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US Jews grapple with election-year eruption of anti-Semitism


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On 18/11/2016 at 10:22 AM, coma said:


So you need to be a white Anglo Saxon to be a bigot ? 

I have witnessed and experienced racism and bigotry from people who were not white or even Anglo-Saxon. And you don't have to be any particular race or creed to experience bigotry. I thought that would be obvious - Dinka versus Nuer, Tamil versus Sinhalese just to mention a couple . . . 

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8 hours ago, jaidam said:

If there is any real anti-semitism i the US, it will be due to the ability of modern media platforms such as Youtube's ability to air the thoughts and wishes of respected modern Jewish foundations such as Barbara Spectre's vehicle Paideia. People do tend to react unfavorably when they come face to face with teachings such as hers that run contrary to the concepts of equality and the very existance of nation states. 

 Roll back the disturbing rhetoric, and watch the supposed anti-semitic feelings cease, a simple enough notion.

When someone cites an obscure figure like Barbara Spectre to pin the blame on for anti-semitism, you know that this someone is someone who spends a lot of time searching out and reading anti-semitic websites.  This is just nuts.  Ugly and nuts. There are words that come to mind to describe a person who posts vile stuff like this Barbara Spectre nonsense, but this forum has admirable rules in place to keep such characterizations off the forum. 

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I can see that some are aggressively denying that there is an increase in right wing related antisemitism spiking relating to the rise of trump. It's bad enough that it's happening. Trying to erase the reality of that makes it worse. Face the facts. You can't confront a problem (like man made global climate change) with DENIAL.



Steve Bannon Signals Coming Storm for Jews in Age of Donald Trump

In recent months, most prominent Jewish journalists and other public critics of Trump have been harassed by anti-Semites on social media, in their mail at home and, in some cases, in close physical contact. Swastikas have been painted at schools. Jewish students have been threatened, taunted, told that Adolf Hitler was right all along. Along with Muslims, Hispanics, and African Americans, they are being targeted as the sworn enemies of the America First Weltanschauung that Trump is bringing with him to the White House.



Trump’s triumph has unleashed the pent up resentment against Jews. His reluctance to tackle manifestations of racism and white supremacism among his supporters has energized and empowered it. If he and his advisers don’t take assertive steps soon, anti-Jewish agitators will feel they have a license from the White House to do as they please. They will get bolder, grow stronger, recruit new adherents and increasingly resort to violence: we’ve seen it before.





To clarify, yes there already was plenty of far leftist antisemitism and Islamist inspired antisemitism in the U.S., but THIS topic is really much more about the rise in more "classical" right wing antisemitism which of course the feelings were always there in part of the population, but trumpism / alt-right has inspired to come out of the closet. In the U.S. context, that's a much bigger threat to American Jews than the far leftist and domestic Islamist inspired flavors. 

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7 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I can see that some are aggressively denying that there is an increase in right wing related antisemitism spiking relating to the rise of trump. It's bad enough that it's happening. Trying to erase the reality of that makes it worse. Face the facts. You can't confront a problem (like man made global climate change) with DENIAL.





To clarify, yes there already was plenty of far leftist antisemitism and Islamist inspired antisemitism in the U.S., but THIS topic is really much more about the rise in more "classical" right wing antisemitism which of course the feelings were always there in part of the population, but trumpism / alt-right has inspired to come out of the closet. In the U.S. context, that's a much bigger threat to American Jews than the far leftist and domestic Islamist inspired flavors. 


Question. If this administration were to prosecute Wall Street bankers for their crimes, rather than merely lightly fine them; would that be seen as anti-semitism?

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8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I can see that some are aggressively denying that there is an increase in right wing related antisemitism spiking relating to the rise of trump. It's bad enough that it's happening. Trying to erase the reality of that makes it worse. Face the facts. You can't confront a problem (like man made global climate change) with DENIAL.





To clarify, yes there already was plenty of far leftist antisemitism and Islamist inspired antisemitism in the U.S., but THIS topic is really much more about the rise in more "classical" right wing antisemitism which of course the feelings were always there in part of the population, but trumpism / alt-right has inspired to come out of the closet. In the U.S. context, that's a much bigger threat to American Jews than the far leftist and domestic Islamist inspired flavors. 

