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Clinton blames FBI director for presidential election loss


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Thank you, Publicus. I've been involved with a Marine Security company for a while and we employed ex Navy and ex Marine personnel from Ukraine, Latvia, Malaysia etc and dealt with FBI Legal Attache departments in several countries. I was impressed by those guys, their integrity, intelligence, huge experience. Compared with the local law enforcement in many countries , legats were honest and straight forward to deal with. Of course, my experience is very limited.

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On 11/13/2016 at 4:43 PM, dunroaming said:

Clinton lost and she needs to take it on the chin and move.  So far Trump is backpedalling at quite a rate and hopefully he will keep ditching the stupid policies he was pitching in the campaign.  I am relieved that he seems to be calm and controlled at the moment.  Let's see how that goes when he moves into his new house.


Here's the good news for the good guyz.


While HRC would have been Potus 24-7, at least Donald Trump will be the nation's first part-time Potus....



Trump Is Miserable And Only Plans On Being President For 4 Days Each Week


Donald Trump never expected to win the presidential election, and is planning on being in Washington only when Congress is working, which means that he will be a part-time president who will only work 4 days a week.



Trump looked miserable being in Washington yesterday. He is an older person who is set in his ways. Donald Trump would rather be at home than running the country, and his is already displaying the attitude of a presidency that is setting itself up for failure. 

Since Congress works what amounts to a four-day a week schedule at best when they are in session, it appears that as President Donald Trump is going to follow their model and try to be a part-time president. 




Bad news is however the KKK's hero Stephen Bannon formerly of Breitbart will be running the government whether Trump is in Washington or lounging at home at Trump Tower in NYC...or abroad.



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Well Jake, you got it right on the button so speaking of which....



Three new tweets from the president-elect show why Donald Trump is a failed president waiting to happen.


Wow, the @nytimes is losing thousands of subscribers because of their very poor and highly inaccurate coverage of the "Trump phenomena"

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 13, 2016


The @nytimes sent a letter to their subscribers apologizing for their BAD coverage of me. I wonder if it will change – doubt it?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 13, 2016


The @nytimes states today that DJT believes "more countries should acquire nuclear weapons." How dishonest are they. I never said this!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 13, 2016


Successful presidents don’t waste their time constructing misinformation campaigns against the nation’s free press.





Interesting and fascinating how Donald J. Trump has become a low energy guy all of a sudden.


He is ranging in his reactions from bewildered, subdued, lackadaisical, numb, apparently somewhat depressed.


Not only is Donald J. Trump in over his head and profoundly so, but he's going to have the big red button right there with him at all times.


It is anyway unmistakable Trump and His Fanboyz are firing up Old Sparky down there in the dungeon for the MSM, starting with NYT. After Trump fries the NYT, the rest of 'em will be a child's play.

Edited by Publicus
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9 hours ago, Gene1960 said:

Have you ever met any corrupted FBI agent during your service or after, in DC? Just curious.


He is/was an English teacher 

Don't get your hopes up for a factual answer

based on his "other" claims

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1 hour ago, Gene1960 said:

Thank you, Publicus. I've been involved with a Marine Security company for a while and we employed ex Navy and ex Marine personnel from Ukraine, Latvia, Malaysia etc and dealt with FBI Legal Attache departments in several countries. I was impressed by those guys, their integrity, intelligence, huge experience. Compared with the local law enforcement in many countries , legats were honest and straight forward to deal with. Of course, my experience is very limited.


FBI agents stationed abroad are pretty much of the same high quality as DepState professional Foreign Service Officers who serve at the various embassies and consulates. You'd know that FBI who do this specialised work are trained for it too. As foreign service types, neither FBI abroad nor the actual Foreign Service Officers are affected by or involved in a campaign for Potus or in domestic politics. For FBI abroad get involved in such things is just not a career building activity. Besides, because FBI abroad are removed physically and spatially, they don't have a secure footing on what is actually going on and who's who in it. It would be a huge risk to 'em.


FBI in Washington are both highly trained professionals but it has become unmistakable that there are internal FBI cabals that can be and are often quite political on the Right Sector side. Look at all their maliciously false leaks for years now to the mass of highly financed right wing media. Comey does not stop it despite the private heat he takes from the White House. Comey can do this because of the strong support he gets privately from the Republicans in the House. Comey exploits his position and its standing, prestige, in ways the lone wolf Hoover hadn't ever imagined. 

