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US election 2016: China eyes chance to weaken US power


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US election 2016: China eyes chance to weaken US power

Carrie Gracie

China editor


He may have won at home, but on the level where great nations contend, President-elect Trump's campaign slogan "Make America Great Again" now goes head to head with China's favourite catchphrases, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the China dream.


At precisely the moment Mr Trump was giving his victory speech, Chinese TV channels were running extensive coverage of a space mission and President Xi even chose US results day to talk to China's astronauts by satellite link.


It was hard to escape the sense that this was his version of the John F Kennedy "we choose to go to the Moon" moment, a message to remind his public that whatever is going on elsewhere in the world, the narrative of rising Chinese might is on course.


Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-37924880

-- © Copyright BBC 2016-11-10
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5 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

America did all that space stuff 50 years ago...I wouldn't really be bragging about it if I were Xi; I guess the Chinese people are easily amused ?


As for the BBC...does anyone pay any attention to that hoary organization anymore?


Yes, and I'm from the US; although, I'm only telling you that to emphasize how bad the news people there are. CNN (and most other US news outlets) is mostly just commentators any more. Sadly, the BBC has moved in that direction, too.

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7 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

America did all that space stuff 50 years ago...I wouldn't really be bragging about it if I were Xi; I guess the Chinese people are easily amused ?


Didn't you know The Great Firewall of China blocks all this information so the Chinese people will think they are the first and only nation in space???? :)

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7 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

America did all that space stuff 50 years ago...I wouldn't really be bragging about it if I were Xi; I guess the Chinese people are easily amused ?


As for the BBC...does anyone pay any attention to that hoary organization anymore?

Yeah, with a little help from Werner von Braun

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4 hours ago, diddygq said:


Didn't you know The Great Firewall of China blocks all this information so the Chinese people will think they are the first and only nation in space???? :)

Xi should watch the movie Capricorn One. He can have his people convinced that China has landed on Mars if it helps boost their nationalist juices

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4 hours ago, soalbundy said:

Yeah, with a little help from Werner von Braun


Everyone in the USA is an immigrant or descendant of immigrants.


In China you gotta be Chinese...and most recently a member of CCP to get to the top tiers.


Soooo, about that $24 Trillion housing and property bubble over there that's already begun to burst....



Pssst, have I got a land steal for you....



Since this [bubble] is a government-supported Ponzi scheme, the developers rightly believe land values will keep rising. The government support consistently drives prices up. Why would they believe they have any risk?


Of course, this is a case study in moral hazard, and the longer this goes on, the more distorted, corrupt, and inefficient the market becomes. Does it seem like a good use of resources to build entire cities, leave them empty for 10 years, and then bulldoze them?




Hey in CCP China if you build it, it's because you know no one will come. (No one will be allowed to come or go.)


Then you can demolish the vacant city after ten years. Then three years later build a new one there. Then after ten years demolish it again. Then after...........

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Free trade on a level playing field and everyone wins.  Trump is simply planning to do some field levelling.  Both China and the US would benefit by establishing domestic production and consumption.  These thing will eventually balance out.  Anyway, China in working on OBOR and The New Silk Road.  In their grand scheme, the US could become somewhat irrelevant. 

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CCP China Hawk Peter Navarro of the business college faculty of University of California at Irvine, is one of Trump's chief experts on CCP China. UC/Irvine is a major center of China criticism in the USA


Navarro is author of two controversial books on CCP China: The Coming China Wars and Death By China.  Although Navarro has a Ph.D. from Harvard, he sounds and thinks remarkably like Trump himself.




May you live in interesting times.


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31 minutes ago, connda said:

Free trade on a level playing field and everyone wins.  Trump is simply planning to do some field levelling.  Both China and the US would benefit by establishing domestic production and consumption.  These thing will eventually balance out.  Anyway, China in working on OBOR and The New Silk Road.  In their grand scheme, the US could become somewhat irrelevant. 


Let us know when the grandiose scheme gets off the drawing board.


Xi Jinping promised $1 Trillion to the AIIB but all it has if $40 billion.


India said no, Thailand said no to a canal through Kra,


Iran doesn't want a Chinese economic belt through the northern third of Iran, Russia is sheltering Stan countries from being taken over by the north route of the One Belt One Road and AIIB.


EU says no dice unless EU countries become investors rather than only CCP owned PRC state banks. Washington says forget it, we got TPP all signed and ready to go on ratification.


Give us a jingle when things get underway for youse guyz over there, ok?

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CCP China expects Potus Trump's USA to become number two by the time it's over...





The response of China's state-controlled media to Donald Trump's victory seemed almost gleeful. Xinhua wrote that the 2016 presidential election "sent a clear signal that the U.S. political system is faltering," and regular CCTV guest Zhang Shaozhang gushed "Trump wins, as expected!" on his Weibo page.


Zhang, a military professor at the People's Liberation Army National Defense University who holds the rank of rear admiral in China's navy, went on to write: "Trump doesn't play by the rules and he's hard to predict, but there's one thing I'm certain of: He'll turn the world's number-one economy into number two. Yes he can!"






