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Are we heading for World War 3? Fears of ‘dangerous and volatile’ world under 'maverick' President Trump


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WWIII?  I don't think so... If Trump completely lost it and asked the Officer holding the "football" to activate it, I'm fairly certain that the answer would be "I'm sorry Mr. President, but Mr. Pence changed the code.  You'll have to ask him or your chief of staff to do this".:post-4641-1156693976:


If his staff won't trust him with a Twitter account, why do you think that they will trust him with the power to launch nukes?


BTW, do you think they will give him control of his twitter account again or will they have to control it for the next 4 years?

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At this moment the liberal media, local and national, is fanning the flames of hatred and fear and has single highhandedly started anti trump protest and riots in 7 American cities. The one in Philadelphia is quite large and  most likely will turn into a riot itself.

Totally absent from these demonstrations is democratic leadership encouraging protester to accept the outcome of the election and spare these cities significant damage.


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3 hours ago, cooked said:


Let's see now... Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and now Syria, where Clinton threatened to create a no fly zone, sabre rattling in Eastern Europe against Russia when the real enemy is a potential EU member... doesn't seem like a pacifist attitude to me.

Sabre rattling in Eastern Europe is due to Russian aggression.  You are aware of their invasions into Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine?  Perhaps if those were halted, the sabre rattling would cease?  The EU is not an enemy.  Nations are flocking to the EU, and NATO, to help with their defense against a newly aggressive Russia. 

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15 minutes ago, dcutman said:

At this moment the liberal media, local and national, is fanning the flames of hatred and fear and has single highhandedly started anti trump protest and riots in 7 American cities. The one in Philadelphia is quite large and  most likely will turn into a riot itself.

Totally absent from these demonstrations is democratic leadership encouraging protester to accept the outcome of the election and spare these cities significant damage.



The SJWs, BLMers, anarchists, Democrats, and Communist agitators had better be careful. Here is the very first lesson in the book on Revolution. If you control the countryside, you win. If these people want to push things towards a civil war, they should learn how easy it is to cut off goods and services and foods from giant urban areas.  In less than a week, all these progressive vegans will be eating each other to survive. Mao knew this. Ho Chi Minh knew this. Every revolutionary knows this.  These kids are so stupid that they've never learned anything other than to emote their own temper tantrums. Should have read a book somewhere along the way.

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3 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Sabre rattling in Eastern Europe is due to Russian aggression.  You are aware of their invasions into Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine?  Perhaps if those were halted, the sabre rattling would cease?  The EU is not an enemy.  Nations are flocking to the EU, and NATO, to help with their defense against a newly aggressive Russia. 

Russian aggression. Right. The EU interfered in the Ukraine, an initial agreement has been signed for them to become part of the EU. With the EU comes NATO and possibly the greatest threat to peace with have seen recently, an EU army politically led by corrupt bureaucrats. The EU, supported by the USA, interfered in the democratic process is the Ukraine (what the USA calls 'nation building) and as a result Ukraine lost a lot of territory and things are no better now than they were before. Another Clinton cock up. Moldova? Do some reading. Nothing like as bad as what the USA is trying to do in the oil pipe line wars, which you have doubtless never heard of.


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3 hours ago, Usernames said:

The Clintons started five wars and Bill almost initiated a nuclear war with Russia at Pristina. Fortunately, the British commander in Kosovo told Wes Clark, Clinton's Nato commander, that he wasn't going to start World War III for him.  And, then, there's Libya.  


The war in Libya was started by Europeans (France, UK and Italy) after a telephone call from Benghazi French millionaire Bernard Henry Levy to President Sarkozy that Qaddafi's army was preparing a great massacre. The US then participated "leading from the back"



Here are the options :

a) full force
- the overthrow of dictator Saddam Hussein with full force US army created chaos which is still going on
b/ half force
- the overthrow of dictator Qaddafi was done at the initiative of France (a telephone call from Benghazi by millionaire Bernard Henry Levy to President Sarkozy to warn that Qaddafi was close to making a great massacre...the USA supported taking a "leadership from the back"...but the chaos it created is still going on
c) no force
- the non intervention by the US to overthrow dictator Al Assad created a chaos which is still going on
Edited by fvw53
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1 hour ago, tx22cb said:

I worry less about WW3 than about possible trade wars and their effect on world economies.


