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Voter turnout 'explodes' among blacks, Hispanics in US


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59 minutes ago, Slip said:

What so it wasn't deleted by a moderator?  You are pissing in the wind. Your reference to working in the plantation was racist.  Regardless of your threats I am entitled to that opinion.  As much as you may wish to bitch, cry and make threats about it, that is the case.  As I suggested to you earlier- move on.

Aahhh, will you please shut up, khrap! Sometimes moderators delete posts not to let get things out of hand or whatever.

Doesn't need to be typical racist and please also stop about racism. You might not like your neighbor, call him racist then because he is not on your line.

Edited by hugocnx
Didn't read Scott #158 befor I wrote this.
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34 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

How fascist is Donald Trump? There’s actually a formula for that.


Grading the billionaire on the 11 attributes of fascism.



The bigger your text the more it seems you want to convince others about your opinion. Darn, even had to adjust screen size.

I never said a wrong word about HRC, but the only thing YOU seem to do is bashing Trump.


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26 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

May I remind you that Barry Goldwater opposed the civil rights bill of 1963, The bill that outlawed segregation. And he became the first Republican ever to carry the South. And the Republicans have mostly been carrying the South ever since. Now thanks to an influx of non-southerners that is changing.  The Republican party is on the path to irrelevancy. They catered to racial resentment and the changing demographics of the USA has doomed them. It will take a while but the trend is clear.

I was referring to way back when like 1850 something. Mostly history doesn't change that much, but of course you can deny what happened. If history is no more important, then everybody stop about fascism and racism.

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4 minutes ago, hugocnx said:

I was referring to way back when like 1850 something. Mostly history doesn't change that much, but of course you can deny what happened. If history is no more important, then everybody stop about fascism and racism.

Slavery in the US expired about 150 years ago.  Racism didn't.

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48 minutes ago, The manic said:

Too bad in the UK.and Europe. Muslim.birthrate will disenfranchisemail white culture.


Not if UK and European whites convert to Islam! Then "white" and "Muslim" will be synonymous. Problem solved!


You're welcome.



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9 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

I think you left out an entire argument  :w00t:


Not really. It was you who made the assertion that Democrats in those states were rigging the election.  "... yeah...the mostly illegal and ineligible to vote; but I'm sure Corrupt Hillary will get them to the polls to fraudulently vote anyway...additional proof of election rigging. " ilostmypassword called you on that assertion, correctly pointing out that those states are all dominated by Republicans who control the governments in those states, including the election commissions, so if "election rigging" occurs it won't be Hillary or the Dems doing the rigging. Which leaves only one other possibility.

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38 minutes ago, The manic said:

The term racist and sexist has become a term a term abuse used to try to silence people with genuine concerns in many places. They include the UK and USA. Political correctness is just the new version of 'ideological soundness ' peddled by Lenninists - stalinists- trostkyists- maoists for decades. The term has evolved from political soundness to political correctness now and is used by the same ideologues who murdered their way through millions of Russians and Chinese and Hungarians ,.Cambodians etcIt all starts with trying to humiliate people and label them and thenot mame them deny their own experience because their realit does not conform to Your Marxist views. Thanks for admitting your communit based views.


This absurd rant about ideological soundness and Trotskyism etc has absolutely no relation to reality. Just more whining by sad old pensioners who resent the fact that the World no longer believes their white supremacist crap any more.


The term politically correct is merely the avoidance of language that may offend others. It started in the feminist movement in the 70's.


The meaning and origin of the expression: Politically correct



Which is probably why a bunch of sad old men who are scared of strong, confident and independent women moan so much about it. These sad old men have now coalesced into a movement under the ridiculous leadership of a wealthy ego maniac with no history of positive political activity for any group, let alone minorities who is playing of the resentments of the old men to divide America. It is the Class War and Race War that has been predicted for decades, initiated by Trump and his political handlers - Bannon, Ailes and the rest.


Political Correctness did not murder Hungarians or Cambodians or anyone else. Such moronic statements reveal the lack of substance in the last gasps of the redundant, sad old men whose lives have passed them by. Well the little englanders have brought down a once proud nation with their Brexiteering. Their disease will not affect America because America is a country of immigrants; a country where idealism and achievement are welcomed; and which rejects the mindless class system that strangled the evolution of the British culture after such strong democratic beginnings.


