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Thailand can expect less interest from President Trump,  academics say


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4 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

I try and picture Trump in a toga holding a fiddle. 

Thats a bad picture. I don't know about you but I think it will be fun to watch Trump battle with congress. I think we will be entertained constantly.  He doesn't know how to take " NO " as an answer. I think he has the opportunity to expose congress for what it is, as he is unconnected and they don't have the goods on him like they do each other. I hope he goes after the Lobbyist thing like a rabid dog. If he doesn't or can't then he will be toast after four years I think. I think its time for equal tariffs and that flies in the face of all that congress has done in the last 40 yeas or so.

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1 minute ago, Grubster said:

Thats a bad picture. I don't know about you but I think it will be fun to watch Trump battle with congress. I think we will be entertained constantly.  He doesn't know how to take " NO " as an answer. I think he has the opportunity to expose congress for what it is, as he is unconnected and they don't have the goods on him like they do each other. I hope he goes after the Lobbyist thing like a rabid dog. If he doesn't or can't then he will be toast after four years I think. I think its time for equal tariffs and that flies in the face of all that congress has done in the last 40 yeas or so.

Thanks for the gentle thoughtful reply so unlike many others posted here. You make a lot of good points. Great minds think alike but sadly there are not to many great/objective minds left. Yes it will be entertaining to a point till Congress decides to pull a Richard Nixon on him. Politicians all have a "best before date" as revealed by the demise of Hillary Clinton due to the thousands of paper cuts she endured. Not knowing how to take No for an answer in politics is a good thing. Making deals is even better. The first 2 years of a new administration pretty well tells the tale. Will there be celebrating on my 80th birthday or a gnashing of teeth. Maybe I will be in a mental state where I just don't care. 

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20 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

I would not be surprised to see the Clinton Foundation downsize and Bill and Hillary take a low profile to stay under the Trump radar. He may have small squinty eyes among other small things but once you do this guy the dirty he is like an elephant/GOP who does not forget. To get access to him you would have to buy a suite in one of his condo's or a greenside villa on one of his golf courses. If you think Obama spent to much time playing golf you have not seen anything yet. Pence flack jacket and all will be running the show much like Cheney and the backroom boys did for Bush. I can still see the puzzled look on his face when 9/11 took place. Was it a long of confusion or something else more sinister you judge. 

Man I hope you are wrong. I think Trump despises Cheney and his side kick Bush. They certainly did not support him, and not just because he humiliated little Bro. I think the GOP was against Trump all the way. I would think they will be trying to bring him in now though. He may get an offer he cannot refuse. Could be a tragic accident involved too.

              G. W. Bush was an idiot and no one can convince me he earned his way to any degree.


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1 minute ago, Grubster said:

Man I hope you are wrong. I think Trump despises Cheney and his side kick Bush. They certainly did not support him, and not just because he humiliated little Bro. I think the GOP was against Trump all the way. I would think they will be trying to bring him in now though. He may get an offer he cannot refuse. Could be a tragic accident involved too.

              G. W. Bush was an idiot and no one can convince me he earned his way to any degree.


Your right all the way. Talking of no one supporting him during the election campaign many distanced themselves from him and signed letters to their intent. It will be tough to find qualified cabinet members under these circumstances. I keep getting visions of Guiliani (early stages of senility) and Chris the Bridge debacle Christie. Guiliani reminds me of Karl Rove or Cheney take your pick. He has few old hacks to choose from sooo the answer is fresh new faces. 

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3 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Thanks for the gentle thoughtful reply so unlike many others posted here. You make a lot of good points. Great minds think alike but sadly there are not to many great/objective minds left. Yes it will be entertaining to a point till Congress decides to pull a Richard Nixon on him. Politicians all have a "best before date" as revealed by the demise of Hillary Clinton due to the thousands of paper cuts she endured. Not knowing how to take No for an answer in politics is a good thing. Making deals is even better. The first 2 years of a new administration pretty well tells the tale. Will there be celebrating on my 80th birthday or a gnashing of teeth. Maybe I will be in a mental state where I just don't care. 

