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Clinton blames FBI director for presidential election loss


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12 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Victims for good reasons.  The Russians hacked the democrats email system and made them public.  A crime for sure.

No they didn't. The FBI did the hacking. Even if the Russians did, that is no excuse for what was exposed.

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Just now, JLCrab said:

And I for one am not hoping that he fails as did many Republicans when Obama took office. I lived in New York City from mid to late 70's when Donald Trump first became a public figure and  have somewhat followed him ever since. However I live in Thailand and  for the next 4 years for me I'll just kick back and see what's what.


Sometimes I question just how many on here actually live in Thailand as so little of consequence at least for me, is affected on a daily basis whether it was GWBush, Obama, or the soon to be President Trump.


There's been a stark difference in the rhetoric between the Repubs who vowed to do everything they could to undermine Obama, and the Dems who are promising to work with Trump to make America successful.


I believe that's one of the reasons Trump got the nomination ahead of Repubs who thought they were in line for it.  It seems the Dems are able to learn a lesson.  


But that's rhetoric.  We'll see if their actions come up to snuff.

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Clinton lost because of her own wrongdoing, which the FBI found out. she lost because she presented herself as a rightful heiress to the White House. she lost because she did not campaign as hard as Trump. heck, she can even blame Obama for her loss. and if she can't come to terms with the multitude of reasons why she lost, then she absolutely deserved it.

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23 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Victims for good reasons.  The Russians hacked the democrats email system and made them public.  A crime for sure.


Crime?  They could have taken a lesson from our side's history and just hired someone to assassinate the candidate they didn't like...

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While this is an opinion piece by an avowed liberal at a liberal think tank, this was published in The Washington Post:

If you voted for Trump because he’s ‘anti-establishment,’ guess what: You got conned



Edited by JLCrab
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19 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

And I for one am not hoping that he fails as did many Republicans when Obama took office. I lived in New York City from mid to late 70's when Donald Trump first became a public figure and  have somewhat followed him ever since. However I live in Thailand and  for the next 4 years for me I'll just kick back and see what's what.


Sometimes I question just how many on here actually live in Thailand as so little of consequence, at least for me, that goes on in USA affects me on a daily basis whether it was GWBush, Obama, or the soon to be President Trump.

america is on a path to a major melt down. interest rates are at zero and can not be raised. borrowing for stimulus spending and bail outs continues. income disparity worsens. home ownership rates (the american dream) is steadily declining. millions homeless, millions more homes sitting empty. national debt (20 trillion) and household dept (12 trillion) continues to climb. i dont see any way back from Americas current path. i would like to see trump some how turn it around but it is hard to see how that would happen. when american really falls the world will be affected by the flow on effect. we will not be insulated in thailand. 

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58 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


As Ive said before you cant  beat the Donald at mind games.


The president of the USA cannot afford to "play mind games". Trump has succeeded because he was playing for relatively  low stakes against people who were not equipped to take him on. War and peace, human rights, respect for the US Constitution, maintaining  the balance of good against evil etc. requires a different skillset. Presidents have to treat the Senate and House with respect. Bullying won't work with other bullies. They will gang up on you. 


The political leadership of China, of Russia and elsewhere are as devious, and as deceitful as Trump. They are also experienced at knifing people in the back. China and Russia have no problem in shedding blood, whether it is civilian or military and they will cover up and deny when they do evil. No one holds them accountable. Witness the UN and the Arab world giving a free pass to the Russian atrocities in Syria. The USA has  a conscience and while it may err and do terrible things, its people  do not tolerate evil or abuse of power. Case in pont are bombings of civilian targets. Unacceptable to  the American public.  Americans  will not accept  their young coming home in body bags. The Russian and Chinese public doesn't like it either, but they are not told about it. In plain language, Trump's former tactics won't work and his Mussolini type facial expressions will only earn him contempt. It's a whole new ball game and one that he is not trained for. 


Hopefully, John Huntsman is available. This is one of the Republican party's  most honourable and skilled people and he knows China better than anyone else.

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The reason I like trump is he deals with the problem. People can call him names,say he is politically incorrect ,rascist etc. He takes it in stride and goes on to get the job done. He is like a hockey player willing to take the hits to be in position to put the puck in the net. They can defame him all they like but he will get results.

  And hillary only has herself to blame the FBI were only dealing with what she had done. some times what you do comes back to bite you.

Edited by lovelomsak
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16 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

While this is an opinion piece by an avowed liberal at a liberal think tank, this was published in The Washington Post:

If you voted for Trump because he’s ‘anti-establishment,’ guess what: You got conned




There's always the possibility that the Repubs are the ones who Trump conned.    We'll see.  


Even if it works out exactly like the article predicts, it wouldn't be much different than a HRC presidency anyway.  And they didn't predict the election so well...

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2 minutes ago, notmyself said:

It was the number of people who could not bring themselves to vote for her that lost it


Agreed. The low turnout in US elections is shameful. They should have at least voted  with a write in or crossed out the ballot.  Use it or lose it. So many US  people gave their lives and it wasn't so  45%+ could sit at home picking their noses.

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What I find very funny, were the actions by a lot of Americans, was all the people who thought it hilarious when Captain Candy started running for the presidency.

Funny to watch them now trying to winch their jaws closed, after his great win.