Beijing's new and wobbling Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank is grandiose to envisage three New Silk Road routs across Asia to Europe and a sea silk road route (to include a canal through the Isthmus of Kra in Thailand, which Bangkok absolutely opposes no matter what). AIIB would turn Asia into Greater CCP China but it still is nowhere.


AIIB is CCP's response to TPP which was initiated some years ago to secure the Pacific Rim countries for the USA in economic and strategic competition with CCP Dictators in Beijing.


CCP Boyz in Beijing can't wait to sit down with Potus Donald Trump. As much as Chinese use animal analogies for everything all the time, I luv to be there when they mention the squirrel on his head. 

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9 hours ago, connda said:

Free trade on a level playing field and everyone wins.  Trump is simply planning to do some field levelling.  Both China and the US would benefit by establishing domestic production and consumption.  These thing will eventually balance out.  Anyway, China in working on OBOR and The New Silk Road.  In their grand scheme, the US could become somewhat irrelevant. 

China has never been big on "free" trade.  Do some research on how they've acquired their manufacturing skills.  Far from "free" trade policies.  Solar panels is a great one.  Ignoring agreements is also a thing they do.  Such as their agreement on panels with the EU.




Love to see how Trump responds to this type of stuff in the future:





What remains perplexing is how the Chinese continue to suffer from self-inflicted wounds brought about by their habitual expropriation of Western technology. Just ask the once important but now has-been Chinese wind turbine manufacturer, Sinovel. Rather than continue a somewhat pricey, but still profitable relationship with its key U.S. supplier American Superconductor, Sinovel reproduced AMSC’s proprietary technology and proceeded to fall from grace. When the inevitable over-production of wind turbines led to insidious price competition and a downward spiral in profitability for the turbine industry, the usual outlet for the Chinese — exports — was largely foreclosed to Sinovel by admirably vigorous IP protection in the US and the EU. 


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11 hours ago, Publicus said:


Everyone in the USA is an immigrant or descendant of immigrants.


In China you gotta be Chinese...and most recently a member of CCP to get to the top tiers.


Soooo, about that $24 Trillion housing and property bubble over there that's already begun to burst....



Pssst, have I got a land steal for you....



Since this [bubble] is a government-supported Ponzi scheme, the developers rightly believe land values will keep rising. The government support consistently drives prices up. Why would they believe they have any risk?


Of course, this is a case study in moral hazard, and the longer this goes on, the more distorted, corrupt, and inefficient the market becomes. Does it seem like a good use of resources to build entire cities, leave them empty for 10 years, and then bulldoze them?




Hey in CCP China if you build it, it's because you know no one will come. (No one will be allowed to come or go.)


Then you can demolish the vacant city after ten years. Then three years later build a new one there. Then after ten years demolish it again. Then after...........

Werner von Braun wasn't an immigrant he was a brilliant Nazi scientist who developed the V2, he should have been tried for war crimes,he used slave labour to produce the V2, but America needed those rockets which subsequently led to the trips to the moon. The Chinese have done it from scratch by themselves ( probably with a little help from espionage )

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18 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

Is that you Donald ?

No sorry, just someone who supports the person who was elected by the American people.. someone who will stand up for our country, the seniors and military veterans, and our constitutional rights.. unlike our current weak administration that would rather support and send millions of tax payers dollars to the countries that despise and hate America.. like Saudi Arabia and Qatar, who gave millions to the Clinton foundation, and support and fund the ISIS.. wake up from your dream world and back to reality... and you can call me a Donald supporter, and proud of it.. taking America back.. 

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5 minutes ago, srwhittington said:

No sorry, just someone who supports the person who was elected by the American people.. someone who will stand up for our country, the seniors and military veterans, and our constitutional rights.. unlike our current weak administration that would rather support and send millions of tax payers dollars to the countries that despise and hate America.. like Saudi Arabia and Qatar, who gave millions to the Clinton foundation, and support and fund the ISIS.. wake up from your dream world and back to reality... and you can call me a Donald supporter, and proud of it.. taking America back.. 

Saudi Arabia pretty much controls the oil market.  Has for a long time.  They are a player that can't be ignored.  If you remember the oil embargo years ago, and the impact it had on the US economy, you know it's a love/hate relationship.  Push for alternative energy sources and this "problem" will go away.  Which will require a lot of tax payers dollars to make happen.  But worth it IMHO!


A good read.  The SA relationship is a complicated one...



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39 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

Werner von Braun wasn't an immigrant he was a brilliant Nazi scientist who developed the V2, he should have been tried for war crimes,he used slave labour to produce the V2, but America needed those rockets which subsequently led to the trips to the moon. The Chinese have done it from scratch by themselves ( probably with a little help from espionage )


I started high school when John F. Kennedy was sworn in as 35th Potus. I watched it live on tv cause in Massachusetts they let us out of school to see it. I also watched the moon landing live on television -- black and white tv. Spare the lectures about Dr. von Braun plse thx.


