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The similarities – and difference – in the rice policies of Yingluck and Prayut


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8 hours ago, tigermoth said:

I am sick and tired of all these accusations against, in the main, against the last government. To date there is not one shred of proof. I assume the national quirk of guilty until presumed innocent in this country is what drives all these accusations. This also includes Thaksins accusers. I am no supporter of these people but have been raised in countries where absolute proof has to be shown before a person is accused and if it is not then the accuser had better look out. Same thing happening to the two Myammar lads in the South.

No proof required by the junta.  They do as they please, and then investigate themselves and when accusations are made.... and surprise, surprise,  "no irregularities found", and even if they were found, doesn't matter anyway as they're not accountable for their actions.  Contest the latter, then be forced to undergo 'attitude adjustment', and perhaps incarceration.  I'm not sure how anyone can defend a ruling entity in any way, shape or form that introduces and enforces a policy of 'attitude adjustment' against its own citizens.  To call it absurd and ridiculous is a gargantuan understatement.  Perhaps if a certain person had paid more attention to the rice production ancd market forces instead of settling scores, setting up cyber centres to go after people expressing varied views and opinions and penning childish songs  - the content of the latter being an enormous insult to the intelligence of the population - things wouldn't be as bad as they currently are.

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

But is not.. YL said it was not costing anything Prayut being honest tells us what it cost and puts it in the general budget. YL kept it off books as self financing and left us with an extra cosxt of 500-700 billion (that was never taken into the budget)


Then we got the thing that YL said there is no limit for big farmers (Rich ones) while prayut says only 10 rai will be supported clearly showing that he is helping the poor farmers instead of helping the rich big landowners. (or course if a limit was set the fake G2G deal would not be possible because the reselling of the rice in the program would not be possible and her top ministers would not been able to be as corrupt as they were)

" Prayut's rice problem has barely started. The ability of the state-owned Bank of Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives to finance another gigantic handout -- the scheme's estimated cost went from... "


Extract from a major newspaper. It is finance by BAAC as a revolving credit. The budget has been allocated and the reserve budget has been used for previous schemes. Probably nothing in reserve or main budget. 


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There would be much less of a plight if a government somewhere in the ever shifting hierarchy - elected and unelected - actually realised the folly of having the taxpayer constantly shoring up the prices of a commodity that is vastly overproduced and, more often than not, overpriced in a competitive marketplace, and came up with a plan to reduce farmers' reliance on just the one crop.

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13 hours ago, tigermoth said:

I am sick and tired of all these accusations against, in the main, against the last government. To date there is not one shred of proof. I assume the national quirk of guilty until presumed innocent in this country is what drives all these accusations. This also includes Thaksins accusers. I am no supporter of these people but have been raised in countries where absolute proof has to be shown before a person is accused and if it is not then the accuser had better look out. Same thing happening to the two Myammar lads in the South.


I guess you don't read very much do you? Google or any search engine will provide links to what was happening when Yingluck was still PM and what the effect of her populist policies were having on the economy. This one dated November 13, 2013 follows a report from the IMF: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/imf-takes-aim-yinglucks-rice-pledging-scheme/


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13 hours ago, tigermoth said:

I am sick and tired of all these accusations against, in the main, against the last government. To date there is not one shred of proof. I assume the national quirk of guilty until presumed innocent in this country is what drives all these accusations. This also includes Thaksins accusers. I am no supporter of these people but have been raised in countries where absolute proof has to be shown before a person is accused and if it is not then the accuser had better look out. Same thing happening to the two Myammar lads in the South.

 suggest you  look again at the  presented facts in the  rice scheme scheme!  None  refuted, only  excused !  ?????

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