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SURVEY: Did the US elect the right person as President?


SURVEY: Is President-elect, Donald, the right person to be the next President?  

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1 minute ago, boomerangutang said:


          Rejoice and gloat to your heart's content.  But that doesn't change the fact that HRC was 6 to 9 % points ahead for weeks, until the 11th day before the election, when Comey and Guiliani released the false flag report 


Read our lips............POLL'S meant squat as they are a BS slice of whatever the pollsters want them to be


As for FBI we never cared.....we knew from day one that useless piece of meat HC was guilty as sin. That she has not done time....yet.....might qualify her for some obscure thing in the Guinness book of records


We never  gave a crap what the emails didn't show as we knew she cleared the disk

The main infraction is that she had a private server in the first place period......Don't even bother trying to claim that as any innocent mistake

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1 hour ago, pgrahmm said:


How are they expected to get there then? Transporter beam?


Funny how this was the issue that Trump tweeted when he got his Twitter account back and then immediately had to walk it back.


Long may the protests last.




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24 minutes ago, mania said:


Read our lips............POLL'S meant squat as they are a BS slice of whatever the pollsters want them to be


As for FBI we never cared.....we knew from day one that useless piece of meat HC was guilty as sin. That she has not done time....yet.....might qualify her for some obscure thing in the Guinness book of records


We never  gave a crap what the emails didn't show as we knew she cleared the disk

The main infraction is that she had a private server in the first place period......Don't even bother trying to claim that as any innocent mistake


The angry old white men are still angry it seems.


Let's see how long people put up with that.

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16 hours ago, JDGRUEN said:


There are at least three posts on this thread pointing out that the USA IS NOT A DEMOCRACY.... America is a Republic - and there is a difference ... Please go back and scan the posts and find what you evidently have no clue about...  


I stand corrected Sir. I wonder why then that we never hear of The Republic of the United States of America.

It is indeed a different system bound by a constitution, and so I wonder why we hear so often that: "America is the greatest democracy in the world" when it clearly is not.

Can you tell me if the USA (RUSA) should even be considered democratic by the common definition: a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

I would have thought it qualified, but you are the expert.



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5 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


Who cares if their fears are irrational or not, the streets are ablaze, this is real and this is a direct result of Trumps campaign.  Now all we need is some of Trumps faithful NRA supporters to take the law into their own hands and we really will see a civil war, to neglect just how serious this situation is with a simplistic dismissal such as this being a phobic response potentially could be disastrous to the US.


If "Trump's faithful NRA supporters to take the law into their own hands" you would not see a civil war. You might see a massacre though.

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7 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


If "Trump's faithful NRA supporters to take the law into their own hands" you would not see a civil war. You might see a massacre though.


That would depend on what happens next, in the case of a slaughter committed by the NRA supporters, you can guess which side the establishment would back, it would not be murderous NRA supporters, and how do you think that would go down with them?

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23 minutes ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:


I stand corrected Sir. I wonder why then that we never hear of The Republic of the United States of America.

It is indeed a different system bound by a constitution, and so I wonder why we hear so often that: "America is the greatest democracy in the world" when it clearly is not.

Can you tell me if the USA (RUSA) should even be considered democratic by the common definition: a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

I would have thought it qualified, but you are the expert.




He clearly knows better than James Wilson who only drafted much of the constitution, or Chief Justice John Marshall who only fought to ratify the constitution, both who whom referred to the constitution as implementing democracy.

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49 minutes ago, mania said:

Read our lips............POLL'S meant squat as they are a BS slice of whatever the pollsters want them to be


Did you know your hero, Trump, would start every rally by shouting out poll numbers IF THEY WERE IN HIS FAVOR.  If they weren't in his favor, then he wouldn't mention them.  Are you now saying all those shoutings by Trump about poll numbers were BS?   Perish the thought!  ....that Trump would ever give credence to something that was BS.   In sum, Trump and you are 180 degrees apart on the significance of poll numbers.  Who's right?  You or The Divider?

