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Outrage and fear fuel continuing anti-Trump protests


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On 11/12/2016 at 3:53 PM, JDGRUEN said:

Donald Trump -- not one single sign that he was a racist in all of his 69 years until he challenged a leftist Democrat in the Presidential election.. How about being fearful of LIES?  


Donald Trump has a long history of questionable things in that regard, and that was known long before he ran for president. It obviously gets a lot more attention when you run for president. I went over his election build up racism in an earlier post, and it's hard to deny the mexican or islamic things he said during the election and there are other questionable things like his many retweets from white supremecists. But prior to that he had several notable incidents such as the government going after him twice for not renting to people of color, and his father having a similar track record in that regard. The central park five incident, reports that they used to order the black dealers off the casino floor when Trump arrived, the reports of him not liking having a black accountant, etc. 

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On ‎12‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 9:53 AM, JDGRUEN said:

Fear:  Fear of working, fear of taking care of themselves, fear of hearing or seeing things that might hurt their snowflake feeling, fear of learning how the world really works, fear that they paid no attention to the claims that the polls leading up to the election were rigged - biased... very fearful to learn that you were stupid not to pay attention ... 


The Darwin Principle will take care of these fearful snowflakes who cannot recognize pure false propaganda that they suck in like a vacuum cleaner... 


Donald Trump -- not one single sign that he was a racist in all of his 69 years until he challenged a leftist Democrat in the Presidential election.. How about being fearful of LIES?  




So if you are interested in D. Trump's opinion about races : The Frontline documentary “The Choice,”  reveals that Trump agrees with the dangerous and abusive theory of eugenics.

Donald Trump believes he has superior genes








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trump kind of got that from his father, who was definitely a white supremacist. His brand of American fascism isn't new. Hyper nationalist. Isolationist. America first as code. Check out Henry Ford and Lindbergh. There's the root. It's horrifying he's president. It's interesting that his closing argument campaign ads used pretty much the exact same rhetoric as Hitler ... but he didn't mention Jews, but instead showed pictures of some powerful Jews so the people he wanted to reach got the hint.


 God help us. 

Edited by Jingthing
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First, I need to state that I'm not (yet, anyway) enamored by Trump and abhor the Clintons and all they stand for. I'm sorry, but I've reached my quota of professorial pedantry stemming from you. Unless you have decades of political experience and advanced degrees in socionomics and poly-sci, who are you to pontificate with such vehemence on a fairly-elected president?  I see that you're a very prolific poster with strong opinions on just about everything, but your chain of vitriolic rants against DJT is not only repetive in theme, but growing to be quite tiresome as well.  I like to use TV to learn about the different viewpoints on comtemporary issues confronting us, but not be blasted with continuous tirades from a single member who hogs the topic and who apparently can't brook any dissent. Enough already...get a life please; it actually exists outside of TV land. 

Edited by Fore Man
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10 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

He isn't Jewish?????


He's a non practicing secularist. His family distanced itself from judaism and Soros in his biography describes his mother as anti semitic. This is a guy who's family lived as assimiliated Christians and has had  zero relationship with the  jewish faith. It suits the agenda of the usual jew haters to latch on to his family tree  ethnicity that has no relevance. If I were to look into your  genetic origins, I would most likely find some African mitochondrial  markers.

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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

trump kind of got that from his father, who was definitely a white supremacist. His brand of American fascism isn't new. Hyper nationalist. Isolationist. America first as code. Check out Henry Ford and Lindbergh. There's the root. It's horrifying he's president. It's interesting that his closing argument campaign ads used pretty much the exact same rhetoric as Hitler ... but he didn't mention Jews, but instead showed pictures of some powerful Jews so the people he wanted to reach got the hint.


 God help us. 


Pull it back in. He treats anyone and everyone with the same contempt. You forget that his daughter converted to judaism and it wasn't the liberal variety either, but that orthodox  silliness. His son in law is one of his closest advisers. His initial  accountants when he built his business, his personal physician, his lawyers, were mostly of the jewish faith. He was always an outsider of the Wasp elite who controlled New York's property market. The only ethnic group that he could deal with and that wouldn't look down on him were the midmarket jews, because they were outsiders too.  Yes, his father engaged in unfair housing practices , but that was  what was done back then. I grew up in a community which had only started letting non wasps buy property in the  1960's. It is still 90% white. I think the only time one will see blacks is when the domestic servants are going to work or at halloween when they bring their kids for the candy. The USA is still a very racially divided country and Trump is typical of his generation. I honestly believe he is not intentionally prejudiced against people of colour. That's just how the majority of  70 year olds who never grew up with or who never did military service with blacks behave. What mattered moist to the man was making money and if he could get it of a purple tranny in tights wearing a tiara and singing a dirty song in hebrew, he would do business with that person.

