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SURVEY: Did the US elect the right person as President?


SURVEY: Is President-elect, Donald, the right person to be the next President?  

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How quickly Trump supporters conveniently forget promises Trump repeated during the campaign.  Here are some:


>>>  "I will build a beautiful wall."   "The wall just got twice as high, believe me."  "....and I'll get Mexico to pay for it."  Already, the wall has digressed to a fence, maybe.  And not even the most brain-addled right wingers can see any way that Mexico will pay for any wall/fence on the border.


>>>   "I will appoint appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary's emails."   "She should be locked up."


>>>   "I will abolish the Dept. of Education and the IRS."


>>>   "I will ban all Muslims from entering the US....."


>>>   re; ISIS:   "bomb the hell out of 'em."


>>>    "women seeking abortions should be punished."


>>>   "I would love to release my tax forms.  I will do it as soon as the audit is done."


How soon will The Divider act on those promises?   Reality check:  most of those promises were just hot air.  He lied during the campaign to get votes, and he'll continue to lie.   That's what he's good at.


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3 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

How quickly Trump supporters conveniently forget promises Trump repeated during the campaign.  Here are some:


>>>  "I will build a beautiful wall."   "The wall just got twice as high, believe me."  "....and I'll get Mexico to pay for it."  Already, the wall has digressed to a fence, maybe.  And not even the most brain-addled right wingers can see any way that Mexico will pay for any wall/fence on the border.


>>>   "I will appoint appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary's emails."   "She should be locked up."


>>>   "I will abolish the Dept. of Education and the IRS."


>>>   "I will ban all Muslims from entering the US....."


>>>   re; ISIS:   "bomb the hell out of 'em."


>>>    "women seeking abortions should be punished."


>>>   "I would love to release my tax forms.  I will do it as soon as the audit is done."


How soon will The Divider act on those promises?   Reality check:  most of those promises were just hot air.  He lied during the campaign to get votes, and he'll continue to lie.   That's what he's good at.



Did you find the dates we pulled all of our troops out of Afghanistan & Iraq like I requested?


Was it on the same day that obama closed down gitmo? 



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22 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


A new election would take 2 years. The full term was only 4 years. Far more productive if the VP is allowed to advance. 


These idiots are already subjecting us to a campaign cycle in perpetuity. 

Preparing for an election really shouldn't take any longer then 6-12 months. =/  That would involve getting rid of the outdated "elections on the tuesday after the first monday of november" though. 

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15 minutes ago, Strange said:


You could have said that you Support Hillary Clinton and the status quo

That wasn't the question, nor the topic to which I replied.


I supported and voted for Hillary Clinton. You support Trump. I understood the probable consequences of Clinton being elected and, for the most part, agreed with them. If you didn't before, you need to make yourself aware of the consequences of Trump being elected, because they will have impact on the daily lives of billions of people, irrespective of their nationality and place of residence. In my opinion, those consequences will be dire.  YMMV.

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3 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

That wasn't the question, nor the topic to which I replied.


I supported and voted for Hillary Clinton. You support Trump. I understood the probable consequences of Clinton being elected and, for the most part, agreed with them. If you didn't before, you need to make yourself aware of the consequences of Trump being elected, because they will have impact on the daily lives of billions of people, irrespective of their nationality and place of residence. In my opinion, those consequences will be dire.  YMMV.

Trump wanted money and power and he took the head start that he had and worked for money and power.  Hillary wanted money and power and the American people have gave it to her.  Trump earned his and you can't take that away from him.  Hillary is finished.  She lost against Obama in racist America and against Trump what more needs to be said.  She is a loser.  Losers don't make good Presidents.

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15 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

How quickly Trump supporters conveniently forget promises Trump repeated during the campaign.  Here are some:


>>>  "I will build a beautiful wall."   "The wall just got twice as high, believe me."  "....and I'll get Mexico to pay for it."  Already, the wall has digressed to a fence, maybe.  And not even the most brain-addled right wingers can see any way that Mexico will pay for any wall/fence on the border.


>>>   "I will appoint appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary's emails."   "She should be locked up."


>>>   "I will abolish the Dept. of Education and the IRS."


>>>   "I will ban all Muslims from entering the US....."


>>>   re; ISIS:   "bomb the hell out of 'em."


>>>    "women seeking abortions should be punished."


>>>   "I would love to release my tax forms.  I will do it as soon as the audit is done."


How soon will The Divider act on those promises?   Reality check:  most of those promises were just hot air.  He lied during the campaign to get votes, and he'll continue to lie.   That's what he's good at.


