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US racist and bigoted hate crimes explode after Trump election victory


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54 minutes ago, gr8fldanielle said:

any examples of their "flat out" racist acts? The proof must be everywhere but I can't find any. Share your proof please.


There is prejudice and there is discrimination.


Prejudice is to pre-judge. Being prejudgemental can be acquired, or be built-in as perhaps an inherent attitude toward another (others).


Discrimination is prejudice in action, as conscious acts.


Prejudice is not generally illegal or unconstitutional. Certain acts of discrimination are identified in either statutory law or in legal case law as violations of such.


The following is I think a good basis to discuss instances of Bannon's obvious and manifest prejudice and discrimination, i.e., to separate each or to identify where the two converge...



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31 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


And just what are the awful racial incidents you are referring to?  Please enlighten us Trump supporters so we can make an informed decision as to whether of not it is worth commenting on.  It may or may not be racial but then anything that the left do not like or cannot respond to they cry racist of cite racism in or to shut down the debate.  It really becomes a joke when it is only those of the left who want to play the race card.:wai: 


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Racists, huh? On my first expat stretch i coined a saying by myself: "Every bigot should travel abroad to find out they got it exactly right". The stereotypes don't just pop up from thin air and it's hypocritical to say you aren't using them to judge. 


That said, manifesting dislike through violence is wrong. Trump's win should be proof enough that democratic processes work, simply vote 'em out.

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1 hour ago, abrahamzvi said:

NovaBlue and all other supporters of Trump, reacting here - why don't you say anything about the awful, yes awful, racial incidents taking place in the last few days, being reported above.

Whether one likes Trump or not, I think that what is now happening in the US as far as a surge of racialism is concerned, ought to be condemned by any decent person, American or otherwise!


As I recall, Trump himself issued a press conference asking them to stop the foolishness.


Which means, of course, that he's acknowledged the foolishness.  That's kind of like saying something about it.

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One wonders how many of you supporters of the sociopath Trump are actually American.....and then how many of you are actual trailer trash......and then how many actually voted....and how many are racists.  The questions resonate. And if you are upset by these questions it probably answers them for us.

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9 minutes ago, Mansell said:

One wonders how many of you supporters of the sociopath Trump are actually American.....and then how many of you are actual trailer trash......and then how many actually voted....and how many are racists.  The questions resonate. And if you are upset by these questions it probably answers them for us.


Last time I checked, trailer trash were full American citizens with the same rights and privileges (and responsibilities) as the high and mighty.  Not to mention that they represent a pretty similar, comprehensive cross section of the races, genders, religions and sexual orientations as the rest of America.  


Racists?  I'm sure some of them are.  Just like the country clubs I grew up in.

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13 minutes ago, Mansell said:

One wonders how many of you supporters of the sociopath Trump are actually American.....and then how many of you are actual trailer trash......and then how many actually voted....and how many are racists.  The questions resonate. And if you are upset by these questions it probably answers them for us.



I voted Trump and you should eat crow.



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3 hours ago, DriveByTrucker said:

90% of the posters in this thread are clearly apologist for racism. Whether the media fabricated it or not, the 90% is still defending racism. Not one of the 90% says "I condemn racism, but I wonder if the story is true" or "I wish Trump would condemn these racist pigs, so that its clear that we, the Trump supporters, don't agree with racism".

So I dare any of you to come out to "the open" and admit you are a racist? Or (preferably) openly admit that you are not a racist and condemn all racist sh*t, but still be a full Trump supporter.


So here we are, a couple hours on and non of the apologists came out and openly condemns racism (except for one in another thread). So forget about “the loony left media with their fabricated lies”, you have the opportunity to condemn racism while still rant on all you want about the “deceitful liberal media”.......but you won’t! The “left media” seems to be more of an issue to you than racism is.

Now nobody needs to answer to me of course, but still it leaves me free to question what this says about you apologists? Aren’t you leaving the door wide open for the so-called “nutty left liberals” to actually see you as racists? And doesn’t that make your ranting in this thread about this article completely irrelevant, because in actual fact you are racist?

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Let's always keep in mind the rural American white vote increased by 10% this year so that Ma and Pa Kettle made the difference in narrow Trump wins in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennslyvania, to include other states. 

Related image

Ma and Pa Kettle pause for a moment away from a continuous viewing of Faux to pose for their Republican Party Official Historic 2016 Election Portrait. The Official Portrait will be placed in a prominent position at the offices of the Republican National Committee in Washington and at Trump Tower in NYC. The happy winners said they were "excited" about the victory of their hero, Potus-Elect Donald Trump.


"I like to say we have many children everywhere," Ma said when asked of their decisive impact on the election. "Some of 'em have gone abroad but they keep the flame burning bright," added Pa Kettle.


We are fortunate to hear directly from Ma and Pa because it was a rare instance of either of the Kettles speaking any words at all.


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7 hours ago, webfact said:

It has called on Donald Trump to reject hate and bigotry and distance himself from the haters.

