said:

Scary stuff.


I have many Thai friends on Facebook, so I can't help but notice some of their pictures or comments, etc. Quite often I'll see very scathing replies from Thais about anything that could be deemed critical of Thailand (I know FB is full of scathing comments). What I mean is the comments are way over the top. Many local users come across as sociopaths when they feel insulted. The usual comments are;


"You stop your mouth talking about my country!"

"This is Thailand's business so stay out!" 

"You will never understand my country. We all love each other and never say bad things like you do in your country" etc, etc. (It's always a competition)


It always comes across as a 'us Vs them' thing. Like I'm going to write an idiotic and irrational reply to show how much I love my country. Then the user will just be torn a new one my many other users. 


Anywho, I'm sure there'll be users here who'll gladly report their fellow countrymen online. Then the law can just determine on a whim what's illegal or not. 




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5 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

Its beginning to feel like,E.Germany,N.Korea,and China everyday.

what is this Government soooo afraid of.

regards worgeordie

'After all, aren't there to be elections next year and the NCPO to step down and never be heard from again? regards worgeordie'.


There you gan, bonny lad. Fixed that one for you.

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17 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

Its beginning to feel like,E.Germany,N.Korea,and China everyday.

what is this Government soooo afraid of.

regards worgeordie


Afraid of an internal war where Thai throw bombs/bullets at eachother, just like we had before the junta stepped up.

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There is an Asian country where any criticism of the government can lead to arrest and detention, where its citizens are brainwashed from birth to worship the leader and any negative comments can be reported by any citizen against another and be punished with a long period in prison, where tv every night shows the good leader helping his citizens enjoy a better life, a country where his picture adorns every public building and is in every home, and defacing any such pictures can lead to a lengthy jail sentence, a country where news is censored and internet sites blocked, and people can be sentenced to prison for speaking the truth. North Korea. Its resemblance to any other Asian nation is purely coincidental.

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5 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

What's next, schoolchildren being told by their teachers to report their parents, family members and neighbours ?

Yes, quite possibly.

The next logical step is of course to make 'informing' a 'legal' requirement under penalty of 'law'. It's really quite frightening.

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5 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

What's next, schoolchildren being told by their teachers to report their parents, family members and neighbours ?


Will the regular  ' inappropriate comments ' made by senior officialdom be investigated if reported ?

Of course not as people know what awaits them if they were to make such reports.


Not "told". 




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Sounds like the Khymer Rouge.

No, they're not like the Khmer Rouge. The Khmer Rouge slaughtered large numbets of their own people, for the sake of their warped political and social ideology. They were probably best described as evil, ruthless, entirely cruel and without any vestige of mercy. They operated in an entirely isolated country with no media or contact with the outside world. Not even North Korea comes close to the horror that was the Khmer Rouge.

This bunch are a collection of bullying political dinosaurs flailing around trying to control a hostile if for now fairly placid population. Faced with media and communication methods which they really don't understand, and which are avidly and constantly consumed by much of that population, they are responding with techniques and actions more appropriate to the age of telephone tapping and censoring newspapers. An era from which they come and in which they are firmly stuck.

They don't understand how people in their own country think and communicate, let alone globally.

The Khmer Rouge were truly ghastly. I can't decide whether this bunch of dinosaurs are sad or funny. Bathos?
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