Welcome to POTUS Donald.

Hilary you are the weakest link, get lost.


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1 hour ago, impulse said:

When a poker player across from you warns you he's got a great hand, do you believe him?  Say what you want, but Trump's a great poker player/ negotiator.  We don't have a clue what he would have done had he lost.  He was just putting his opponents on (very public) notice that he was expecting dirty tricks- and he has the resources and demeanor to call them on it.  That's the guy I want sitting across the table negotiating with the Chinese and with Putin.


       Impulse says, "We don't have a clue what he would have done had he lost."


       Are you kidding?  For weeks before the election, he kept shouting the election was rigged.  He's the top litigator in the country.  He complained his mic wasn't working, when the world heard him sniffling every 5 seconds at the 2nd debate.  One of his top aides, Roger Stone, was deputized by Trump to put armed guards (mostly ex-cops hired to wear arm bands and look stern) at inner city polling places.  There's no doubt Trump would have litigated to high heaven if the election had been close with HRC winning.


      As for being a sly manipulator:  Yes, Trump got millions from investors, telling them what a grand bunch of casinos he was building in Atlantic City, .....then, when Trump saw the bottom falling out of all his businesses, he took the investors' money and secretly scooted out of town, to continue his lavish lifestyle.  


      Is that what he'll do with the US of A?  ....like fellow Republican Gov. Brownback bankrupted Kansas with a pure Republican economic plan.   Sit back and see.  Pass the popcorn.  

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58 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Victims for good reasons.  The Russians hacked the democrats email system and made them public.  A crime for sure.


I remember when the Pentagon Papers came to public attention.  Back then, the press wasn't very interested in the source or the legality of the matter.  They focused on the content.  But this time, they all but ignored the content to make McCarthyite charges against people and organizations that tried to get the email info to the public. 

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1 hour ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

be a gracious looser and let it slide. the polls were false, she was probably never winning. even before trumpie told the wold he likes to grab them by the p#ssy. the fact she could not beat trump, a man hated by so many should tell that she was not much of an opponent.


The polls were not false. They were accurate. A poll is a snapshot in time. What they did not correctly reflect was that those in favour of Trump were more likely to vote and those in favour of Clinton were not likely to vote. In plain language, the people who wanted Trump turned out to vote. The people who preferred  Clinton , did not. And you know what? Those people who didn't vote can go F themselves, if they are unhappy with the result.

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7 minutes ago, Inepto Cracy said:

What I find very funny, were the actions by a lot of Americans, was all the people who thought it hilarious when Captain Candy started running for the presidency. Funny to watch them now trying to winch their jaws closed, after his great win. Welcome to POTUS Donald. Hilary you are the weakest link, get lost. Yeeehaaa.


You might want HRC to get lost, but she's had a career of putting together programs which tangibly helped women and children - particularly the poor and disadvantaged.  Are you also telling poor mothers and their kids to get lost?   .....or just telling them that their champion can get lost.

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2 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Is that what he'll do with the US of A?  ....like fellow Republican Gov. Brownback bankrupted Kansas with a pure Republican economic plan.   Sit back and see.  Pass the popcorn.  


We learned in 2000 that when it's a presidential election at stake, it gets fast tracked to the Supreme Court.  After that, any further "litigation" would have to be done with military force.  Not likely.


I do agree with the Sit back and see.  It is a mystery.  To be clear, I worry, too.  I'm hoping for the best, but it may be a disaster of biblical proportions. 

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2 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


You might want HRC to get lost, but she's had a career of putting together programs which tangibly helped women and children - particularly the poor and disadvantaged.  Are you also telling poor mothers and their kids to get lost?   .....or just telling them that their champion can get lost.


That's with her left hand.  While the right hand was forking over $$$ trillions to bankers, corporate moguls and other Wall Streeters who crashed the economy...again.  

Maybe the women and children wouldn't need the help if they would just quit crashing the economy during their profit taking binges.

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I think it was always way closer than HRC's campaign and some of her supporters here presented. That said, she probably did have the lead prior to the latest Comey statements. Would it have been enough of a margin to win the elections? Perhaps. But the point is that if her candidacy was the mercy of Comey's statements, she was already in electoral trouble.


So, yes...Comey's statements were definitely a factor in HRC dropping the ball, but by no means the sole cause. And either way, it blaming him now sounds kinda whiny.

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There are several smaller reasons the Clinton's lost. Black voter suppression worked (Republicans were even bragging about it),  racists came out of the woodwork venting their anger at a Black man in a White House, the dislike of Clinton, her neoliberal/neocon stance, her many failures-real and perceived, Comey but most of all it was her. Her and the lying, cheating primary stealing DNC and corporate blue dawg Democrat elites that cheated Bernie out of the win. Bernie would have walked all over the orange monster, (no I will never accept him as a human being much less president) won back the Senate and possibly the House. In the end, the Democrat Party have nobody to blame but themselves. Bad choice, bad campaign, bad choice, bad choice. As I said from the beginning many just would not vote and that happened.

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1 hour ago, impulse said:


The beauty of Trump is that his ego is so big, he's going to do his dead level best to leave a good legacy.  He may fail miserably, but he may surprise us all.


A perception of a good legacy, not necessarily an actual good legacy. Can be even an idiosyncratic good legacy, at that.

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