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Jeremy Clarkson furious after Argentinian airport worker 'kicks him off flight'


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1 hour ago, Old Croc said:

Having working in an airport for many years, I can attest to the fact that airlines will search everywhere for passengers who go missing after check-in. Far easier to find drunks in the bar, and hurry them onto their flight, than find and unload the baggage from the hold.

How did the airline lose a BBC crew boozing away in a lounge after being told the flight was delayed?

Clarkson is a prat, but a funny and clever TV presenter. I really enjoyed Top Gear over the years.                                                                                                                                                             When the Argentinians tried to kill the crew several years ago, because of a perceived offensive number plate, and the police stood by without doing their duty, it said more about that country than anything else. This Spanish guy may have made comment supporting the former colony, but I have trouble believing he would jeopardize his job by behaving as Clarkson claimed.

First thing it says in the provided link is that they were refused because they were too drunk to fly.

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32 minutes ago, little mary sunshine said:

I wonder if this : Over The Hill,  No Talent,  Self-Important,

Hasbeen was also half drunk and belligerent!!


I hope he was half drunk and belligerent. He doesn't suffer fools. And he's non-PC, which in itself makes him a national treasure. 


I have zero interest in cars but I read one of his books - it was not only hilarious, but arch and intelligent. In terms of native wit he's pretty much up there with Oscar Wilde, who was probably also a pain to have around.


Can't bear to watch him but I enjoy reading about his antics.

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3 hours ago, wanderluster said:

publicity stunt at the best...  most likely just another brit thinking that he is better than the rest of the world...pos for those who know what that means


So a known prat, behaves like a prat again. Hardly surprising.


But a bigot and racist never misses the chance to generalize and stereotype. Do they?

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2 hours ago, ddavidovsky said:


I hope he was half drunk and belligerent. He doesn't suffer fools. And he's non-PC, which in itself makes him a national treasure. 


I have zero interest in cars but I read one of his books - it was not only hilarious, but arch and intelligent. In terms of native wit he's pretty much up there with Oscar Wilde, who was probably also a pain to have around.


Can't bear to watch him but I enjoy reading about his antics.


"He doesn't suffer fools."  = He's an intolerant bully.


As are all so described.


Liked by those of a similar nature.



Edited by Enoon
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23 hours ago, JoePai said:

Maybe, but a clever one   :tongue:


No he is not clever.


Just arrogant, thought they would hold the plane for him while he had another drink or too. 


The airport worker should sue him for deformation.


Would be nice if the Airport had some CCTV pics to to release that show him turning up to the gate late,.

Edited by Basil B
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2 hours ago, Jonmarleesco said:

Fascinating. An Argentinian is able to kick them off a BA flight originating in Germany with London its destination. That doesn't quite add up.


Stay with it.


Spanish not Argentinian.


And they were not kicked off, they never got on the flight in the first place because they had all gone deaf, dumb and blind and missed the final calls, so their luggage was taken off, causing delays for all the other passengers. They should now sue Clarkson for wasting time.


Is Clarkson broadcast in Germany? I would be surprised if the airport worker even knew who the tw4t is.

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43 minutes ago, 12DrinkMore said:


Stay with it.


Spanish not Argentinian.


And they were not kicked off, they never got on the flight in the first place because they had all gone deaf, dumb and blind and missed the final calls, so their luggage was taken off, causing delays for all the other passengers. They should now sue Clarkson for wasting time.


Is Clarkson broadcast in Germany? I would be surprised if the airport worker even knew who the tw4t is.

As for your last question, "Clarkson's" Top Gear was broadcast and extremely popular all over the world, dubbed or subtitled in a multitude of languages. I'm Swiss and I am pretty sure that the TG-trio couldn't have a quiet day in our country without being constantly harassed for autographs and interviews. 

There's a reason the BBC would let him say and do pretty much anything he wanted, until he started beating up the staff, that is....

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7 hours ago, dazzz said:

About the same as you for reading it except he makes millions out his job and this is fantastic publicity and i just found out his new show starts on friday . As long as there are people like you who call people stupid incorrct names he will always make lots of money .
Bigotted ,racist ,pain in the bum yes stupid no . Extremely entertaining yes



I wonder if he has ever thought of standing for the Republican's as a presidential Candidate,  I like him and he seems to exhibit all the requirements to make a great president.  If only he could get a green card.  But yes - great publicity.

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7 hours ago, popsie said:
On ‎16‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 11:59 AM, 7by7 said:


Everyone is, of course, entitled to their opinion.


But I do have to wonder why you and so many of those who share your opinion feel the need to follow and comment upon his every move!


