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Trump bucks protocol on press access


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12 hours ago, NovaBlue05 said:

JT is pathetically clinging to the .001% difference between Trump's popular vote and Clintons as though it is a mandate.

You ignore 50 percent of the population at your own risk.  You do the same when you elect a misogynistic manic with zero knowledge of the world beyond the borders of the US with a coterie of advisors that subscribe to deity-worshiping creation myths (Christianity) and think global warming is a conspiracy. 

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12 hours ago, coma said:

That is what the people voted for. Change. Change in protocol. Changing the status quo from the same old BS dished by the last god knows how many administrations. The media are mostly a bunch of corrupt self serving so and sos anyway. And we all know that what they report on Trump will not paint him in a good light. So screw the media. Well done again Mr Trump

Funny how Trump supporters actually seem to think Trump cares one iota for them.  They were useful at getting him elected but that's about it. 

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2 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

Funny how Trump supporters actually seem to think Trump cares one iota for them.  They were useful at getting him elected but that's about it. 


Can you be a little more elaborate ? Like what makes you think he doesn't care "one iota" for them ? And what evidence do you have to support your conclusions ?

Edited by coma
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19 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

continued from my missive, above. . . . . 


         I voted for Stein, but my 2nd choice was HRC.  I voted against Trump because I care about youngsters and am trying to leave them a better world.   A large focus of Trump's campaign was sowing seeds of fear.  Look/listen to any of his stump speeches, and they're packed with admonitions and forebodings.  It worked to get fear-based people to vote for him (same people who own multiple guns to protect themselves from boogie men).    


        The average American is many times more likely to get killed by a white all-American terrorist than one with a name like Khalid or Muhammad. .....and many more times more likely to get struck by lightning than to get killed by any terrorist at all.  Yet, Trump has all rednecks scared out of their boots, clutching their guns.   It worked.  'Make America scared again,' like it was in the 1950's with the hocus pocus 'Red Scare' which propelled McCarthy to national status - not much different (including his one-man birther crusade) to how Trump became a national figure.   





I usually agree with you Boomer but not in this case.


The Bushs' era inspired terrorism which has radically (if you'll excuse the pun) changed the world and, in particular, the way people in the West look at Muslims now.


The analogy of lightning simply cannot hold true.  Nowhere in the world do 3,000 people all get struck dead by the same lightning bolt that could have been predicted had the powers that be not had their heads up their <deleted>.


As for making America scared, Dubya's America turned that into an art form after 911.  Hardly a Trump invention, is it?

Edited by saminoz
typo and grammar
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10 hours ago, mania said:


While we are more than use to 8 years of broken campaign promises........we have as yet nothing to get use to....except winning


It would be nearly impossible to do worse than the last 8 years.....bs numbers aside

It's not easy to follow through on campaign promises when you are blocked at every turn.  Not out of reasoned wisdom mind you, but out of spite.  Oh, and as far as campaign promises, Trump's website has already ditched the ban in Muslims entering the US.  This happened within hours of him winning. 

"It would be nearly impossible to do worse than the last 8 years"... famous last words. 

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Just now, stephen tracy said:

Ummm, well no one if you disregard half of the nation and the 10s of 1000s of protesters on the streets. 


I can easily disregard half the nation AND the protestors because Trump won. Fair and Square. Against all odds to boot. 


Mind boggling the amount of butt-hurt there is over this. 

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1 minute ago, stephen tracy said:

It's not easy to follow through on campaign promises when you are blocked at every turn.  Not out of reasoned wisdom mind you, but out of spite.  Oh, and as far as campaign promises, Trump's website has already ditched the ban in Muslims entering the US.  This happened within hours of him winning. 

"It would be nearly impossible to do worse than the last 8 years"... famous last words. 

If I recall correctly Obama had a super majority for how long?

I don't recall but he did have a Dem majority....Also again if recalled correctly many times it was his own party not agreeing with him.


This of course is also a possibility with President Trump

but....I. Think he is more of a deal maker than Obama ever could be.

So while he may appear demanding I think his deal making abilities will show 

via give & take bargaining

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5 hours ago, optad said:


That is chicken little stuff and it behooves you to upbraid the post mortem tones from what I know of you JT.


You have to let the unspoken, rural america, have their turn. What you do have, are numerous failed representative systems, and none of that is Trump's fault. The fact that almost one half eligible voters did not care to cast a vote does not mean you have to make good their emotional chasm too. Once you begin to accept that the Democrats lost this, and Trump is a positive representative of a swathe of people not represented before, you will begin to heal. 


Good luck on this journey. Many are doing it differently.

