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Donald J Trump sees Climate change as a Chinese hoax


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1 hour ago, tonbridgebrit said:

And Britain was warmer during the Roman times than it is now. There were vinyards for making wine in Britain back then. Can't have them today, because it's too cold.


Plenty of vineyards all over England, I've been on a couple of really enjoyable tours sampling what they have to offer :)



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I agree with him its complete BS Climate change is nothing more that a natural occurrance that is always changing and history proves that this BS Global warming I fell for originally when living in Central American when El nino was warming the seas to very hot temps and everyone saying Global warming etc but then one Hurricane called Mitch corrected the problem and cooled the seas again 

I saw FIRST HAND the difference 


Additionally i have a mate that works in Antartica and the ice cap is getting bigger not smaller there is just no evidence that Global warming is real, the climate is always changing and will continue to do so.

At least trump is not fooled by these money hungry BS theorists 


Watch Al Gores movie TODAY and see what a load of old tosh was being spouted when it was made and what it is today 


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1 hour ago, tonbridgebrit said:

It's all very well going on about how there are too many Chinese and Indians on planet earth.
BUT, you've got to realise that on a per person basis, Americans release far more carbon dioxide than people in China and India. Actually, on a per person basis, America produces almost twice as much carbon dioxide as China.

That's why it does actually make sense for Americans to ignore "burning coal is causing global warming".




      person by person basis is not what counts.  The planet is not concerned with "per capita".


        It's overall production. The fact is... China is producing a hell of a lot more CO2 than the U.S.     If you really are concerned..... then get your comrades and yourself over to China protest at the headquarters of their goverment. 


  Of overall CO2 production.... China produces 29.5% of the worlds CO2     The U.S. only 15%.   Almost half the amount of CO2 that China puts out.    


   It doesn't take a genius to figure out which country you should be protesting to cut back CO2. 


    (But in my opinion..... there is nothing wrong with our level of CO2.   At one point we got as low as 180 ppm during the Quaternary glaciation of the last two million years.   That's only 30 ppm from plant photosynthesis shut down... at 150ppm ! ! !    What do you think would have happened to life on Earth if we had gone to 150ppm atmospheric CO2 or lower ? ?    We wouldn't be here.. ! ! ! 

    In my area.. the Greenhouse Industry boosts their CO2 levels to between 800ppm - 1300ppm... depending on the crop.  Plants love CO2 up to the 1300 ppm level..  


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4 minutes ago, DiamondKing said:

All you guys spouting Carbon Dioxide WHAT A BUNCH OF TOSH 

Do you how much CD is in the Air ???????


Not even 1%




Which may be the highest its been in 20 million years. It continues to grow at a rapid rate and is one of the largest contributors to global warming. 

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32 minutes ago, Catoni said:


   Wrong......  the ones "shilling" for oil companies get peanuts...   The BIG money is shilling for the U.N. and governments...   

        Al Gore with his multiple homes and private jet is making a fortune pushing the Gore Bull Warming Alarmism.. Charging $150,000 – $200,000 per speech       Leonardo Di Caprio jets around and parties and tells the rest of us to cut back.. while he lives like a king..  


   "Scientist" and leftist political activist Michael "Hockey Schtick" Mann's Penn State salary and benefits are over $200,000 annually with his income fattened by speeches he gives for up to $10,000 according to reports, but he has not attracted a benefactor to support an Endowed Chair, unlike peers such as former Environmental Defense Fund climate scientist Michael Oppenheimer, who holds a multi-million-dollar endowed professorship at Princeton University.

   Figures from:  http://leftexposed.org/2016/07/michael-e-mann/


    Have to keep the Alarm level high for that cash to keep flowing into the bank account.   "Squeeky wheel gets the grease."  


    The result of there being no problem...  of everything going on as it always has... is to see your funding get cut, see your big money talking speech tours to get cancelled...  and to possibly lose tenure.. 


One of the main reasons you can tell that alarmism about global warming not being natural is a hoax is that the main purveyors of global warming, like Leonardo Di Caprio, live lifestyles opposite of what they preach, they all own multiple large homes and yachts and they fly around the world in private jets pushing their propaganda. Al Gore actually profits from Carbon Taxes and other green energy laws. If they actually believed what they preached they would be leading quite different lives.


   So it's best to try to scare everyone..    keep that alarm level high...  it keeps the big money flowing, and helps to "build socialism" and U.N power. 



Attack the messenger and ignore the message.