He ran the most objectively LIE filled campaign in U.S. history. Quite often contradicting himself wildly (like the psycho case that he is) in the same bloody sentence! What would you expect from such a sleazeball CON MAN? His presidency as long as it lasts will be more of the same. But he will be impeached. Congress which he controls now doesn't want such an unstable vindictive dictator on their back ... as soon as he provides the ammunition, they will act. They'd love to work with Pence. The dreams of cleaning up the swamp ... never real. But we'll be get a far right wing extremist Christian fundamentalist swamp that will wipe out not only Obama but the entire new deal. Congratulations ... SUCKERS! You've been conned. 

Edited by Jingthing
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28 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


The question was if you were seriously referring to white people as being THE eligible vote?  So were you?

"Eligible" voters is a term used by pollsters in the US to define that those polled are eligible to vote....ie: registered. In the TV poll, actual  "eligible" voters are the ones from the US.

All that aside, I was being facetious.


Hope this helps :smile:


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Just now, Dtrump said:

Trump wanted money and power and he took the head start that he had and worked for money and power.  Hillary wanted money and power and the American people have gave it to her.  Trump earned his and you can't take that away from him.  Hillary is finished.  She lost against Obama in racist America and against Trump what more needs to be said.  She is a loser.  Losers don't make good Presidents.

"Trump earned his and you can't take that away from him."


Trump earned millions by cheating everyone he could, at every opportunity.


Hillary raised million for the Clinton Foundation which funds humanitarian programs around the world.


You wanted him to be president, so now you will reap what you have sown, along with everybody else on the planet.

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

He ran the most objectively LIE filled campaign in U.S. history. Quite often contradicting himself wildly (like the psycho case that he is) in the same bloody sentence! What would you expect from such a sleazeball CON MAN? His presidency as long as it lasts will be more of the same. But he will be impeached. Congress which he controls now doesn't want such an unstable vindictive dictator on their back ... as soon as he provides the ammunition, they will act. They'd love to work with Pence. The dreams of cleaning up the swamp ... never real. But we'll be get a far right wing extremist Christian fundamentalist swamp that will wipe out not only Obama but the entire new deal. Congratulations ... SUCKERS! You've been conned. 

No, we knew what we were getting your folks were conned into not voting and they got what they deserved.

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21 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

"Trump earned his and you can't take that away from him."


Trump earned millions by cheating everyone he could, at every opportunity.


Hillary raised million for the Clinton Foundation which funds humanitarian programs around the world.


You wanted him to be president, so now you will reap what you have sown, along with everybody else on the planet.

If Trump was such a cheat America has laws against that.   The FBI is not investigating Trump it is investigating Hillary and the Clinton Foundation.  Trump is one of the most hated by the rich and powerful men in the world persons.  If they could have exposed his cheating and arrested him (Democratic administration) they would have. 


The Clinton foundation is under investigation and I think will be proved to have acted illegally.

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31 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

Producing goods in the US will cost substantially more, so while there may well be more jobs in manufacturing, the cost of the items will increase exponentially, hardly a benefit for US consumers.


Donald a good negotiator? Tell that to all of the contractors, tradesmen, and suppliers that he as stiffed over the past decades. His idea of negotiation is to agree to a price for a given service or item, then refuse to pay and threaten the other party with long drawn out litigation. He can do that with small businessmen, but he will get eaten alive when he tries it with large multinationals.


Americans working in the fields? You are seriously dreaming. Donald promised the folks in Michigan that he would bring back jobs. They were thinking like the old days when a worker on the line made $60,000+. Do you really think they will work the fields picking lettuce for $24K? Even if a way was found to get the lettuce picked in exchange for higher wages, how long will American families put up with paying $8 for a head of lettuce that now costs $1.25?


What you propose is deport the illegal immigrants, subject them to a lengthy process to re-enter legally, and then paying them higher wages to do their old jobs. The costs for such a process for the millions of people involved would be astronomical. Why not simply give them a path while they are here now: register them, vet them in place (deporting the undesirables), and then let the majority stay and continue working? Why pay the billions needed to deport them all, severely disrupting their lives and more generally, the American economy?


 C'mon, think about this a bit. If Trump stiffed all his contractors, how would he get anyone to work on his massive projects?


No doubt goods made in the US will cost more but there will be many more working people to buy them as well as more people paying taxes. I suspect trade deals will also provide income for US workers making US products more affordable as as well as better quality. You see, I have confidence in US workers to be productive and to build better products. US workers just need a chance to show they can compete.

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5 minutes ago, NovaBlue05 said:

"Eligible" voters is a term used by pollsters in the US to define that those polled are eligible to vote....ie: registered. In the TV poll, actual  "eligible" voters are the ones from the US.

All that aside, I was being facetious.


Hope this helps :smile:



Were you referring to fact that 58% of white people voted for Trump or not?