Those of us who believe in PC also believe in diversity and multiculturalism. We have a positive and optimistic view of democracy. We reject the sad old reactionaries who are scared of change. Like the apocryphal kid with his finger in the dyke (canal), we learn that we cannot hold back change. What change is overwhelming the Deplorables and Trump? The minority vote, particularly the Latinos. Turns out saying that all Mexicans are rapist was the most stupid, short sighted and ignorant thing that the wannabe Racist in Chief could have said. The other demographic - women. Products of almost 2 generations of feminism. Turns out they don't like sleazy old farts thinking that they can sexually assault women with perceived impunity.


So keep your garbage fake historical interpretation of the term PC and racism and misogyny and homophobia etc. It has no basis in fact and just highlights the sad old whiny pensioners crying in their cups about life. Welcome the Millennials who will sweep away all you old reactionaries into the old folks homes where you can watch Coronation Street to your hearts content and not bother people with your ramblings.

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1 hour ago, hugocnx said:

May I remember you that the Democrats defended slavery in the south?

Yes, that was way befor you and I were born, but at least I know about it.



Your statement fails on a number of points. First, "May I remember you that the Democrats defended slavery in the south?". Watching this tired trope trotted out ad nauseum has reached the point where it is completely assinine. The fact that conservatives feel it necessary to fall back on this hackneyed argument only serves to illuminate just how ignorant of history they really are. Yes, the Democrats were the party of slavery and the KKK...150 YEARS AGO. One of the interesting things about history is how things refuse to remain static. All things change, as have the political ideologies of both the Republican and Democrat parties. You have obviously done ZERO research to back up your position, so allow me to enlighten you. The fact is that at the time of Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation the Republican party was comprised of LIBERALS, while the Democrats were conservative. That all changed during the time of Lyndon Johnson when he pushed through both the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. Racist conservative Democrats in the south abandoned the DNC and changed party affiliations, becoming Republicans. Nixon furthered this with his notorious "Southern Strategy" in 1968, where he openly sought to attract racist Democrats in the south to vote for him.


Second, it has been Democrats who, since LBJ, have avidly worked to eliminate systemic racism in the US both by legislation and enforcement. Republicans have actively sought to water down or eliminate equal rights legislation throughout the country.


Third, no one currently associated with the KKK or any white supremacist organization is supporting Clinton. They have all come out in support of Trump, who, in case you hadn't noticed, is running on the Republican ticket. Check up on your current events, and most definitely do a little more reading on history.

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17 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


This absurd rant about ideological soundness and Trotskyism etc has absolutely no relation to reality. Just more whining by sad old pensioners who resent the fact that the World no longer believes their white supremacist crap any more.


The term politically correct is merely the avoidance of language that may offend others. It started in the feminist movement in the 70's.


The meaning and origin of the expression: Politically correct



Which is probably why a bunch of sad old men who are scared of strong, confident and independent women moan so much about it. These sad old men have now coalesced into a movement under the ridiculous leadership of a wealthy ego maniac with no history of positive political activity for any group, let alone minorities who is playing of the resentments of the old men to divide America. It is the Class War and Race War that has been predicted for decades, initiated by Trump and his political handlers - Bannon, Ailes and the rest.


Political Correctness did not murder Hungarians or Cambodians or anyone else. Such moronic statements reveal the lack of substance in the last gasps of the redundant, sad old men whose lives have passed them by. Well the little englanders have brought down a once proud nation with their Brexiteering. Their disease will not affect America because America is a country of immigrants; a country where idealism and achievement are welcomed; and which rejects the mindless class system that strangled the evolution of the British culture after such strong democratic beginnings.


Those of us who believe in PC also believe in diversity and multiculturalism. We have a positive and optimistic view of democracy. We reject the sad old reactionaries who are scared of change. Like the apocryphal kid with his finger in the dyke (canal), we learn that we cannot hold back change. What change is overwhelming the Deplorables and Trump? The minority vote, particularly the Latinos. Turns out saying that all Mexicans are rapist was the most stupid, short sighted and ignorant thing that the wannabe Racist in Chief could have said. The other demographic - women. Products of almost 2 generations of feminism. Turns out they don't like sleazy old farts thinking that they can sexually assault women with perceived impunity.


So keep your garbage fake historical interpretation of the term PC and racism and misogyny and homophobia etc. It has no basis in fact and just highlights the sad old whiny pensioners crying in their cups about life. Welcome the Millennials who will sweep away all you old reactionaries into the old folks homes where you can watch Coronation Street to your hearts content and not bother people with your ramblings.

