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SURVEY: Did the US elect the right person as President?


SURVEY: Is President-elect, Donald, the right person to be the next President?  

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15 minutes ago, pgrahmm said:


The assumptions that they are paying anyone, financing anything or in anyway encouraging rioting is of baseless, what they are definitely doing is organizing protests which is a fundamental right of democracy, got a problem with democracy?

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Just now, Shawn0000 said:


The assumptions that they are paying anyone, financing anything or in anyway encouraging rioting is of baseless, what they are definitely doing is organizing protests which is a fundamental right of democracy, got a problem with democracy?

Protesting is not rioting, looting,  burning,property & life changing damages....Those are criminal actions.....


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23 hours ago, Aforek said:

right, in my country ( France ), Clinton wins, but at 69 years old and her strange behavior I think anyway she's not the good person

How vote works in USA is very strange to me  ( as strange as baseball or American football I must say :smile:)

What is more stranger than rugby, big muscle bound guys running around showing a lot of strength, running power, and very little, if any, skill?

and what about that Celtic huddle?

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12 minutes ago, rickb said:


Pgrahmm, can you please quote a source for this information?  I can't find anything similar in any news outlet that I've researched.  Everything I read still says that Michigan is not yet decided and that the popular vote is still in favor of HRC.  

As of today, most if not all media outlets show that Trump won the election with only 279 EC votes.  But the truth is Trump also won Michigan with 16 EC votes and Arizona with 11 EC votes for a total of 306 EC votes.  Hillary only won 228 EC votes but it looks like she barely won New Hampshire which should put her at 232 EC votes.  As a result, Trump won 57% of all EC votes.

HIllary turned in the Democratic Party’s worst Electoral College performance in 28 years.

They are referencing The New York Times data .....

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The question as asked is almost non-sensical: "SURVEY: Is President-elect, Donald, the right person to be the next President?"


In the US, the President-elect is the only person to be the next president unless he or she dies or becomes incapacitated before inauguration. 


Is Trump the right person? He's the only person who has that right, as designated by the electoral college. You may not like him, and as an American citizen, you have that right as well. 


Personally, I hate the idea, but that's the way the democracy works in the USA. A whole lotta people fought and died defending that system, and I have to respect that. As a veteran myself, I find it repulsive when Michael Moore compares the electoral college to "colored-only" drinking fountains, - and he is wrong when he calls the electoral college an illegal system. <deleted>! 


But this is what America has become: one large swath of the population is a bunch of whining babies who need comfort kittens and a safe space whenever something happens they don't like. They don't work, and they are dependant on the government for basics like food, clothing, housing and education. (Another large swath of the population is dangerous, drugged up, and has a boatload of guns locked & loaded.) 


That's pretty much why I live in and love S. Asia. It's not that. I also said I would not live in a country ruled by GW Bush, and I moved; been here ever since. Love it or leave it, has always been the best advice - unless you want to change the constitution and laws by working within the system. After 30 years of trying, I gave up. But that's also a right that Americans have. It's truly the great experiment (ongoing). 


My one winge this year was that I was unable to vote as an expat. I no longer maintain an address in the US, and hence, no longer pay state tax. While federal law says I can vote, there is no state in which I can register my vote. I am consoled only by not having a strong preference, one way or another. Clinton is a crook, Trump a madman and Johnson is an idiot, with the rest irrelevant. 


But at least when Obamacare is rolled back, I won't be fined $900 per year for not having worthless health insurance that I can't use. That's the bright side for me. And perhaps my brothers and sisters back in the USA, will now get a better deal than $450 per month with a 7K deductible. 






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22 minutes ago, rickb said:


Pgrahmm, can you please quote a source for this information?  I can't find anything similar in any news outlet that I've researched.  Everything I read still says that Michigan is not yet decided and that the popular vote is still in favor of HRC.  


It comes from a site called, newsbreakshere, I wouldn't recommend visiting it though as you will bombarded by popups.  The fact that they felt the need to post an image at this resolution should tell you something, just what are they trying to hide within this unreadable blur?

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15 minutes ago, pgrahmm said:

Protesting is not rioting, looting,  burning,property & life changing damages....Those are criminal actions.....