I personally don't think it will be a big concern......except for those countries  that treat American products like Falangs 


Meaning it is my guess President Trump will be looking for fair trade.

If you want to export to the USA and you allow free trade/ equal importing of US made products.....fine


But if like so many today treating US made as Falangs and taxing them into being uncompetitive in your market because you assume that is fair....while expecting your exports to pass untaxed into the USA as they have for too long......Well I hope our new President shuts that right down period!


Fair trade has to be a two way street period

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Just now, fvw53 said:


The war in Libya was started by Europeans (France, UK and Italy) after a telephone call from Benghazi French millionaire Bernard Henry Levy to President Sarkozy that Qaddafi's army was preparing a great massacre. The US then participated "leading from the back"



Here are the options :

a) full force
- the overthrow of dictator Saddam Hussein with full force US army created chaos which is still going on
B) half force
- the overthrow of dictator Qaddafi was done at the initiative of France (a telephone call from Benghazi by millionaire Bernard Henry Levy to President Sarkozy to warn that Qaddafi was close to making a great massacre...the USA supported taking a "leadership from the back"...but the chaos it created is still going on
c) no force
- the non intervention by the US to overthrow dictator Al Assad created a chaos which is still going on


Hillary took full credit for it. It's her monkey.

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6 minutes ago, cooked said:

Russian aggression. Right. The EU interfered in the Ukraine, an initial agreement has been signed for them to become part of the EU. With the EU comes NATO and possibly the greatest threat to peace with have seen recently, an EU army politically led by corrupt bureaucrats. The EU, supported by the USA, interfered in the democratic process is the Ukraine (what the USA calls 'nation building) and as a result Ukraine lost a lot of territory and things are no better now than they were before. Another Clinton cock up. Moldova? Do some reading. Nothing like as bad as what the USA is trying to do in the oil pipe line wars, which you have doubtless never heard of.


Smaller graphics next time.


Russia interfered in Ukraine before that.  Read up on the PM who was ousted by a popular revolt and where he is now. :whistling:  Also, take a look at his mansion.  Where did all that money come from?  LOL


Russia is afraid of countries gravitating towards Europe as it creates the potential for them to go down the same road as the Ukraine.  Removal of the leaders from power by a popular revolt.  Like what happened in many other countries near the border.  They got away from Russian influence for a reason.  If the relations with Russia were so good to begin with, why did they all chose to break them? Easy answer.


The oil pipe line is a good thing for Europe, bad for Russia.  Are you against giving Europe alternatives for energy?  Free trade is a good thing.


P.S. I was just in Moldova, spent the night in Tiraspol also.  Read up on that.  Moldovans are not happy.  To say Russia is hated is an understatement. Except those profiting off their efforts to migrate over towards Russia.  Always about money.

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6 minutes ago, fvw53 said:


The war in Libya was started by Europeans (France, UK and Italy) after a telephone call from Benghazi French millionaire Bernard Henry Levy to President Sarkozy that Qaddafi's army was preparing a great massacre. The US then participated "leading from the back"



Here are the options :

a) full force
- the overthrow of dictator Saddam Hussein with full force US army created chaos which is still going on
b/ half force
- the overthrow of dictator Qaddafi was done at the initiative of France (a telephone call from Benghazi by millionaire Bernard Henry Levy to President Sarkozy to warn that Qaddafi was close to making a great massacre...the USA supported taking a "leadership from the back"...but the chaos it created is still going on
c) no force
- the non intervention by the US to overthrow dictator Al Assad created a chaos which is still going on

Ummm....the war in Libya was started by the Arab Spring.  Internal discontent with their leader and his brutal tactics.  The West got involved after things got going.  For better or worse.  Place the blame properly.

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7 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Smaller graphics next time.


Russia interfered in Ukraine before that.  Read up on the PM who was ousted by a popular revolt and where he is now. :whistling:  Also, take a look at his mansion.  Where did all that money come from?  LOL


Russia is afraid of countries gravitating towards Europe as it creates the potential for them to go down the same road as the Ukraine.  Removal of the leaders from power by a popular revolt.  Like what happened in many other countries near the border.  They got away from Russian influence for a reason.  If the relations with Russia were so good to begin with, why did they all chose to break them? Easy answer.


