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Tears, anguish, devastation for many female Clinton voters


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14 hours ago, DogNo1 said:

How could have the pollsters gotten it so wrong?  Many more men voted for Trump than projected.  The media say that they lied to the pollsters.  I can imagine Hillary's minions telephoning or visiting and saying, "You are going to vote for Hillary, aren't you?"  To which the men apparently the men apparently replied with the equivalent of "Yes, dear."


Maybe the "pollsters" didn't do so much polling as reading too much main stream media...


Summary of newspaper and magazine endorsements in the 2016 United States presidential election

Candidate Daily Weekly Magazines College International Total
Hillary Clinton 243 148 15 77 17 500
No endorsement 64 13 0 5 0 82
Donald Trump 20 6 0 0 0 26





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1 hour ago, JetsetBkk said:


Maybe the "pollsters" didn't do so much polling as reading too much main stream media...


Summary of newspaper and magazine endorsements in the 2016 United States presidential election

Candidate Daily Weekly Magazines College International Total
Hillary Clinton 243 148 15 77 17 500
No endorsement 64 13 0 5 0 82
Donald Trump 20 6 0 0 0 26





CNN = clinton new network

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Come on Man!  Trump didn't win Hillary lost - why? because an amount of her support stayed home - even Colin Keappernick didn't vote and admitted it.  They have no one to blame but Hillary and themselves - enough is enough.


Trump was the DNC and Media choice and you can see by the result not the choice of the GOP - they even crossed over in the primary and voted for him (the record primary number while others were down) this was so Hillary could have someone even she could beat - it gave the Burn a chance but the super delegates as rigged had her back from day one  - once Trump was in they turned on him - proof they even held back that tape which they had and could have run in the primary season - but no they didn't did they.


She was on cruse control and let others do the lifting for her - she turned people off - it is her fault and the DNC that picked Trump that he even ran - now you get what you asked for - what did you think would happen while hitching your wagon to an old hag with so much baggage - you got what you deserve. 


Protest at the DNC and drain that swamp - that is were where your problem is - tell them they are fired.  Get a new plan Sam and stop whining about it..



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12 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


Hillary's few lies (which she acknowledged and apologized for) pale in comparison to Trump's avalanche of much bigger lies.  


You can call me a left-winger if it makes you feel better.  As for stupid, at least we left-wingers (I prefer the term liberals or progressives) are not as often in deep doo doo as Trump.  Most of us......


>>>  know what the nuclear triad is

>>>  can pronounce Tanzania

>>>  know that it's illegal to torture prisoners

>>>  know that Russia invaded Ukraine and took a chunk of its territory

>>>  abide by the votes of the electorate (Trump said he wouldn't, if HRC was elected)

>>>  know that it's illegal to bomb civilians who are connected to our enemies

>>>  don't publicly shame women for being overweight.

>>>  don't grab women's privates or kiss them open-mouthed with no warning

>>>  wouldn't want to punish women for seeking abortion info

>>>  believe in the findings of 97% of the world's climate scientists

>>>  see 29 out of the 30 of the world's largest glaciers are receding dramatically, and deduce that the earth is warming.




You are in denial, Hillary is and has been, far more dishonest and deceitful than you are willing to admit. The problem with Hillary, is she has done much of this as a supposed, public servant. Most important, is the lack of competence when handling State Department and classified material. Almost everyone who has had a Clearance of some type, knows that she and her staff have broken several laws and regulations. The FBI Director is liar and should be fired soon as Trump takes the Oath in January.



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22 hours ago, radiochaser said:

Democrats tried to disenfranchise me and many others, years ago in California. There was about 100 other people, plus or minus a few of that number.

 I was only one of three people that had kept the receipt, with serial number, of the voter registration form two elderly democrats had given me to fill out to re-register, as I had recently moved from another county.  

I and two others were the only ones who were allowed a provisional vote, in a presidential election.  The others were denied the right to vote, as all they could do was claim that they had registered to vote, without any other proof.  

The good part of this was, the state of California did prosecute the two democrats and convict them of felonies for criminal violation of voting laws.  

I would say that was an attempt at vote rigging.  



Don't deny there is vote rigging, but lets face it - it can also be found on the Republican side as well. Just trying to balance out the views - a computer programmer testified that he was hired by a Republican Tom Feeney back in 2000 to write program to rigged voting machines.


Another example in the recent election was in NC where three counties canceled voter registration of thousands of people - more details here if you are interested http://www.politicususa.com/2016/11/01/north-carolina-republicans-sued-rigging-election-trump.html


Republican have been placing limits on voter registration and early voting in specific counties with high Democrat voters. The list goes on, I’m sure examples like his also happens with the DEMs as well.


Michael Moore had a good write up before the elections and he was the only one correct with all his predictions on why Trump won. If you are interested, you can go search.

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Does anyone else see the irony in this reaction of a NY University student after finding out the her roommate voted for Trump:  I’m Muslim, but My Roommate Supports Trump http://nyti.ms/2eLJ37K  ?

Perhaps she could avoid the racism, religious persecution, misogyny and sexism that she fears from Trump supporters by going back to (or moving to) one of the Muslim countries.  I wonder which she would choose?

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2 hours ago, DogNo1 said:

Does anyone else see the irony in this reaction of a NY University student after finding out the her roommate voted for Trump:  I’m Muslim, but My Roommate Supports Trump http://nyti.ms/2eLJ37K  ?

Perhaps she could avoid the racism, religious persecution, misogyny and sexism that she fears from Trump supporters by going back to (or moving to) one of the Muslim countries.  I wonder which she would choose?


The line I got the biggest laugh from this very screwed up young woman:


"My roommate’s reasoning reflected an 'us versus them' mind-set."


How is it possible that college campuses are not reading these testimonials from their students and realizing they (University leaders and professors) have now created an environment that does exactly the opposite of its intended purpose.


It glorifies close-mindedness.

Edited by ClutchClark
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Does anyone else see the irony in this reaction of a NY University student after finding out the her roommate voted for Trump:  I’m Muslim, but My Roommate Supports Trump http://nyti.ms/2eLJ37K  ?

Perhaps she could avoid the racism, religious persecution, misogyny and sexism that she fears from Trump supporters by going back to (or moving to) one of the Muslim countries.  I wonder which she would choose?

Her roommate accepted Islamophobia as part of the package of her pick. Muslims have a right to be disgusted by that. That doesn't necessarily mean all trump voters are Islamophobic though.

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12 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Her roommate accepted Islamophobia as part of the package of her pick. Muslims have a right to be disgusted by that. That doesn't necessarily mean all trump voters are Islamophobic though.

You and your phobias.  You make it sound like disliking Muslims is worse than what they are doing in the world!


Long live Trump.


I'll bet these woman will be praising trump when he makes the US great again and prevents the spread of Jihad.



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