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Outrage and fear fuel continuing anti-Trump protests


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Most of them are sappy youths, a drag on society, and then you get older sappy folk like this:




Leslie Holmes, 65, a website developer from Wilton, Connecticut...

described herself as an armchair liberal ... etc
"I don't want to live in a country where my friends aren't included, and my friends are fearful, and my children are going to grow up in a world that's frightening, and my granddaughters can look forward to being excluded from jobs and politics and fulfilling their potential, so I'm here for them," she said.



Grow up, dear. :sick:

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2 hours ago, transam said:

USA is a free country, folk can protest if they like within the law...That's what our freedom is about....No good some of you saying derogatory stuff against them, if they want to speak they can...


But they ain't though are they mucker. Looting, vandalising and blocking highways ain't good. I don't see peaceful, meaningful protests, I see a lot of angry young folk because they didn't get their way.

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29 minutes ago, daveAustin said:


But they ain't though are they mucker. Looting, vandalising and blocking highways ain't good. I don't see peaceful, meaningful protests, I see a lot of angry young folk because they didn't get their way.

It's not only young folk, dude.

The resistance to trump which will be focusing on emphasizing that a President trump is never normal or legitimate even though he does tragically hold the office, is sure to become much more FOCUSED as resistance leaders emerge. I expect some less famous names we don't know yet to fill that role. Not Micheal Moore (though he's brilliant) or Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren (more established figures). 

The reason the resistance will get focused is that it will need to be because the democratic opposition has very few governmental tools to resist now so resistance will need to come much more from outside Washington.

I am talking about what will happen when the right wing fascists start actually taking civil rights away as well as life and death health care access to large groups of people that ALREADY have those things.

People will not take this sitting down.

No more than gun owners would if the government was really after taking their guns, which they actually have never been.

So, stay tuned. 

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8 minutes ago, daveAustin said:


But they ain't though are they mucker. Looting, vandalising and blocking highways ain't good. I don't see peaceful, meaningful protests, I see a lot of angry young folk because they didn't get their way.

As I said, it is a world wide thing....Look what happened here in LOS with red & yellow. Do a google and see what happened in the UK when the government of the day wanted to change local government taxation (Poll Tax)...In fact there have been many riots in the USA over one thing or another..

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Before the election I was afraid that Hillary would win. I decided that she thinks that nothing could ever happen to her, death, sickness or whatever. Due to those thoughts she wanted Kaine to be a silent vice president who would never be capable of opposing anything she said or did. Kaine is by no means capable of being president. That was also a worrying thought for me.

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3 hours ago, JDGRUEN said:

Fear:  Fear of working, fear of taking care of themselves, fear of hearing or seeing things that might hurt their snowflake feeling, fear of learning how the world really works, fear that they paid no attention to the claims that the polls leading up to the election were rigged - biased... very fearful to learn that you were stupid not to pay attention ... 


The Darwin Principle will take care of these fearful snowflakes who cannot recognize pure false propaganda that they suck in like a vacuum cleaner... 


Donald Trump -- not one single sign that he was a racist in all of his 69 years until he challenged a leftist Democrat in the Presidential election.. How about being fearful of LIES?  




Well said!  This boorish behavior is beyond repulsive.




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33 minutes ago, transam said:

As I said, it is a world wide thing....Look what happened here in LOS with red & yellow. Do a google and see what happened in the UK when the government of the day wanted to change local government taxation (Poll Tax)...In fact there have been many riots in the USA over one thing or another..


It might be a worldwide thing but it was not an American thing.


Heck when obama won there were a heckuva lot of pissed off conmservatives but we swallowed our pride and woke up the next morning ready for the new world.


What is happening now with these liberal elements of our society running around assaulting fellow Americans is not American. 


I take that back.


Its the very attitude that these younmg liberals had at the end of the War in Vietnam. We are witnessing the same uncontrolled rage and hatred that they displayed towards our returning troops. 


Its disgusting.