Absolutely, and where is the link between those actions and the charity mentioned?  That is what the article claims without giving a scrap of evidence to support that claim, no doubt because there isn't any!  Tell me, if I organize a protest, call on people to join me and some of those people happen to behave unlawfully, then would I be accountable?

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9 minutes ago, StrandedBusinessPerson said:

The question as asked is almost non-sensical: "SURVEY: Is President-elect, Donald, the right person to be the next President?"


In the US, the President-elect is the only person to be the next president unless he or she dies or becomes incapacitated before inauguration. 


Is Trump the right person? He's the only person who has that right, as designated by the electoral college. You may not like him, and as an American citizen, you have that right as well. 


Personally, I hate the idea, but that's the way the democracy works in the USA. A whole lotta people fought and died defending that system, and I have to respect that. As a veteran myself, I find it repulsive when Michael Moore compares the electoral college to "colored-only" drinking fountains, - and he is wrong when he calls the electoral college an illegal system. <deleted>! 


But this is what America has become: one large swath of the population is a bunch of whining babies who need comfort kittens and a safe space whenever something happens they don't like. They don't work, and they are dependant on the government for basics like food, clothing, housing and education. (Another large swath of the population is dangerous, drugged up, and has a boatload of guns locked & loaded.) 


That's pretty much why I live in and love S. Asia. It's not that. I also said I would not live in a country ruled by GW Bush, and I moved; been here ever since. Love it or leave it, has always been the best advice - unless you want to change the constitution and laws by working within the system. After 30 years of trying, I gave up. But that's also a right that Americans have. It's truly the great experiment (ongoing). 


My one winge this year was that I was unable to vote as an expat. I no longer maintain an address in the US, and hence, no longer pay state tax. While federal law says I can vote, there is no state in which I can register my vote. I am consoled only by not having a strong preference, one way or another. Clinton is a crook, Trump a madman and Johnson is an idiot, with the rest irrelevant. 


But at least when Obamacare is rolled back, I won't be fined $900 per year for not having worthless health insurance that I can't use. That's the bright side for me. And perhaps my brothers and sisters back in the USA, will now get a better deal than $450 per month with a 7K deductible. 







The question is simple and very much answerable when you treat it like any other job.  Lets phrase it differently, is Trump the best man for the job?  We know he has been elected, we know the legal right, what we want to know is if the party chose the right candidate and if people voted for the right candidate.

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ID: 1   Posted yesterday at 09:25 AM · Report post

Now that the election is over, in your opinion, do you believe the US chose the right person to be the next president?


Please feel free to make a comment.  All members are welcome to express their opinion, regardless of nationality.  


Amazing I understood the Thai Visa guidelines prohibited political content, I was recently censored for starting a thread on the British Royal Family, surely this thread can only be political


But then we are in Thailand!!!!!


Will I wonder this post be censored


Is Thai Visa democratic


Personally I believe TV to be exceedingly informative and useful

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17 minutes ago, pgrahmm said:

As of today, most if not all media outlets show that Trump won the election with only 279 EC votes.  But the truth is Trump also won Michigan with 16 EC votes and Arizona with 11 EC votes for a total of 306 EC votes.  Hillary only won 228 EC votes but it looks like she barely won New Hampshire which should put her at 232 EC votes.  As a result, Trump won 57% of all EC votes.

HIllary turned in the Democratic Party’s worst Electoral College performance in 28 years.

They are referencing The New York Times data .....

I believe you I also believe that media is still trying to influence he image of Trump in a negative way. Media is very much to blame for what is happening now on the streets. Why does Obama not stop the riots.? Does Obama agree that looting stopping traffic,beating people is a Democrats right in america

Edited by lovelomsak
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On 11/12/2016 at 10:04 AM, Dagnabbit said:

Of course the right person got elected. He won. That's democracy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You are right about democracy, wrong about "the right person". I will take a bet that he won't be reelected in 4 years for the following reason: If Trump keeps only 50% of his promises (threats) then G-d help the USA and the rest of the free world. If he doesn't keep most of his promises (threats), which we all hope will be the case, then his voters will be very disappointed and most certainly not vote for him.