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23 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:


Pull it back in. He treats anyone and everyone with the same contempt. You forget that his daughter converted to judaism and it wasn't the liberal variety either, but that orthodox  silliness. His son in law is one of his closest advisers. His initial  accountants when he built his business, his personal physician, his lawyers, were mostly of the jewish faith. He was always an outsider of the Wasp elite who controlled New York's property market. The only ethnic group that he could deal with and that wouldn't look down on him were the midmarket jews, because they were outsiders too.  Yes, his father engaged in unfair housing practices , but that was  what was done back then. I grew up in a community which had only started letting non wasps buy property in the  1960's. It is still 90% white. I think the only time one will see blacks is when the domestic servants are going to work or at halloween when they bring their kids for the candy. The USA is still a very racially divided country and Trump is typical of his generation. I honestly believe he is not intentionally prejudiced against people of colour. That's just how the majority of  70 year olds who never grew up with or who never did military service with blacks behave. What mattered moist to the man was making money and if he could get it of a purple tranny in tights wearing a tiara and singing a dirty song in hebrew, he would do business with that person.


Good, fair post. He is not anti-Semitic and he is not a racist. He has said and done a few racist things in his lifetime, but who hasn't?

He is often a jerk, but we all knew that.

He intends to declare Jerusalem the capital of Israel and that takes some brass balls. Once it is done, no one will ever be able to walk it back. He is true friend of Israel. Kudos on that one!

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9 hours ago, CMNightRider said:


Good post.  You just can't make stuff like this up.  :-)


I get it now. Yesterday I returned home from the game where my beloved UW Huskies were thoroughly trounced by the much hated USC Trojans. A playful puppy might have helped with the pain I was suffering.

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Whatever was causing the problem on the last page is still there, at least on my computer.


A bit of info:

https://jonathanturley.org/2016/11/14/clinton-i-wasnt-me-it-was-comey/  The Dem's still in denial and much of the protests are in protest of not just the fascist orange monster but the establishment that allowed 2 candidates that should have never been considered for dawg catcher in a one dog town to run for the highest office.
disclosed: I knew Howard Zinn, had great respect for him and for his writing.
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3 hours ago, sgtsabai said:

Whatever was causing the problem on the last page is still there, at least on my computer.


A bit of info:

https://jonathanturley.org/2016/11/14/clinton-i-wasnt-me-it-was-comey/  The Dem's still in denial and much of the protests are in protest of not just the fascist orange monster but the establishment that allowed 2 candidates that should have never been considered for dawg catcher in a one dog town to run for the highest office.
disclosed: I knew Howard Zinn, had great respect for him and for his writing.

Civil Disobedience is NOT bashing car windows, threatening police who have arrested a rioter who is using violence.  Civil Disobedience is not pulling people out of cars and beating them up.   Civil Disobedience is not causing traffic jams on Interstate Highways and busy city streets stopping innocent people from going to work or even to the emergency room... You need to make another excuse... 

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On 11/13/2016 at 2:27 PM, Gary A said:


Your young new leaders have no idea what they are even protesting about. They only know what their far left tenured socialist teachers told them.


Resistance ... so JT is talking about Resistance - oh year right ...  Resistance is NOT bashing car windows, threatening police who have arrested a rioter who is using violence.  Resistance is not pulling people out of cars and beating them up.   Resistance is not causing traffic jams on Interstate Highways and busy city streets stopping innocent people from going to work or even to the emergency room... You need to make another excuse... What JT is describing is Rioting using violence ... which is not Resistance...  Well perhaps it is -- it is Violent Resistance.. 

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On 11/13/2016 at 2:31 PM, Jingthing said:

Bull. I have not once questioned the legality of the results. But now that our entire government is under control of dark regressive right wing forces including a strong man demagogue leader that has openly threatened the free press in a Putin like manner normal politics won't be enough to fight this evil. A resistance movement is needed. It's already started. I am not advocating or condoning violence on either side.

Also I think the part of the new resistance that doesn't accept the legality of the results is wrong. That part will pass soon enough as it's both wrong and impossible to change legal results. Accept the results and resist based on issues.


Such over the top malarkey ... 

