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The latest developments in the US elections


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4 minutes ago, mettech said:

I have spoken with a lot of latino people while waiting to get loaded at a warehouse close to Mexico nand these people love america and do not want to go back till they reach retirement and social security at age of retirement.

Trump is a show man and the Americans had very litle choice of expressing their anger towards the establishment so they choose the Joker.

Yep, I lived in Rio Rico for four years...did you ever ask them what they thought about murdering the unborn?

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2 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

These election results bode well for Marie le Pen in France and Kurt Vilders [sp] in the Netherlands, who are in elections next year...not to mention the conservative parties in Hungary, Finland, and Denmark. The talking-head Junker is quaking in his 1000 dollar shoes about the future of the EU right now.

Yes, this election bodes well for other racists running for office for sure.

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1 minute ago, Usernames said:


And the House and Senate remain Republican. This is an utter repudiation of Obama and his "legacy." Looks like that little show in Philadelphia last night backfired YOU-gely.

I guess the misogynist hip-hop vote just wasn't as big as they thought it was LOLOLOL

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2 hours ago, sanemax said:


   I think that the meaning was that those people who do not usually vote decided to vote this time 

Or those that would have voted Bernie Sanders ? stayed home !!!! Sanders or burst.?!?!?

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Just now, kamahele said:

Yes, this election bodes well for other racists running for office for sure.

Maybe you, and other's like you, need to look in the mirror and examine why you hate your fellow citizens so much...and then change; it might go a long way to endearing you and your politics to them.

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3 minutes ago, kamahele said:

Yes, this election bodes well for other racists running for office for sure.

I guess we are seeing the rise of the Herrenvolk again. Insular Policies and overt racism and Nationalism back again. Roll on WW3 lets all have ablast from the past

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Just now, OMGImInPattaya said:

Impossible...Nate Silver, Real Clear Politics, and 538 all have Hillary in a landslide  :w00t:


Isn't that a turn up for the books OMG!


They couldn't stand him and despite all of Hollywood, the polls, a lot of the Media against him he walked it.


Now for the fireworks!

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1 minute ago, harleyclarkey said:


Isn't that a turn up for the books OMG!


They couldn't stand him and despite all of Hollywood, the polls, a lot of the Media against him he walked it.


Now for the fireworks!

Yes...maybe Hillary could lend Donald the fireworks from the show she cancelled for tonite...looks like she won't be needing them and she's all about being a greenie and recycling.

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4 minutes ago, Kiwiken said:

I guess we are seeing the rise of the Herrenvolk again. Insular Policies and overt racism and Nationalism back again. Roll on WW3 lets all have ablast from the past

Shouldn't you be standing in line at a Canadian immigration office or refugee center somewhere in the bright north?

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First things first.  Congratulations to the Trumpsters who stuck by their boy throughout all the bizarre events and chaos that has resulted in a win for them.  It's official, the p*ssy grabbers take the Whitehouse.  You guys have proved us all wrong and it confirms that Trump really is what the majority of the American people want to lead them.


I was so convinced that this could never happen and I have been proved wrong.  This certainly is a historical moment in American politics. I, like everyone else will now watch with baited breath to find out if Trump will follow through his pledges or was it just hot air and bull to win the election.  Obviously we all hope it was waffle and he will retract all the threats of exporting  immigrants, building the wall, banning Muslims and withdrawing support for NATO.  Actually the list goes on and on but let's see just how many of those promises are carried out.  If he does keep his word then the people have got what they voted for and if he doesn't then they have been sold down the river. 


God save America


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1 hour ago, HLover said:

Yes, wise words from the historical masterminds of the Frenchie's and current words of wisdom echo a bit more hollow:

The current French ambassador to the United States has tweeted that the "world is collapsing before our eyes" as Donald Trump looks set to become US President.

Gerard Araud, who is the serving ambassador, tweeting his remarks as forecasters predict the Republican billionaire will defeat Hillary Clinton.

The 63-year-old said: "After Brexit and this election, everything is now possible. A world is collapsing before our eyes. Dizziness."


I guess that explains why the French have a fool for a President.

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1 hour ago, duanebigsby said:

Congrats Americans. You just voted in the most vile human with ignorant, backwards ideas to govern you.

Good bye civil rights, women's rights, and minority rights, freedom of speech.

Nothing will change and America will continue to go from strength to strength...you really need to get off the Clinton and Democratic Party machine email lists  :tongue:

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The psycick chinese monkey  predicted  Trump election he was right ,  see even a monkey love that joker. with about 30 trillions dollars in the hole. It will be interesting to see how it plays on the world market and military exposure.

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6 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

I guess that explains why the French have a fool for a President.



Once you understand that France is a total basket case run by arrogant lazy people who spend half their "working" life on strike then you get the picture.

It is the nearest we get in Europe to a Communist state. 


Look at Calais....a beautiful town taken over for years by thugs, gangsters who entered the country illegally. They terrorised the locals and truckers. They also closed the Chanel tunnel ....and France did? Nothing. Nothing at all. 

They have no go areas in Paris and Marseilles.


They depend on tourism, the most visited country in the world, to be lazy and indifferent.


He is a weak kneed fool and a total  idiot. 

Edited by harleyclarkey
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