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SURVEY: Did the US elect the right person as President?


SURVEY: Is President-elect, Donald, the right person to be the next President?  

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On 11/12/2016 at 8:53 PM, ClutchClark said:

Did you find the dates we pulled all of our troops out of Afghanistan & Iraq like I requested?

Was it on the same day that obama closed down gitmo? ;-)


Obama has been steadily lessening US troop numbers from the two wars in Dune countries.  

Trump twists that around and blames Obama for starting ISIS.  


Obama has been trying to take prisoners out of Cuba's Gitmo.  It costs over a million dollars a year to keep each prisoner.  Reps have no problem with that.  Reps love to spend taxpayer money - no matter if they pay many times more than is reasonable.  Trump wants to spend $30 billion on a wall which won't work, and an added $50 billion to maintain and man it.  So what?  It's other peoples' money, so what does it matter?


Note:  Republicans in Congress automatically say 'no' to everything Obama proposes.  When Obama suggested putting Gitmo prisoners in special high-security prisons in the US, Reps immediately said a loud 'No!'   Reason?   Fear.   Republicans feed on (and preach) fear, breakfast, lunch and dinner.



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Here's a couple of News specials.


Washington ABC Bureau Chief, Zoe Daniels interviews two children, an 8 and 10 year old and guess what, they're HRC supporters.  The other good news is that they're her own children.  She might as well   interviewed herself.


The second bit of news.  Protests to be held in Austin Texas.  Three buses sighted transporting them in.  Now I wonder who arranged and paid for that.  :wai:

Edited by Si Thea01
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16 hours ago, sujoop said:

'Conservative Videos' as source?

Actually, Trump won with a majority of under-educated, ageing, white voters and by the slimmest of margins in the rust belt:

"Voters who had college and postgraduate education were far more likely to support Ms Clinton – only 37 per cent of voters with postgraduate qualifications backed the Republican."

In August I posted if he could 'sell' the under-educated in the rust-belt states on 'bringing back coal jobs' etc, he'd win. Of course this is akin to making the future of coal jobs in the UK 'great again'. To others this is 'simple' carbon-dated populism designed to win votes from the under-educated.

Not surprisingly, Trump is also winning on this TV forum poll, a forum which is well represented by white, ageing, resentful, stroppy, misogynist, xenophobes (redundant to also add under-educated;)

a forum which is well represented by white, ageing, resentful, stroppy, misogynist, xenophobes

Really? Seems like flaming to me.

Well, I'd rather be that than a person that can't see that HRC is a very bad person that would have been very, very bad for the US and the world.

Between the two of them, the right person got elected.

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1 hour ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


You talkin' to me?


Quite the fantasy that you have created about me. Any more fan fiction to share?


The left deal in fiction, just watch the American news media.  How can anyone create a fantasy around someone who is a legend in his own mind.:wai:

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Here's a couple of News specials.
Washington ABC Bureau Chief, Zoe Daniels interviews two children, an 8 and 10 year old and guess what, they're HRC supporters.  The other good news is that they're her own children.  She might as well   interviewed herself.
The second bit of news.  Protests to be held in Austin Texas.  Three buses sighted transporting them in.  Now I wonder who arranged and paid for that.  :wai:
Globalist Jews, natch. (Sarcasm)
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37 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

Very reminiscent of Germany 1933.


Hey-hey, didn't mention the Hitler word. Shows progress, right?


Let's just wait and see what happens. Easy for those not in the crosshairs to say.




It's easy for anyone with a bit of maturity. If you can't handle it why not join a protest near you and vent, or find a college campus somewhere and have a good sob alongside all the mourning students. Crying can be therapeutic.

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21 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

He is as factual as you are.


Seems that there are a lot of posters that think by having a hissy fit they can actually change the election results. :cheesy:



It's been a week. Well past the use by date for crowing.


Not in all the many posts on the multiple threads have I heard anyone talk about changing the result. It is done and dusted. Get over it. The election result does not mean that critics are silenced and the fact that there is a massive atypical response demonstrates that the old fallacy of 'coming together' is not going to work this time. The right wing are scared of this so are starting to use the 'Un American' term.


Opposition is legitimate. Time to move on from the election. Most of us have and are working on proactive resistance to the coming nightmare.




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You never hear Trump detractors say anything about this:


Trump spent about half of what Clinton did on his way to the presidency




That's intelligent use of funds.


What about this:


During his first television interview as president-elect on Sunday, Trump told 60 Minutes’ Lesley Stahl that he wouldn’t take a salary as president.