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3 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


That would depend on what happens next, in the case of a slaughter committed by the NRA supporters, you can guess which side the establishment would back, it would not be murderous NRA supporters, and how do you think that would go down with them?


Well, I was being glib as a response to a post I didn't take too seriously.


One thing I can say about the protesters though in all honesty. They're lucky they are mostly white kids whose families have access to the legal system or the police would have shot many of them by now.

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3 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Well, I was being glib as a response to a post I didn't take too seriously.


One thing I can say about the protesters though in all honesty. They're lucky they are mostly white kids whose families have access to the legal system or the police would have shot many of them by now.


I think a lot of Americans think they are immune to these types of situation, the government clearly doesn't share that ignorance as they are fully prepared for such an event.

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5 hours ago, pgrahmm said:


We notice the name of the motor coach company on the side, same as virtually all distance travel coach companies do.


Badger Coach Co., Madison, Wisconsin:


1920 Badger Coaches began when Herman E. Meier founded the company in 1920 with $100 that he borrowed from his father. He bought a truck chassis and hired someone to put a coach body on it. Initially, he transported passengers from Madison to Monroe, WI, sometimes getting the passengers to help him push the bus up the steep hills. Herman builds the company for the next 48 years. 




Two of Herman E. Meier's grandsons run the company now after Herman's two sons had run it after him. New World Order schemers that the whole of the family has been with George Soros -- and whomever had preceded George in the one-worlders secret cabals of Herman's time that Herman was at the center of, in Madison, Wisconsin.  :laugh:


So I guess the Badger Coach Co in Wisconsin is just another George Soros NWO evil and wicked gang that are out to destroy the United States in favor of their secret NWO. 




The New World Order of George Soros and Badger Coach Company -- clearly in it together. :clap2:


And YOU nailed 'em! Right here at TVF.


Good thing nuthin gets past youse guyz.

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4 hours ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:


I stand corrected Sir. I wonder why then that we never hear of The Republic of the United States of America.

It is indeed a different system bound by a constitution, and so I wonder why we hear so often that: "America is the greatest democracy in the world" when it clearly is not.

Can you tell me if the USA (RUSA) should even be considered democratic by the common definition: a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

I would have thought it qualified, but you are the expert.




As a born in the USA American who is also a fan of The Boss I might point out to everyone that the Right Sector of the USA are eternally vigilant to point to all who may be concerned that the United States is not a democracy.


Rather a Republic.


Not a democracy, so insists and demands the Right Whinge. 


Yes, USA is a Republic yet your post and its points are well taken and are unmistakably  understood. Your post is consistent with American thinking and our everyday voice that USA is a democracy. 


In the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, recited daily at schools and likely by right wingers at each meal during their adult life, we pledge allegiance "to the flag, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."  (Talk about a laff riot.)


However, that's it as far as the silly republic thingy goes in Americans' everyday life. It is only the Right Sector that likes the word Republic. The Republican Party and its Right Sector.


The pledge in school is now voluntary btw. Half the kids in the classrooms of America watch the news on the wall television while the other half stand erect, hand over heart, reciting. It is after all a 50-50 democracy  republic country.


I'm in fact expecting any day now since Donald Trump has become busy naming his administration for him to appoint his horse First Consul of the Republic. :clap2: What is the Breitbart guy Stephen Bannon now anyway? Izzn't he it??

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6 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


          Rejoice and gloat to your heart's content.  But that doesn't change the fact that HRC was 6 to 9 % points ahead for weeks, until the 11th day before the election, when Comey and Guiliani released the false flag report about Weiner's questionable emails, which no one at the FBI had read at that point.  24 million votes were cast between that dirty trick / borderline illegal announcement, and the follow-up announcement where Comey said there was no dirt on HRC in any of those emails.