You have to understand that to Jingthing harsh criticism of Israel coming from the left is anti-semitism. He plays into anti-semites hands by, in effect, equating Israel with Judaism and Jews.

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I think Trump is sort of a US version of Netanyahu. You can draw a lot of parallels:


1 )Netanyahu is Israel centric, Trump is US centric

2) Netanyahu doesn't like the Palestinians, Trump doesn't like the illegal Mexicans

3) Netanyahu built the wall in Jerusalem and near areas to keep Palestinians out. Trump wants to do the same to keep the Mexicans out

4) Netanyahu Loves Putin, Trump also Loves Putin

5) Netanyahu doesn't like the Europeans, Trump also doesn't like the Europeans

6) Netanyahu has a good relationship with Russia, Trump also wants a good relationship with Russia

7) Netanyahu doesn't like Muslims. Trump also doesn't like Muslims - in fact he was talking about not allowing any new Muslims in the country -  I think Netanyahu gave him that idea/

8) Netanyahu's Daughter is Jewish and married to a Jew. Trump's daughter is also Jewish and married to a Jew. They are both about the same age.


I don't know what's going on with the US Jews or if the reports are true but to me it looks like the US-Israel relationship is going to be the best ever, Trump-Netanyahu are going to be the best pals, and they will both visit their friend Putin on regular basis, at least 4 times a year :)

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Dude, you're confusing American Jews with Israeli Jews. NOT the same. 

Not too bad a list though if you're talking about Israel.

Please read the O.P. It's about AMERICAN Jews. AMERICANS! Not Israelis.

American Jews OVERWHELMINGLY oppose trump.



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8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Dude, you're confusing American Jews with Israeli Jews. NOT the same. 

Not too bad a list though if you're talking about Israel.

Please read the O.P. It's about AMERICAN Jews. AMERICANS! Not Israelis.

American Jews OVERWHELMINGLY oppose trump.




Overwhelmingly? Probably, but we don't really know do we... I don't really know. I think a lot of them support Republicans because traditionally Republicans have always been a pro-Israel party. But then I heard the reports they all vote Democrat for some reason. Israelis hated Obama, at least most of the Right Wing Israelis didn't like him because he wanted to push through the Two-state solution and that was cancelled at the last minute. Now Trump promised to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital - that's a big change from Obama's policy and good news for Israel. So I don't know why US Jews are allegedly against Trump - logic suggests they should be for him and not against him.

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16 minutes ago, Jblood said:


Overwhelmingly? Probably, but we don't really know do we... I don't really know. I think a lot of them support Republicans because traditionally Republicans have always been a pro-Israel party. But then I heard the reports they all vote Democrat for some reason. Israelis hated Obama, at least most of the Right Wing Israelis didn't like him because he wanted to push through the Two-state solution and that was cancelled at the last minute. Now Trump promised to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital - that's a big change from Obama's policy and good news for Israel. So I don't know why US Jews are allegedly against Trump - logic suggests they should be for him and not against him.

Actually, dude, we do know.

There is NO doubt about it. 
Frankly, anyone that doesn't know that a significant percentage of AMERICAN Jews are liberal or left and strongly tend to vote DEMOCRAT for several decades now doesn't know even basic information related to this topic. 

I guess you're one of the misinformed people that thinks Americans Jews and Israeli Jews are the same thing and that American Jews only vote on Israel policy (sadly some do, but a minority), or that American Jews are generally as hawkish as Israelis on Israel policy.


For future educational reference for you, the three U.S. demographics that are the MOST liberal/democrat are African Americans, Jews, and LGBTQ. 


Poll: Jewish voters support Clinton over Trump by 3-1 ratio


(RNS) The first national survey of Jewish voters this election season shows solid support for presidential nominee Hillary Clinton in keeping with their historic allegiance to the Democratic Party.

Asked whom they would vote for if the election were held today, 61 percent of Jewish adults said Clinton and 19 percent picked GOP nominee Trump in the American Jewish Committee survey.

“Clinton’s 42-point lead matches the historical average of Democratic margins among Jewish voters over the past 40 years and demonstrates that American Jews remain a base constituency for the Democratic Party,” said Jim Gerstein, a Democratic pollster and campaign consultant.





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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Actually, dude, we do know.


How do you know - is it a requirement to list one's religion while voting? Or is this information based on opinion Polls? Just tell us what the source is with the actual numbers and data. I for one would be curious what the actual break-down of the "Jewish" vote is and how they calculated it.