I hope not, My Dad was real good up to 90 and I hope you can exceed that, Me too. I wish the qualification for holding office was that you can never have held office before. One term or two and out, cannot lobby.

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Trump doesn't even know where Thailand is. He owes huge favors to Putin and Russia and will be bending over backwards to pay those favors back, including giving amnesty to Assange.  Thailand is best off joining the other SEA nations in looking to China, like Duterte already has done.  The new Asian bloc will be China/SEA v. Russia/USA.

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2 minutes ago, zaphod reborn said:

Trump doesn't even know where Thailand is. He owes huge favors to Putin and Russia and will be bending over backwards to pay those favors back, including giving amnesty to Assange.  Thailand is best off joining the other SEA nations in looking to China, like Duterte already has done.  The new Asian bloc will be China/SEA v. Russia/USA.

He doesn't impress me as being intellectually curious about the world except for when he wants to trump BRAND a hotel or golf course abroad. The idea of that pea brain that has the attention span of a toddler being the most powerful man in world should horrify the world. 

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16 minutes ago, Grubster said:

One term or two and out, cannot lobby.

Yes your right and age should be no barrier. We get to soon old and to late smart. I watched Obama's rather hollow speech last night. He of course moves on to bigger (as in money) and better things. I have watched so many of these full of hope but hollow speeches by presidents leaving office in the past that I no longer get excited. This time dread. I can see where the rust belt voters that put Trump over the top are coming from. They had a TV interview of 3 people sitting at a table and they all voted for Trump why? Well it seems that even though Trump bought Chinese steel for his buildings a local 100 year old steel mill employing 600 people closed their doors they could not compete with cheap Chinese steel that was being illegally dumped in the USA. The USA used to be a country of laws but no longer. I look back to 2008 and forward at the Wells Fargo debacle and many others to numerous to mention. Big corporations move their money offshore legally? and the US government does not tell them but begs them to bring it back. Big business rules. Hillary was busy spouting the great job numbers but the 100 million without jobs did not relate to her due to their personal suffering. Obamacare she touts but few could afford it but had to take it under penalty of fines. Another man who changed jobs 8 times and is sick of it claims he just lost a 70,000 dollar job due to downsizing or being bought out the 2 new normal words in the USA. I was sickened by the way that foreign leaders who spoke ill of Trump just days ago now praised him. The worst was Najib from Mayalasia who claims to have met him. He was decked out in a Trump red baseball hat and all. Mr. D from the Philippines joined in for whatever his praise is worth. All members of the Akissers club. Its truly sickening as they jockey to curry his favor. 

Edited by elgordo38
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8 minutes ago, zaphod reborn said:

Trump doesn't even know where Thailand is. He owes huge favors to Putin and Russia and will be bending over backwards to pay those favors back, including giving amnesty to Assange.  Thailand is best off joining the other SEA nations in looking to China, like Duterte already has done.  The new Asian bloc will be China/SEA v. Russia/USA.

Yes they are forming blocks. Lets hope the blocks do not come tumbling down. They are already burdened by huge unpayable debts

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6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

He doesn't impress me as being intellectually curious about the world except for when he wants to trump BRAND a hotel or golf course abroad. The idea of that pea brain that has the attention span of a toddler being the most powerful man in world should horrify the world. 

Time will prove you correct a leopard never changes his spots. 

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America needs to stop thinking the world relies on them.  The world was fine before England founded America and it will be fine after America is gone.

Thats funny cause i think there wouldnt be an england right now if it wasnt for America !!Kinda sounds to me like you are very emotional over American politics ! And maybe resentful your not American.

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20 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

As it should be....countries need to stop relying on america to solve their problems. 


Its america first from now on. 


Maybe clinton foundation can help ive heard theyre free. 