No problem boom about the poster you're replying to cause I put him in the Ignore Hall of Shame two years ago. So I never see his posts and I'd about forgot he exists. I dunno when he might post to me directly cause I always continue past his faded name on a given page.


Thanks as always anyway and remember not to feed the trolls.

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10 hours ago, tropo said:

Can someone please explain to me what these protestors are trying to achieve. Are they hoping that the election results can be rescinded or altered in some way? Perhaps a military coup? ... or are they just venting their emotions as part of some twisted therapy.


They are putting in a lot of effort, but to what end?


Can someone please explain to me what these protestors are trying to achieve.


The Right Sector hasn't any clue so forget it.


Because if you plural have to ask and ask repeatedly then there's no explaining it to youse guyz. The right keeps asking and it keeps presenting its own oblivious construct, i.e., the protesters are stupid because they can't change the outcome of the election.


sgtsabai explained it again as many posters have explained it yet the Right is still asking the same question or making the same numbnuts accusation about the protesting demonstrators.


All we can do for the clueless is to bang the drum slowly.

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2 hours ago, Publicus said:


So I guess the Badger Coach Co in Wisconsin is just another George Soros NWO evil and wicked gang that are out to destroy the United States in favor of their secret NWO. 



More likely Soros just chartered the bus from  the Badger Coach Co .

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1 minute ago, Publicus said:


Can someone please explain to me what these protestors are trying to achieve.


The Right Sector hasn't any clue so forget it.


Because if you have to ask then there's no explaining it to youse guyz. The right keeps asking and it keeps presenting its own oblivious construct, i.e., the protesters are stupid because they can't change the outcome of the election.


sgtsabai explained it again as many posters have explained it yet the Right is still asking the same question or making the same numbnuts accusation about the protesting demonstrators.


All we can do for the clueless is to band the drum slowly.

 I would not blame Trump for ammending the constitution to scrap all future elections, just let him pass down the crown to his kids and then their kids. I mean if the left flat-out refuse to accept the results of a free and fair election, then what is the point in having any more of them. An expensive waste of time, and a distraction from good governance.


 Does that help you out with the crassness of your logic, that elections are awesome so long as my preffered candidate wins, and only then?


 The left must wise up, and wise up fast. Respect this election and let the 99.9% get back on with the art of living,loving and dying without this public display of hate and stupidity.

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5 minutes ago, jaidam said:

 I would not blame Trump for ammending the constitution to scrap all future elections, just let him pass down the crown to his kids and then their kids. I mean if the left flat-out refuse to accept the results of a free and fair election, then what is the point in having any more of them. An expensive waste of time, and a distraction from good governance.


 Does that help you out with the crassness of your logic, that elections are awesome so long as my preffered candidate wins, and only then?


 The left must wise up, and wise up fast. Respect this election and let the 99.9% get back on with the art of living,loving and dying without this public display of hate and stupidity.


We over here accept Trump won the election. It is the Right that does not accept that we accept it. The sorehead angry right can't seem to get out of its own way, or to get past itself in this.


It is Potus-Elect Trump and his policies we reject outright and completely. It's a democracy so we can do that and we are doing that. The insistence of the Right Sector that we are acting to the contrary and in a self-contradiction are vacuous and specious. Or just plain dumb (if not dumb by design).


President Obama and HRC do not need Constitutionally or want to say to the protesting demonstrators to quit. The demonstrators do nothing wrong per se in demonstrating. OB and HRC know what is happening on the streets and they know the demonstrators are acting Constitutionally. (I'd already posted about violent leeches who attach to demonstrations).


The sorehead right persists obliviously in making false representations of the nature and the purposes of the demonstrations. We in the dissenting Popular Vote majority are not trying to nullify the election or its outcome. We will instead nullify virtually everything about President Trump's radical wildman policies. You can't expect otherwise from us. We know who we are and we have every right to do what we're doing. 


The right fears not whether we act Constitutionally, but rather the right fears what we are doing and where we are going with it prospectively. 