“Well, I’ve never commented on this, but the answer is no,” Trump said. “I think I have to by law take $1, so I’ll take $1 a year. But it’s a -- I don’t even know what it is.”

Stahl reminded the president-elect, “[That’s] $400,000 you’re giving up.”

Again, Trump answered, “No, I’m not gonna take the salary. I’m not taking it.”



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14 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


The left deal in fiction, just watch the American news media.  How can anyone create a fantasy around someone who is a legend in his own mind.:wai:


Don't worry. I didn't think you would get the reference and the jab.


Your perspicacity derives from watching American news down under. Well that explains the half baked regurgitation of silly talking points. Your cable package must be pretty good. Carry on watching that TV.


Keep talking about me and not the topic. It is my favorite subject.

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5 minutes ago, tropo said:

It's easy for anyone with a bit of maturity. If you can't handle it why not join a protest near you and vent, or find a college campus somewhere and have a good sob alongside all the mourning students. Crying can be therapeutic.


You think this is all going to die down soon enough, do you?


Muslim-American radicalisation? Mexican-American protests and riots? Boycotts? Cop ambushes? Assassination attempts? Civil war?


Welcome to Trumplandia.




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2 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:


You think this is all going to die down soon enough, do you?


Muslim-American radicalisation? Mexican-American protests and riots? Boycotts? Cop ambushes? Assassination attempts? Civil war?


Welcome to Trumplandia.





I didn't say anything about when I think it's going to die down. I'm not going to predict anything and will just wait and see.


I was merely suggesting that many people require therapy to get over the shock of Trump winning.

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42 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

No, but that isn't what this thread is about.

I would suggest that there are thousands of people in the US that would make better presidents, but you will never see them standing because they know what the media will do to them and their families.

The country gets what it deserves for allowing such a disgusting media.


The thread is about the question:

Is President-elect, Donald Trump, the right person to be the next President?

If the best person for the job, all things considered, is not the right person to be the next president then who is?

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8 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:


You think this is all going to die down soon enough, do you?


Muslim-American radicalisation? Mexican-American protests and riots? Boycotts? Cop ambushes? Assassination attempts? Civil war?


Welcome to Trumplandia.

Must be a typo.  I think you mean Trumpophobia.  Almost epidemic proportions among the nanny staters. 

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1 minute ago, Dtrump said:

Must be a typo.  I think you mean Trumpophobia.  Almost epidemic proportions among the nanny staters. 


Who cares if their fears are irrational or not, the streets are ablaze, this is real and this is a direct result of Trumps campaign.  Now all we need is some of Trumps faithful NRA supporters to take the law into their own hands and we really will see a civil war, to neglect just how serious this situation is with a simplistic dismissal such as this being a phobic response potentially could be disastrous to the US.

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16 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:


You think this is all going to die down soon enough, do you?


Muslim-American radicalisation? Mexican-American protests and riots? Boycotts? Cop ambushes? Assassination attempts? Civil war?


Welcome to Trumplandia.




As started by . . . . The standing administration.......

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

He is as factual as you are.


Seems that there are a lot of posters that think by having a hissy fit they can actually change the election results. :cheesy:



Can someone please explain to me what these protestors are trying to achieve. Are they hoping that the election results can be rescinded or altered in some way? Perhaps a military coup? ... or are they just venting their emotions as part of some twisted therapy.


They are putting in a lot of effort, but to what end?

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45 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:

Now all we need is some of Trumps faithful NRA supporters to take the law into their own hands and we really will see a civil war.


Don't be such a drama queen

Besides your being ridiculous with your sky is falling civil  war crap


Takes two side to have a civil war like the US once did.


Look at where they chose to have their riots....

non carry blue states you can guess why yes?

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5 minutes ago, tropo said:

Can someone please explain to me what these protestors are trying to achieve. 


They are putting in a lot of effort, but to what end?


If you have ever seen children raised poorly...aka: spoiled brats

then you know they have no goal


it is a tantrum plain & simple....best way for them to learn is the same as any spoilt child.

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The protesters are exercising their right and their obligation to protest the oncoming fascist, racist, xenophobic, misogynist, homophobic, bigot, sociopath, incoming disaster of a regime. More power to them. Oh, try to treat me like a spoiled child, I never was and when the whippings lead to blood on my back I fought back. I still fight back. Lot of the above on this thread, may you reap what you sow.


Note: I knew Howard Zinn, had great respect for him and for his writing.
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1 minute ago, sgtsabai said:

The protesters are exercising their right and their obligation to protest the oncoming fascist, racist, xenophobic, misogynist, homophobic, bigot, sociopath, incoming disaster of a regime.