Another point one should consider is the electoral system in the US. Under the present system (electoral college - winner takes all per state) the popular vote is simply ignored, which leads to a candidate winning the majority of the popular vote losing the election. This was the situation when Gore lost to Bush, and it again has repeated itself this time. Although the count has not finally been established, it is a fact that HRC won the popular vote by more than half a million votes. One must ask oneself if this is fair and democratic. After all, every vote should carry the same weight in a democracy. Admittedly, a similar system exists in some other countries, mainly in the UK, where Prime Ministers won the election with a minority of the popular vote. In my view systems leading to such results are undemocratic and should be altered.

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20 minutes ago, zydeco said:


Guest worker programs in agriculture currently exist.  They go unused because agribusiness does not want to pay even those low wages, preferring to dodge payroll taxes and give only slave level wages.  BTW, I always wondered when I was living in the US how it was possible for me to buy Australian oranges that were cheaper than those grown in the US.  How can this be so when there aren't any Mexican illegals in Australia of any significant number?


Australia does have a 'guest worker' type program, and the folks in Aussie this applies to are rather originally known as '457' workers from the number on the top of the visa application form.


The lower skilled agricultural industry 457 visa holders tend to be from SE Asia, though this tends to be a constantly changing dynamic. Not sure what the current 457 figures are, but as you would imagine they do vary a lot between industries and seasons. The Agricultural industry is often at or near the top though.


Ostensibly a 457 visa holder is a skilled worker, but these conditions are only really applied in the cities and other major urban areas. The rural areas of Australia faced with seasonal and time-sensitive harvests will take just about whatever labour they can find when harvest time comes around. Hence a lot of backpackers, mostly from Europe, are employed as well. In some parts of Australia they are actually the largest part of the workforce. These folks are not in Aussie on 457 visas though, more usually they're on tourist visas.


Same as your country, there are some unscrupulous operators, but the majority seem to treat their 457 and Euro backpackers quite well, certainly better then some of the horror stories I've heard coming out of the US. Conditions do apply on both 457 and tourist visa holders, but all workers in Oz regardless of their visa enjoy the same conditions as an Aussie worker, such as sick days, workers comp, training allowances, provision of HSE equipment and superannuation levies. Their rights are protected by law.



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17 minutes ago, pgrahmm said:

As of today, most if not all media outlets show that Trump won the election with only 279 EC votes.  But the truth is Trump also won Michigan with 16 EC votes and Arizona with 11 EC votes for a total of 306 EC votes.  Hillary only won 228 EC votes but it looks like she barely won New Hampshire which should put her at 232 EC votes.  As a result, Trump won 57% of all EC votes.

HIllary turned in the Democratic Party’s worst Electoral College performance in 28 years.

They are referencing The New York Times data .....


We know who won the most EC votes.  The part in question would be the popular final total an the claim that Trump got  699,993 more votes, is that from the New York Times?  The figure I see is 395,595 more to Clinton.

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On 11/12/2016 at 10:04 AM, Dagnabbit said:

Of course the right person got elected. He won. That's democracy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He won the electoral college count, not the popular vote. That's a manipulated version of democracy.



For only the fourth time in U.S. history, the presidential campaign has ended with an electoral college winner who won fewer votes than his opponent.


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Entirely predictable poll result which confirms (not that confirmation was needed) one my earliest prejudices about the Thailand "experience". 


The one concerning the nature of foreigners with an "interest" in Thailand.


In common with most people, I like to be "right".


PS A poll last week in the UK showed that only 12% of British people would have voted for Trump.  As one would expect the percentage among the crazed fanatics of UKIP was much higher: 43%.


Edited by Enoon
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Just now, Suradit69 said:

He won the electoral college count, not the popular vote. That's a manipulated version of democracy.




The popular vote simply shows that more welfare people, dead people and redundant bloated government employees exceed the number of smaller state working people.

