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From New York to LA, protests erupt against Trump’s win


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From New York to LA, protests erupt against Trump’s win

Joanna Gill




WASHINGTON: -- Shock made way for anger, as protests erupted across America in the wake of Donald Trump’s victory.


Although Trump said he wanted to unite America in his victory speech, many fear his campaign rhetoric, in particular his threats to deport illegal immigrants and a ban on Muslims entering the country.


New York


In his hometown of New York, thousands of people gathered outside Trump Tower. Many of them argued Trump did not win, but hate, racism, misogyny and xenophobia triumphed.


“Even though we can’t really change anything and we have to accept what has happened, we want them to know that we’re pissed. This is awful. And even though we can’t change anything, it feels good to stand together with my brothers, my sisters, the people that share my beliefs and let everyone know that we are not ok with this,” one of the protesters told a reporter.

Many protests took place in Democratic bases including Portland, Oregon, Washington DC and Chicago shortly after Clinton conceded.





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The last time such widespread protests greeted the news of a presidential win was in 2000, when Republican George W Bush came to power in a vote which was disputed all the way to the Supreme Court.



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If the shoe was on the other foot they'd all be screaming "SEE, WE TOLD YUH SO....DEPLORABLES".....The election was legal, Trump won because people could sense that Clinton was as dodgey as a used car salesman with a bad combover. Time for these pampered college kids to grow up and learn how to behave with dignity in defeat. Painting ALL Trump voters as racist/sexist yadda yadda yadda shows just how closed minded these far left loonies have become to ANY other opinions that dont fit their 'safe space' narratives. 



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Speaking of used car salesmen.

This just in.

A trump campaign rep has stated that the wall is not happening.

It was just a slogan for SALES purposes for the campaign.

Con man. Con man. Con man.

And so it begins even BEFORE he's inaugurated.

The biggest SHAM president of all time.

Can the people take him to court for FALSE ADVERTISING? 

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Speaking of used car salesmen.

This just in.

A trump campaign rep has stated that the wall is not happening.

It was just a slogan for SALES purposes for the campaign.

Con man. Con man. Con man.

And so it begins even BEFORE he's inaugurated.

The biggest SHAM president of all time.

Can the people take him to court for FALSE ADVERTISING? 


Go research it JT. Let us know what you find out................

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I guess the crooked hillary brigade have nothing else to do now.

Dont know why anyone would be shocked or angered .....this was by no means a close run thing, the vast majority of the population have voted to that effect.

Now loosers, suck it up and get on with life!

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Grow up America you are a bunch of sick people . A nation of cry babies. All the protestors appear to be non whites. What does that tell me and you. to me it says non whites want every thing their way no compromise. If it does not go their way then violence is their answer. When will America say enough is enough. If life is not the way you want it where you are go some where that suits your needs and wants. If these protesters can go back to their home country and get treated better then please go back there and get the royal treatment you deserve. America is good to you but when you do not get your own way you make trouble all the time.

  The more you give people the more they want.

  If America is so bad do not go there,stay in your home country and be happy.

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I was pro-Hillary, and hated Trump's pandering to his fervent supporters, but (and hats off to him) I'm willing to give Trump a chance.

Now that he's won, I hope he listens less to the likes of Giuliani/Christie and the ultra-right, and more to moderate people like his son-in-law Jared and manager Kellyanne Conway.

I hope Trump will revert to his pre-politician self.  He has already shown himself to be a magnanimous victor  His camp has even dropped talk of persecuting Hillary, now that she's not a threat.

Indeed, Trump has been conciliatory to those he vanquished - Cruz, Rubio, Clinton, Obama.  Heck, even the 2 elder Bushes are giving Trump a chance, as, apparently, are other world leaders.

I do have 2 main areas of concern - his attitude towards Climate Change, and appointment of Supreme Court judges.

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Trump won despite a press which gave him no chance, and with a fraction of Hillary's donations, and therefore campaign funds,  which came from the big end of town.


I can't believe the losers, Hillary cheated at the first debate.


It seems like most US citizens would be happy with the result, given that DT was elected, or was there some giant gerrymander which I think is unlikely given that DT didn't have the power to organise that.


Good on you DT you worked an amazing campaign.

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2 hours ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

If the shoe was on the other foot they'd all be screaming "SEE, WE TOLD YUH SO....DEPLORABLES".....The election was legal, Trump won because people could sense that Clinton was as dodgey as a used car salesman with a bad combover. Time for these pampered college kids to grow up and learn how to behave with dignity in defeat. Painting ALL Trump voters as racist/sexist yadda yadda yadda shows just how closed minded these far left loonies have become to ANY other opinions that dont fit their 'safe space' narratives. 