Sad sad sad, but I am maybe a 'sad old man', a 'sad old pensioner', a sad old fart. You are a Millennium god(dess)?

You talk alot but you hardly say anything with substance. Other than putting other peoples words or opinion out of context.


The old farts are not sexually assaulting women. You can leave that to other folks as shown in the Sweden, but that is probably far from your doorstep.

Positive view on democracy you say? Do you have idea's about things that don't exist? That is called dreaming.

Come down from your ivory LGBTplus tower. 

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22 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:


Your statement fails on a number of points. First, "May I remember you that the Democrats defended slavery in the south?". Watching this tired trope trotted out ad nauseum has reached the point where it is completely assinine. The fact that conservatives feel it necessary to fall back on this hackneyed argument only serves to illuminate just how ignorant of history they really are. Yes, the Democrats were the party of slavery and the KKK...150 YEARS AGO. One of the interesting things about history is how things refuse to remain static. All things change, as have the political ideologies of both the Republican and Democrat parties. You have obviously done ZERO research to back up your position, so allow me to enlighten you. The fact is that at the time of Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation the Republican party was comprised of LIBERALS, while the Democrats were conservative. That all changed during the time of Lyndon Johnson when he pushed through both the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. Racist conservative Democrats in the south abandoned the DNC and changed party affiliations, becoming Republicans. Nixon furthered this with his notorious "Southern Strategy" in 1968, where he openly sought to attract racist Democrats in the south to vote for him.


Second, it has been Democrats who, since LBJ, have avidly worked to eliminate systemic racism in the US both by legislation and enforcement. Republicans have actively sought to water down or eliminate equal rights legislation throughout the country.


Third, no one currently associated with the KKK or any white supremacist organization is supporting Clinton. They have all come out in support of Trump, who, in case you hadn't noticed, is running on the Republican ticket. Check up on your current events, and most definitely do a little more reading on history.

Amen brother. 

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America... home of the brave.. stupid and racist. 


Even to make news headlines about 'the blacks' is racist.  It should not be an issue the colour of peoples skin. 


In the UK there would never be such an issue.  People are people people, black, white, any other colour.   

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1 hour ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


This absurd rant about ideological soundness and Trotskyism etc has absolutely no relation to reality. Just more whining by sad old pensioners who resent the fact that the World no longer believes their white supremacist crap any more.


The term politically correct is merely the avoidance of language that may offend others. It started in the feminist movement in the 70's.


The meaning and origin of the expression: Politically correct



Which is probably why a bunch of sad old men who are scared of strong, confident and independent women moan so much about it. These sad old men have now coalesced into a movement under the ridiculous leadership of a wealthy ego maniac with no history of positive political activity for any group, let alone minorities who is playing of the resentments of the old men to divide America. It is the Class War and Race War that has been predicted for decades, initiated by Trump and his political handlers - Bannon, Ailes and the rest.


Political Correctness did not murder Hungarians or Cambodians or anyone else. Such moronic statements reveal the lack of substance in the last gasps of the redundant, sad old men whose lives have passed them by. Well the little englanders have brought down a once proud nation with their Brexiteering. Their disease will not affect America because America is a country of immigrants; a country where idealism and achievement are welcomed; and which rejects the mindless class system that strangled the evolution of the British culture after such strong democratic beginnings.


Those of us who believe in PC also believe in diversity and multiculturalism. We have a positive and optimistic view of democracy. We reject the sad old reactionaries who are scared of change. Like the apocryphal kid with his finger in the dyke (canal), we learn that we cannot hold back change. What change is overwhelming the Deplorables and Trump? The minority vote, particularly the Latinos. Turns out saying that all Mexicans are rapist was the most stupid, short sighted and ignorant thing that the wannabe Racist in Chief could have said. The other demographic - women. Products of almost 2 generations of feminism. Turns out they don't like sleazy old farts thinking that they can sexually assault women with perceived impunity.


So keep your garbage fake historical interpretation of the term PC and racism and misogyny and homophobia etc. It has no basis in fact and just highlights the sad old whiny pensioners crying in their cups about life. Welcome the Millennials who will sweep away all you old reactionaries into the old folks homes where you can watch Coronation Street to your hearts content and not bother people with your ramblings.

BTW: If you would be so kind to show me where Trump said that ALL Mexicans are rapists.

Your friend; a sleazy old fart

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14 hours ago, Rob8891 said:

What a poor choice -America is screwed either way. All they can do now is bend over and pass the lube..... No, no, not you Trumpies....No lube for you! ?