Your wasting your time he has let the genie out of the bottle. It can not be stuffed back in. The old phrase comes back to bite you in the a** applies. His election speeches have awakened something evil in the country that has been lying dormant. The nutters have crawled out of their holes and are letting the rays of Trump's xenophobic sunshine hit them in the face. Then off to the local gun shop. 

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18 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Your wasting your time he has let the genie out of the bottle. It can not be stuffed back in. The old phrase comes back to bite you in the a** applies. His election speeches have awakened something evil in the country that has been lying dormant. The nutters have crawled out of their holes and are letting the rays of Trump's xenophobic sunshine hit them in the face. Then off to the local gun shop. 

Cliche count = 5?


I'm reminded of this wonderful exchange from Yes Prime Minister:

Sir Desmond Glazebrook: City's a funny place, you know, Prime Minister. If you spill the beans you open up a whole can of worms. I mean, how can you let sleeping dogs lie if you let the cat out of the bag? Bring in a new broom and if you're not very careful you find you've thrown the baby out with the bathwater. If you change horses in the middle of the stream, next thing you know you're up the creek without a paddle.

James Hacker: And then the balloon goes up.

Sir Desmond Glazebrook: Obviously. They hit you for six. An own goal in fact.

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8 minutes ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

Cliche count = 5?


I'm reminded of this wonderful exchange from Yes Prime Minister:

Sir Desmond Glazebrook: City's a funny place, you know, Prime Minister. If you spill the beans you open up a whole can of worms. I mean, how can you let sleeping dogs lie if you let the cat out of the bag? Bring in a new broom and if you're not very careful you find you've thrown the baby out with the bathwater. If you change horses in the middle of the stream, next thing you know you're up the creek without a paddle.

James Hacker: And then the balloon goes up.

Sir Desmond Glazebrook: Obviously. They hit you for six. An own goal in fact.

Great to see we have a counter onsite. Welcome. 

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Apparently it's now okay for school kids to taunt xenophobic chants at other kids (as the President elect has encouraged, so, it must be ok). Also saw a clip on the news of an older white guy who shouts at a passing bewildered Asian looking girl  'Go back to your country!!' . Making 'Murica great agin'  has begun, we no longer have to be 'PC' anymore (well, unless you call someone 'deplorable', that's apparently totally unacceptable to the Trump/non-PC crowd;).

Trump spent months and months whipping up the 'build that wall' goon squads and stoking the worst in human nature and suddenly he's surprised by the reactions? Of course he's not, this was all purposely orchestrated by him as part of a 'winning' strategy. Trump won by appealing to a majority of under-educated, angry, ageing, white voters. This forum is well represented by ageing, angry, white (males) with many displaying obvious misogynistic and xenophobic traits too (note, didn't even add 'under-educated';) thus it's not at all surprising the majority of posters here are supportive of the Bigot in Chief and deny any racism is involved.



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4 hours ago, DriveByTrucker said:

90% of the posters in this thread are clearly apologist for racism. Whether the media fabricated it or not, the 90% is still defending racism. Not one of the 90% says "I condemn racism, but I wonder if the story is true" or "I wish Trump would condemn these racist pigs, so that its clear that we, the Trump supporters, don't agree with racism".

So I dare any of you to come out to "the open" and admit you are a racist? Or (preferably) openly admit that you are not a racist and condemn all racist sh*t, but still be a full Trump supporter.


Good points.  Why do racists have to hide?  Why not just admit what they are?  Ah, because deep down, they know how incredibly asinine it is to judge people by their skin color.  But that's what they do.  Even in cases where they "claim" to condemn racism, they have to throw in a dog-whistle..."I condemn racism in all forms, but what about black people who are racists?"....even though it has nothing to do with the conversation. 


I think some of these guys are going to be sorely disappointed when Trump doesn't govern with a racist agenda.  It seems a great number of them were hoping he would.

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3 hours ago, Honthy said:

Left-wing liberals act as they usually do. Liberals, in reality, are racist and having closed attitude.  They are really and over liberal with their own opinion only. Misinformation and messing around are their weapons.



I'm far further left wing/liberal than the Democrats or the British Labour party - but understand why the working class have revolted....


Their left-wing parties are no longer looking after them - hence the need to look for a 'wild card' to change the status quo.

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Just now, Berkshire said:


Good points.  Why do racists have to hide?  Why not just admit what they are?  Ah, because deep down, they know how incredibly asinine it is to judge people by their skin color.  But that's what they do.  Even in cases where they "claim" to condemn racism, they have to throw in a dog-whistle..."I condemn racism in all forms, but what about black people who are racists?"....even though it has nothing to do with the conversation. 


I think some of these guys are going to be sorely disappointed when Trump doesn't govern with a racist agenda.  It seems a great number of them were hoping he would.

Because they don't believe they are racists, just normal people saying what everyone else is saying.


Unfortunately the majority of various countries are racist....


Do I like this, obviously not - but on the other hand I'm not a fan of wealthy countries bringing in cheap labour (which only benefits the wealthy, not the poor) either.

