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Finally, it's Clinton or Trump: Long race ends, voters pick


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Finally, it's Clinton or Trump: Long race ends, voters pick



WASHINGTON (AP) — America's ugly and unpredictable presidential election entered its final hours Tuesday, with voters flocking to polls to choose between Democrat Hillary Clinton, hoping to become the first woman to serve as commander in chief, and Republican Donald Trump, the billionaire businessman who tapped into a searing strain of economic populism.


Clinton appeared to have multiple paths to triumph, while Trump needed to prevail in most of the battleground states to secure an upset. Control of the Senate was also at stake, with Democrats needing to net four seats if Clinton wins the White House.


The 45th president will inherit an anxious nation, deeply divided by economic and educational opportunities, race and culture. The economy has rebounded from the depths of recession, though many Americans have yet to benefit. New terror threats from home and abroad have raised security fears.


Clinton asked voters to keep the White House in Democratic hands for a third straight term. She cast herself as heir to President Barack Obama's legacy and pledged to make good on his unfinished agenda, including passing immigration legislation, tightening restrictions on guns and tweaking his signature health care law.


"I know how much responsibility goes with this," Clinton said after voting Tuesday at her local polling station in Chappaqua, New York, with her husband, former President Bill Clinton, at her side. "So many people are counting on the outcome of this election, what it means for our country, and I will do the very best I can if I'm fortunate enough to win today."


Trump, the New York real estate developer who lives in a gold-plated Manhattan penthouse, forged a striking connection with white, working-class Americans who feel left behind in the changing economy and diversifying country. He cast immigration, both from Latin America and the Middle East, as the root of many problems plaguing the nation and called for building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.


"I see so many hopes and so many dreams out there that didn't happen, that could have happened, with leadership, with proper leadership," he said by telephone on Fox News before casting his own ballot in Manhattan. "And people are hurt so badly."


Seven in 10 Americans who went to the polls Tuesday said immigrants now in the country illegally should be allowed to stay, while just a quarter said they should be deported. More than half oppose building a border wall, according to preliminary results from the exit poll conducted for The Associated Press and television networks by Edison Research.


The Republican Party's tortured relationship with its nominee was evident right up to the end. Former President George W. Bush and wife Laura Bush declined to back Trump, instead selecting "none of the above" when they voted for president, according to spokesman Freddy Ford.


Trump set both parties on edge when he refused to say in the third and final debate whether he would accept the election's results, citing with no evidence the possibility of a rigged outcome. His statement threatened to undermine a fundamental pillar of American democracy and raised the prospect that his fervent supporters would not view Clinton as a legitimate president if she won.


Asked Tuesday in an interview with Fox News if he would accept the election results, Trump continued to demur, saying "We're going to see how things play out."


According to the preliminary exit polls, most Americans who voted had at least a moderate amount of confidence that election ballots would be counted accurately.


Most problems that did pop up at polling places Tuesday appeared to be routine — the kinds of snags that come every four years, including long lines, machines not working properly and issues with ballots or voter rolls.


Even before Tuesday, almost 45 million people had cast ballots for president. Many expressed relief the end was in sight after an election season in which personal attacks often drowned out the issues.


"I'm tired of the mudslinging," said Laura Schmitt, a 54-year-old Republican from Woodbury, Minnesota, who was voting for Trump. Emetric Whittington, a 51-year-old Democratic mother of three on Chicago's violence-plagued South Side, agreed: "I can't wait for this night to be over."


Clinton has denounced Trump for calling Mexican immigrants "rapists" and promoting a ban on Muslims entering the U.S., and for his long line of remarks about women that culminated in an audio in which he bragged about grabbing their genitals. Trump called his opponent "Crooked Hillary" for her use of a private email server as secretary of state and her complicated ties to the family's Clinton Foundation.


"I can't vote for somebody who's so morally reprehensible," said Lisa Moore, a 48-year-old Republican from Glen Rock, New Jersey, who picked Clinton. Democrat Charles Ikner of Cross Lanes, West Virginia, opted for Trump, saying it was time for "fresh blood" in the White House.


In the final days, Clinton was buoyed by FBI Director James Comey's weekend declaration that he wouldn't recommend criminal charges against her following a new email review. Comey announced the inquiry late last month, sapping Clinton's surging momentum and threatening Democrats in down-ballot races.


Associated Press writers Bradley Klapper, Vivian Salama, Hope Yen, Jill Colvin and Lisa Lerer and AP Polling Director Emily Swanson contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-11-09
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1 minute ago, JLCrab said:

In the words of Gerald Ford 1974 upon taking over as President after Nixon resigned:


My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over.

Why would you call a beautiful exercise in democracy a "nightmare"...maybe you prefer the way things are done in Thailand?