Protest throw tantrums all you like....within the law.....if not don't complain about what comes next....wanna step it up? Doubt it


As for all your crystal ball bull ....We will see if & when any of it comes...until then your just another chicken little running around inciting panic like a spoilt child....it will be tolerated as far as the law allows

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7 minutes ago, sgtsabai said:

The protesters are exercising their right and their obligation to protest the oncoming fascist, racist, xenophobic, misogynist, homophobic, bigot, sociopath, incoming disaster of a regime. More power to them. Oh, try to treat me like a spoiled child, I never was and when the whippings lead to blood on my back I fought back. I still fight back. Lot of the above on this thread, may you reap what you sow.


Note: I knew Howard Zinn, had great respect for him and for his writing.

You can protest whatever you like, but why protest about things which cannot be changed. IMO you'd have to be seriously retarded to do that... and you're calling it an obligation based only on predictions you've made.

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21 minutes ago, mania said:


Don't be such a drama queen

Besides your being ridiculous with your sky is falling civil  war crap


Takes two side to have a civil war like the US once did.


Look at where they chose to have their riots....

non carry blue states you can guess why yes?


"Now all we need is some of Trumps faithful NRA supporters to take the law into their own hands and we really will see a civil war."

"Takes two side to have a civil war"


Way to go on that one.

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4 minutes ago, tropo said:

You can protest whatever you like, but why protest about things which cannot be changed. IMO you'd have to be seriously retarded to do that... and you're calling it an obligation based only on predictions you've made.


Exactly + These nimrods are no different than the idiots that think it's cool to yell fire in a crowded theater. To top it off most are paper patriots that no longer even live in the USA

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I'm not back in the Corporate Police State, I'm here. If I were back I wouldn't be part of the legal and welcome demonstrations. I'm not letting anybody hit me without fighting back and I never was into "peace, love, dope and good vibes". Comprede' ese'?


Why protest things you think cannot be changed, because that is the way to change things.


Wanna' show me how you would correct a spoiled child. I had one, US Navy SEAL Love to see you pick your butt off the ground if you called him that...lol. I'm Semper Fi. The right wing are a bunch of losers, fascist, racist, xenophobic, misogynist, homophobic, bigot, sociopath rednecks for the most part. Some of those that actually voted for the fascist are just damned ignorant. What category do you fit?


The fight against the Trump has just begun and I hope it continues until he and his right wingnut cabal are tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail.


Don't get me wrong on the Clinton side, I despise the Clintons and have since Slick Willy was in office.


Let me add, the Trump is not and never will be my president.

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9 minutes ago, tropo said:

You can protest whatever you like, but why protest about things which cannot be changed. IMO you'd have to be seriously retarded to do that... and you're calling it an obligation based only on predictions you've made.


They are not, they are protesting things that can be changed.  Isn't it funny how the NRA supporters keep their guns in defense of a potential tyrant coming to power but when someone else fears the coming rein of a potential tyrant they bleat out that nothing can be done about it?  Absolutely hilarious!!!

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2 minutes ago, sgtsabai said:

I'm not back in the Corporate Police State, I'm here. If I were back I wouldn't be part of the legal and welcome demonstrations. I'm not letting anybody hit me without fighting back and I never was into "peace, love, dope and good vibes". Comprede' ese'?


Why protest things you think cannot be changed, because that is the way to change things.


Wanna' show me how you would correct a spoiled child. I had one, US Navy SEAL Love to see you pick your butt off the ground if you called him that...lol. I'm Semper Fi. The right wing are a bunch of losers, fascist, racist, xenophobic, misogynist, homophobic, bigot, sociopath rednecks for the most part. Some of those that actually voted for the fascist are just damned ignorant. What category do you fit?


The fight against the Trump has just begun and I hope it continues until he and his right wingnut cabal are tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail.


Don't get me wrong on the Clinton side, I despise the Clintons and have since Slick Willy was in office.


Let me add, the Trump is not and never will be my president.


Gee, a lot of built up hate in this piece of diatribe.  Why do you brag about what you navy Seal son would do?  I hate to think what would happen if he met up with a loony carrying a gun or even worse, a semi automatic that some do over there.  So you despise the Clintons, hate Trump, who will never be your President.  So did you vote? :wai:

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7 minutes ago, sgtsabai said:

I'm not back in the Corporate Police State, I'm here. If I were back I wouldn't be part of the legal and welcome demonstrations.


I'm Semper Fi. 


Let me add, the Trump is not and never will be my president.

Yada Yada Yada , blah,blah,blah

yeah sure pal.....your pony tail too tight?


you stay in east bumsuk Nakhon nowhere

we don't need you thanks

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