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US racist and bigoted hate crimes explode after Trump election victory


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US racist and bigoted hate crimes explode after Trump election victory




INDIANAPOLIS: -- Swastikas and homophobic insults:graffiti dubbed on a church in the US state of Indiana. Just one example of 437 reports of hate crimes recorded in the United States since Donald Trump’s election victory.


According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, this type of racist and bigoted harassment and intimidation — directed towards people from minorities — have been rising sharply in the past week.


“What we are seeing is that the bulk of these crimes are aimed at immigrants and Muslims,” said the centre’s Mark Potok. “There are also very many anti black hate crimes.”


Social media sites have been plagued by hate. Many victims and witnesses have posted details of hate crimes.

Some children have been targeted. Often the aggressors have been been other juveniles.


“They started saying, well you’re Mexican and so you’re going to go to a different school now and you’re going back to Mexico,” said Julio Puentes, whose child was bullied by classmates.


The Southern Poverty Law Center monitors hate groups and other extremists. It has called on Donald Trump to reject hate and bigotry and distance himself from the haters.


Trump distanced himself from extreme right-wing groups who had praised him for questioning President Obama’s nationality and religious denomination.


On US election night, former grand wizard for the Ku Klux Klan David Duke, posted this tweet after Trumps victory was announced.


“This is one of the most exciting nights of my life -> make no mistake about it, our people have played a HUGE role in electing Trump!”


In an interview with US network CBS five days after his election, Donald Trump distanced himself from the hate crimes he was accused of inciting.


“I am so saddened to hear that, and I say, ‘Stop it.’ If it helps, I will say this, and I will say right to the camera: ‘Stop it.’”

Potok said Trump’s comments were insufficient.


“I think Donald Trump’s response to this wave of hate crimes largely if not entirely generated by him is a day late, a dollar short and incredibly disingenuous. The bottom line reality is that Donald Trump has stoked the fire.”


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-11-18
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In my experience, racists also rally around barbecue, high school football, fishing and stock car races.


Doesn't mean they're bad for America.  Except maybe barbecue.  But last year, so were eggs in the morning.


Edited by impulse
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34 minutes ago, NovaBlue05 said:

Yes,   With 330 million souls in the country, it's easy to find these random data points to support pretty much whatever narrative you wish to put together.


The media keep trying to manipulate the public into thinking he is a bigot. What a load of crap.

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11 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


The media keep trying to manipulate the public into thinking he is a bigot. What a load of crap.


Just another example of the left wing media attempting to cast our new President in a bad light.

Fail! :smile:

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Oh dear the same rhetoric as brexit. The media calling people racists and bigots. Don't fall for it America. Some people just can't accept democracy and even worse start playing the racist card because you have a difference of opinion.

I am waiting for everything that goes wrong, especially economically to get blamed on Trump. We call it Brexit profiteering in the UK.

what makes me laugh with many companies they have forecasts and business plans that will have been done in the first half of the year way before DT got elected.


I guess it will be Trump profiteering.  It is bull :hit-the-fan:

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5 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

"...........................I am waiting for everything that goes wrong, especially economically to get blamed on Trump...."



At the rate the NYT & rest of MSM is churning out yellow journalism before and since the election, they will have Trump responsible in some capacity for the global financial crisis of '08, the fall of Ukraine, the emergence of ISIS and the JFK assassination by Inauguration Day

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I would also like to say to our American patriotic cousins, expect those who voted for HC to want and see the USA fail in every way possible. They will wish a financial crisis, wars and hope that the country is in turmoil. Very sad that these people would like to see the demise of their country, rather than accept a democratic election, like true patriots should. The doomsday preppers will be wishing for Armageddon at the expense of Donald Trump.



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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:


Just another example of the left wing media attempting to cast our new President in a bad light.

Fail! :smile:

People should wake up and realize that the media in America and around the world is a arm of the globalist agenda. And news must be filtered through a process of thought and research. Even video of Trump had been shown to be edited by CNN and Msnbc.


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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:


Just another example of the left wing media attempting to cast our new President in a bad light.

Fail! :smile:


You guys keep going on and on about the "left wing media" being biased and wrong.  Yet, you guys will believe anything positive about Trump and negative about HRC even when it's completely made-up.  Yes, fake news.  The guy in the below article admitted to posting countless fake news and is even boasting that it was he who made Trump President....


["My sites were picked up by Trump supporters all the time. I think Trump is in the White House because of me. His followers don’t fact-check anything — they’ll post everything, believe anything. His campaign manager posted my story about a protester getting paid $3,500 as fact. Like, I made that up. I posted a fake ad on Craigslist,” he told The Washington Post."]



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3 hours ago, webfact said:

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, this type of racist and bigoted harassment and intimidation — directed towards people from minorities — have been rising sharply in the past week.