Yes, give him some lube, but put some sand in it. :coffee1:

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1 hour ago, hugocnx said:

Sad sad sad, but I am maybe a 'sad old man', a 'sad old pensioner', a sad old fart. You are a Millennium god(dess)?

You talk alot but you hardly say anything with substance. Other than putting other peoples words or opinion out of context.


The old farts are not sexually assaulting women. You can leave that to other folks as shown in the Sweden, but that is probably far from your doorstep.

Positive view on democracy you say? Do you have idea's about things that don't exist? That is called dreaming.

Come down from your ivory LGBTplus tower. 


Old fart? Nothing wrong with Old Farts. I love Old Farts. I will be one soon. Please relish being an old fart but the sad old pensioners, the Condell Bigots, the Trump Deplorables, the Farage Asswipes - don't be one of them.


I avoid providing personal information since there are very few people on TVF who would use it in good faith, but I will reveal that I am not a millennial. In fact I am on the cusp of the transition from Baby Boomer to Gen X'er. But young people, new people, different people don't scare me. They used to when I was young and ignorant but I learned how to beat my own racism brought about by my heritage.


When you learn to embrace diversity and new people with different ideas, then you will find that in fact I am saying quite a lot as well as using a lot of words. Don't worry if you don't understand what I am saying at the moment. It requires some progress on the path to enlightenment to appreciate the meaning of what I say. Of course, you can stay un-enlightened. That is your choice. But then you just be a sad old reactionary with to whom no-one but other sad old reactionaries pay attention.


And believe me, I am often up to my elbows in reality confronting different ideas and dealing with different peoples and cultures. If I didn't show them some respect, then I would get nowhere with them. So no, I can faithfully reject your accusation of being imprisoned in an ivory tower.


America took a leap to the left with the SCOTUS decision on marriage equality. President Hillary Clinton's SCOTUS choices will entrench and expand this. A liberal SCOTUS will recognize diversity and enforce the Constitutional Rights of equality under the law for all. This will not divide America. It will unite America because the new America - the next generation - primarily rejects the old culture warriors. The new generation has an entirely different set of values and issues. The sad old pensioners can get with the program or sit it out on the sidelines. Once the Republican Party rebuilds itself and rids itself of the old Reagan Cold Warriors then it will become a fitting party to compete with the Democrats for office. But we have to let the Republican Party self destruct under Trump first.


So please be an old fart. Just don't be a miserable old sod getting in the way of the new generation by pushing a value system that diminishes others. But it takes a special type of old fart to do this.

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1 hour ago, hugocnx said:

BTW: If you would be so kind to show me where Trump said that ALL Mexicans are rapists.

Your friend; a sleazy old fart


Here you go. The VDO clip from You Tube. The original statement from June 2015:



The words he uses exactly are "They're rapists".


Now I understand that you plan on winning this argument through pedantry but that is a cop out. It matters not that I believe his words are bigoted garbage. What matters is that those whom he insults have the power to vote. The African Americans that he talks about living in 'ghettoes'; the Latinos who he marks as criminals, drug dealers and rapists; and, the women whose genitals he believes he can grab at will all have the vote. Their revenge tomorrow will be sweet.


It will further re-establish the need for PC to ensure that people's right to dignity and equality is respected. No longer will old white straight men be able to dictate the way in which the culture will develop.


So pick a fight with me about whether Trump said all Mexicans or not. It is not really an issue I addressed in the post and it is not an issue that has any relevance to me. What is relevant is the fact that the tide has turned and you can no longer say these things with impunity and without people pushing back.


I don't think I have ever said sleazy old fart. Again, old farts are necessary and valued members of society and often great fun. It's only sleazy if you follow Trump's concept of how women should be treated as objects for his sexual gratification or people with less money than him only have value for what they can provide for him - and then he doesn't pay them. Sad old fart maybe. Sleazy old fart. Save that for the egotistic, selfish, loud mouth Trump.

Edited by Tawan Dok Krating Daeng
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African-Americans are failing to vote at the robust levels they did four years ago in several states that could help decide the presidential election, creating a vexing problem for Hillary Clinton as she clings to a deteriorating lead over Donald J. Trump with Election Day just a week away.

As tens of millions of Americans cast ballots in what will be the largest-ever mobilization of early voters in a presidential election, the numbers have started to point toward a slump that many Democrats feared might materialize without the nation’s first black president on the ticket.