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Ah, the purveyors of doom.  We all know what side they butter their bread on and if the majority of the so called Climate Change scientists weren't given grants by various governments to tell them what they want to hear, then they'd be like they want the rest of to be, living in the dark, freezing our butts off and scraping by to get enough food to survive, while they live the high life.  Why do they have to rely on modelling and not scientific facts?  Is it because if they did a little true scientific research they'd realise that what they are on about is pure alarmism, scaring the tripe out of the uneducated in order to indoctrinate them into their new order religion.  In other words, total crap.


A prime example of scaremongering.  Professor Tim Flannery, a few years ago predicted that Australia, which was in the middle of a drought and water shortage, (1997-2009) would never see rain again, at least in substantial quantities but if it did, then the earth would be so parched it would just run off and never soak into the soil and our dams would remain empty.  He conned the idiots in government to build desalination plants and guess what happened, the drought broke, all our dams filled, as they are today, and the desalination plants have been moth balled, in fact, the one in Melbourne was flooded.


Now, they're all mothballed and costing government half a billion each, each year to maintain. Well not the government, the poor old suckered Aussie taxpayer.  And this clown was made the Australian of the Year, and Climate Change Commissioner.  Oh, another of his fallacies, he said that the sea level would rise but up to 6 metres, we're still waiting but where did he build his mansion, on low lying land, right on the Hawkesbury River, only a few kilometres from where it runs into the Pacific Ocean.


Given that this fool is held up to be part of the climate change elite, no wonder people do not believe the spin being proffered by him, Al Gore, Barrack Obama, Leonardo DiCaprio and the other Hollywood leftist elites, governments world wide and their phoney paid scientists and that great corrupt body, the UN, all of whom wouldn't know if someone was up them. :wai:

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Climate change equels more taxes , to be blunt i dont think any of those at the top care as long as they can screw us for more money , yes there is climate change , there always has been , thats why you could grow grapes in the UK in the middle ages , and its why half the world was covered in ice once .

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22 minutes ago, Mansell said:

Attack the messenger and ignore the message.



If they're phonies and full of spin then yes, they're fair game.  If they don't want to be criticised then don't get involved.  I think dear Leonardo is looking for another Oscar nomination but believe me, he won't even get a mention with the load of rubbish he dealt up.:wai:

Edited by Si Thea01
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Just now, daveAustin said:

Folk who say our actions, including the removal of great forests, are not affecting the earth may want to gen themselves up a bit. Whether the earth was cooler or warmer in the past and nature doing its own thing are immaterial. Trump is very wrong on this.


I do not for once believe any intelligent person, from either persuasion, would disagree with you on the deforestation of the world, after all it is the trees and plants that provide most of the necessities for the survival of the human race, the most notable being the taking in of carbon dioxide and the emitting of oxygen.


if you believe that the earth being cooler or warmer in the past and that Earths natural climate control doing its thing are immaterial, then I am afraid sir, it is you who are wrong, not the President-Elect.:wai:

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17 minutes ago, i claudius said:

Climate change equels more taxes , to be blunt i dont think any of those at the top care as long as they can screw us for more money , yes there is climate change , there always has been , thats why you could grow grapes in the UK in the middle ages , and its why half the world was covered in ice once .

Man is having an affect on it though. Yes, there has always been climate change. Yes, there will likely be more ice ages. But also yes, it will be very destructive for our society. And yes, we can do some things to help stave off or prevent it. Ignoring it will only accelerate the issues which will bring our society to disaster.


97% of scientists know this is legitimate. Yet somehow random posters, or right wing lobbyists try to convince us that they know more.

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1 hour ago, jcsmith said:

Man is having an affect on it though. Yes, there has always been climate change. Yes, there will likely be more ice ages. But also yes, it will be very destructive for our society. And yes, we can do some things to help stave off or prevent it. Ignoring it will only accelerate the issues which will bring our society to disaster.


97% of scientists know this is legitimate. Yet somehow random posters, or right wing lobbyists try to convince us that they know more.


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2 hours ago, tonbridgebrit said:

It's all very well going on about how there are too many Chinese and Indians on planet earth.
BUT, you've got to realise that on a per person basis, Americans release far more carbon dioxide than people in China and India. Actually, on a per person basis, America produces almost twice as much carbon dioxide as China.

That's why it does actually make sense for Americans to ignore "burning coal is causing global warming".



Can you present some statistics to back this claim up?  Surely the air pollution in China and India is more horrific than in the US? Delhi recently had to close down for three days because of it...

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2 minutes ago, claffey said:

Can you present some statistics to back this claim up?  Surely the air pollution in China and India is more horrific than in the US? Delhi recently had to close down for three days because of it...

