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Road rage: Belgian man knocked down by Thai Benz driver half his age


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Guys. stop victim blaming.


Guy gets out of car so that somehow takes some of the blame away from the one who punched him? Really? You simply don't go around punching people. It's that simple. If someone calls you a name then ignore it.


Sure, I wouldn't advise anyone to get out of the car. Let the old guy get out, shout and moan while you ignore him. That's how you deal with it and make him look like an idiot at the same time. As soon as you raise a hand, you're in the wrong. Simple. 

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If a Thai hits you and THEN goes to the police , something is wrong.

1. he won't hit you if you're a match

2. he won't attack you alone if you were a match

3. if he whave been hit by the pensioner won't dare going to the police afraid of losing face forever


If YOU as a foreigner hit him first, captured on o, then you need a lawyer to get you home from the nearest police cel

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55 minutes ago, SidJames said:

Belgian man has to take some share of blame here especially as it seems he had his daughter in the car & were on their way to drop her at school.

Forgetting about the accusations of poor driving that lead to this incident, the Thai man could claim that he felt fear as the Belgian left his own car & came towards him.

He then instinctively defended himself.

My Thai is not good enough to understand what was being said in that clip.


Running after people and knocking them down is not self defence...

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Most THais who drive vehicles consider them as toys and behave like children while driving them and are quick to show their immaturity if they perceive that their masculinity is impeded

- cars are phallic symbols

Advice Try and stay off the roads and minimize contact with these children/adults



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He has a witness so he should be believed. Lesson learned, never get out of your vehicle unless you have already spoken to the other party through the window and he is not aggro. No contact no get out. Only get out to photograph any damage to the vehicles. At 68yrs best to have a small stun gun in your pocket as your too old for fisticuffs. Most phones have video capacity these days it is so easy to sort out who is in the right. Dash cams are a must when driving and they are very inexpensive.

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If you're not going fast, have time to spare, and a dash-cam, just let him run his car into yours if he is clearly in the wrong. Stay in your car and call the police and wait while streaming video to the internet from your smartphone. Better way to teach these idiots than to get out and yell at them or try to work it out.


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3 hours ago, grumbleweed said:

The word of a Thai driving a Merc against a farang

I wonder who's gonna get the blame here


I dare say you are jumping to conclusions already my dear Watson, having seen the video, all I saw was the Thai guy sitting in his car with a shock look on his face, the door open and a farang making a quick exit, suffice to say I don't think the Thai guy would have pursued the farang if he didn't take a swipe at him or spit on him, or perhaps insult him, if the farang stayed in his car, kept his cool, and not allow his ego to get the better of him, as opposed to let his anger take over, then everyone wouldn't be accusing the Thai guy in the "Benz", especially if it was a normal car. I don't condone the actions of the Thai guy, but if the farang had a go and the stirred up the bees hive, then he gets stung, what was he thinking at 68, "idiot;".  

Edited by 4MyEgo
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2 hours ago, riverhigh said:

Re: The assailant simply left. She said her husband had been attacked without warning.


Not true he got out of his car and instigated the confrontation. Most probably the old pensioner was incensed at the Mercedes Benz driver thinking that he owned the road. Well this is Thailand where status/money talks and, by the way, old pensioner  ever thought  that a Thai man may be incensed at an old fart like you using his money to get a Thai woman 30 years his junior. The only difference is that  a Thai man doesn't get out of his car and give his opinion of you robbing the cradle so to speak ... lol. All the same  I'm pretty fed up with hi-so Thais. Yesterday I was walking  through a local Wat  and  a Mercedes Benz owner had blocked the entire entrance to the Wat where  people and the motor cycles entered. Rather that find an open parking space he parked in the first place he saw. Back home he would have  got the "key" treatment on his car before being towed away. Then again this Thailand and its for Thais to modify this entitlement behavior, not me!


usually the younger women farangs use their money to get are outside the applicant pool for benz driving thai men therefore not likely he got incensed 

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2 hours ago, riverhigh said:

Re: The assailant simply left. She said her husband had been attacked without warning.


Not true he got out of his car and instigated the confrontation. Most probably the old pensioner was incensed at the Mercedes Benz driver thinking that he owned the road. Well this is Thailand where status/money talks and, by the way, old pensioner  ever thought  that a Thai man may be incensed at an old fart like you using his money to get a Thai woman 30 years his junior. The only difference is that  a Thai man doesn't get out of his car and give his opinion of you robbing the cradle so to speak ... lol. 


Someone who also saw it for what it is, don't know about the Thai guy being jealous that the farang having a Thai wife 30 years his junior though, just my opinion.

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2 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

Her husband got out of his car to find out what was going on and that is when he was hit to the ground.


He escalated the incident, the Belgian guy deserved all that he got. Sometimes it takes more courage to walk away from a fight then to try and battle it out just to try and prove who is the bigger man.


Well said, don't catch the ball I say, as soon as it hits the back of your palm, let it drop and walk away, practice makes perfect.

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2 hours ago, hanssna said:

 'Mr Hattercant's Thai wife Atcharawadee, 38, told reporters that they were in the area to take their daughter to St Joseph school. ' 


Well,. seems like he better let his wife do the fighting, considering her age. 


And driving

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2 hours ago, khunpa said:

So many "fuxked up" people in this world!


Hope I never run into an idiot like this. Would send him directly to the hospital, if he tried to punch me. But guess he only beats on smaller and older guys. What an idiot!


Even more ridiculous (and typical Thai) that he then tries to play the victim after hitting the old guy. Well done! A real man!


You obviously don't get it, the farang got out of his car, he instigated it, the Thai guy is the victim, look at the video.


In my 20's I had an old guy over take me and cut in front of me breaking hard as not to go through the red light, (built up area) I got out of the car and approached, ready to kill, he roles his window down, must have been a 100 years old, turned to me and said, <deleted>> off you dirty dago and spat in my direction, I had not said a word, swear I could have killed him with one punch, but I then started laughing and walked away, that is when I realised, some people really ask for it, well I stay in my car now, prison is not an option for me, regardless of the other persons age.

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