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PM says Thailand needs to adapt itself to cope with changes in the US policy


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PM says Thailand needs to adapt itself to cope with changes in the US policy




Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha yesterday Thailand has to adapt itself with changes expected after Donald Trump won the US presidential election.


He congratulated Mr Trump for his victory and affirmed that the outcome will not affect the country’s foreign policies in any way.


He said Thailand and the United States enjoyed a long 180 years of good relations.


He said no matter what administration comes into power in the US, Thailand will move ahead in accordance with its policies.


“Our foreign policy is well balanced even though geographically we are not located in the center of ASEAN. This fact dictates that our foreign policy must place the greatest emphasis in maintaining strong relationships. No matter who becomes the President we will still stick to this policy.”


Full story: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/pm-says-thailand-needs-to-adapt-itself-to-cope-with-changes-in-the-us-policy/

-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2016-11-10
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Is that a foreign policy to give foreigners a hard time ?


Junta best stay very quiet.  As bad as the Donald is, he is an ELECTED official.  He will probably not tolerate a whining tin pot.  Wonder if Thaksin will reach out to the elected official and "reality TV star".

Edited by yellowboat
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“He said Thailand and the United States enjoyed a long 180 years of good relations.

Even when Thailand declared war against the U.S. in 1942? Those Americans sure are a forgiving lot. 


“Our foreign policy is well balanced even though geographically we are not located in the center of ASEAN. This fact dictates that our foreign policy must place the greatest emphasis in maintaining strong relationships."

ASEAN is more meaningful as an economic partner than it is as a military one. No nation cares where you are located. What they care about is the economic benefit Thailand offers in the relationship. Thailand could be located on the moon and if it meant economic gain to the other country they would make sure there is a strong relationship. Just saying it doesn't make it happen. 


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1 hour ago, jaltsc said:

“He said Thailand and the United States enjoyed a long 180 years of good relations.

Even when Thailand declared war against the U.S. in 1942? Those Americans sure are a forgiving lot. 


“Our foreign policy is well balanced even though geographically we are not located in the center of ASEAN. This fact dictates that our foreign policy must place the greatest emphasis in maintaining strong relationships."

ASEAN is more meaningful as an economic partner than it is as a military one. No nation cares where you are located. What they care about is the economic benefit Thailand offers in the relationship. Thailand could be located on the moon and if it meant economic gain to the other country they would make sure there is a strong relationship. Just saying it doesn't make it happen. 



I am not sure but technically I think Thailand us still at war with the USA. Maybe someone can confirm if I am correct or not

Edited by gandalf12
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2 hours ago, jaltsc said:

“He said Thailand and the United States enjoyed a long 180 years of good relations.

Even when Thailand declared war against the U.S. in 1942? Those Americans sure are a forgiving lot. 


“Our foreign policy is well balanced even though geographically we are not located in the center of ASEAN. This fact dictates that our foreign policy must place the greatest emphasis in maintaining strong relationships."

ASEAN is more meaningful as an economic partner than it is as a military one. No nation cares where you are located. What they care about is the economic benefit Thailand offers in the relationship. Thailand could be located on the moon and if it meant economic gain to the other country they would make sure there is a strong relationship. Just saying it doesn't make it happen. 



ha, the good general has forgotten that bangkok was bombed by the yanks during the second world war. they still dig the odd bomb up now and then and try to cut it up for scrap metal. it often goes bad for the guy with the blow torch.

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Thailand has to adapt itself with changes expected

No more snubbing the US for his Chinese allies, no more thtreats of Lèse majesté, no more about how the US understands Thai restrictions on US businesses in Thailand, 100-200% import taxes on US products, etc. ?

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2 hours ago, jaltsc said:

“He said Thailand and the United States enjoyed a long 180 years of good relations.

Even when Thailand declared war against the U.S. in 1942? Those Americans sure are a forgiving lot. 


“Our foreign policy is well balanced even though geographically we are not located in the center of ASEAN. This fact dictates that our foreign policy must place the greatest emphasis in maintaining strong relationships."

ASEAN is more meaningful as an economic partner than it is as a military one. No nation cares where you are located. What they care about is the economic benefit Thailand offers in the relationship. Thailand could be located on the moon and if it meant economic gain to the other country they would make sure there is a strong relationship. Just saying it doesn't make it happen. 