Actually if the shoe was on the other foot all the Trump supporters and Trump himself would be saying the election was rigged. The only reason it isn't rigged is because Trump won. I think 'Deplorable' was an inspired term that is much closer to the truth than a Trump supporter would realise.

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These protests are mainly a result of allowing far left bleeding heart liberal teachers in the schools and universities. They talk about love, freedom and liberty and then refuse to accept the results of an election. Just totally disgusting. Even their leaders show that they are willing to work with Trump but the pampered benefit collecting morons refuse to accept a new president with fresh ideas. You can easily see the level of their intelligence right here on the Thai Visa forums. They were the ones talking about republican bigots and hate then they demonstrate their true feelings with violent demonstrations . They fail to understand that the US citizens are sick and tired of their attitudes and actions and have voted to get back on the path of progress and prosperity. Make America great again and forget about the huge government giveaways. A look at socialism around the globe should tell them that socialism simply doesn't work.

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6 minutes ago, Gary A said:

These protests are mainly a result of allowing far left bleeding heart liberal teachers in the schools and universities. They talk about love, freedom and liberty and then refuse to accept the results of an election. Just totally disgusting. Even their leaders show that they are willing to work with Trump but the pampered benefit collecting morons refuse to accept a new president with fresh ideas. You can easily see the level of their intelligence right here on the Thai Visa forums. They were the ones talking about republican bigots and hate then they demonstrate their true feelings with violent demonstrations . They fail to understand that the US citizens are sick and tired of their attitudes and actions and have voted to get back on the path of progress and prosperity. Make America great again and forget about the huge government giveaways. A look at socialism around the globe should tell them that socialism simply doesn't work.

Excellent post. Thank you.

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Now you hear weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth about the electoral system. That system was created by very wise men to prevent  a few highly populated states from electing a president. I certainly wouldn't to see California, New York and especially Illinois electing a president to represent me.

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1 hour ago, Gary A said:

These protests are mainly a result of allowing far left bleeding heart liberal teachers in the schools and universities. They talk about love, freedom and liberty and then refuse to accept the results of an election. Just totally disgusting. Even their leaders show that they are willing to work with Trump but the pampered benefit collecting morons refuse to accept a new president with fresh ideas. You can easily see the level of their intelligence right here on the Thai Visa forums. They were the ones talking about republican bigots and hate then they demonstrate their true feelings with violent demonstrations . They fail to understand that the US citizens are sick and tired of their attitudes and actions and have voted to get back on the path of progress and prosperity. Make America great again and forget about the huge government giveaways. A look at socialism around the globe should tell them that socialism simply doesn't work.


If I was a young person today with a large student loan, I would be very supportive of a president elect who promises to do all he can to make America Great Again. 


Why do all these young folks protesting around the country vote against their own self interests?


It used to be the only major expense a young couple was burdened with as they started their adult lives was a home mortgage. Then in the past 10 years it became a home mortgage AND a student loan.


Now its a home mortgage AND a student loan AND health insurance which now requires not only $1,000/monthly premium but also paying the first $10,000 deductable before it kicks in. 


I genuinely wonder if these rioting liberals will be able to participate in a positive manner to help build America's future. 


They think being proud of their country is a bad thing. 


They think rioting is a justifiable means to an end...but thats what obama has trained them to think. during obama's reign, rioters were rewarded with their demands being met so it has resulted in this Pavlovian response that throwing tantrums is how you get your way. 


They are a sad reflection on contemporary America.

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I don't agree with ANY of the violence.  Anger yes. Rage no. Civil disobedience yes. Breaking windows no. In this situation, it's not even appropriate to burn the flag. 


Did those protesters vote? Did each seek out and take at least one person with them who otherwise would not have voted? Did they volunteer at phone banks or go door to door? Or did they just stay in their facebook bubble and convince each other that Hillary had this in the bag?


The dem turnout was millions less than it could've been. Some 6 million less than 2012.


It's time to organize a coherent, nationwide peaceful opposition as a check against a quite possibly overreaching prez. with a GOP congress, senate and SCOTUS, and a useless media, a peaceful, organized and vigilant public is the last bulwark against fascism. 


Not this tantrum-throwing on the streets. 