Yes, that's the finest American ideal, it's all about us! For my international friends, this is said, "tongue in check". It is about us, but as an American, I mean that as all of us around the globe.


That said, JHolmesJr and I probably can find some middle ground on the US disengaging internationally somewhat. I include militarily in this.

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2 hours ago, sandman19 said:

Thats funny cause i think there wouldnt be an england right now if it wasnt for America !!Kinda sounds to me like you are very emotional over American politics ! And maybe resentful your not American.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

The UK would still be there geographically as would it's people, you over rate Americas importance. I presume you are one of yester years people and are referring to the 2nd world war 70 years ago, while we are grateful for Johnny come lately's contribution, Russia had a greater influence on the outcome of the war as did the English Channel. You got your first jet engines from Britain and with the British built Canberra your first jet bomber. Believe it or not in Europe being American is not considered a desirable goal.

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Trump never had any interest in politics, and being elected president will not change that. He is only interested in satisfying his huuuge narcissism and getting as much attention as possible. He has already stated that he will just hire advisors that will make all of the decisions for him. He is just a stuck up rich brat who has never really worked a day in his life. All of his 'businesses' were just money grabs, where his people loaded them up with debt while lining their pockets and exploited bankruptcy laws to steal the money, leaving the employees, contractors, and vendors with nothing.  The only reason he has money is because he inherited huge tracts of real estate in Manhattan from his father, and real estate in Manhattan is far better than gold or diamonds. If not for his daddy giving him money to blow setting up these fraudulent companies in the first place, he would probably be peddling timeshares or pushing a shopping cart.


He has zero interest in political issues, so he will just tow the party line, which means more free trade deals (despite the rhetoric he lifted from Bernie Sanders to get elected). It also means that what few limitations there are on the financial industry will be lifted, allowing a return to the boom-bust cycle of having a great depression (not just a lowly recession) every 20 years like clockwork. Any survey of America between 1860 and 1940 will reveal what the future holds for American and indeed the world.

Edited by RaoulDuke
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The UK would still be there geographically as would it's people, you over rate Americas importance. I presume you are one of yester years people and are referring to the 2nd world war 70 years ago, while we are grateful for Johnny come lately's contribution, Russia had a greater influence on the outcome of the war as did the English Channel. You got your first jet engines from Britain and with the British built Canberra your first jet bomber. Believe it or not in Europe being American is not considered a desirable goal.

Haha its funny how fired up the word America gets the British . This guy has been on google copy and pasting making sure his facts are strait all day and now all the sudden we are talking about who made the first jet engine haha your funny i hope you dont take this with you and have a bad day just relax and breathe it will be ok.

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Seems anything important happening in the worlds must have a Thailand angle?


Do we think Thailand crossed Trumps mind as he made his winning speech?


Or maybe its a Thai thing that they just can't be left out of something as important as the US general election?

Edited by MaiChai
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On 11/9/2016 at 11:45 AM, Thechook said:

America needs to stop thinking the world relies on them.  The world was fine before England founded America and it will be fine after America is gone.


You're right.  For instance, Thailand can stop thinking that it needs that $77 million a year in aid that the US gives them (obviously funded by US taxpayers).  The US also does $44 billion in trade annually and have about $14 billion in direct foreign investments in Thailand.  


Remove that and Thailand sinks so quickly into third-world status that you'll be able to hear the whooshing sound all the way from Vietnam.  


People who say that the US should keep its nose out of other country's business seem to operate under the misguided notion that what happens to the $14 billion in foreign investment's the US has made in Thailand isn't their business.  


Not that I think the US should be domineering or flexing it's military muscle but there's a difference between understanding the complex nature of international relationships in a global economy and the child-like, simplistic view that the US should just spew cash around the globe in trade and aid and have zero interests in protecting their investments.    





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On 11/10/2016 at 0:21 PM, Grubster said:

America is a continent and not going anywhere, England did not find America and neither did the Vikings. The world has never been just fine and never will be.  That said you are right the US needs to butt out of other countries business for sure.