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2 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

what I really like about Trump is he works around all opposition and comes out on top.All through the election right till the last day he stood alone,the party dismissed him,the press dismissed him he had little financial backing but he won. these thugs protesting will see how stupid they are in the future when he does make America great again. When this happens will these thugs come out to cheer him I doubt it they will take what they can get and not even give him a thank you. Low life's with a bad attitude and bad behaviour.

And pray tell how is the Sociopath going to Make America Great Again? I would love to know. You come across as a bunch of nitwits believing this liar. I see he is already backpedaling on his lies. 

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1 hour ago, Chip Allen said:

Absolutely a triumph for those who loathe American foreign policy. The Great Beast has finally gotten the "leader" it deserves. This is the most poetic kind of justice imaginable. May America sink  beneath the waves, never to rise again.

And you will be crapping in your pants when the Russians and Chinese come flooding in to dominate your country wherever it is....Enjoy what you wished for.

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17 minutes ago, Mansell said:

And you will be crapping in your pants when the Russians and Chinese come flooding in to dominate your country wherever it is....Enjoy what you wished for.

erm isn't the corrupt Bush Clinton dynasty that caused all the problems in the world.


Our countries are not under threat and we don't need a has been country with an idiot as a leader, democratically voted in my idiots, to help us.

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8 hours ago, Mansell said:

And pray tell how is the Sociopath going to Make America Great Again? I would love to know. You come across as a bunch of nitwits believing this liar. I see he is already backpedaling on his lies. 

He will probably do it in a similar way he won the election.Getting down and getting it done with out fanfare till the job is done.   You might wake one morning and find the US is great again and ask yourself how did that happen same as the election.   Say what you like all of you said a lot before he won and all it was talk.Keep talking make more fools of yourselves.

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3 hours ago, transam said:

USA is a free country, folk can protest if they like within the law...That's what our freedom is about....No good some of you saying derogatory stuff against them, if they want to speak they can...

They are doing a lot more than speaking. I have no problem with free speech, but riots are another thing.  They best get the free shopping and obstruction out of their systems before Trump takes over.  He will respect and support the law and law enforcement.

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He will probably do it in a similar way he won the election.Getting down and getting it done with out fanfare till the job is done.

 You might wake one morning and find the US is great again and ask yourself how did that happen same as the election.

 Say what you like all of you said a lot before he won and all it was talk.Keep talking make more fools of yourselves.

Could be the same words from a true believer in any strong man authoritarian dictator in history. Left or right or whatever. It can be good if you're in the favored group. I alone can do it. Believe me. Follow me.




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Grabbed this from CNN, who recent biased reporting I grew to dislike, but with this snippet, I have to agree:   


"For these outbursts you can thank 50 years of piss-poor education in American civics, the devolution of our constitutional order in the face of a Progressive onslaught against its institutions, the hyperventilating, lying, unscrupulous press (and their willing accomplices in the NeverTrump right), and a handful of other factors I am probably forgetting right now but all contributing to this result: When significant numbers of people hysterically believe the country just elected Hitler, what do you expect?"

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Keep the protests against the orange fascist going, shut down the government when he gets in. Large, very large scale civil disobedience, police riots against the people (nothing new), fight, fight rage do not let the fascist rule. Not Hitler, but certainly a wanna' be Mussolini only not as smart. The redneck racists and the ignoramuses will reap the whirlwind, unfortunately along with the good people.

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I saw a recent article which suggested that the ACT UP movement during the Reagan era could be used as a boilerplate for the soon to come anti-trumpist resistance. ACT UP did piss off a lot of people, but over time, it did get results.  There is no quick and easy fix to what just happened especially after trump gets his SCOTUS picks. 

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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I saw a recent article which suggested that the ACT UP movement during the Reagan era could be used as a boilerplate for the soon to come anti-trumpist resistance. ACT UP did piss off a lot of people, but over time, it did get results.  There is no quick and easy fix to what just happened especially after trump gets his SCOTUS picks. 

Isn't it great.  America great again long term.  I'm thinking of starting a thread on good places to move to in America.  I think there was quite a long thread on that topic but it somehow disappeared.  Maybe fascists stole it?

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More about the RESISTANCE that is growing.

Early days now. 
Lots of people have lots of ideas.

Not sure how it's going to shake out.