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1 hour ago, Gary A said:

These protests are mainly a result of allowing far left bleeding heart liberal teachers in the schools and universities. They talk about love, freedom and liberty and then refuse to accept the results of an election. Just totally disgusting. Even their leaders show that they are willing to work with Trump but the pampered benefit collecting morons refuse to accept a new president with fresh ideas. You can easily see the level of their intelligence right here on the Thai Visa forums. They were the ones talking about republican bigots and hate then they demonstrate their true feelings with violent demonstrations . They fail to understand that the US citizens are sick and tired of their attitudes and actions and have voted to get back on the path of progress and prosperity. Make America great again and forget about the huge government giveaways. A look at socialism around the globe should tell them that socialism simply doesn't work.

When I look at these protesters especially the ones I saw in Boston  and New York, what I see are young pampered 20 somethings whose parents are dishing out 55-60k in tuition every year ( oh yah after that you have to rent them an apt for $$$$$$$$$ per month and buy them books etc) most of them did NOT even vote because they live in a different state like Connecticut or New Jersey and were too busy doing nothing to register.  Their parents often work for huge companies that they like to protest against as well. They grew up in wealthy suburbs where no black people live and they graduate high school and go to College in the big city and now feel a little guilty when they finally meet some people of color and most of those people are upper middle class or wealthy as well and then they decide to go out and be big cry babies holding the hands of any welfare recipient they can find and have their big moments! The only older grey hair guys I see are usually the professors at the schools that cost 60k a year! Pathetic really. 

Edited by alex8912
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2 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

I don't agree with ANY of the violence.  Anger yes. Rage no. Civil disobedience yes. Breaking windows no. In this situation, it's not even appropriate to burn the flag. 


Did those protesters vote? Did each seek out and take at least one person with them who otherwise would not have voted? Did they volunteer at phone banks or go door to door? Or did they just stay in their facebook bubble and convince each other that Hillary had this in the bag?


The dem turnout was millions less than it could've been. Some 6 million less than 2012.


It's time to organize a coherent, nationwide peaceful opposition as a check against a quite possibly overreaching prez. with a GOP congress, senate and SCOTUS, and a useless media, a peaceful, organized and vigilant public is the last bulwark against fascism. 


Not this tantrum-throwing on the streets. 


Thanks for a reasonable response. 


I am confused by one thing, though, this constant accusation that Trump represents "fascism". 


Can you explain why this is a common call to arms of a highly educated and entitled group of young liberals? How is Trump a "fascist"? 



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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Speaking of used car salesmen.

This just in.

A trump campaign rep has stated that the wall is not happening.

It was just a slogan for SALES purposes for the campaign.

Con man. Con man. Con man.

And so it begins even BEFORE he's inaugurated.

The biggest SHAM president of all time.

Can the people take him to court for FALSE ADVERTISING? 


He meant a symbolic wall. People are naive if they took it literally. Again, Trump is all about changing attitudes and readjusting values, and he's doing that by colourful rhetoric. He knows that it will take an extreme position to change things even slightly. The rules of Conventional politics hardly apply here, this is pure sociology.

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3 hours ago, jaggiss said:

The people have spoken.
Respect their vote.
Stop spitting the dummy.
Get on with it.


Actually I believe the majority of votes were for Clinton but the electoral college has once again worked its magic.

And don't forget a lot of those who were critical of DT were Republicans, at least until they thought it would be personally profitable to do a 180.


Protesting is a part of the American way. Hopefully it will always be a right. Donald and friends at Fox Noise spent most of the past 8 years claiming Obama wasn't born in the US, among other  things. Pointless nonsense, but American politics has never been known for civility or mature behavior.


Better to let people vent. Donald needs to understand that half the country has serious reservations about his ability to be presidential. Hopefully it will make him think twice about some of the things he wants to do rather than to throw another of his trademark hissy fits.

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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Speaking of used car salesmen.

This just in.

A trump campaign rep has stated that the wall is not happening.

It was just a slogan for SALES purposes for the campaign.

Con man. Con man. Con man.

And so it begins even BEFORE he's inaugurated.

The biggest SHAM president of all time.

Can the people take him to court for FALSE ADVERTISING? 


A wall, as in a strong non porous border. You bet it will happen!


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8 minutes ago, Suradit69 said:

Donald needs to understand that half the country has serious reservations about his ability to be presidential. Hopefully it will make him think twice about some of the things he wants to do rather than to throw another of his trademark hissy fits.


Ah, if only obama had been considerate of the same thing...or GWB before him.