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22 hours ago, Jingthing said:

trump kind of got that from his father, who was definitely a white supremacist. His brand of American fascism isn't new. Hyper nationalist. Isolationist. America first as code. Check out Henry Ford and Lindbergh. There's the root. It's horrifying he's president. It's interesting that his closing argument campaign ads used pretty much the exact same rhetoric as Hitler ... but he didn't mention Jews, but instead showed pictures of some powerful Jews so the people he wanted to reach got the hint.


 God help us. 


More over the top - unsupportable Malarkey 

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26 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:

Resistance ... so JT is talking about Resistance - oh year right ...  Resistance is NOT bashing car windows, threatening police who have arrested a rioter who is using violence.  Resistance is not pulling people out of cars and beating them up.   Resistance is not causing traffic jams on Interstate Highways and busy city streets stopping innocent people from going to work or even to the emergency room... You need to make another excuse... What JT is describing is Rioting using violence ... which is not Resistance...  Well perhaps it is -- it is Violent Resistance.. 

Never supported violence from either side but I predict there will still be plenty of it.

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I would hope Soros has his checkbook handy when he has to pay for the damage. Between him and the DNC, they should have to pay. Unbelievably shameful. And this is the type of people they want to run the country.

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Bullshit! Nobody gets "paid" to protest the fascist orange monster. Real people and real patriots do. Just another right wingnut fantasy and lie. Every hear of COINTELPRO? The pigs pay people to cause mayhem. Shut the country down, keep it shut down until a human being is elected president.

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35 minutes ago, sgtsabai said:

Bullshit! Nobody gets "paid" to protest the fascist orange monster. Real people and real patriots do. Just another right wingnut fantasy and lie. Every hear of COINTELPRO? The pigs pay people to cause mayhem. Shut the country down, keep it shut down until a human being is elected president.

Do you have any idea what "community organizers" actually do? It is exactly this kind of protesting that they specialize in organizing. Whipping up passion and anger to foment change. Read "Rules for radicals" by Saul Alinsky. People are paid to protest whether you choose to believe it, or not.


If the "pigs pay people to cause mayhem" where were the huge protests after President Obama was elected the first time, or after he was re-elected? Yeah I remember those riots like they happened yesterday (NOT)!

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46 minutes ago, sgtsabai said:

Bullshit! Nobody gets "paid" to protest the fascist orange monster. Real people and real patriots do. Just another right wingnut fantasy and lie. Every hear of COINTELPRO? The pigs pay people to cause mayhem. Shut the country down, keep it shut down until a human being is elected president.

Your definitely smoking something...there is an underground, paid system in place to place violence-prone activists to heighten the generally peacegul street protests.

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Why would there be mayhem after Obama was elected twice? The right wing racists weren't organized? The right wingnut racists didn't believe a Black man could be in the White House? Well they got their revenge with the election of a racist proto-fascist.


Perhaps you don't know of COINTELPRO which is still alive and well. I do, all too well.  


Do people donate money for buses etc. I certainly hope so. People donated money for myself and other Veterans to take a dying friend another USMC Vet,  Walking Dead 1/9  to the Wall, we were all anti-Vietnam Vietnam Veterans. Obama was not a solution, he was/is part of the problem and if you don't understand that go back to grade school and learn civics and Constitutional rights.


VVAW got lots of donations, thank you good people. That's not being "paid".


I don't smoke. Nor do I drink the right wingnut Kool-aid. The only "underground, paid system in place to place violence-prone activists to heighten the generally peacegul street protests" is by the pigs. BTW, try to hit me, I'll fight, always have always will and I don't give a damn what uniform or whose side you are on.


Yea, F & G are close together on the keyboard.

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3 minutes ago, sgtsabai said:



Why would there be mayhem after Obama was elected twice? The right wing racists weren't organized? The right wingnut racists didn't believe a Black man could be in the White House? Well they got their revenge with the election of a racist proto-fascist.


Perhaps you don't know of COINTELPRO which is still alive and well. I do, all too well.  


Do people donate money for buses etc. I certainly hope so. People donated money for myself and other Veterans to take a dying friend another USMC Vet,  Walking Dead 1/9  to the Wall, we were all anti-Vietnam Vietnam Veterans. Obama was not a solution, he was/is part of the problem and if you don't understand that go back to grade school and learn civics and Constitutional rights.


VVAW got lots of donations, thank you good people. That's not being "paid".


I don't smoke. Nor do I drink the right wingnut Kool-aid. The only "underground, paid system in place to place violence-prone activists to heighten the generally peacegul street protests" is by the pigs. BTW, try to hit me, I'll fight, always have always will and I don't give a damn what uniform or whose side you are on.


Yea, F & G are close together on the keyboard.


  Have you considered professional counseling for dealing with your issues?  Wow.

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