Why not simply ignore him completely?   but he doesn't go away!!!!!!!!!!!


BTW, he was  on excellent form on QI last Friday.



"but he doesn't go away!!!!!!!!!!!"


The same as most other celebrities whose activities seem to fill the papers etc..


But no one forces me to read about those whom I dislike or bore me; no one forces me to open topics on Thai Visa about them.


Who is forcing you to do so?


Or do you mean he's hanging around outside your house all the time?

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4 hours ago, Mousehound said:

I wonder if he has ever thought of standing for the Republican's as a presidential Candidate,  I like him and he seems to exhibit all the requirements to make a great president.  If only he could get a green card.  But yes - great publicity.

You cannot run for Prez with a green card...you need to be born in the USA, or born of US parents. John McEnroe was born in Germany, but he could run for Prez because of his parents.

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There are worse things that can happen to you than missing a BA flight!

Sounds like there was also confusion as to whether the flight was delayed or not. Too often passengers are herded around like sheep, they want them at the gate then you are hanging around there for ages before boarding. Busy European airports are no fun and passengers are treated poorly.

Edited by jacko45k
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20 hours ago, nottocus said:

It's all about the money is it? LOL.

 One thing i learned this year is that the abusive people who infest this world are the minority who shout the loudest. you read that Everbody seems to hate trump , obama ,brexit bush margret thatcher ,nigel farage , tony blair , clinton , jeremy clarkson . But the truth is a lot more people like them than dislike them or they would not have had  their jobs foir so long but the like people are more polite than the 1% who always scream abuse.
 What you do not understand if clarkson was quiete and polite he would not be so successful and have a job where he travels the world driving fantastic cars and has adventures most of us can only dream of . His shows are loved all over the world  and a lot of people like his style and made him rich .
 You call him an idiot but you have never met him , you have no idea what went on at that airport and whose fault it was but you feel it is ok to call someone you do not know abusive names .

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On ‎11‎/‎18‎/‎2016 at 8:24 AM, dazzz said:

 One thing i learned this year is that the abusive people who infest this world are the minority who shout the loudest. you read that Everbody seems to hate trump , obama ,brexit bush margret thatcher ,nigel farage , tony blair , clinton , jeremy clarkson . But the truth is a lot more people like them than dislike them or they would not have had  their jobs foir so long but the like people are more polite than the 1% who always scream abuse.
 What you do not understand if clarkson was quiete and polite he would not be so successful and have a job where he travels the world driving fantastic cars and has adventures most of us can only dream of . His shows are loved all over the world  and a lot of people like his style and made him rich .
 You call him an idiot but you have never met him , you have no idea what went on at that airport and whose fault it was but you feel it is ok to call someone you do not know abusive names .

Hahaha...so worked up over a simple comment.

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2 hours ago, nottocus said:

Hahaha...so worked up over a simple comment.

No i am not worked up over what you admit is a simple  comment which makes you simple . It is the fact everytime i read a post there is an idiot who has to make a remark which is usually a lie and is wrong .When i get to one of those idiotic comments i stop reading the post meaning because of idiots like you i read very little on here
 After looking at all the posts you make they are all the same . do you ever say anything nice

Edited by dazzz
not finished
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I am just waiting for the CCTV from a airport bar...


I can just imagine it.


Tanoy:  >>> Final call for BA Flight $$$, will passengers Clarkson, May & Hammond please make their way to the gate now or the flight will go without you. <<<


Hammond: Jeremy, I think we should drink up and go...


Clarkson: sit down you Brummie Toffee,  or I will thump you, ...let them f***ing wait.



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1 hour ago, dazzz said:

No i am not worked up over what you admit is a simple  comment which makes you simple . It is the fact everytime i read a post there is an idiot who has to make a remark which is usually a lie and is wrong .When i get to one of those idiotic comments i stop reading the post meaning because of idiots like you i read very little on here
 After looking at all the posts you make they are all the same . do you ever say anything nice

For someone who isn't worked up you sure sound it

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Just another story embellished by Clarkson for publicity.

Clarkson is a great entertainer....but an English twit.


Remember? The Argentinian debacle....followed by the US trip debacle? 

The crew nearly got lynched on both occasions and had to run for their lives....especially in Alabama, " Survival Challenge in Alabama "!

Dem Sudern boys sure as heck know how to handle dem stupid foreigners!


How on earth did these stupid idiots and the BBC not see how offensive they would be? Or was this the whole point (that backfired)



He has insulted Germany, Romania (not without cause!) and Mexico, among others. 

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