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Just a parking problem - but Thai man kicks phad Thai seller in the head in anger


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13 hours ago, CelticBhoy said:

A huge show of support for this woman would be a great idea.

A few hundred locals turning up every night to eat her food

and glare at the retarded neighbour if he dared show his face.

People like this guy should be shamed to death.

I got that type of support many years ago. My Thai friends thought I was being intimidated by a neighbor (which he was trying to do) and they turned up in numbers when I was away. No fight, just an understanding. The neighbour had a welcome back bottle of Johnny for me, although I had no idea as to what had happened while I was away. Thanks lads.

I hope they do the same. Nobody likes a bully.


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13 hours ago, Psimbo said:

Some people seem to think they own the Public Highway outside their house, others seem to think it is their right to run businesses on the Public Highway (including taxis, noodle stalls, etc). it is exactly that- the Public Highway and no one has more rights than others over it. 


Not condoning his actions in any way but this has the whiff off a long running dispute with no Jai Yen Yen involved. 

Asian thing, they do it San Francisco

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17 hours ago, Psimbo said:

Some people seem to think they own the Public Highway outside their house, others seem to think it is their right to run businesses on the Public Highway (including taxis, noodle stalls, etc). it is exactly that- the Public Highway and no one has more rights than others over it. 


Not condoning his actions in any way but this has the whiff off a long running dispute with no Jai Yen Yen involved. 

I agree, and there are some who believe it is their god-given right to park close to their buildings on the public street. If you are tolerant of it, shall we say give an inch, a yard is taken. If you start a dispute, you are in a long running feud.

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20 hours ago, seajae said:

typical really, thai men see nothing wrong with attacking women or kids especially when their backs are turned. One has to wonder if it is the only way they can defend their tiny manhood, truly pathetic and if its not attacking women it ganging up so they have a better chance of winning the fight, they are simply cowards.

I was in the gym the other day and a music vdo was on tv and a woman slapped a woman to the ground.A man came in,picked up the woman the turned around and slapped the other women.This was on at 4.30 pm when children are watching and learning.

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Folk here do take the piss with appropriating land for their business activities, but this is reprehensible. Very weak man hitting a woman like that (at all) and the husband is either very weak himself, stupid or scared shitless. I know things work differently here, but I could not live with myself if someone took to mine like that and I just stood there. Beggar's belief.

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Another cowardly attack from behind. I thought the one attacking the petrol pump attendant was bad but this - on a female - only shows that, together with their compensatory big pick up trucks, some native males can only be the" big man" by attacking an unsuspecting victim from behind.

Sad. very sad.

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15 hours ago, HaleySabai said:


I say the woman and her husband were certainly  doing their best to be "non-confrontational" .....especially the hubby.

Both non-reaction & full-on reaction IS Thai character.....but,they all runaway in the end.



I think you missed my point, the aggressor wasn't being non-confrontational.

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20 hours ago, freebyrd said:

Every time I see something like this, I remember that ridiculous Thai phrase that rang in my ears at every turn when I lived in TL, "Khon Thai Jai Dee", which is absolute b*ll*cks. All this talk of being a non confrontational people :omfg:.


They are non-confrontational. All going around smiling and happy and good. Showing no negativity. No confrontation.


Until they finally crack due to the mental problems this culture causes and they snap.

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On 17/11/2016 at 5:29 AM, CelticBhoy said:

A huge show of support for this woman would be a great idea.

A few hundred locals turning up every night to eat her food

and glare at the retarded neighbour if he dared show his face.

People like this guy should be shamed to death.

Replacing the word "glare" with the word "kick" would be more appropriate.

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On 11/17/2016 at 3:21 PM, Mook23 said:

Nice high kick for an old guy! Strong woman too. Obviously superior race them thais! Imagine this happening in the west. Farlang would break his own neck doing the kick and female would ko instantly. Good old farmers genes are amazing!!! ????

but  thailands overall lifespan is low compared to other nations

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On 11/17/2016 at 4:09 PM, digbeth said:

Looks like it's not her stall that's blocking this man's driveway but her customers parking that is....


Imagine coming home late at night and having to go out and ask the people in the stalls to please kindly move their cars so you could park inside your driveway


Not condoning but it's very understandable

had same  in the  uk myself...always same old  BS."only going to be a minute" then 10  minutes later theyd  emerge from the shop... then proceed to drive up  my drive to turn round.

Ended up  putting a chain across and then even after that watched as several cars broke it, it was  fun though as the chain would snap whiplashing their cars.

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On 11/17/2016 at 4:36 PM, gchurch259 said:

As a young man, my Mother taught me, never hit a woman except in self defense.


There is a serious mental problem in Thailand, everybody seems to think it is alright to kick people whether they are standing, laying on the ground, you know just kick them, serious mental problem !! No respect for human life !!

no respect for anything in the land of "you  must show respect" face  facts.many are   nothing more than animals and easier to get away with here especially if you have position or  money......even then  minimum fines

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On 11/17/2016 at 4:36 PM, gchurch259 said:

As a young man, my Mother taught me, never hit a woman except in self defense.


There is a serious mental problem in Thailand, everybody seems to think it is alright to kick people whether they are standing, laying on the ground, you know just kick them, serious mental problem !! No respect for human life !!

but  oddly    hitting   a  man is  ok?

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On 11/17/2016 at 7:12 PM, getreal said:

they are bloody tough people the thais.

Good fighters.

Thats why 95% of the times the farangs want to have a go the farangs end up losing.

The woman pad thai seller  looked like she had a sturdy jaw, didnt even go down. 

The  Burmese beg to differ

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On 11/17/2016 at 7:57 PM, Winkburn said:

A Thai woman working hard to support her family then is attacked by a low coward. No matter his grievances the customers chose to park their bikes away from the main road.

A coward a thug then unbelievable people on here condemning her for working hard in her business. Please the persons here defending this creep get a ticket home as soon as possible so we don't need to read your complete diatribe 

or  yours

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Seems like the Man doing the kicking "claims" that is his parking space and pissed off when he comes back and there are other vehicles parked where he normally parks his vehicle.

It looks like they are arguing about the same problem happening everyday or all too often and the man is telling her once again to tell your customers to park elsewhere...but it seems she is not doing her part to help the matter and ignoring the man and arguing back while you see that he has to go over to the patrons who are eating at her food stall and ask them to move their bikes ...when it is her and her husband..??? that should be telling the customers not to park in that particular spot.

The kick in the head is totally uncalled for of course but I imagine the man is really frustrated when he comes back to his residence and he can not park his vehicle where it is allowed to be parked....time and time again...while the woman just ignores him.

I guess the Kick to the head is a reminder of how they have argued about this parking spot over and over again with no cooperation on her part.

Seems like 2 stubborn people arguing.

That is what I surmise and seems pretty obvious to me.


Meantime, Judge Roy Bean, Law West of the Pecos says:

30 lashes to the man for assault and 2000 baht fine for the women for not cooperating and violating parking rules...lol




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The angry man has demonstrated a certain level of courage in his spirit - attacking a defenceless woman so viciously from behind says a lot about his nature.  Does his behaviour reflect anything about human relations and values throughout Thai society? I can't help thinking it is somehow mixed up with the same values that enable covert (and sometimes open) violent behaviour exercised by authorities such as the police against the civilians they are meant to serve and protect.  The callous disregard for humanity, respect for the rights of the individual, or apparent lack of compassion or empathy for individuals seem to all be part of the same problem that is evidenced by everything from run of the mill corruption to organised or spontaneous criminal activity.  How does society deal with such an huge seemingly overwhelming illness?  Where does it start?

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