This poster is well aware of the period 1945 - 1949 when USSR and USA competed to sign up German scientists who'd been in the service of the Third Reich. The Soviets led by Stalin got some, we got the better ones, which is a contributing factor to why USA won the Cold War against the Russian totalitarian communism that had long infested the Kremlin.


For roughly 20 years now USA and CCP Dictators in Beijing have been invading the cyber infrastructure and systems of one another. Neither side is innocent of cyber invasions, although CCP Dictators certainly benefit massively from accessing USA computer network and cyber capabilities.


While the focus of the Beijing Dictators is to steal knowledge from USA corporation -- defense contractors especially (Edw. Snowden) -- the focus of USA cyber invasions of CCP cyber systems is rather to shut 'em down and screw 'em up.


We won't mess with their space activity when humans are involved in shots or travels of any kind, but we've been messing with their stolen technology and unmanned systems and we'll continue to do so. The Dictators don't like it of course, but there's little the tyrants can do other than to clean up the latest mess.


CCP Dictators will of course have their day in space, but they're having to steal and then to debug their systems constantly.


The fact remains Dr. Werner von Braun was a welcomed and recruited immigrant to the United States. If you're opposed to it, then do carry on.

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There have always been two opposing institutional dynamics in Washington when it comes to CCP China and currency in particular.


Congress opposes CCP Dictators in Beijing on almost everything. It makes no difference which party is in the majority in either the House or the Senate. So it's a general thing in the Congress.


Congress would penalise Beijing on trade, currency, South China Sea -- virtually if not literally on everything. The House especially, which represents 435 constituent districts in the 50 states. In the Senate it's prominent Senators of each party, such as John McCain, and the new Democratic leader Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York state - but there are a lot of 'em besides.


Sitting on 'em all and throughout has been one Potus after the other, going back to Nixon in 1972. Each Potus regardless of the volatile campaign rhetoric of many among 'em, has put himself squarely in with CCP in Beijing. Obama less so but (Rebalance to Asia) OB has sat on Congress throughout the past eight years, same as all Potus have done when it comes to Congress.


So we'll see about a Potus Trump.


Starting with GW Bush Treasury Dept had begun identifying CCP as a currency manipulator -- which is was. Massively a currency manipulator. Still is. Same is true of the OB TreasuryDept in making the very same finding. However, Bush and OB haven't ever signed off on it. This is despite constant hollering from Congress to make the Treasury recommendation, authorised in law by the Congress as an optional annual finding, official.


Bush instead used the Treasury reports to leverage CCP to appreciate the rmb/yuan radically. CCP Boyz in Beijing from 2002 to 2008 revalued the yuan upward to the neighborhood 6.0 from their previous lows of a constant 9.8 plus or minus a couple of tenths. OB has similarly used Treasury Dept annual currency manipulation reports to keep it there and vitally to prevent the strong impulse in Beijing the past two years to devalue it by as much as 20% more -- likely in one single swoop besides.


Every Sec/Treas under Bush and OB has presented a CCP are a currency manipulator report to his Potus, annually. Every time the respective Potus has used it as leverage. Let's see what Trump does when he gets the annual statement required by Congress on his desk, coming soon.


If Potus Trump wants to wreak havoc to the CCP economy within 48 hours -- or likely a lot sooner -- he'd sign it. So youbetcha, let's see. I'd like to say five will get you ten Trump does not sign off on it, but wagering against Trump is just not profitable.

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No one in his right faculties should try to again peddle the vacuous line Beijing will sell off all or most U.S. Treasury instruments in its forex reserves. CCP knows any attempt to do so would wreck the CCP economy in a short order -- that it would be suicidal.


For one thing, the global market is there to buy 'em up. Nobody except Putin wants to see the U.S. economy and financial system, starting with the U.S. Government, take a huge hit.


As another factor, the Treasuries have a due date locked in, which means USG would continue to pay on 'em as scheduled, rather than be confronted with as much as a sudden pay on demand of $2 Trillion or likely somewhat less sum.


A central factor is that Potus is authorised in law to freeze U.S. Treasury payments on government financial instruments such as T-Bills. All Potus has to do to implement this is to cite the enabling law declaring an urgency and to sign off on the Executive Order to Dep/Treas.


CCP already late in 2015 into early 2016 sold off $500 bn of T-Bills and nobody noticed. CCP had to do it, rather than try to harm the USA. Yes, and nobody noticed to include any of you who may be still be under the illusion it matters.

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3 hours ago, srwhittington said:

No sorry, just someone who supports the person who was elected by the American people.. someone who will stand up for our country, the seniors and military veterans, and our constitutional rights.. unlike our current weak administration that would rather support and send millions of tax payers dollars to the countries that despise and hate America.. like Saudi Arabia and Qatar, who gave millions to the Clinton foundation, and support and fund the ISIS.. wake up from your dream world and back to reality... and you can call me a Donald supporter, and proud of it.. taking America back.. 

I just wondered because of your sophisticated answer to Jingthing

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