This was aimed at someone else but there's a good chart here from a Berkley study:  http://berc.berkeley.edu/ranking-global-warming-contributions-by-country/

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3 hours ago, tonbridgebrit said:

The issue is not about whether global warming is a Chinese hoax or not. It's about whether global warming is happening or not, and if it is, is it caused by burning coal.


Is Trump right when he reckons that burning less coal will not help planet earth ?
Let's say that burning coal is actually slowly killing planet earth. I think lots of people simply don't care. I mean, almost none of us will still be around when it gets really bad.


So the solution is to close the coal-plants in the USA that have strict environmental controls including "scrubbers" in the stacks that pull out the dangerous chemicals like Mercury, and move production to China where energy is produced by Coal plants with NO emissions restrictions - literally dumping a cloud of Mercury on the USA West Coast.  Nothing to do with cheap labor there, or anything.


If you research the origin of the "global warming" movement, you will find a group of Billionaires and their foundations seeking a funding-mechanism for a global government.  They originally proposed a "heat tax" (and others). 


The current regime of "scientists" purges anyone who doesn't agree with them - their funding is removed - so anyone who wants to work in the field must say the Emperor is wearing clothes - and don't let all the lying predictions that haven't come true fool you.  Don't let the hacked-emails where they conspire to lie to us fool you.  Don't let the cooling temperatures or expanding ice fool you.  Just believe in it (as in 'religious belief'), while calling it "science."


We should be worried about environmental issues - like Poisoned Air and Water - which harms people and the food chain upon which we rely to exist.  But this entire "CO2" routine has pushed those issues out of the limelight, allowing the Transnational Corporations who fund the "global warming" crusade to continue poisoning us.

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54 minutes ago, DiamondKing said:

I agree with him its complete BS Climate change is nothing more that a natural occurrance that is always changing and history proves that this BS Global warming I fell for originally when living in Central American when El nino was warming the seas to very hot temps and everyone saying Global warming etc but then one Hurricane called Mitch corrected the problem and cooled the seas again 
I saw FIRST HAND the difference 

Additionally i have a mate that works in Antartica and the ice cap is getting bigger not smaller there is just no evidence that Global warming is real, the climate is always changing and will continue to do so.
At least trump is not fooled by these money hungry BS theorists 

Watch Al Gores movie TODAY and see what a load of old tosh was being spouted when it was made and what it is today 


You're wrong on all your points.  Just one; Antarctica is losing ice at an alarming rate.  Deniers won't acknowledge it, if they don't want to.    

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2 hours ago, car720 said:


Our kids are the real problem.

In 1960 there were 667 million people in China.  Today there are 1.357 billion.

In 1960 in India there were 449 million.  Today there are 1.252 billion.


I would love to know the correlation between climate change and population growth.

this is a very good point. population growth i would say is the number 1 problem facing our species. it is interesting to see the contrary the western worlds birth rates falling. even thailand is no longer able to replace its own population. nice job thailand.

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16 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

The current regime of "scientists" purges anyone who doesn't agree with them - their funding is removed - so anyone who wants to work in the field must say the Emperor is wearing clothes - and don't let all the lying predictions that haven't come true fool you.  Don't let the hacked-emails where they conspire to lie to us fool you.  Don't let the cooling temperatures or expanding ice fool you.  Just believe in it (as in 'religious belief'), while calling it "science."


I'm sorry but your buying into propaganda here. What exactly would be science's agenda behind concocting this hoax? Now what would be the interest for others to try to disprove the scientific claims? One side obviously has a lot more to gain here. Nobody wants to spend billions of dollars cleaning up problems that don't exist. But there are companies who are profiting money by trying to discredit science. 

There are phases of drastic cooling and drastic heating but the temperature is not cooling and the ice is not expanding. I'd suggest reading this page: http://climate.nasa.gov/ as they have some nice recaps on the situation. But in direct response to your quote above:


All three major global surface temperature reconstructions show that Earth has warmed since 1880.5 Most of this warming has occurred since the 1970s, with the 20 warmest years having occurred since 1981 and with all 10 of the warmest years occurring in the past 12 years.


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27 minutes ago, claffey said:

Can you present some statistics to back this claim up?  Surely the air pollution in China and India is more horrific than in the US? Delhi recently had to close down for three days because of it...


Actually, according to a list on Wikipedia China is the biggest polluter, followed by America, The European Union, then India.  Here's the link for comparison on countries, worldwide, as of  2014.:wai:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_carbon_dioxide_emissions

Edited by Si Thea01
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3 hours ago, tonbridgebrit said:

And Britain was warmer during the Roman times than it is now. There were vinyards for making wine in Britain back then. Can't have them today, because it's too cold.