Personally, I think we need one or two charismatic and young NEW leaders to make this really spark.

Still kind of amazed that the word RESISTANCE seems to be really happening.

When I first used that word myself (before seeing it in media) I even thought well, that's kind of BOLD, perhaps too over the top. Normally you would just use words like protest, dissent, opposition.

RESISTANCE implies something much more serious, like the French resistance in Nazi Germany. 

Make my words here, this is happening ... RESISTANCE.


Welcome to the Resistance
Living in Donald Trump’s America seemed like a far-off nightmare. Until it became reality. 



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The rest of the world must think the whole of USA is full of morons.


If Trump lost, his supporters were going to call election rigging and raise holy hell.

Now the other side (who are supposed to be educated) are not acting much better.

What happened to the democracy that US love to preach to the rest of the world?


And what is this "resistance" <deleted>?

Why do these idiots think they have any legitimate argument against an election won fair and square?

Watching to much star trek these fools.

These actions are illegal and UN-democratic.


It really is sweet justice IMO.

When rouge leaders were elected in certain parts of the world, the US felt free to remove and lynch anyone that didnt suit their agenda.

Now see what it is feels like to have an idiot leader yourselves.


maybe need all the retired SAS in Thailand do a special opps on Trump, bin laden and sudam hussain style 5555



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I wonder if these idiots realize that the radical elements of the left helped Trump win the election.  Regular, hard-working, law abiding democrat voters get turned off by this stuff and wonder what happened to their party.  The result was predictable.  Even a majority of white women voted for Trump.  So keep up the protests, keep making the left look like a bunch of crazies, and ensure 8 years of Trump.

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Trump is not going to start World War 3. He is not going to deport all Muslims. Most likely, he is not going to make drastic changes to much of anything.


In reality, he should not be capable of much of anything, as our constitution splits the power across three branches, and all power to legislate belongs to Congress. But the idiots in Congress have been delegating more and more authority to the Executive for far too long, which has allowed this scenario to take on a measure of seriousness. When are The People going to wake up to the genius of the original constitution, and insist on following it?


Trump will be entertaining. He will say a lot of stupid things, just like in his campaigns. He will make many mistakes. And, he is likely to do a few good things. And he is likely to be a one term president.


As opposed to wasting their energy on all this BS, the protestors should be devoting themselves to ensuring that they have a candidate in the next election that people want to vote for not vote against, which I believe was a significant factor in Trump's election.


What Americans should be waking up to is the source of all their fear. Our founders warned us of what would happen if we did not maintain a limited federal government. They warned us what would happen if we gave too much power to the government, stupidly believing that the government would solve our problems.


When you hand the government control over your health care, then you fear the consequences of their control over your health care. Free people who retain control over their government do not fear their elected officials and do not need to panic in the streets over an election.


I for one hope that this election will wake up the average American and convince them that they need to be more engaged in the political process earlier in the game, so that better candidates can be offered up for election. And convince them that they need to take back control of their government and their freedoms, so they need not fear said government, regardless of who is elected.

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:


Will be most effective against the Presidency, the Supreme Court, the House of Representatives and the Senate. Rots of ruck!

Right. Finally we're on the same page about something. Of course it won't be very effective. It will be painful and slow and crumbs at best to win for years. That's why I compare it to the ACT UP movement in the Reagan era. 

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Just now, Jingthing said:

Right. Finally we're on the same page about something. Of course it won't be very effective. It will be painful and slow and crumbs at best to win for years. That's why I compare it to the ACT UP movement in the Reagan era. 


Correct. The liberal agenda has-been set back for decades and no one

 will ever believe their propoganda again. Bill Marr admits the left lied about Romney and McCain. That is not the extend of it. They lie about pretty much everything when it comes to politics.

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It was the people in the largest cities that voted for Hillary, well,  som nome nah!  Get over it..  I will visit Montana and other states that voted in Donald. The smaller towns and cities are more enjoyable  to visit anyway.  Wait a few months to see how him and the Republicans do.  I guess  some of the  big  city folk think that they are special and are mad that the small town and country people brought the Republicans back into power.


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