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Road rage: Belgian man knocked down by Thai Benz driver half his age


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49 minutes ago, jacksam said:


Being OLD does not excuse being stupid. Perhaps skip     the capital C in reference to the catholics. You seem cut from same "cloth" as the agressive Belgian.

'jacksam': I don't think I 'met' you on TV previously, I would remember, considering your 'language', so, allow me to just simply hope you yourself are cut from "tissue", as though personal your 'opinion' might be, it is offensive, and, while a waste of water, I would like to flush it away, twice...

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50 minutes ago, Nam Mae Khong said:

Believe me in the West and Europe the travel agents no longer advertise Thailand as a holiday destination,

No one in their right mind will believe that nonsense and no one in their right mind would ask others to "believe me" when they say things like that.

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17 minutes ago, bangrak said:

The farang's worst mistake was he came out of his car not holding any crowbar, jack lever, machete, ...or gun, in his hand, as that's what a Thai would do when leaving the shelter of his vehicle, alone(!) and on his own(!), to 'explain'... Can't expect any respect like he did, the more so being farang, small and older, ...especially from some self-imbued Merc driver, what did he think, huh? Farang bah, farang nie... God, they love us so much!

"The farang's worst mistake was he came out of his car not holding any crowbar, jack lever, machete, ...or gun, in his hand, as that's what a Thai would do when leaving the shelter of his vehicle, alone(!) and on his own"


Wrong, that 's exactly what didn't happen, the Thai wasn't armed with anything.

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Would like to see the footage from the start where the Belgian guy gets out and goes over to the Merc, funny only footage is after that part, educated guess is he gobbed off to the Merc driver, gesticulated a few hand gestures and was walking away, problem is most people will react and jump out and smack you in the gob if your not careful, hence three girlie thumps and the muscles from Brussels is rolling about on the floor, very silly man. You gonna shoot your mouth be prepared for what may happen afterwards, as stated best policy is if no damage then move on


Not so Hi-so either, looks like a W210 chasis E-Class facelift model (all be it in Mint condition) but an old car really used to have one a few years back (finished building them around 2002/3) in Europe anyway

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17 minutes ago, Nam Mae Khong said:

Who honestly cares what you believe anyway?Certainly not me I couldn't give a tinker's cuss!


You're contradicting yourself now, in your post you asked "believe me" so you must care or you wouldn't have wasted your time saying it!

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12 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Well if the other man who assaulted him has reported it first, it's gotta be the old fella'a fault. Law 101. 


Gotta love the childish logic and mentality of some. 

Yep- Thaigeezers instantly jump to the 'logical' conclusion- don't they!

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Remember that if you are a tourist or expat, in your vehicle, stay in your vehicle  You are in a foreign country.

  Be happy that the car was not  damaged.  Heal  your damaged  ego  with  a  drink at a  bar,  or where

you  are  staying


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<deleted> that guy with the benz. The typical skinny dude who's desperate to show what a beast he is... to an old man. 


I rest my case. 


BTW that Mercedes was manufactured somewhere around the second world war. Why is he still driving it

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15 hours ago, 1337markus said:

Must be the new Thai novelty; Pokemon Go has gone road rage is in.

Earlier this year, I came to Thailand for my annual two month holiday and rode from Nong Khai to my mates house in Chiang Mai.  I commented on the fact that the Thai drivers were much more aggressive this year and some pickup drivers were trying to prevent you overtaking to try and stay in front.

I spend ten month of the year away from Thailand and the change was palpable.

Previously it was the odd spoilt brat but it is now more widespread.  In Udon Thani, I had a guy in a Benz overtake on the inside at high speed and proximity to intimidate coming up to a red light, real scary shit.

It now appears that road rage has hit Thailand.  I had previously been amazed at the cooperative attitude in Thai drivers ( the majority ) that allows traffic to work at all.

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8 hours ago, jacksam said:


Being OLD does not excuse being stupid. Perhaps skip     the capital C in reference to the catholics. You seem cut from same "cloth" as the agressive Belgian.

I never said it excused being student. But it takes a certain kind of thug to smack a pensioner to floor. 


You don't go around smacking old people. It's like sleeping with your sister - it's wrong.

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10 hours ago, Tony125 said:


*** so approching a person in an intimidating fashion is an assault assult and battery is when you actually strike the person ***



In that case,  I think it could be argued that the Benz driver first assaulted the Belgian driver when he undercut him in the traffic. A vehicle is just as dangerous a weapon as a knife, gun, baseball bat, or whatever one wishes to use to intimidate others.   

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9 hours ago, Gracas said:

I sort of agree with you, but in these situations it is not a boxing match it is a street fight. If I had have gotten out of my car and gone up to the other driver and said something to him, I would not have turned my back on him and walked away thinking how I just put him in his place by explaining the road rules. I would have been expecting him to also get out of his car.


I agree with you totally.  If you are foolish enough to get out and maybe mouth off,  this I don't know, but you certainly don't turn your back, you're only asking for trouble.  Seems like the older guy was not very street smart and certainly naïve in doing so.:wai:

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With the damning video evidence the wonderful and said to be friendly Thai person has no choice but to make up lies and excuses while defending his face.

The police will not be interested in this case unless there is some money to be made......someway some how.....while the foreigner will be chastised for getting out of his car in the first place and the only logical reason as to why the Thai man had to assault the foreigner....to their Thai way of thinking.



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11 hours ago, Swedenlars said:

The Belgian was lucky the guy did not shoot him. Happened a few times. I remember the case in Chiang Mai. A German insulted a Thai when they stopped at the red light. Well, the Thai killed him. Later the driver said it was self defence. Case closed.