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Oh boo hoo.  She played fast & loose with national security requirements and got burned.   But there are really four reasons Hillary lost the election.  In no particular order:


  • Elitism.  The whole email server business is but an example, and the Comey letter just a pebble on the beach in all that (if he'd actually been doing his job, he'd have recommended an indictment in the first place).  Any lower-level govt employee would've been charged & convicted (and probably wouldn't even have bothered to plead not guilty).  But certainly none of these restrictions could ever apply to Hillary...
  • Incompetence.   She proved her worth at Benghazi.  The assassinations.  The attempted YouTube cover-up.  The dismissal of warnings & security upgrade recommendations.  What a debacle.
  • Unlikeability & arrogance.   'Can't wait for the post-election opuses from her campaign staffers.  One of those surely a prime candidate for the NYT Best Seller List.
  • Bernie Sanders.   'Nuff said.



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15 hours ago, Publicus said:


Here's the good news for the good guyz.


While HRC would have been Potus 24-7, at least Donald Trump will be the nation's first part-time Potus....



Trump Is Miserable And Only Plans On Being President For 4 Days Each Week


Donald Trump never expected to win the presidential election, and is planning on being in Washington only when Congress is working, which means that he will be a part-time president who will only work 4 days a week.



Trump looked miserable being in Washington yesterday. He is an older person who is set in his ways. Donald Trump would rather be at home than running the country, and his is already displaying the attitude of a presidency that is setting itself up for failure. 

Since Congress works what amounts to a four-day a week schedule at best when they are in session, it appears that as President Donald Trump is going to follow their model and try to be a part-time president. What Mr. Trump seems not understand is that the presidency follows the president where ever he goes. Trump isn’t going to be able to go to New York when he pleases and stop being president.




Bad news is however the KKK's hero Stephen Bannon formerly of Breitbart will be running the government whether Trump is in Washington or lounging at home at Trump Tower in NYC...or abroad.




I've never visited the Breibart website but it can't be any worse than the one you linked to could it?





Talk about an extremist echo chamber...

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I didn't hear her complaining when the Billy tapes were released. In fact she talked up the women that so conveniently appeared so close to the election despite them having no proof that the things they accused him of were true. That probably had more effect on Trump than Comey did on her. Looking at the faces of his entourage, it was all over then, and I thought he had lost.

Comey only levelled the field again.


BTW, notice how they have all suddenly vanished from the scene? None of them are pursuing court cases against him. Gosh, could it be because they were telling porkies?

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6 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


I've never visited the Breibart website but it can't be any worse than the one you linked to could it?





Talk about an extremist echo chamber...


I'd suggest visiting Breitbart.com before drawing conclusions. Both can be said to be extreme echo chambers, but no - not quite on the same league with regard to other issues.

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6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I didn't hear her complaining when the Billy tapes were released. In fact she talked up the women that so conveniently appeared so close to the election despite them having no proof that the things they accused him of were true. That probably had more effect on Trump than Comey did on her. Looking at the faces of his entourage, it was all over then, and I thought he had lost.

Comey only levelled the field again.


BTW, notice how they have all suddenly vanished from the scene? None of them are pursuing court cases against him. Gosh, could it be because they were telling porkies?


Comey is not private person, and "leveling the field" wasn't part of his job description. Respective campaigns doing their best to discredit the other side is another thing.


I dunno that all legal action related to these issues (if  there were, in fact, that many actual complaints filed) "vanished". Perhaps some are less confident engaging POTUS in legal action, perhaps some were settled out of court, perhaps some were bought off or intimidated - if one wished to muse on "could".

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On ‎11‎/‎13‎/‎2016 at 9:13 PM, billd766 said:


If the FBI back in July cleared her and once again they cleared her this month, how come that YOU seem to know more than they do and YOU seem to find her guilty whereas the FBI and the courts dont agree with you?


If you have the knowledge and the evidence why dont YOU publish it and see what happens.


Have you read this all the way through?





I followed the case and the FBI saying they won't recommend her being charged is NOT the same as being innocent. I used to work for the govt in the US (and left a very good career because of the blatant corruption that I would not participate in)  but beyond that background, anyone who has a brain knows how the US govt is now. People are going crazy about Trump because he can't be bought and sold like Hillary. Hillary was like Thaksin, everything and everyone has a price and all that money leads to themselves.


Having a private server and handling classified documents on it is breaking the law and it was published that she did both. Comey adding "intent" when it's not needed for prosecution was just an easy way out for him.


All public knowledge.