Do some research on current British wine production. Will be surprising and educational.



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4 hours ago, tonbridgebrit said:

The issue is not about whether global warming is a Chinese hoax or not. It's about whether global warming is happening or not, and if it is, is it caused by burning coal.


Is Trump right when he reckons that burning less coal will not help planet earth ?
Let's say that burning coal is actually slowly killing planet earth. I think lots of people simply don't care. I mean, almost none of us will still be around when it gets really bad.


Hit the nail on the head. Outside the political bubble and TVF, NO ONE CARES!!!!!!!!

Is a single person in the entire planet not going to buy the car because it runs on oil, or not travel by plane, or not watch tv, or not eat food grown with oil powered machinery? Of course not. ( I'm not forgetting those that buy electric cars to boast that they are "saving the planet", but use planes to travel long distance. )


Re the author, a travel agent that thinks he knows it all about climate. Someone that uses the diabolical word "stakeholder" and other BS terminology.

As usual with every such BS artist, he gives no actual solutions, except using less carbon, but no suggestion as to how that could happen in time to "save us"


Is the world warming- YES. Can we stop it- NO. Can we tax the h*** out of everybody pretending we can- YES WE CAN.

Actually, we can remove carbon from the atmosphere as proven in Iceland, but will it work, even if they spent enough money to make enough machines to do the job? Could it be, gasp, shock, horror, that carbon isn't the culprit, but the sun?


Non of the preceding is to say that I oppose measures to reduce pollution- THAT would be a good thing, regardless. I just don't think it will change anything re C C.

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5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Hit the nail on the head. Outside the political bubble and TVF, NO ONE CARES!!!!!!!!

Is a single person in the entire planet not going to buy the car because it runs on oil, or not travel by plane, or not watch tv, or not eat food grown with oil powered machinery? Of course not. ( I'm not forgetting those that buy electric cars to boast that they are "saving the planet", but use planes to travel long distance. )


Re the author, a travel agent that thinks he knows it all about climate. Someone that uses the diabolical word "stakeholder" and other BS terminology.

As usual with every such BS artist, he gives no actual solutions, except using less carbon, but no suggestion as to how that could happen in time to "save us"


Is the world warming- YES. Can we stop it- NO. Can we tax the h*** out of everybody pretending we can- YES WE CAN.

Actually, we can remove carbon from the atmosphere as proven in Iceland, but will it work, even if they spent enough money to make enough machines to do the job? Could it be, gasp, shock, horror, that carbon isn't the culprit, but the sun?


Non of the preceding is to say that I oppose measures to reduce pollution- THAT would be a good thing, regardless. I just don't think it will change anything re C C.

Such an astonishing display of ignorance.


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57 minutes ago, jcsmith said:


I'm sorry but your buying into propaganda here. What exactly would be science's agenda behind concocting this hoax? Now what would be the interest for others to try to disprove the scientific claims? One side obviously has a lot more to gain here. Nobody wants to spend billions of dollars cleaning up problems that don't exist. But there are companies who are profiting money by trying to discredit science. 

There are phases of drastic cooling and drastic heating but the temperature is not cooling and the ice is not expanding. I'd suggest reading this page: http://climate.nasa.gov/ as they have some nice recaps on the situation. But in direct response to your quote above:


Why would POLITICIANS have a stake in "convincing" tame scientists to "prove" G W?

TAX, controlling the sheeple and profit.


Nobody wants to spend billions of dollars cleaning up problems that don't exist.


Follow the money if you want the answer.

One side "proves" GW so the government taxes us to provide "solutions". Meanwhile business continues selling more and more cars and planes.




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Lets tell the truth,very few on the planet give a Shit about global warming ,con or not,I care about my children and grandchildren ,of course I do,am I going to stop flying,driving. , etc etc no I am not ,do I want cheaper taxes ,fuel , electricity to warm or cool me ,yes I do ,so in the end as long as I and 99.9 % of people get it ,then they will carry on doing it ,as for the likes of those who make fortunes out of the global warming scam,do you think they really care as they board their private jets to travel the world ?do they hell

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Tapatalk

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3 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:


Did you actually understand the article? Good grief, there is more to the planet than the USA and the rich western world. Did you not read the bit about poor countries continuing to use coal?

Did you see how much it cost to build only FIVE turbines. Get real.


New York and California have both mandated that power companies source 50 percent of their electricity from renewables by the year 2030.

That's FOURTEEN YEARS from now. By that time there will probably be one or two BILLION more people on the planet.


Also, I've always been a proponent of clean energy, but I don't think it's going to change anything re G W, and that is what THIS thread is about.

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