Trump won. Join the victory parade inauguration day Jan 20th. In the meantime and forward after Jan 20th, we'll be doing our Constitutional thing. Which is what we're doing presently. Youse guyz can read the First Amendment online at your pleasure. Do read it cause youse really really need to do that.

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1 hour ago, jaidam said:

 I would not blame Trump for ammending the constitution to scrap all future elections, just let him pass down the crown to his kids and then their kids. I mean if the left flat-out refuse to accept the results of a free and fair election, then what is the point in having any more of them. An expensive waste of time, and a distraction from good governance.


 Does that help you out with the crassness of your logic, that elections are awesome so long as my preffered candidate wins, and only then?


 The left must wise up, and wise up fast. Respect this election and let the 99.9% get back on with the art of living,loving and dying without this public display of hate and stupidity.


Good answer, but unfortunately I had to read the crap that Publicus spouted in your quote as I have him where he deserves to be - on ignore.:smile: (You only have to ignore a couple of members and these threads improve immeasurably).

Edited by tropo
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50 minutes ago, jaidam said:

 I would not blame Trump for ammending the constitution to scrap all future elections, just let him pass down the crown to his kids and then their kids. I mean if the left flat-out refuse to accept the results of a free and fair election, then what is the point in having any more of them. An expensive waste of time, and a distraction from good governance.


 Does that help you out with the crassness of your logic, that elections are awesome so long as my preffered candidate wins, and only then?


 The left must wise up, and wise up fast. Respect this election and let the 99.9% get back on with the art of living,loving and dying without this public display of hate and stupidity.


Agree 100 percent but wait for the vitriol.


For an educated person, as compared to us uneducated rednecks, the logic expressed is illogical and the common sense is not very common.  We have no clue, and because another poster asks a question, which it appears cannot be answered, he treats anyone with opposing views or wanting to understand what is happening, with contempt. If someone asks, then obviously they do so in order to understand but because one thinks  of his superiority then common courtesy goes out the door.


I am bemused by such responses, in particular when the HRC mob, shock :shock1: horror, are asking each other how is it they lost the unlosable.  We conservatives are treated like Dumbo's, are called other names, such as a basket of deplorables,  and are racists, misogynistic, xenophobic, sexist and any other name they can think of to denigrate us.  They have their head, both sides of the elites, in the trough, tell us how to live, what we can do and when we can do it.  They look down their noses, have forgotten they are public servants not the masters of the public.  Take billions in corruption and then have the so called upper class back them and then tell blatant lies and try to force the BS of climate change on us.


If we say something,  and it doesn't coincide with their line of thought, then we wrong and are called various name to suggest we're all idiots, have no idea and are just plain dumb.  They then brag about their education, put down the so called uneducated and all the time wonder why they lost.  Well, I did not go to university, but I learnt the hard way, on the streets (non-criminal) I became street wise and educated myself over the years.  I am quite well off, I never have to want for anything, have a good wife and family and live in a great country, where I am treated with respect and civility.  It's a shame that many here lead such hate filled lives and then wonder why they are never accepted.  So before all you so called know-all's try to put us so called wingnuts down, just remember, you do not know us, we do not know you but you come on here day after day pushing your barrow full of agendas that we really do not care about.


So instead of being crass with your responses, showing how uncivil you are, and continuing to denigrate others, just realise that half of the US of A voted for the President-Elect and did so because of the arrogance and name calling continued on over an 18 month period.  The MSM told lies, did everything in its power, with the assistance of the élites from both sides of the political spectrum, to undermine Mr Trump, but failed miserably.  The same can be said of the African Americans, many of whom clearly have huge chips on their shoulders, as well as some the poor old Latinos and Mexicans, many of who have trouble obeying the law of the land, yet want to come in and give their two bob's worth.


There are also the protesters, what in the hell they are protesting about considering Mr Trump has not even taken office.  I know what many of you of the left say but I have to agree to disagree with you.  You also have the MSM, now that the election has been run and won, continuing with their lies and misinformation and trying to instill fear into the populace.   Everyone got it wrong, I didn't, as I predicted months ago that he would win and how was I able to do this. 