"Trump is a positive representative of a swathe of people not represented before,"... They were merely useful to him in getting elected.  He doesn't care about them at all. 

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Havent read all of the quotes.  I know its probably hard for most of your to accept but this charade (politics) its part of the problem.  The problem is most people paying attention to this bs, drawing the focus away from whats important to you.


Which is the running of your own businesses, including local administration and being active in it.


Stop giving away control to these fools.

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5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

 I will never accept trump. That I can guarantee. 


JT....Playing his Trump card....


Game over.....And a clean slate, fumigation, & some Clorox might quell the stench from the last 8 years - but trillions in damage(s) will haunt several generations....

Hopefully the rewritten history (aggrandizing BO)  school books will be among the first things replaced.....

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3 hours ago, Gary A said:

I happen to be proud that I am not a rabid lemming democrat. It appears that enough lemmings have fallen over the cliff to lose the election. Thank goodness that we MAY be headed for a more prosperous America. It certainly can't get any worse that it has been for the past eight years. How in the world can anyone think Obama has done a good job? We couldn't possibly have a worse president and enough people finally realized that fact.

"It certainly can't get any worse that it has been for the past eight years."  Once again, I must reiterate: famous last words.  Things can get much, much worse. 

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15 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

Ummm, well no one if you disregard half of the nation and the 10s of 1000s of protesters on the streets. 

Yes they're out there - bought & paid for - just like Ferguson....If Soros can't win/steal it he'll burn it down......All of his DC puppeteer strings have been cut.....

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8 hours ago, Usernames said:


Yep. A lot of Trump haters in California want to secede. Unlike Texas, for example, which has sufficient food and water to take care of itself, abundant energy resources and refineries, not to mention an electrical grid separate from the rest of the US, California gets more than half of its southern water supply (and almost all its agricultural water) from other states, has closed almost all its refineries, doesn't allow offshore drilling, is tied to the other states through their electrical grid. So, yea, let 'em go.  http://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-presidential-election-gives-momentum-to-california-secession-idea/



Releasing Cali to drift away should be contingent on not receiving any foreign aid.

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42 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

continued from my missive, above. . . . . 


         I voted for Stein, but my 2nd choice was HRC.  I voted against Trump because I care about youngsters and am trying to leave them a better world.   A large focus of Trump's campaign was sowing seeds of fear.  Look/listen to any of his stump speeches, and they're packed with admonitions and forebodings.  It worked to get fear-based people to vote for him (same people who own multiple guns to protect themselves from boogie men).    


        The average American is many times more likely to get killed by a white all-American terrorist than one with a name like Khalid or Muhammad. .....and many more times more likely to get struck by lightning than to get killed by any terrorist at all.  Yet, Trump has all rednecks scared out of their boots, clutching their guns.   It worked.  'Make America scared again,' like it was in the 1950's with the hocus pocus 'Red Scare' which propelled McCarthy to national status - not much different (including his one-man birther crusade) to how Trump became a national figure.   






A vote for Stein= a vote for Trump. You knew that before voting and still did it? Hope it wasn't in a close contest.

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43 minutes ago, MJP said:


Don't worry, four years flies by even if Trump lasts that long.


No idea where the Dems will be at that point, but a Pence/Gowdy team might be a good one.


The Dems still haven't checked off their "1st woman prez" box so they will run Liz Warren who....although I don't disagree with everything she says ...nonetheless comes across as a bit of a loon

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28 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

Funny how Trump supporters actually seem to think Trump cares one iota for them.  They were useful at getting him elected but that's about it. 

Well - let's see....He's essentially rolling up his sleeves to straighten out a festering mess 8 years in the making.....Dedicating the last remaining years of his life to work for his country.....

He could be anywhere else in the world doing anything he wanted - if he didn't care....

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1 minute ago, stephen tracy said:

Are you serious? 


Yes. I am serious. I am really interested to know you drew such conclusions. So if you could be so kind as to elaborate and provide evidence to corroborate said conclusions it would be much appreciated.  

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1 minute ago, coma said:


Yes. I am serious. I am really interested to know you drew such conclusions. So if you could be so kind as to elaborate and provide evidence to corroborate said conclusions it would be much appreciated.  

Due to the fact that he's lied to them throughout the entire campaign.  Even a moron like Trump must know he will be unable to follow through on his 'polices' (AKA threats and lies).  He backtracked on the Muslim ban within hours of winning.  Not days, hours.  He told them whatt they wanted to hear because he knew they'd buy it, and they lapped it up.  He has no respect for them and would have said anything to win.  He played to their basest fears.  It was a cheap campaign. Vet much like Brexit. 