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On ‎11‎/‎14‎/‎2016 at 2:10 AM, Publicus said:


No charges no nuthin.




Only the vast rightwing conspicuously.

No charges does NOT mean crimes were not committed. Try brushing up on this case. Also watch when Cowdy questioned Comey.


Clinton had set up a private server and used it for classified emails, among other violations of law. That is public domain information.


If I did that when I worked for the government, they would have convicted me. I left the govt there to avoid getting sucked into the corruption. Either I did all the illegal stuff too or fight it and lose my job. I got out before they had a chance to get me.

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32 minutes ago, Global Guy said:

No charges does NOT mean crimes were not committed. Try brushing up on this case. Also watch when Cowdy questioned Comey.


Clinton had set up a private server and used it for classified emails, among other violations of law. That is public domain information.


If I did that when I worked for the government, they would have convicted me. I left the govt there to avoid getting sucked into the corruption. Either I did all the illegal stuff too or fight it and lose my job. I got out before they had a chance to get me.


Tell me about it.  :bah:


My only question at this point is whether OB shitcans the corrupt Comey and KGB wannabe after the Thanksgiving Holiday and before the new year.


Or on his last full day in office. 

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1 hour ago, Publicus said:


Tell me about it.  :bah:


My only question at this point is whether OB shitcans the corrupt Comey and KGB wannabe after the Thanksgiving Holiday and before the new year.


Or on his last full day in office. 


What color is the sky in pubs bizarro world?

it is not hard to see how you preached so wrong for so long

It is because you live in bizarro world...up is down..left is right....

Either that or your comprehension is just bad

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On 11/12/2016 at 5:19 PM, ClutchClark said:

Still in denial.


Still blaming everyone but herself and her own decisions.


it was either the FBI or racism or sexism or.....


Great example to send to her followers.


Take zero personal responsibility.

That and throw in lie when confronted with undeniable facts, plus a healthy dose of 'Delay as long as possible' and you have the Clinton 'Playbook'. 

Edited by venturalaw
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Question for All:


if Hillary had simply used the secure government server instead of choosing to deny all Americans transparency in her decisions as a public servant, then there would have been no need for an FBI investigation?


Is this correct?


So this could be considered one of those unintended consequences which so often occur when attempting to deceive--its almost impossible to think of every angle and thats why criminals almost always get caught up with. 

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The server most likely would have made no difference.   The Clinton's are the anti-Christ to the right-wing conservatives.   They have dogged them, followed them, investigated them and if they can't find anything, then they make up a conspiracy.   


Every aspect of their life has been laid bare for the public.   It goes back to her University days and includes her private work outside of the government.   Her pay records were reviewed as an attorney and when they couldn't be found it was a deliberate attempt to pervert the course of justice.   When they were found, it was proof that they had been hidden.  


When she made money in future's trading, she was manipulating the markets.   When she (and Bill) lost money, they were investigated.    To the right, she exudes power that even would make even Satan envious.   


She writes books, and they are best sellers and make a lot of money.   She gives speech and makes a lot of money.   To some, these are indications of how evil she really is.  If they paid her less, that would indicate what a failure she was.  Even though her and Bill are getting on in years, those around them never die -- they are murdered.   


She met with world leaders, many of whom gave large sums to a charity that has an "A" rating by independent organizations that rate such things.   For her, it's pay-to-play; for her competitors, meeting with the likes of the Koch brother's is fine.  Weekend retreats by donors and special favors by the right get no attention, however.   She took no money from her foundation for campaigns.   It isn't and wasn't her personal piggy-bank, as some have indicated.   Now compare it to the Trump Foundation; that's hard, since there is no transparency, just some indications that it made some inappropriate purchases of portraits and paid for legal expenses--actions that may prove to be illegal.     


She stood up to a man who made made the likes of the Bushes cower in fear and who sent Paul Ryan, Mark Rubio and other 'great' men sniffling like a petulant child.  She stood up to personal insults, unwarranted comments about her appearance and every thing she touches.   She was threatened with jail, but she never waivered and she never backed down.


She lost an election and she graciously conceded and asked that other's unite behind the great country.    


All that but what we hear is .....but Benghazi....but the emails......





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On ‎11‎/‎20‎/‎2016 at 3:21 AM, Credo said:

The server most likely would have made no difference.   The Clinton's are the anti-Christ to the right-wing conservatives.   They have dogged them, followed them, investigated them and if they can't find anything, then they make up a conspiracy.   


Every aspect of their life has been laid bare for the public.   It goes back to her University days and includes her

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