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Does anybody know a Thai who supports Donald Trump?


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The best summation I've seen to date: Which would you rather have in your hand? A t__d or a p___k? Hillary is predictable meaning you can get anything you want from her if you have enough money. She listens only to the sound of the cash register. The Donald hopefully would surround himself with capable people and actually listen to them.  He has less money than the Clintons but I do not think he could be bought. The Thais I know could care less about the elections and have no idea who is running.

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58 minutes ago, Toscano said:

My guess is that most Thais do not know that there is a presidential election in the USA and have never heard of Donald Trump or Hilary Clinton .




I think any Thai with a TV would know the election is happening. Hard to miss, given the amount of TV exposure it has received.


Who wins ? I don't think the vast Thai population really cares. Why would they. As a non-American, I don't follow American politics either, but whether it's Clinton or Trump, I'll be a curious onlooker for the next 4 years.


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16 hours ago, Shot said:

My wife and I have several businesses and many highly educated employees who run shops for us throughout Thailand and China. They are all very aware of the US elections and none of them support the Hillary Clinton. Most hope for a real change, not hope and change.

Be careful what you wish for.

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1 hour ago, akentryan said:

The best summation I've seen to date: Which would you rather have in your hand? A t__d or a p___k? Hillary is predictable meaning you can get anything you want from her if you have enough money. She listens only to the sound of the cash register. The Donald hopefully would surround himself with capable people and actually listen to them.  He has less money than the Clintons but I do not think he could be bought. The Thais I know could care less about the elections and have no idea who is running.

Wrong on all counts.Trump as more money,if you can believe him and whether it is his.What normal,capable person would work with him,their reputation would be trashed forever.He has proven he listens to nobody,capable or not.

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17 hours ago, keemapoot said:


Yeah?  Maybe those highly educated employees in Thailand should read the editorials and expert analysts in the many recent press articles in both English and Thai, who have uniformly said a Trump Presidency would be bad for Thailand. I suspect they already have and you are projecting what you yourself wish in misrepresenting their views. :wink:

Looking at your previous post, you aren't misrepresenting Thai views of course. Only people reporting Thais supporting HC can be considered to be telling the truth.




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16 hours ago, Denim said:

Stop any Thai in the street and ask ( in perfect Thai ) ....what do you think of Donald Trump ?


You will get a much more proactive response if you ask about Donald Duck.


For the average Thai anything beyond the end of their nose is too far removed to be of significant importance to their hum drum lives.

I think Thais are more aware and informed about Trump / Clinton than some members suggest here.

i talk to a number of Thais daily and some have asked me which one I thought would win. I told them Clinton but at the minute of this entry, it looks like I was wrong. 

Many Thais are quite aware of the U. S. election. 

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18 hours ago, otherstuff1957 said:

I do my best to avoid conversations about politics, but when asked who I would be voting for, I responded "Anyone but Trump!". 


The two or three Thais I have discussed this with seem to be baffled by his popularity!


A Thai teacher, who speaks very little English, posted messages of condolence for the King's death on the message board outside his classroom.  In addition to Obama, Merkel, May, Putin and the Australian guy, he included a message from Hillary, but NOT one from Trump.  

Nice group ; Obama , refugee bomber Merkel, Putin and hillary ..... hmmm 

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4 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:
18 hours ago, Shot said:

My wife and I have several businesses and many highly educated employees who run shops for us throughout Thailand and China. They are all very aware of the US elections and none of them support the Hillary Clinton. Most hope for a real change, not hope and change.

I dont find this the least bit credible.

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To add to the credibility of 'Shot's' comment, my Isaan born and raised, Bangkok private university educated wife is also very aware of the US election, and while not a supporter of Donald Trump, she is very opposed to H. Clinton as one who she views as corrupt and seeks to use her position for personal enrichment. Additionally, she has expressed her concern to me that the United States has a very difficult choice, and is aware that the results of the election will have a direct impact on not only Thailand but the entire world. 

The generalization that all the people of Thailand have no awareness of the world beyond Thailand is patently wrong and does an injustice to the many intelligent and thoughtful Thai people that we share our lives with. 


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Since many Thais have no idea in what country California is located, how can they have an opinion about Trump. Those who have an opinion likely based their opinion on the rabid democrat who posed the question.


It appears that the US voters have made the decision to elect the best person. Since Crooked Hillary already had nearly half the vote, I am amazed at the results. The professional welfare generations of families, the bloated redundant government employees, dead people and others on government benefits would vote for Hillary no matter what she has done.

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I asked the missus what she thought of Trump and her reply was "who?".


I explained the whole deal to her and her reply was "why would I care?".



First time in a long while that we are both on the same page !!

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22 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

I asked the missus what she thought of Trump and her reply was "who?".


I explained the whole deal to her and her reply was "why would I care?".



First time in a long while that we are both on the same page !!


While my personal situation is different than yours, I would like to say that your missus' reply is also completely valid as many people of Thailand have far greater and immediate concerns than who will be the next president of the United States. 
On a more personal note, it is always a good feeling when we and our Thai partners are on the proverbial 'Same Page'! 

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26 minutes ago, radiochaser said:

I don't think that she will. 

But, I don't have a crystal ball either. 


I checked my ball and it informed me that she will receive a pardon in the not so distant future.  The image was a bit hairy but the message was clear enough to decipher. 

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6 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

As a matter of fact, this poster knows several who support President Trump and have for the past almost 2 years while he's bee running.

These Thais lived in the States for several years so they got a clue...:smile:

There would have been 6 that voted for Trump, but one was very disappointing when I told him that he could not legally vote, even though he was registered to vote.  

I don't think he understood, when he received his drivers license and was asked if he wanted to register to vote (under the motor voter law), that he could not vote as a green card holder.


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I had a lawyer in Surin prepare some certification documents for me in September. She had lived for 5 years in Minnesota while attending school and spoke English very well. We had a conversation that was initiated by her regarding the Presidential election. She had clearly been following the campaign and was quite knowledgeable in both candidates political agenda and policies. She was adamant that she thought Donald Trump would be elected President and as of today she was right and I was too.   

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