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African-Americans are failing to vote at the robust levels they did four years ago in several states that could help decide the presidential election, creating a vexing problem for Hillary Clinton as she clings to a deteriorating lead over Donald J. Trump with Election Day just a week away.



As tens of millions of Americans cast ballots in what will be the largest-ever mobilization of early voters in a presidential election, the numbers have started to point toward a slump that many Democrats feared might materialize without the nation’s first black president on the ticket.




12 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

African-Americans are failing to vote at the robust levels they did four years ago in several states that could help decide the presidential election, creating a vexing problem for Hillary Clinton as she clings to a deteriorating lead over Donald J. Trump with Election Day just a week away.



As tens of millions of Americans cast ballots in what will be the largest-ever mobilization of early voters in a presidential election, the numbers have started to point toward a slump that many Democrats feared might materialize without the nation’s first black president on the ticket.






Nice try. That's old news with a byline of Nov 2.  Here's the latest news from Florida. You've heard of Florida?

As of Saturday, 565,000 Hispanics have voted in person in Florida, a 100 percent increase over the close of early voting in 2012, according to Daniel Smith, a University of Florida professor who tracks voter turnout.

“Over the past few days, we’ve seen black turnout explode, with more African-Americans voting early in-person than in 2012, and we still have ‘Souls to the Polls’ numbers from today to add to the running total,” Smith told AFP.

A total of 777,000 blacks have already voted in Florida, he said.



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8 hours ago, dcutman said:

Odd the American president almost encouraging illegal activity, and definitely sending the message if you do something illegal there will be nobody come to enforce the law.


DId you even watch the video that you posted?


The young woman is an American citizen, and eligible to vote. Her question to President Obama was whether her voting would trigger an investigation into her family, some members of which are presumably undocumented. The President reassured her that such was not the case, and strongly encouraged her to exercise her right to vote.

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55 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

DId you even watch the video that you posted?


The young woman is an American citizen, and eligible to vote. Her question to President Obama was whether her voting would trigger an investigation into her family, some members of which are presumably undocumented. The President reassured her that such was not the case, and strongly encouraged her to exercise her right to vote.

Yes I watched, 3 times. Obviously you didnt.

She asked O a hypothetical question,  in short, she is asking, as a"dreamer" or undocumented should I be fearful of immigration coming to arrest me?

Try and pay attention


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6 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

America... home of the brave.. stupid and racist. 


Even to make news headlines about 'the blacks' is racist.  It should not be an issue the colour of peoples skin. 


In the UK there would never be such an issue.  People are people people, black, white, any other colour.   

They surely are...including all the black PMs you've  had  :sleepy:

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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

African-Americans are failing to vote at the robust levels they did four years ago in several states that could help decide the presidential election, creating a vexing problem for Hillary Clinton as she clings to a deteriorating lead over Donald J. Trump with Election Day just a week away.



As tens of millions of Americans cast ballots in what will be the largest-ever mobilization of early voters in a presidential election, the numbers have started to point toward a slump that many Democrats feared might materialize without the nation’s first black president on the ticket.




Nice try. That's old news with a byline of Nov 2.  Here's the latest news from Florida. You've heard of Florida?



Yes indeed and Trump has Florida wrapped up. :smile:

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41 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Yes indeed and Trump has Florida wrapped up. :smile:


You might want to check on that. Early voting puts Hillary on top in Florida. She appears to have a nice lead there heading into election day.


Florida Democrats widen early vote lead thanks to South Florida Sunday blowout



Florida’s Early Vote Ends With Record Turnout In Democratic Strongholds



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2 hours ago, dcutman said:

Yes I watched, 3 times. Obviously you didnt.

She asked O a hypothetical question,  in short, she is asking, as a"dreamer" or undocumented should I be fearful of immigration coming to arrest me?

Try and pay attention



The young woman interviewer is Gina Rodriguez, an American actress who was born and raised in Chicago which, to my reading of the Constitution, makes her a citizen and eligible to vote.



The video you posted has been a favorite of the RW since it first appeared last week - heavily edited, of course, since that is the only way that Fox News addicts can make it fit within their agenda.



So do try to pay attention, and maybe even do some research beyond the Fox News universe.

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9 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Clinton will win. Have said it all along. No way they will let trump win.


This is what they are doing to ensure in many states that she does along with other 'tricks'




It's they, they, they, they....who the heck is "they?"  Well "they" is the rest of America who aren't braindead and can see Trump for what he is.  Just a lying conman with almost no socially redeeming value.  The paranoia of the far right in America is beyond the pale.  

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