On another note, I did find the photos of him meeting with Obama in the Whitehouse yesterday amusing.  Poor DT looked like a little lost child.  I expect the fact that he is now head of state and will be expected to actually do something is beginning to sink in.  This is not a reality TV show, which is not actually reality, where he gets to lord it over a bunch of appalling sycophants.    You can not tell other heads of state that they are fired.  You can not grope or sexually assault their wives.  You must know what a map of the world looks like without reaching for a children's atlas. 

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1 minute ago, stephen tracy said:

Due to the fact that he's lied to them throughout the entire campaign.  Even a moron like Trump must know he will be unable to follow through on his 'polices' (AKA threats and lies).  He backtracked on the Muslim ban within hours of winning.  Not days, hours.  He told them whatt they wanted to hear because he knew they'd buy it, and they lapped it up.  He has no respect for them and would have said anything to win.  He played to their basest fears.  It was a cheap campaign. Vet much like Brexit. 


On another note, I did find the photos of him meeting with Obama in the Whitehouse yesterday amusing.  Poor DT looked like a little lost child.  I expect the fact that he is now head of state and will be expected to actually do something is beginning to sink in.  This is not a reality TV show, which is not actually reality, where he gets to lord it over a bunch of appalling sycophants.    You can not tell other heads of state that they are fired.  You can not grope or sexually assault their wives.  You must know what a map of the world looks like without reaching for a children's atlas. 


Ah ok so you got nothing but rhetoric. 

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Trump had better learn to play nice with the press because they will rip into him and make his life difficult.  He is bringing a lot of baggage; the sex assaults, the ongoing fraud cases related to his  bogus university, the nonpayment of taxes, the failure to release full medical records, the behaviour of  his two boys and  his ongoing   conflicts of interest.  These things will be picked at and  will not go away. Trump enterprises is being hit badly as people  are avoiding the brand. His  staunchest supporters  can't afford his $500 a night rooms or expensive condos. 


The US public is about to have 4 years of buffoonery and instability the likes that have not been seen since  the last year of the Nixon presidency.  Obama restored the economy, I don't think  Trump will go back on that, nor do I see him doing much to change the affordable care act. Hopefully he slashes  social benefits for retirees and brings back the GOP tax reform proposal that would cut SS benefits to American nationals living outside the USA. Nothing would make me laugh more than to see Trumps supporters in Thailand crap their pants when their government handouts are cut. 


People are about to be shocked and awed by his appointments and miscues and missteps as his ego will get in the way.  He is too old  for the job. His clogged arteries and high cholesterol levels that were kept from the public will be a surprise, but the media will dig at that shortly.

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53 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

Funny how Trump supporters actually seem to think Trump cares one iota for them.  They were useful at getting him elected but that's about it. 


The people who believe Trump are suckers and he always screwed them over.  This includes his business partners, investors, employees, the "students' at Trump "University," and soon, his voters.  Just watch.

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press access is rightly being reviewed and defined…certain things need to be clarified as to what their future is going to be, moving forward.


Are they going to be objective or just out to embarrass the man who made them look stupid?


they're already running these interviews with these loony lefties who say they are scared….and crying on tv….while trump supporters are being assaulted in the streets.


they are also avoiding talking to any trump supporters as to what their hopes are…that would make far more interesting viewing.


but they have decided to be negative ….yet they still have people on saying we need to come together….what irony.


they've disgraced themselves by being completely biased and the public won't be sympathetic either.


62% of americans get their news from Facebook anyway…



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5 minutes ago, Strange said:


Ah ok so you got nothing but rhetoric. 

Have a look on the website and tell me if you can see the ban on Muslims.  That's not mere rhetoric.  It's not mere rhetoric, it's been deleted.  And there will be much more to follow. The reason being is that even DT knows his 'policies' are not realistic, let lone implementable. 

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3 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

Trump had better learn to play nice with the press because they will rip into him and make his life difficult.


Like, have they been taking it easy on him or something? Im pretty sure they did their best and now its done and they can't sway shit. 


5 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

The US public is about to have 4 years of buffoonery and instability the likes that have not been seen since  the last year of the Nixon presidency.  Obama restored the economy, I don't think  Trump will go back on that, nor do I see him doing much to change the affordable care act. Hopefully he slashes  social benefits for retirees and brings back the GOP tax reform proposal that would cut SS benefits to American nationals living outside the USA. Nothing would make me laugh more than to see Trumps supporters in Thailand crap their pants when their government handouts are cut. 


Well, thats certainly one doom and gloom spin but I don't think they will cut SS Benefits to overseas Americans. I know you clearly want to see Americans getting screwed, but honestly you are just going to have to wait until actual policies & stuff come out. 

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