Just read the above and you will understand, however if you cannot then who is the dumb one.  People were sick and tired of being called names,  sick and tired of all the know all, know nothing brigade putting us down, sick and tired of the lies, sick and tired of the MSM taking quotes and reading things into them they was never meant.  Sick and tired of the elites, of both sides, being so corrupt.  Sick and tired of the has beens of US politics telling the conservatives how their selected candidate should not be voted for.  Sick and tired of the Clintons, who became multi, multi millionaires through their pay for play games, their money laundering enterprise and many other corrupt activities.  She should be locked up and if you of the left condone her prior and continuing activities then it only highlights the poor moral character that many of you accuse us of. 


So if any of you on the left have to ask why you lost the election then whatever some of you have labelled us may be aptly applied to yourselves.  Now if you want to have a go at me please feel free to do so but try and remain civil and no name calling.  Might be hard for some but try it, you might see how being civil can provide for a better life. :wai:



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6 hours ago, Camelot said:

Don't worry, folks. Chelsea or Michelle will be along in 2020 to put things right (or left).


At first thought, I would be glad if such strong and smart American women were at government top spots.  On second thought, it would sadden me to see the Republican Attack Machine (RAM) cranked up full bore to try and tear them to shreds.  RAM is supremely capable of trashing anyone's reputation.  If they so chose, they could put campaigns together to shred the reputations of Eleanor Roosevelt, Muhammed Ali, Ronald Reagan, MLK, JFK, Abe Lincoln, Jesse Owens, Martha Washington, John Wayne, .....or any other American icons.  


Tropo asks; "does anyone know what the protesters hope to achieve?"


         Masses of people are angry and frustrated.  Have you ever been angry and frustrated?  Sometimes you just gotta call out. Maybe you make long loud groaning noises for awhile.  Even lions and elephants do it, when they're ailing. 


       With mini exceptions, the protesters are peaceful.  It's an American right, alongside free-speech, to band together and protest.  When Trump gets angry, he will stifle Americans' right to protest.  He's already done it to some degree during his campaigns ("go on, beat him up. He should be carried out in a stretcher!").  Yet Trump's anti-American sentiments during his stump speeches are but a tiny harbinger of the violent suppression he will unleash later.  


       Added to that, Trump has been very loud in trying to suppress free press.  He kicked a Latino reporter out of a press conference.  He's repeatedly voiced his hope that the NY Times (one of the oldest and most respected newspapers in the world) should fold (no pun intended).  He's preached the same demise for many other US news outlets.  So much for "the jobs president."   He loves Sputnik, though.  That's the Russian news outlet which published patently false info about Benghazi.  Even while knowing the info was wrong (Sputnik got quotes from a Time article mixed up), Trump read the Sputnik article at recent stump speeches.  That's part of the reason Putin likes Trump so much.   Trump is such an easy tool to manipulate.



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3 hours ago, Publicus said:


No problem boom about the poster you're replying to cause I put him in the Ignore Hall of Shame two years ago. So I never see his posts and I'd about forgot he exists. I dunno when he might post to me directly cause I always continue past his faded name on a given page.


Thanks as always anyway and remember not to feed the trolls.


555 Your so full of it as usual.

None here save yourself believes your spiel


We know how the ignore feature works here....we know you see a note that reads...X responded to your post but on ignore....want to show it?


An attention seeking person like yourself could never help themselves so clicks show each and every time .....Why even claim you ignore anything?