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13 hours ago, Thakkar said:



Ohio: Racist graffiti, swastikas mar Clintonville in night http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2012/02/19/racist-grafitti-swastikas-mar-clintonville-at-night.html#


Minnesota: Secret Service probing van’s violent, vulgar message aimed at Clinton on I-94 http://m.startribune.com/secret-service-probing-van-s-violent-vulgar-message-aimed-at-clinton-on-i-94/400721421/


Maple Grove School Investigating Racist, Pro-Trump Graffiti http://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2016/11/09/racist-pro-trump-graffiti-maple-grove/


North Carolina: Downtown Durham graffiti takes aim at black voters http://wncn.com/2016/11/09/downtown-durham-graffiti-takes-aim-at-black-voters/


A rash of racist attacks have broken out in the US after Donald Trump’s victory http://qz.com/833607/us-election-a-rash-of-racist-attacks-have-broken-out-in-the-us-after-donald-trumps-victory/?utm_source=YPH_link_1


It is not an external enemy that has done this.

Pence has promised Dobson that the first rights to be removed will be those of GLBT.  We’ve already had physical attacks and verbal abuse of gays over the last 3 days. http://usuncut.news/2016/11/10/pence-promises-supporters-that-lgbtq-rights-will-be-first-to-go-video/

During an interview with James Dobson, host of the wildly homophobic Focus on the Family, Mike Pence assured his interviewer and his supporters that any progress made toward protecting LGBTQ rights under President Obama will be swiftly undone under President Trump. Issue by issue, he asserted over and over again a plan to marginalize and invalidate an entire group of citizens whom he is about to lead as vice-president.

Remember President Obama issuing orders to protect transgender citizens from being exposed to transphobia, hatred, and violence in public restrooms inside schools and federal buildings? Those protections are over.

I’ve got many more examples, but I think you can see that this is turning ugly.

Has any other election brought us to a situation where children are afraid to go to their schools and are crying about it?


The post merits reposting for numerous superlative reasons. 

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On November 12, 2016 at 10:10 AM, Rob13 said:

This election was off the rails from a long time ago. Hilary was the wrong person, Trump is the wrong person. Hopefully Trump has enough sense though  to rise above the playground mentality of his campaign of name calling  and late night tweets  to fill the shoes of a leader and develop the skills to workout some of the problems facing the country. Time will tell. It's hard to have confidence in someone who ridiculed a handicapped on national TV then tried to deny it though.

If I was handicapped I would not want to coddled because of it.

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28 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


The question is simple and very much answerable when you treat it like any other job.  Lets phrase it differently, is Trump the best man for the job?  We know he has been elected, we know the legal right, what we want to know is if the party chose the right candidate and if people voted for the right candidate.

Yes and Yes

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5 hours ago, WaywardWind said:

There are several reasons, primary among which are the bogus late-arriving Comey scandal over emails, and the fact that voters who were polled ahead of the election lied to the pollsters because they were ashamed to say that they would be voting for Trump.  The Trump campaign calls them "shy supporters." I would use a different adjective.


What about the fact that he had a huge support in rural areas and pollsters didn't get to them as they are too spread out?


I've never had anyone "polling" me, but I would have told them to get lost. I'm not shy.:smile:



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Based on Donald Trump's personal history and his own words spoken during the campaign he was not a viable candidate for President. That said, both major US political parties failed to provide viable candidates. Trump was elected due to being the only one left voicing the frustration/anger held by large numbers of the middle class. We will have to see, but I see nothing that suggests he will have the desire or ability to address the issue of the deep economic cause of the frustration (shared by the global community and not limited to the US).

Edited by wwest5829
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31 minutes ago, abrahamzvi said:

You are right about democracy, wrong about "the right person". I will take a bet that he won't be reelected in 4 years for the following reason: If Trump keeps only 50% of his promises (threats) then G-d help the USA and the rest of the free world. If he doesn't keep most of his promises (threats), which we all hope will be the case, then his voters will be very disappointed and most certainly not vote for him.




Don't you guys ever tire of betting against Trump? He won the primaries, the election... all impossible. Now he's not going to keep promises and won't win the next elections? Smart money says you're wrong - again.

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25 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


We know who won the most EC votes.  The part in question would be the popular final total an the claim that Trump got  699,993 more votes, is that from the New York Times?  The figure I see is 395,595 more to Clinton.



Who gives  tinker about HRC, she is over and out now.  What occurred is the way America has voted democratically for decades and no matter how much people bleat and cry it ain't going to change a thing.  Get over it and get on with it.:wai:

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