But obama and gwb were career politicians and beholden to their party ideology which allowed them to advance to the position.


Trump became president in spite of the Republican Party leaders and he is not beholden to any corporate sponsored political party...or its leadership.


I don't recall Trump making disparaging remarks about liberal democrats but I do remember hillary expressing her hatred towards that very large segment of America she considers deplorable. 


Could President-elect Trump show any greater animosity towards Americans than hillary?

Edited by ClutchClark
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13 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:


He meant a symbolic wall. People are naive if they took it literally. Again, Trump is all about changing attitudes and readjusting values, and he's doing that by colourful rhetoric. He knows that it will take an extreme position to change things even slightly. The rules of Conventional politics hardly apply here, this is pure sociology.

Really? And how much would the Mexicans have to pay for this "symbolic" wall? I think you are naive if you don't realize he was lying most of the time.

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24 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Thanks for a reasonable response. 


I am confused by one thing, though, this constant accusation that Trump represents "fascism". 


Can you explain why this is a common call to arms of a highly educated and entitled group of young liberals? How is Trump a "fascist"? 




No other presidential candidate in memory has campaigned the way Trump has.

He has encouraged division, exclusion, misogyny and violence. If I have to give you examples, you haven't been paying attention. Just listen to his own words uttered at his rallies.


He has verbally attacked the press and goaded his supporters to attack the press, except when they agree with him.


He has publicly expressed admiration for dictatorial leaders like Saddam, Kim Jong Un and Putin. Clips available online in full context.


He has won the election without the backing of the GOP machine, without the endorsement of any major media or big names from anywhere, so there are no constraints on him to do as he pleases. That is inherently a dangerous situation, especially given his narcissistic, self-aggrandizing tendencies and unwillingness to listen to advice. The campaign showed that he rarely even listen to his own campaign staff.


He has very strong support from the worst sectors f society, including the KKK.


He preys and thrives on resentment and anger. That was the basis of his campaign


All this and more adds up to a dangerous brew in which fascism can rise.

That's why we need to be vigilant. I would be happy to be wrong.


We should be vigilant no matter who is president, but with Trump, we REALLY should be vigilant.



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2 minutes ago, whaleboneman said:

Really? And how much would the Mexicans have to pay for this "symbolic" wall? I think you are naive if you don't realize he was lying most of the time.

Gee seems we have to bring out the drawing board and draw pictures for some people here.

 Symbolic wall, could quite well be trade pressure,immigration pressure,illegal immigrant pressure,It could mean many things.

 The Mexican,s would pay symbolically through loss of trade and exports,Access to America as immigrants. Deportationas illegal immigrants. 

  Are you starting to grasp it now.

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36 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

When I look at these protesters especially the ones I saw in Boston  and New York, what I see are young pampered 20 somethings whose parents are dishing out 55-60k in tuition every year ( oh yah after that you have to rent them an apt for $$$$$$$$$ per month and buy them books etc) most of them did NOT even vote because they live in a different state like Connecticut or New Jersey and were too busy doing nothing to register.  Their parents often work for huge companies that they like to protest against as well. They grew up in wealthy suburbs where no black people live and they graduate high school and go to College in the big city and now feel a little guilty when they finally meet some people of color and most of those people are upper middle class or wealthy as well and then they decide to go out and be big cry babies holding the hands of any welfare recipient they can find and have their big moments! The only older grey hair guys I see are usually the professors at the schools that cost 60k a year! Pathetic really. 


Describes them to a Tee. They have never worked a day in their life. When they "graduate" after six or eight years, they will get a job in daddy's hedge fund or "charitable" foundation, just like Chelsea Clinton.

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3 minutes ago, Usernames said:


Describes them to a Tee. They have never worked a day in their life. When they "graduate" after six or eight years, they will get a job in daddy's hedge fund or "charitable" foundation, just like Chelsea Clinton.

Just one small addition. Some now take ten to twelve years to graduate!   Very popular in Boston. 

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4 hours ago, LennyW said:

I guess the crooked hillary brigade have nothing else to do now.

Dont know why anyone would be shocked or angered .....this was by no means a close run thing, the vast majority of the population have voted to that effect.

Now loosers, suck it up and get on with life!

Well not really the vast majority of the population was it? Given that Mrs Clinton actually won the popular vote, by a very thin majority but she won it nevertheless. Bit of an anomaly there, perhaps that may be a factor in some of these protests?

Edited by JAG
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