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22 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Why would you call a beautiful exercise in democracy a "nightmare"...maybe you prefer the way things are done in Thailand?



Un-necessarily lengthy anyway. I guess I understand the cash strapped media need to generate revenue though

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3 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

Finally, it's Clinton or Trump: Long race ends, voters pick


Thank gawd for that. Does that mean we can look forward to a bit more variety in the news?

Sorry to break this to you ...




Even before 2016 is over, the race for 2020 is well underway




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2 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

The anticipation being she'll either be in prison by then or a one-term president.


There won't be any prison, as I think that horse has been beaten dead and put away wet at the FBI. Regarding one-term, that is always possible for any President, and we can see the GOP strategy already to obstruct, oppose and generally make her first term as difficult and unproductive as possible. Add to that the fact that she is not too shiny to begin with, and you may be right.  We will see.

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10 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


There won't be any prison, as I think that horse has been beaten dead and put away wet at the FBI. Regarding one-term, that is always possible for any President, and we can see the GOP strategy already to obstruct, oppose and generally make her first term as difficult and unproductive as possible. Add to that the fact that she is not too shiny to begin with, and you may be right.  We will see.

She's already had several strokes and fainting episodes...she'll be lucky to last a year without making a great heaving sound and keeling over dead.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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3 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

She's already had several strokes and fainting episodes...she'll be lucky to last a year without making a great heaving sound and keeling over dead.


Actually, this health frailty issue has been exploited by Trump and the GOP, but I think there might be a grain of truth to it. Luckily the job of Chief Executive can be done effectively while not being that mobile.

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Just now, JHolmesJr said:

She's in pretty poor health and not too far away from dementia. When I see the toll 8 years has taken on Barry O, I wider if she can make to through even 2.


I agree that she is not strong maybe, and the Presidency took a visible toll on everyone I can remember except Reagan and Kennedy (for obvious reasons). Clinton's advantage is that she is an old pro in that White House and Washington, she has her mentor by her side, and she and her handlers will precisely scale her visible activities so that she never appears weak.  


Just don't expect to see her bounding down the stairs of Air force I the way Barry does. :laugh:

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3 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

She's in pretty poor health and not too far away from dementia. When I see the toll 8 years has taken on Barry O, I wonder if she can make to through even 2.


3 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

She's in pretty poor health and not too far away from dementia. When I see the toll 8 years has taken on Barry O, I wonder if she can make to through even 2.

Well Rotten Ronnie's own kid said his old man had  Alzheimer's during his first term onwards.

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2 hours ago, keemapoot said:


I agree that she is not strong maybe, and the Presidency took a visible toll on everyone I can remember except Reagan and Kennedy (for obvious reasons). Clinton's advantage is that she is an old pro in that White House and Washington, she has her mentor by her side, and she and her handlers will precisely scale her visible activities so that she never appears weak.  


Just don't expect to see her bounding down the stairs of Air force I the way Barry does. :laugh:

I don't think you'll see her mentor by her side much.  He's thinking four more years with the wife away from home.  His smile will fade if she's stuck at home on Long Island with him.

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9 minutes ago, tuktuktuk said:

I don't think you'll see her mentor by her side much.  He's thinking four more years with the wife away from home.  His smile will fade if she's stuck at home on Long Island with him.

If she loses, you will never see the two of them in the same photo again.  No need to keep up the sham any longer

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Any chance the mods can restrict all the election coverage to a single thread? it's too confusing with several threads running.

As I type, it's looking like more than a few TV posters might be eating humble pie, if they even show their pixels on here again.

Trump is only 10 college votes behind with more expected wins ahead.


One thing that is going to upset us all is that Florida doesn't look like calling it till tomorrow. Oh no, not another 24 hours to wait.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Any chance the mods can restrict all the election coverage to a single thread? it's too confusing with several threads running.

As I type, it's looking like more than a few TV posters might be eating humble pie, if they even show their pixels on here again.

Trump is only 10 college votes behind with more expected wins ahead.


One thing that is going to upset us all is that Florida doesn't look like calling it till tomorrow. Oh no, not another 24 hours to wait.

No, Hillary will win...Nate Silver has it at 90%  :tongue:

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Apologies if I post many times but the wifi keeps dropping out on me, so I have to do it when I can.


Not reading much from those that have been telling us Trump has no chance.


Wailing and gnashing of teeth all over the world 555555555555555.



Strange isn't it...maybe they're busy packing their bags for Canada  :tongue:

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1 minute ago, amykat said:

<deleted> is going on??  I'm here  ...is there a place where everyone is gathering on TV to watch this together?



Yes we are all at JIngthing's pad….he has not come out of his room though. Publicus is searching for more urls to blast us with.


You're all up to speed now.

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