Thailand declares war on the United States and England ...5555

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In response to the 180 years of US/Thai relations comments...  Thailand will do as it wishes with not much influence from the "Yanks".  Debating 180 years of relations,  well Thai and Burmese people helped the British, Australian, Dutch and Americans building the Burma Rail in WWII survive.  Thailand signed an alliance with the Japanese 13 days after being bombed under duress and the declaration or war against Great Britain and the USA was never signed by the leader of Thailand because he was studying abroad.  The Thai resistance against the Japanese never stopped.  The first bombs dropped on BKK was from the UK aircraft and followed on by US.   

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Thailand will fre better under a Trump administration than under either Obama or Clinton. Trump won't be pushing a so called Democratic agenda. He will be more pragmatic and look for a quid pro quo. Trump may even visit which will be even better- 

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5 hours ago, gandalf12 said:

I am not sure but technically I think Thailand us still at war with the USA. Maybe someone can confirm if I am correct or not

No you are not correct. Thailand has never been at war with anyone except the French in the great fearsome  battle of Koh Chang in 1941 which the Thais lost anyway. That doesn't say much since the French have never won anything since the battle of Marne in 1914.

Born losers, both of them. 

Edited by Brer Fox
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7 hours ago, jaltsc said:

“He said Thailand and the United States enjoyed a long 180 years of good relations.Even wh
en Thailand declared war against the U.S. in 1942? Those Americans sure are a forgiving lot. 


“Our foreign policy is well balanced even though geographically we are not located in the center of ASEAN. This fact dictates that our foreign policy must place the greatest emphasis in maintaining strong relationships."

ASEAN is more meaningful as an economic partner than it is as a military one. No nation cares where you are located. What they care about is the economic benefit Thailand offers in the relationship. Thailand could be located on the moon and if it meant economic gain to the other country they would make sure there is a strong relationship. Just saying it doesn't make it happen. 



"Those Americans sure are a forgiving lot"

No one in the world forgives Thailand for giving shelter to Pol Pot, the murderous leader of the Khmer Rouge.

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54 minutes ago, Brer Fox said:

"Those Americans sure are a forgiving lot"

No one in the world forgives Thailand for giving shelter to Pol Pot, the murderous leader of the Khmer Rouge.

The Americans do because they were the senior partner in continuing to recognize Pol Pot after he was ousted. Shameful for both Thailand and the US but junior was only doing what he was told.


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13 hours ago, WEBLEDINK said:

Be afraid... be very afraid! The Trump train is heading this way! Forget about the new carriages and the speed train... prepare the tracks now!


Spreading fear is not healthy for anyone.


What is your bias?


Or are you just void of all factual information?

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Sorry to be so short in a statement that seemed bia and lack of factual information. This is a dangerous man with hated views against any country that does trade with the US. He has the backing ( election) of hatemongers that elected him to spread and implement his ideas. I do not lack factual information...His main goal and birdbrained idea is to reduce trade deficits and renegotiate  trade deals with countries that continue that deficit to increase jobs in American and deport people that are available to do those jobs. The main one being China. Thailand has a large trade deficit with the US!  Almost double! U.S. goods and services trade with Thailand totaled $41 billion in 2012  Exports totaled $13 billion; Imports totaled $28 billion. The U.S. goods and services trade deficit with Thailand was $15 billion in 2012  $14 3 billion in 2013....$15 billion in 2014...$17 billion in 2015....Thailand should not be naive and think since the trade is not in the hundreds of billions they should not worry!  What he wont be able to accomplish in one country he will go to the next. Another fact is the power that he has now.. he has more power than any other President to be able to pass and do anything he can. The fact on this is......  The Republicans NOW control.The Senate, House, Majority of the States 31 out of 50, the Supreme court pick and the Trump Presidency! The last time a President had this much power was in 1928 and in 2000 when George Bush was elected.  In 1929 the Great Depression hit the US. Banks failed, homes were lost people starved! In 2009 the same thing happened with Bush and the Banks failing, loss of homes and active in 2 wars. All this when the President had almost total power to do anything he wanted with the backing of the branches of government.


Fear is a part of human reality and simply an emotion over something that can or cannot be controlled. I am scared and my post was just to warn that this Man and his electors are dangerous! Not to be naive and prepare to have plans in place!


Thanks for the opportunity to supply you with factual information and let me vent my fear. I feel better now!

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Thailand's PM should pay a great deal of attention to Trump's serious mistrust of China. For a whole host of reasons, Trump will be hammering away at China (Trump blames China for the total mess in North Korea).


As Trump hammers away at China, assembly type work will migrate OUT. This type of work is the easiest to move as it's generally NOT as capital intensive as manufacturing. Thailand could benefit from this migration, but it must prepare.  That is, the work must performed somewhere and Thailand should make itself competitive.

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