And, now, about Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center:


The positive contributions Dees has made to justice–most undertaken based upon calculations as to their publicity and fund raising potential–are far overshadowed by what Harper’s described as his “flagrantly misleading” solicitations for money. He has raised millions upon millions of dollars with various schemes, never mentioning that he does not need the money because he has $175 million and two “poverty palace” buildings in Montgomery. He has taken advantage of naive, well-meaning people–some of moderate or low incomes–who believe his pitches and give to his $175-million operation. He has spent most of what they have sent him to raise still more millions, pay high salaries, and promote himself. Because he spends so much on fund raising, his operation spends $30 million a year to accomplish less than what many other organizations accomplish on shoestring budgets.


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Yeah well, let's forget about the massive rise in anti-Semitic crimes over the last year or two.http://www.huffingtonpost.com/uri-wilensky/the-most-hated-people-in-_b_9327362.html

After Brexit in the UK exactly the same thing happened, 'Islamophobic' and xenophobic crimes started to be reported. Many were proved to have been fabricated or never happened. I have read that much the same is happening in the USA now.

BY the way: 'Phobia' : an irrational fear or dislike of something. There's nothing irrational about my dislike of Islam.

Muslims quite definitely suffer from Judaeophobia and to a lesser degree Christianophobia, irrationally.

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some of us tried to get away from the NYT bullcrap radical left wing extremist pseudo nationalistic

socialist fascist no idea what any of these terms mean copy and pasting cool looking words like narcissistic and misogynist play the race card when all else fails only to have it being puked out by the BP and TV. Hopefully the world has learned how dangerous and stupid it is to use the media to push an agenda rather than keep the government in check.

Most Thai people have no idea about American politics because the Thai media is no better than the US media when it comes to reporting the truth.  Where is my safe zone? :passifier:

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90% of the posters in this thread are clearly apologist for racism. Whether the media fabricated it or not, the 90% is still defending racism. Not one of the 90% says "I condemn racism, but I wonder if the story is true" or "I wish Trump would condemn these racist pigs, so that its clear that we, the Trump supporters, don't agree with racism".

So I dare any of you to come out to "the open" and admit you are a racist? Or (preferably) openly admit that you are not a racist and condemn all racist sh*t, but still be a full Trump supporter.

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3 hours ago, NovaBlue05 said:

Yes,   With 330 million souls in the country, it's easy to find these random data points to support pretty much whatever narrative you wish to put together.


Let's accurately look at the reality of it, to necessarily include U.S. history...


Philip Klinkner and Rogers Smith: “Donald Trump’s election as president startled many Americans. A number of observers commented that Trump’s campaign represented a set of illiberal values and policy positions far outside of the United States’ political traditions of individual rights, equality and democracy.”


One can have little doubt that in 1789 when the Bill of Rights -- the (first) ten amendments to the Constitution -- were adopted, Donald Trump would have voted against had he been present at the time.


Others in the present time would have done the identical action back then too.

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1 minute ago, Publicus said:


Let's accurately look at the reality of it, to necessarily include U.S. history...


Philip Klinkner and Rogers Smith: “Donald Trump’s election as president startled many Americans. A number of observers commented that Trump’s campaign represented a set of illiberal values and policy positions far outside of the United States’ political traditions of individual rights, equality and democracy.”


One can have little doubt that in 1789 when the Bill of Rights -- the (first) ten amendments to the Constitution -- were adopted, Donald Trump would have voted against had he been present at the time.


Others in the present time would have done the identical action back then too.

Actually the only thing that surprised me was in spite of all the corruption and voter fraud, lying by the media and false narratives, enough people are so sick and tired of the BS that they beat all odds and won. No one thought the "machine" could be beat, but it was. We're tired of the corruption and the false idea that some corporation is our government and has our best interest at heart, they don't. Go Trump, he won more than fair and square, he beat the cabal without cheating which should speak volumes! Now the media is spewing to beware of the "alt-right" media which is providing false information. Main street media is dead and they know it but can't let it go and do the right thing, become journalists again.

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Is the thread and topic about the MSM?


Inquiring minds want to know.


Seems the angry winners have a long list of self-defined severe grievances over a long time and that the sore winners have the MSM at or among the top three. There definitely are a lot of scores to settle over there on the radical right.


Stephen Bannon and Breitbart are flat out racist and the record shows it.

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16 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Let's accurately look at the reality of it, to necessarily include U.S. history...


Philip Klinkner and Rogers Smith: “Donald Trump’s election as president startled many Americans. A number of observers commented that Trump’s campaign represented a set of illiberal values and policy positions far outside of the United States’ political traditions of individual rights, equality and democracy.”


One can have little doubt that in 1789 when the Bill of Rights -- the (first) ten amendments to the Constitution -- were adopted, Donald Trump would have voted against had he been present at the time.


Others in the present time would have done the identical action back then too.