Both you & JT read everything quoting yourself because your so narcissistic 


Lastly anytime someone quotes anyone on your ignore list you see it so feign on

same old same old with you......zero credibility 


Thanks & enjoy your meal :whistling:

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9 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


Did you know your hero, Trump, would start every rally by shouting out poll numbers IF THEY WERE IN HIS FAVOR.  If they weren't in his favor, then he wouldn't mention them.  Are you now saying all those shoutings by Trump about poll numbers were BS?   Perish the thought!  ....that Trump would ever give credence to something that was BS.   In sum, Trump and you are 180 degrees apart on the significance of poll numbers.  Who's right?  You or The Divider?


First off you might have me confused with someone else? Or your writing for sensationalism/effect


Trump is no hero of mine....although I would say he is a bit of a breath of fresh air...now let's see how he hunts. If not he can join a long list that also promised but did not deliver......We the people do hope for the best though ...for our country


My last post/reply to you was...as I think you know....pointing out YOUR claim about polls meant nothing to us...the voters....that they were all over the place and not in the end accurate would surprise only those...like yourself?....that give them any credence.


As for who's right?Who cares?.....because again what the polls show was never a valid indicator is what we are telling you. That both candidates mention them still meant nothing to most voters....obviously


Clear now?

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10 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


The angry old white men are still angry it seems.


Let's see how long people put up with that.


555 not angry nor old.....white? I guess I am not black so yeah you got me there


But no not angry......completely  disgusted and ashamed by the behavior of some...YES

Exhausted hearing a bunch of whining sniveling brats with entitlement issues act out? YES


How long the people put up with it? Good question if you mean the brats mentioned above...my guess is not much longer if at all on the violent leaning group.....the non violent?.....Hey have at it....stay out there in the streets weeping till it gets too cold to do so...Not like you have to work for those free EBT cards

Just remember to pay taxes on-any Soros related income555


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On 11/12/2016 at 3:35 PM, tropo said:

He started doing that about 10 years ago, then I got a PM saying he's taken me off ignore, then a warning that I'm going back on it again. How retarded can a person be?


If he puts all Trump supporters on ignore, he can talk to himself, which I'm sure he'd prefer to do.

I'm not nor will I ever be The Groper supporter. I think all the White Supremacists love him though.

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On 12/11/2016 at 10:33 AM, lopburi3 said:

Regardless of our opinion on who should win; this was actually not democracy as the person with the most votes did not get elected.   That our way - and believe was justified at the time - but today it becomes a liability IMHO as just too hard to try and justify anymore.

There are some reports that Trump did get the majority of votes.  Trump 62.9m Clinton 62.2 m  College votes 306 to 232. There are rumours that recounts are being made to try and eliminate illegal immigrant votes and dead people votes. That will alter the demographic as most illegals will have voted Clinton/Democrat. It might even increase the majority in the Senate and/or house. We must wait and see.

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1 hour ago, mania said:


555 not angry nor old.....white? I guess I am not black so yeah you got me there


But no not angry......completely  disgusted and ashamed by the behavior of some...YES

Exhausted hearing a bunch of whining sniveling brats with entitlement issues act out? YES


How long the people put up with it? Good question if you mean the brats mentioned above...my guess is not much longer if at all on the violent leaning group.....the non violent?.....Hey have at it....stay out there in the streets weeping till it gets too cold to do so...Not like you have to work for those free EBT cards

Just remember to pay taxes on-any Soros related income555



The level of scorn heaped upon the legitimate protesters seems to be in direct proportion to the fear and anxiety of the selfish, uncaring nativists who are still drunk with assumed power over the election. An election that is already old news.


The fear and anxiety is expounded by the uncomfortable detail that in a majoritarian electoral system, the winner did not actually achieve a majority. This can be taken to mean that more people oppose the President Elect than support him. The orthodoxy of calling for unity no longer applies. Trump and the nihilists have already wreaked enough havoc to make the idea that the President is the President of all Americans a blatant nonsense.


The opposition is preparing for the next steps. It would not be surprising that the nativists are still crowing and sneering when the response arrives. You appear to be following the ideas of Cronus the Titan attempting to eat all his children to avoid being replaced. These sniveling brats have far more time and energy than you to achieve their goals.

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