Since Jewish is a religion so I think if they don't care about Israel's interests or about its existential problems, and they don't care about the status of Jerusalem, then my guess is maybe they are not even really Jewish :)

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2 minutes ago, Jblood said:

How do you know - is it a requirement to list one's religion while voting? Or is this information based on opinion Polls? Just tell us what the source is with the actual numbers and data. I for one would be curious what the actual break-down of the "Jewish" vote is and how they calculated it.


Since Jewish is a religion so I think if they don't care about Israel's interests or about its existential problems, and they don't care about the status of Jerusalem, then my guess is maybe they are not even really Jewish :)

You're just here to play silly games.

This is basic stuff. 

There is no credible political analyst that doesn't get this.

You can find hundreds of sources about this and you won't find even ONE with any evidence that the Jewish vote went for trump. 

This is too LOW LEVEL for my time. 

Welcome to my ignore list. 

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Crackpot theories are all over the internet and the Trump campaign has its fair share of adherents to the conspiracy theories and all their nastiness. It is also fair to say that supporters of the far left have also gotten themselves ensnared in some of the strands of populism. And then we have the Duke ANP happily dusting off their old pamphlets looking  to blame the usual suspects. Like layers of an onion we have the various strands of anti-semitism even on this thread, from the mild to the hard-line, but all happily co-exist depending on their 'bravery' coming out from under a stone. The level of eruption as reflected on this thread fits neatly into the writings of the old Nazi idealogues who would justify anti-semitic attacks under the label of 'Its the Jews Own Fault'. Some oh-so-liberal thread contributors have been giving us a synchronised sing-song of that old ditty while at the same time protesting their left-wing credentials (see above). Frankly they are just part of the dirty washing now and grubby they are.

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1 hour ago, SheungWan said:

Crackpot theories are all over the internet and the Trump campaign has its fair share of adherents to the conspiracy theories and all their nastiness. It is also fair to say that supporters of the far left have also gotten themselves ensnared in some of the strands of populism. And then we have the Duke ANP happily dusting off their old pamphlets looking  to blame the usual suspects. Like layers of an onion we have the various strands of anti-semitism even on this thread, from the mild to the hard-line, but all happily co-exist depending on their 'bravery' coming out from under a stone. The level of eruption as reflected on this thread fits neatly into the writings of the old Nazi idealogues who would justify anti-semitic attacks under the label of 'Its the Jews Own Fault'. Some oh-so-liberal thread contributors have been giving us a synchronised sing-song of that old ditty while at the same time protesting their left-wing credentials (see above). Frankly they are just part of the dirty washing now and grubby they are.

Since you're quite vague in this post, I think it's fair to point out that harsh criticism of Israel is not the same thing as anti-semitism just so long as Israeli policy is not laid at the door of Judaism or Jews. Israel is a nation, not a religion or a people.

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Nah, Jews haven't got anything to worry about with the rise of trump.

That's the ticket!





'Hail Trump!': White Nationalists Salute the President Elect

Video of an alt-right conference in Washington, D.C., where Trump’s victory was met with cheers and Nazi salutes.






Also of interest:




Livni called on world leaders to repudiate contemporary Nazism.




trump? It's time you gave a MAJOR SPEECH and repudiated your Nazi / white supremacist is the strongest possible terms. Will he? Of course he won't. He likes this atmosphere he's created.


Another item in the link suggesting that Israel just might be seeing a huge of wave of AMERICAN Jews who don't find it comfortable to live in trump's America, similar to what happened in France and other countries recently. 

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More background on the alt-right movement. 


Very disturbing stuff considering Bannon's elevation to the very top of the food chain in the white house, short of Mr. trump himself.



‘Let’s party like it’s 1933’: Inside the alt-right world of Richard Spencer

“Let’s party like it’s 1933,” he declared, referencing the year Hitler was appointed Germany’s chancellor and the Nazis embarked on the creation of their own ethno-state.

“Look, maybe it will be horribly bloody and terrible,” he said. “That’s a possibility with everything.”



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47 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

More background on the alt-right movement. 


Very disturbing stuff considering Bannon's elevation to the very top of the food chain in the white house, short of Mr. trump himself.





The guy that "wrote the book" on the so called "alt-right" says Bannon isn't one of them.



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