I agree that maybe Trump might not have ratified the Bill of Rights. I think many a college dean these days would not also. Illiberal values are spreading across the political spectrum.

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3 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Is the thread and topic about the MSM?


Inquiring minds want to know.


Seems the angry winners have a long list of self-defined severe grievances over a long time and that the sore winners have the MSM at or among the top three. There definitely are a lot of scores to settle over there on the radical right.


Stephen Bannon and Breitbart are flat out racist and the record shows it.

any examples of their "flat out" racist acts? The proof must be everywhere but I can't find any. Share your proof please.

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15 minutes ago, gr8fldanielle said:

Actually the only thing that surprised me was in spite of all the corruption and voter fraud, lying by the media and false narratives, enough people are so sick and tired of the BS that they beat all odds and won. No one thought the "machine" could be beat, but it was. We're tired of the corruption and the false idea that some corporation is our government and has our best interest at heart, they don't. Go Trump, he won more than fair and square, he beat the cabal without cheating which should speak volumes! Now the media is spewing to beware of the "alt-right" media which is providing false information. Main street media is dead and they know it but can't let it go and do the right thing, become journalists again.


If you really believe that you should write your congressperson to propose new retirement scheme legislation whereby the retirement security people think they have is not tied to the prosperity of corporations that do not, as you say, have your best interests at heart. It is an elegant scam for corporations. THEIR best interests become aligned with your sense of security. 

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Left-wing liberals act as they usually do. Liberals, in reality, are racist and having closed attitude.  They are really and over liberal with their own opinion only. Misinformation and messing around are their weapons.

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3 hours ago, NovaBlue05 said:



At the rate the NYT & rest of MSM is churning out yellow journalism before and since the election, they will have Trump responsible in some capacity for the global financial crisis of '08, the fall of Ukraine, the emergence of ISIS and the JFK assassination by Inauguration Day


On 11/13/2016 at 0:22 PM, Si Thea01 said:



Who gives  tinker about HRC, she is over and out now.  What occurred is the way America has voted democratically for decades and no matter how much people bleat and cry it ain't going to change a thing.  Get over it and get on with it.:wai:

NovaBlue and all other supporters of Trump, reacting here - why don't you say anything about the awful, yes awful, racial incidents taking place in the last few days, being reported above.

Whether one likes Trump or not, I think that what is now happening in the US as far as a surge of racialism is concerned, ought to be condemned by any decent person, American or otherwise!

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4 hours ago, impulse said:

In my experience, racists also rally around barbecue, high school football, fishing and stock car races.


Doesn't mean they're bad for America.  Except maybe barbecue.  But last year, so were eggs in the morning.


Isn't that where American Graffiti was about:  "We's all jus tryin to be makin it great again too" 

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1 hour ago, gr8fldanielle said:

Actually the only thing that surprised me was in spite of all the corruption and voter fraud, lying by the media and false narratives, enough people are so sick and tired of the BS that they beat all odds and won. No one thought the "machine" could be beat, but it was. We're tired of the corruption and the false idea that some corporation is our government and has our best interest at heart, they don't. Go Trump, he won more than fair and square, he beat the cabal without cheating which should speak volumes! Now the media is spewing to beware of the "alt-right" media which is providing false information. Main street media is dead and they know it but can't let it go and do the right thing, become journalists again.


So in spite of the all the corruption and voter fraud, Trump won fair and square. That's a funny narrative.


I fully agree that people are fed up with the corruption and the false idea that corporation involvement in the government is in the best interest of "The People" (100% liberal/left ideals and you might know). But probably due to your hatred of media, you are missing that a whole bunch corporate executives, mainly form the energy sector, are lining up for positions in Trumps administration. Obviously they do so to kill environmental laws that reduces their profits. Is that at the best interest of "The People" you think? Or is this the good part of the swamp?

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49 minutes ago, abrahamzvi said:
50 minutes ago, abrahamzvi said:


NovaBlue and all other supporters of Trump, reacting here - why don't you say anything about the awful, yes awful, racial incidents taking place in the last few days, being reported above.

Whether one likes Trump or not, I think that what is now happening in the US as far as a surge of racialism is concerned, ought to be condemned by any decent person, American or otherwise!

NovaBlue and all other supporters of Trump, reacting here - why don't you say anything about the awful, yes awful, racial incidents taking place in the last few days, being reported above.

Whether one likes Trump or not, I think that what is now happening in the US as far as a surge of racialism is concerned, ought to be condemned by any decent person, American or otherwise!


And just what are the awful racial incidents you are referring to?  Please enlighten us Trump supporters so we can make an informed decision as to whether of not it is worth commenting on.  It may or may not be racial but then anything that the left do not like or cannot respond to they cry racist of cite racism in or to shut down the debate.  It really becomes a joke when it is only those of the left who want to play the race card.:wai: 

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