        I can see the US helping its allies only to the extent it gets out of control, WW1, WW2.  What did or will any of the other countries they attack or defend ever do for or to them? I am American and I have trouble finding a good reason for any of the conflicts we have been in since the Korean War. A lot to do with Arms sales maybe.

Oil. gas, the Industrial military complex, power, certainly not the wish to help the oppressed.

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3 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

Oil. gas, the Industrial military complex, power, certainly not the wish to help the oppressed.

Military complex and power I believe, but I have never believed oil and gas has/had much to do with any of it. I have always thought that there is much more oil and gas than they were telling us, turns out I was right in spades.

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On 11/10/2016 at 0:22 PM, Jingthing said:

trump is into Eastern European girls (and I do mean girls), not Asian ones.

So yes, less interest in Thailand for sure. 

Do you have to relate everything to sex?  Not all of us are into sick innuendo and rumor mongering.  Have a little respect for the average poster who does not share your perverted ideas.

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3 minutes ago, Chip Allen said:

This is certainly good news. Who wants "interest" from such a fascist? Trump is now the most dangerous man alive.

How many wars did Trump start?  Final Score: Democrats: 16
Republicans: 10 
Trump 0


How many teacher/pedophiles does he knowingly employ?  Trump 0       Pope - thousands.


How many people has he beheaded, hung or burned alive?  Trump 0      Isis thousands.


Do you want me to keep going?

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2 minutes ago, Dtrump said:

How many wars did Trump start?  Final Score: Democrats: 16
Republicans: 10 
Trump 0


How many teacher/pedophiles does he knowingly employ?  Trump 0       Pope - thousands.


How many people has he beheaded, hung or burned alive?  Trump 0      Isis thousands.


Do you want me to keep going?

Please continue. Your points are moot and have no relevance to anything of substance.

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4 minutes ago, Chip Allen said:

Please continue. Your points are moot and have no relevance to anything of substance.

OK.  You said Trump was the most dangerous man alive yet he has never done anything dangerous.  I quoted many dangerous men who started wars and fostered institutional child abuse and organized murder and mayhem.   You have only your imagination to assume Trump is dangerous. 

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On Thursday, November 10, 2016 at 3:59 AM, kamahele said:

America wasn't founded by England. England had colonies on the continent (as did the French and Spanish) and 13 of them broke away from England inspired by the philosophies of the French.

 Hey, thanks for the history lesson, now i know why you guys over there chose french as your national language, rather than english.

Edited by thedivezone
english rather than engish
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On Thursday, November 10, 2016 at 6:16 AM, elgordo38 said:

I would not be surprised to see the Clinton Foundation downsize and Bill and Hillary take a low profile to stay under the Trump radar. He may have small squinty eyes among other small things but once you do this guy the dirty he is like an elephant/GOP who does not forget. To get access to him you would have to buy a suite in one of his condo's or a greenside villa on one of his golf courses. If you think Obama spent to much time playing golf you have not seen anything yet. Pence flack jacket and all will be running the show much like Cheney and the backroom boys did for Bush. I can still see the puzzled look on his face when 9/11 took place. Was it a long of confusion or something else more sinister you judge. 


On Thursday, November 10, 2016 at 6:16 AM, elgordo38 said:

I would not be surprised to see the Clinton Foundation downsize and Bill and Hillary take a low profile to stay under the Trump radar. He may have small squinty eyes among other small things but once you do this guy the dirty he is like an elephant/GOP who does not forget. To get access to him you would have to buy a suite in one of his condo's or a greenside villa on one of his golf courses. If you think Obama spent to much time playing golf you have not seen anything yet. Pence flack jacket and all will be running the show much like Cheney and the backroom boys did for Bush. I can still see the puzzled look on his face when 9/11 took place. Was it a long of confusion or something else more sinister you judge. 


Oh dear Lord, do you think he might invoke Article 44 on Hillary next ?

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