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If the professional welfare families were to make less money, they may decide to go to work. Why would they want to work for less money than they get from welfare? As things are now we need illegals to harvest produce. We still have produce rotting in the fields because no one is willing to harvest it. Fruit and vegetable prices will go up because the farm workers deserve a livable wage. The object is to make it profitable for people working rather than collecting our TOO generous welfare benefits. Hopefully things will change.

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5 minutes ago, Gary A said:

If the professional welfare families were to make less money, they may decide to go to work. Why would they want to work for less money than they get from welfare? As things are now we need illegals to harvest produce. We still have produce rotting in the fields because no one is willing to harvest it. Fruit and vegetable prices will go up because the farm workers deserve a livable wage. The object is to make it profitable for people working rather than collecting our TOO generous welfare benefits. Hopefully things will change.

Henry Ford made cars affordable for everyone by inventing the assembly line.  The University of Arkansas and many other places are making mechanized harvesting machines and systems that will replace cheap stoop labor and provide crops for the same price.   Below is a strawberry picker


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37 minutes ago, Dtrump said:

Trump wanted money and power and he took the head start that he had and worked for money and power.  Hillary wanted money and power and the American people have gave it to her.  Trump earned his and you can't take that away from him.  Hillary is finished.  She lost against Obama in racist America and against Trump what more needs to be said.  She is a loser.  Losers don't make good Presidents.


"Trump earned his and you can't take that away from him."


Unless you state the simple fact that he inherited 27,000 apartments from his father that had he not sold off to invest in the tower and other vanity projects would be worth over 5 billion instead of his current worth of 3.7 billion.

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43 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

That wasn't the question, nor the topic to which I replied.


I supported and voted for Hillary Clinton. You support Trump. I understood the probable consequences of Clinton being elected and, for the most part, agreed with them. If you didn't before, you need to make yourself aware of the consequences of Trump being elected, because they will have impact on the daily lives of billions of people, irrespective of their nationality and place of residence. In my opinion, those consequences will be dire.  YMMV.


Fear Mongering. Childish level fear mongering. 


Give it up. You are insinuating that I'm somehow unaware of "what I've done" by voting Trump. 


I know exactly what Ive done. Couldn't care less what you think. Get over it. 

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11 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:

OK, so it was a coincidence, understood, I knew the 58% white voter figure already, and when I asked about it you made a comment about white people not being denied the vote, I am sure you can understand why you would be mistaken for a racist, if indeed you are not.


Geez man clearly everyone is trigger happy with the racist word. 

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Unfortunately even in the US small farmers cannot afford a hundred thousand dollar machine to harvest their crops. Here in Thailand farmers still cut sugar cane and rice by hand. Small farmers are being driven out if business. When everything is mechanized  small farms will be gone and we will pay the price. It's the same old story, the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. I have no idea what the answer is.

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1 minute ago, Shawn0000 said:


"Trump earned his and you can't take that away from him."


Unless you state the simple fact that he inherited 27,000 apartments from his father that had he not sold off to invest in the tower and other vanity projects would be worth over 5 billion instead of his current worth of 3.7 billion.

Trump got millions and turned it into billions.  Hillary was a bond daddy who levered first lady to a senate seat and appointment as Secretary of State.  Who would you give your money too?

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I am not American,


The Americans who voted for him got what they deserve, for the others I feel sorry.


I do not see him as being a "Fit and Proper Person" to be on the World Stage, and I think NATO would do better without the USA.


So when he plunges the USA into another war I hope my government tells him to sling his hook when he comes asking for our help, bearing in mind the USA has not won any war without British help. 



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3 minutes ago, Gary A said:

Unfortunately even in the US small farmers cannot afford a hundred thousand dollar machine to harvest their crops. Here in Thailand farmers still cut sugar cane and rice by hand. Small farmers are being driven out if business. When everything is mechanized  small farms will be gone and we will pay the price. It's the same old story, the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. I have no idea what the answer is.

Chicken used to be 99% produced on family farms.  Now chicken is 99% produced in agribusiness owned chicken houses.  Chicken only goes up with inflation and is still one of the best agriculture bargains.  The big business own the chickens and feed and processing.  Chicken prices have never been better.  So I think you are in error.  Henry Ford took over from 100 US auto makers and sold for less money through industrialization of a skilled trade.  He used far less man hours to produce a car and passed on the savings to the public. 

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Just now, Basil B said:

I am not American,


The Americans who voted for him got what they deserve, for the others I feel sorry.


I do not see him as being a "Fit and Proper Person" to be on the World Stage, and I think NATO would do better without the USA.


So when he plunges the USA into another war I hope my government tells him to sling his hook when he comes asking for our help, bearing in mind the USA has not won any war without British help.