And the wielding swordsman taxi driver at Sukhumvit/Bangkok 2 years ago....we saw that horrible result!


Lesson is people.....keep yourself in any circumstances under control hopefully it will keep you out of harm's way!

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16 hours ago, riverhigh said:

Re: The assailant simply left. She said her husband had been attacked without warning.


Not true he got out of his car and instigated the confrontation. Most probably the old pensioner was incensed at the Mercedes Benz driver thinking that he owned the road. Well this is Thailand where status/money talks and, by the way, old pensioner  ever thought  that a Thai man may be incensed at an old fart like you using his money to get a Thai woman 30 years his junior. The only difference is that  a Thai man doesn't get out of his car and give his opinion of you robbing the cradle so to speak ... lol. All the same  I'm pretty fed up with hi-so Thais. Yesterday I was walking  through a local Wat  and  a Mercedes Benz owner had blocked the entire entrance to the Wat where  people and the motor cycles entered. Rather that find an open parking space he parked in the first place he saw. Back home he would have  got the "key" treatment on his car before being towed away. Then again this Thailand and its for Thais to modify this entitlement behavior, not me!


Just one thing I will disagree with, that you say it is not true that he was attacked without warning.  Firstly, he may well have mouthed off but he was walking away when some female yelled out about the Thai coming and as he turned he was king hit.  So I have to agree with his wife that he was hit without warning.  A real hero Thai, some of their behaviours lately are really disgusting. :wai:

Edited by Si Thea01
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9 hours ago, connda said:

It's not like the Benz driver was Sugar Ray Leonard or Saenchai.  But old expats rule number one.  If you're not in good enough shape to stand your ground, don't lose your temper and don't get out of the car (and keep your camera rolling).  :smile:


Ah even if your in shape and look like the hulk its not smart to do such a thing. Besides if you look like the hulk the other might just think screw it i take this baseball bat to even things out. Because there is no such thing as a fair fight. The other party will always want an advantage.. just like you demonstrated.. your stating if not in enough shape.. meaning that you have to be stronger than the other to even contemplate a fight.. is that fair ? is it fair when one party is clearly stronger but both are unarmed ?


I prefer not to start fights even swallow some pride to avoid them. Even if you win you can lose (think court / jail). Maybe I am just not matcho enough to want to fight. 

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16 hours ago, jacksam said:

Anyone getting out of car is putting first foot forward in way of aggression. If is USA he may have been shot. Fine the farang who was stupid enough to try that crap. Has a Thai wife so thinks he is now Thai. 

anyone carving you up in a dangerous and unnecessary way is  making the first aggression..usually due to their "I own the road and am more important than you superiority selfish mutha  foooker attitude"

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On 11/10/2016 at 4:21 PM, Eagleizer said:


Running after people and knocking them down is not self defence...

Correct, irrespective of what has been said upto that point, super hero probably suffering small dick syndrome attacks after sizing up a much older guy after he turns his back -  absolute scumbag, needs a few months inside to get straightened out. But what will come of it <deleted>.

Edited by metisdead
Profane acronym removed.
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15 minutes ago, outsider said:

I don't  that Mr. Hattercant deserves t o be beaten - ny deserves that - but why the h ell did Mr. Hattercant get out of the car in the first place?


He may not next time. However  given that he was stupid enough to do it once he probably thinks he was in the right to get car to have a yack. A fool particularly when has life experience and not the comfort of excuse due to youth, rarely lean anything. Dumb actions lead to bad outcomes

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14 hours ago, rkidlad said:

I never said it excused being student. But it takes a certain kind of thug to smack a pensioner to floor. 


You don't go around smacking old people. It's like sleeping with your sister - it's wrong.

Like it. But stupid is as stupid does, a Thai guy in the prime of life driving a Mercedes trumps a Farang pensioner every time. Had a similar incident, wound down the window, lit a cigarette, and tried to look cool, whilst my Thai wife/ girlfriend sorted it out. She's as hard as a brick shithouse, but turned on the charm. It takes something serious to get me going cos I know there are only three outcomes - I end up dead, in hospital, or in jail. And for all those hard guys out there - there's a good chance a lo-so is gonna pull a knife, and a hi-so is gonna pull a gun - you try your boxing skills against that.

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I wonder if there is a relationship between people (not just Thais, btw) playing those stupid, violent video games when you can smack people around at will and these kinds of events. Or could it be those Thai boxing matches?


Also, the Belgian might not be familiar with the way Thai have a way to pass people leaving no margin of error. I have not seen in any country. Even if there is 1 km in front, they will still do this. Can some Thais explain this to me. Thank you.


No matter, whoever hits someone first is in the wrong, unless it is self-defense. Maybe there was, but I doubt it. The Thai man was chasing the Belgian man, but it could be as he was provoked in some other way. I think it is immaterial who showed up first at the police, bte, as long as they do show up at the police. Not going to the police would look bad. The age difference does not make the Thai man look very good.


Btw, there was a comment about foreigners "taking" women (younger/pretty) from Thailand. I suspect that there is a lot of jealousy and anger from Thai men who feel cannot compete. Count how many Thai men you have as friends, true friends, not interested friends, btw. 


Please buy dash cams and I agree let' whoever behave like a child behave like a child. 


This is disturbing.

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I don't see too many people rushing to help, I wonder if this would have been the case if a 30yr old farang had knocked a 68yr old Thai man to the floor, for whatever reason or whoever was at fault

Edited by sn1per
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