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13 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:



I'm far further left wing/liberal than the Democrats or the British Labour party - but understand why the working class have revolted....


Their left-wing parties are no longer looking after them - hence the need to look for a 'wild card' to change the status quo.

Elections are won by appealing to enough of the middle, not those at the extreme. They'll vote for you anyway

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2 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


And just what are the awful racial incidents you are referring to?  Please enlighten us Trump supporters so we can make an informed decision as to whether of not it is worth commenting on.  It may or may not be racial but then anything that the left do not like or cannot respond to they cry racist of cite racism in or to shut down the debate.  It really becomes a joke when it is only those of the left who want to play the race card.:wai: 

Just read the article to which we are all reacting (in different ways....)

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2 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:



I'm far further left wing/liberal than the Democrats or the British Labour party - but understand why the working class have revolted....


Their left-wing parties are no longer looking after them - hence the need to look for a 'wild card' to change the status quo.


Fully agree with your post, though "rubbish" is putting it very mildly.....


Unfortunately your words fall on deaf ears. I have been saying the same thing for a some time now, but I find that most of the Trump supporters here on TV dont care at all for the working class and their struggle to survive. They dont understand (or dont want to) that what attracted the working class to Trump are basically socialist ideals (jobs, affordable healthcare, free education, better infrastructure, anti-globalization, etc.), and not "building the wall" or "complete ban on Muslims entering the county".

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1 hour ago, Publicus said:


Let's always keep in mind the rural American white vote increased by 10% this year so that Ma and Pa Kettle made the difference in narrow Trump wins in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennslyvania, to include other states. 

Related image

Ma and Pa Kettle pause for a moment away from a continuous viewing of Faux to pose for their Republican Party Official Historic 2016 Election Portrait. The Official Portrait will be placed in a prominent position at the offices of the Republican National Committee in Washington and at Trump Tower in NYC. The happy winners said they were "excited" about the victory of their hero, Potus-Elect Donald Trump.


"I like to say we have many children everywhere," Ma said when asked of their decisive impact on the election. "Some of 'em have gone abroad but they keep the flame burning bright," added Pa Kettle.


We are fortunate to hear directly from Ma and Pa because it was a rare instance of either of the Kettles speaking any words at all.



Don't the so called Ma & Pas have rights, last time I looked they did.  They also have opinions, eat and breath and s**t the same as you all, so why all the concern?  Last time it was reported a total of 106'000+ of those so called Ma & Pas, which it appears you look down your nose at,  in the 3 states you referenced, voted for Mr  Trump.  Do   I smell a sense of superiority emanating from your post.  And no, this is not trolling or baiting or whatever else you want to call it, just my opinion.  :wai:

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12 minutes ago, DriveByTrucker said:


Fully agree with your post, though "rubbish" is putting it very mildly.....


Unfortunately your words fall on deaf ears. I have been saying the same thing for a some time now, but I find that most of the Trump supporters here on TV dont care at all for the working class and their struggle to survive. They dont understand (or dont want to) that what attracted the working class to Trump are basically socialist ideals (jobs, affordable healthcare, free education, better infrastructure, anti-globalization, etc.), and not "building the wall" or "complete ban on Muslims entering the county".

More to the point, the Democrats (and supposedly left-wing, supporting the 'workers' :lol:) didn't realise this either.

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Just now, Si Thea01 said:


Don't the so called Ma & Pas have rights, last time I looked they did.  They also have opinions, eat and breath and s**t the same as you all, so why all the concern?  Last time it was reported a total of 106'000+ of those so called Ma & Pas, which it appears you look down your nose at,  in the 3 states you referenced, voted for Mr  Trump.  Do   I smell a sense of superiority emanating from your post.  And no, this is not trolling or baiting or whatever else you want to call it, just my opinion.  :wai:

Don't bother.


The whole 'anti' movement in both the US and the UK is about the ''ordinary' person being incapable of rational thought.


The rest of us understand what has happened, and why.

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2 hours ago, Mansell said:

One wonders how many of you supporters of the sociopath Trump are actually American.....and then how many of you are actual trailer trash......and then how many actually voted....and how many are racists.  The questions resonate. And if you are upset by these questions it probably answers them for us.


Not upset but maybe that was your intention.   Here, I'll take you test and wait for however you respond.  Firstly not American and not required to be, the election of a President, regardless  of nationality affects the population, world wide.  Secondly, I see you didn't use the word white, frightened of being lopped in with the rest of us white racists? This why HRC lost, with people being labelled like this by those up themselves.


How many voted, who knows but enough to give your heroine the boot.  Now given what you have written, in my opinion, is a from of reverse racism, so please before you sling off a others, take a long hard look in the mirror. :wai: 

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3 hours ago, Opl said:


No one condones this, it just goes to show that there are all types in society.   And have you seen any racism being expressed by any group other than whites.  If you haven't here's a link of African Americans being racists. So not only confined to us whiteys. :wai:



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