Democrats and particularity Hillary had a war tendency (Libya and Iraq) not Trump.  You got the players mixed up.  Americans voted anti war when they voted for Trump.

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9 hours ago, Jingthing said:

He won't. People have been conned by a master CON MAN. They should have known  better.


He promised the moon. Instead the people will get MOONED by the President Nutcase. What did you expect from the man that ran a campaign that was the most disgusting display of HATE SPEECH in American history. 


The man has the emotional level of an immature small child in the body of a 70 year old. He has

no attention span. He's a know nothing. The planet is in danger now. 

I think Team Trump out played Team Hillary. There is a saying in the world of celebrities "Even bad publicity is good publicity" and yes to win an election you need to be a celebrity. 

How often do you see fading starlets allowing papparazzi's  take photographs of them getting out of a car exposing their private parts do you honestly think they didn't know their vagina would be exposed? How about male actors getting into a fight or being caught with drugs and or prostitutes.  They do it on purpose to get headlines without headlines they fade into oblivion and so do the big paychecks.


This is what Trump did he used vulgarity and hate to get free headlines while Team Hillary spent millions on advertising. Trumps was in the news constantly his name being repeated over and over again. That is what won him the election popularity.


However it doesn't mean he will be a nut job once he takes over. I am betting he will settle into the presidential chair quite comfortably. Remember he will have many advisers helping him make decisions.


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7 minutes ago, Dtrump said:

Trump got millions and turned it into billions.  Hillary was a bond daddy who levered first lady to a senate seat and appointment as Secretary of State.  Who would you give your money too?


27,000 apartments were worth just millions, really?  Even if they were worth just $37,000 each that would be a billion.  But of course they were worth more than that and at today's rates over 5 billion, so he would have been better off by not "making" anything, as all his investments combined have only succeeded in losing a lot of his fathers hard earned money.  You are just blindly repeating what Trump said when he spoke of his inheritance but neglected to mention the company he inherited along with the money.  The only Trump who has turned millions into billions was his father.

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2 minutes ago, Basil B said:


So the Bush's were Democrats... :cheesy:

Hillary voted for the War in Iraq and was in favor of the war in Libya.  I said nothing about the Bush's.  Bush was not running for President.


Despite valid ceasefire opportunities to prevent “bloodshed in Benghazi” at the onset of hostilities, Secretary Clinton intervened and quickly pushed her foreign policy in support of a revolution led by the Muslim Brotherhood and known terrorists in the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. http://nationalinterest.org/feature/hillarys-huge-libya-disaster-16600

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8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

trump's victory validates and gives approval to misogynistic hate speech as above.  Expect a lot of more of that now and also targeted at Muslims, Latinos, LGBTQ, African Americans, Jews, and really most anyone that isn't a white man. 



Ohio: Racist graffiti, swastikas mar Clintonville in night http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2012/02/19/racist-grafitti-swastikas-mar-clintonville-at-night.html#


Minnesota: Secret Service probing van’s violent, vulgar message aimed at Clinton on I-94 http://m.startribune.com/secret-service-probing-van-s-violent-vulgar-message-aimed-at-clinton-on-i-94/400721421/


Maple Grove School Investigating Racist, Pro-Trump Graffiti http://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2016/11/09/racist-pro-trump-graffiti-maple-grove/


North Carolina: Downtown Durham graffiti takes aim at black voters http://wncn.com/2016/11/09/downtown-durham-graffiti-takes-aim-at-black-voters/


A rash of racist attacks have broken out in the US after Donald Trump’s victory http://qz.com/833607/us-election-a-rash-of-racist-attacks-have-broken-out-in-the-us-after-donald-trumps-victory/?utm_source=YPH_link_1


It is not an external enemy that has done this.

Pence has promised Dobson that the first rights to be removed will be those of GLBT.  We’ve already had physical attacks and verbal abuse of gays over the last 3 days. http://usuncut.news/2016/11/10/pence-promises-supporters-that-lgbtq-rights-will-be-first-to-go-video/

During an interview with James Dobson, host of the wildly homophobic Focus on the Family, Mike Pence assured his interviewer and his supporters that any progress made toward protecting LGBTQ rights under President Obama will be swiftly undone under President Trump. Issue by issue, he asserted over and over again a plan to marginalize and invalidate an entire group of citizens whom he is about to lead as vice-president.

Remember President Obama issuing orders to protect transgender citizens from being exposed to transphobia, hatred, and violence in public restrooms inside schools and federal buildings? Those protections are over.

I’ve got many more examples, but I think you can see that this is turning ugly.

Has any other election brought us to a situation where children are afraid to go to their schools and are crying about it?

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