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Still reeling, Democrats begin battling for future


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Still reeling, Democrats begin battling for future



WASHINGTON (AP) — Still reeling from a devastating defeat in last week's election, Democrats are beginning the process of charting the direction of their party in the Donald Trump era.


With Hillary Clinton and her team staying out of the public eye, liberal politicians have begun jockeying for control of the party's future. While they all backed Clinton, they're now pushing for a serious shift in the party's policy positions, financial resources and grassroots organizing to focus more on an economic populist message that could win back white working class voters who went for Trump.


The soul searching took a more urgent tone on Monday, when some party activists, donors and politicians began advocating for changes in leadership.


Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison announced his candidacy to be chairman of the Democratic National Committee on Monday afternoon, joining a crowded field of candidates seeking to head up the party's national organization.


In the House, a group of largely younger Democrats is pushing to postpone leadership elections in an effort to force a discussion about the direction of the party. Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Minority Whip Steny Hoyer have led the caucus for more than a decade.


Wealthy Democratic donors, gathered in Washington for a three-day strategy session, began laying plans for what they hoped would be a resurgence of the party, starting with its economic message.


"There's a general feeling that the Democratic party itself needs some serious reform and has grown very distant from the kind of communities it represents," said Gara LaMarche, president of the Democracy Alliance.


After losing the White House and Congress — and likely the ideological tilt of the Supreme Court — the Democrats' new chief will be one of the party's most visible faces in politics, making the role a far more influential post than it was during the Obama administration.


Already, around a dozen Democrats' names have been publicly floated to succeed interim chairwoman Donna Brazile.


Ellison, a prominent progressive and the first Muslim elected to Congress, has emerged as an early contender, backed by much of the party's leadership wing.


Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean announced his intention Thursday to reclaim a post he held during the Bush administration. Former Maryland governor Martin O'Malley, DNC National Finance Chairman Henry Muñoz III, and South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Jaime Harrison have also said they're considering bids.


The contest comes at a time of deep unrest for the party. Anti-Trump protests continued this weekend and post-election polls showed a significant minority of Clinton backers question the legitimacy of Trump's win.


The future looks even grimmer. In two years, Democrats will be defending about two dozen Senate seats, including at least five in deep-red states. That election could hand Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell a filibuster-proof majority, further clearing the way for a conservative policy agenda.


"I come from the white working class, and I am deeply humiliated that the Democratic Party cannot talk to the people where I came from," tweeted Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who mounted a fierce challenge to Clinton in the primary.


Top party leaders are urging Democrats not to despair.


"It's time to brush ourselves off, get back in the arena, and get ready to fight," President Barack Obama said in an email to supporters inviting them to join a call with him on Monday evening.


Clinton, meanwhile, has offered little advice to supporters after her concession speech on Wednesday. On a weekend call with top donors, she blamed her loss largely on the FBI's decision to revive its examination of her email accounts.


She's expected to address House Democrats on a Monday afternoon call.

-- © Associated Press 2016-11-15
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While they all backed Clinton, they're now pushing for a serious shift in the party's policy positions, financial resources and grassroots organizing to focus more on an economic populist message that could win back white working class voters who went for Trump


Here's some advice. Stop being so wishy-washy, pandering-to-everyone-but-the-white-straight-man PC. Or maybe figure out a way to dilute that demographic further... could always try to slip in a few million immigrants without Trump noticing. :whistling:

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You backed a candidate who would not do reforms, a business-as-usual Wallstreet buddy. You gambled and lost, because you are fixated on your personal interest gains and therefore refused to see that change was what the voters wanted. Any change at any cost, no more same same! And because of your shortsightedness we now have Trump. Thank you, idiots.

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Yes the next Democratic leader better learn that he needs a SB machine like Fox news? verbally hurling out lies insults and 24/7/365. He/she better learn the truth gets you nowhere it only an distraction grab the pulse of America and run with it. Have a lot of dirty moments along the way and a few Mia Nois. Call everyone a liar and crooked. Quit being gentile the days of the Marquess de Queensberry are long gone take off the gloves no put them on and get down and dirty. Your personal life will not matter the worse it is the more it will attract voter attention because of extreme envy I would guess. Rip the other guy to shreds just keep pounding and pounding till all Republican voices are stilled. After your elected you can revert to a more gentile condescending manner. A barroom brawl comes to mind. 

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Biter bit comes to mind! HRC still refuses to take responsibility for the loss! Amazing hubris, what sort of bubble are the dems living in? They killed any support they had among the young and progressives, they ignore the one person who could lift the DNC and still after being flogged at the polls insist that some how they got it almost right and to hell with Bernie!


I was asked "why do red necks always get what they want yet liberals who push and shove never seem to succeed?" Liberals always get lost looking for the material gain and so lose the plot, red necks just want to be left alone and have no axe to grind!  :smile::wai:

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18 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Yes the next Democratic leader better learn that he needs a SB machine like Fox news? verbally hurling out lies insults and 24/7/365. He/she better learn the truth gets you nowhere it only an distraction grab the pulse of America and run with it. Have a lot of dirty moments along the way and a few Mia Nois. Call everyone a liar and crooked. Quit being gentile the days of the Marquess de Queensberry are long gone take off the gloves no put them on and get down and dirty. Your personal life will not matter the worse it is the more it will attract voter attention because of extreme envy I would guess. Rip the other guy to shreds just keep pounding and pounding till all Republican voices are stilled. After your elected you can revert to a more gentile condescending manner. A barroom brawl comes to mind. 

The fact that HRC lied and lied and lied, the fact that she played fast and loose with the nations security, that she rounded up women to character assassinate her opponent doesn't cut any ice with you ? The FBI director notified both parties (as he was required to do) as soon as he could, if HRC hadn't been so prideful and had her private server loaded with sensitive emails do you think the later scares would've had such an effect?? Bernie would have wiped the floor with Trump, sour grapes will not rewrite history! :wai:

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1 minute ago, TPI said:

The fact that HRC lied and lied and lied, the fact that she played fast and loose with the nations security, that she rounded up women to character assassinate her opponent doesn't cut any ice with you ? The FBI director notified both parties (as he was required to do) as soon as he could, if HRC hadn't been so prideful and had her private server loaded with sensitive emails do you think the later scares would've had such an effect?? Bernie would have wiped the floor with Trump, sour grapes will not rewrite history! :wai:

Yes Trump will rewrite history thats for sure black dark history. Where is the proof for all the crap you spout rounded up women?? Yes Bernie would wipe the floor. Sour grapes really me living in Thailand and a non American why would I give a <deleted>. Just voicing an opinion on here but not trying to yank the chain of nutters. Seems I have failed. 

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"... they're now pushing for a serious shift in the party's policy positions, financial resources and grassroots organizing to focus more on an economic populist message that could win back white working class voters who went for Trump."


Well they had that option with Bernie but we're too fearful to make the necessary break.

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36 minutes ago, chilli42 said:

"... they're now pushing for a serious shift in the party's policy positions, financial resources and grassroots organizing to focus more on an economic populist message that could win back white working class voters who went for Trump."


Well they had that option with Bernie but we're too fearful to make the necessary break.


They didn't have a group of billionaires lined up who would pay them to make that political shift so naturally they railed against it in accordance with the views of the billionaires who were already paying them.

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48 minutes ago, chilli42 said:

"... they're now pushing for a serious shift in the party's policy positions, financial resources and grassroots organizing to focus more on an economic populist message that could win back white working class voters who went for Trump."


Well they had that option with Bernie but we're too fearful to make the necessary break.

Ding Ding Ding, we have a winner folks.  :thumbsup:

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