The oil pipe line is a good thing for Europe, bad for Russia.  Are you against giving Europe alternatives for energy?  Free trade is a good thing.


P.S. I was just in Moldova, spent the night in Tiraspol also.  Read up on that.  Moldovans are not happy.  To say Russia is hated is an understatement. Except those profiting off their efforts to migrate over towards Russia.  Always about money.

Thanks, I'll put the graphics up as I feel fit. There are three oil pipelines on the map, only one of them of interest to Europe as it doesn't go through Turkey, which would like to use it to get the EU by the balls. You may recall that the Clinton Foundation accepted a one million dollar check from Qatar, dollars that didn't appear on the books, which may explain one of the many reasons why people want to get rid of Hillary.

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21 minutes ago, Rob13 said:

Let's see how Trump handles the next nuke test in DPRK, should be a pretty good indication of what's to come.


He'll talk them into building casinos instead of nukes.

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10 minutes ago, oldrunner said:

Reading the first comments by know nothings I can only surmise that

"THE SKY IS FALLING". If the USA suffered through Obama, it can suffer through anyone.


At least DT got in on merit. Obama just got in because he's black.

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3 hours ago, happy Joe said:

Are we heading for World War 3? Fears of ‘dangerous and volatile’ world under 'maverick' President Trump?


I think exactly the opposite. The Trump program is essentially national (nationalist?) With a drastic tax cuts replaced by the stop of deemed unnecessary expenses.


So not the time to hire new conflicts with pharaonic costs.


Yes talk of Trump as fascist has abounded for ages especially on TVF. I can't imagine he wants to invade other countries if he's putting up walls and wishing to reduce nation building. Guess the MSM have to give something else to fearmonger about having got everything so wrong yesterday

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2 hours ago, otherstuff1957 said:

WWIII?  I don't think so... If Trump completely lost it and asked the Officer holding the "football" to activate it, I'm fairly certain that the answer would be "I'm sorry Mr. President, but Mr. Pence changed the code.  You'll have to ask him or your chief of staff to do this".:post-4641-1156693976:


If his staff won't trust him with a Twitter account, why do you think that they will trust him with the power to launch nukes?


BTW, do you think they will give him control of his twitter account again or will they have to control it for the next 4 years?

Although the Prez has independent say, the people giving advice have tight safeguards. I heard that when they suspected Reagan had alzheimer's, they connected the button to ring a bell to the maid's quarters. Not sure if true though. 

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Provided he is not the successful target of a 15 minutes of fame assassin the next 4 years will be very interesting.


He will have the huge responsibility of being the leader of the western world, hopefully a humbling experience and a daunting task.


Having achieved the highly unlikely it is possible he may well be the man for the job and in 4 years it may well be another "who would have thought it" moment followed by 4 more years, hold on to your hats!

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3 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

 No sooner is a Republican elected to the White House than the “antiwar” group A.N.S.W.E.R. is planning protests.


That didn''t take long, eh?

Let's look at the wars the US has been involved in during the last 100 years, and the president in office when they started.  World War I, with Woodrow Wilson, Democrat, as president.  World War II, with Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Democrat, as president.  The Korean War, with Harry S. Truman, Democrat as president.  Vietnam War, with John F. Kennedy, Democrat, as president.  Also, it was Lyndon Baines Johnson, Democrat, who escalated the "police action" in Vietnam.  Iraq (Desert Storm), George H. W. Bush, Republican as President.  Finally, Afghanistan and Iraq, with George W. Bush, Republican as President.  

Seems like the Democrats have involved us in a few more wars that the Republicans.

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6 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

Yes. Thailand is south of the wind drafts circling Europe that a nuclear winter will bring. I am staying here.  :passifier:

Sorry, but you'll be worse off here. The temperatures will drop dramatically, which will kill the flora and then the fauna. It's way better to be directly under the nuke in case of nuclear war.

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Looks like it is going to be a race to see who starts WW 3.  Cameron has already stated with absolute

certainty that WW3 would be the result of Brexit. Now the Donald is in the running to start WW3.  :tongue:

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