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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Your opinion. I see it as a form of premeditated mass murder. Most politicians won't put it that way, and probably better that they don't (I'm not a politician), but that's the gist of the argument. The trumpcare supporters know full well that will be the result and yet they still support it. 

And this is why there is NO HOPE for the Liberal Left.  :cheesy:

The world is moving back toward reality. This nonsense has gone on long enough.

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1 minute ago, kevkev1888 said:

And this is why there is NO HOPE for the Liberal Left.  :cheesy:

The world is moving back toward reality. This nonsense has gone on long enough.

Most Americans believe it IS the responsibility of government to make sure there is health care access for all. 

trump said the same thing in the campaign. Now he's supporting the opposite. How can trumpists who believed his campaign promises still support him? Cult of clown personality? 

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Tell that to those close to the people that will definitely die if trumpcare passes. Dude, we're not going to agree on this. These republicans are fully aware of what they're trying to do. 


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7 minutes ago, Morch said:


Most PEOPLE won't put it this way. Quite out there.

Spot on and yes it is way out there.


To continually refer to the President as Hitler and mass murder is sick, I've attempted to report these posts but unfortunately the report function doesn't work on mobile devices.


the left is losing credibility rapidly with these rabid name callings.

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So trumpists are upset to see trumpcare characterized as mass murder, but not upset about the Americans that will die as a direct result IF it is passed. Interesting priorities. 

You know who has lost ALL credibility on health care and many other issues?
That would be trump.

He promised explicitly many many times that all Americans would be taken care of in his health care plan. He lied BIGLY. 

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

So trumpists are upset to see trumpcare characterized as mass murder, but not upset about the Americans that will die as a direct result IF it is passed. Interesting priorities. 

You know who has lost ALL credibility on health care and many other issues?
That would be trump.

He promised explicitly many many times that all Americans would be taken care of in his health care plan. He lied BIGLY. 

Hopefully you will still be able to get the mental care that you need.

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21 minutes ago, morrobay said:

Obamcare Trumpcare Schmacare. Why not just expand  medicare for all. Its already in place , just expand it 

We'll have to wait for future elections on that one.
The lines are becoming more clear now.

Murderous "free market" republican health care where if the poor and sick just die for lack of health care, at least they die "free", and a social model where all Americans are entitled to medical care as in most actually civilized nations. 


As far as trumpcare being mass murder, this was about the first failed iteration, which reportedly was actually less murderous than the passed house bill.


The AHCA: Mass Murder in Broad Daylight


Make no mistake about it: This was a mass murder bill, plain and simple, one that would have lost by only a handful of votes had it come to the floor of the House.

The callousness with which the GOP Congress contemplated stripping away the health care of 24 million poor, sick and older people reflects an underlying eugenicist view within Trump and Bannon's camp that the lives of the rich and powerful matter more and are the only ones worth protecting because they believe the rich are genetically superior to the poor.



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7 minutes ago, Luckysilk said:

the left is losing credibility rapidly with these rabid name callings.


Right. Get your head out of the sand.


The 329 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List


"Since declaring his candidacy for president in June 2015, Donald Trump has used Twitter to lob insults at presidential candidatesjournalistsnews organizationsnationsa Neil Young song and even a lectern in the Oval Office."


"We know this because we’ve read, tagged and quoted them all."


"Below, a directory of sorts, with links to the original tweets. Insults within the last 60 days are highlightedRELATED ARTICLE"




That's just on Twitter.

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Your opinion. I see it as a form of premeditated mass murder. Most politicians won't put it that way, and probably better that they don't (I'm not a politician), but that's the gist of the argument. The trumpcare supporters know full well that will be the result and yet they still support it

So you are accusing myself and millions of others, of knowingly supporting premeditated mass murder. NOT OK!

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2 hours ago, Morch said:

I get it many of the so-called "resistance" isn't interested in anything that questions their views, and that such rejections often go full throttle on nonsense descriptors. Kindly state where I posted that "Trump is just another president", or that his presidency does not constitute a "severe threat to American democracy". That I see the threat differently than you, or that I consider some of the reactions from the wannabee "resistance" to be making things worse, is another matter.


As said, hyperbole opinions about what "premeditated murder" is, does not make them fact. This would relate to that other word, perspective, which doesn't seem to be very popular on this topic.


I agree. The charge  should be "negligent manslaughter". At least for most of the Republicans who voted for it since they don't seem to have a clue what's in the bill.

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23 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I agree. The charge  should be "negligent manslaughter". At least for most of the Republicans who voted for it since they don't seem to have a clue what's in the bill.


Prattle on. Then be indignant when voters "unreasonably" vote for whomever the "other guy" is.

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"Robert Mercer – who bankrolled Donald Trump’s presidential campaign – once said black Americans are “the only racist people remaining in the U.S.,” according to a lawsuit brought by former employee David Magerman."



"Using Obama as a focal point probably works because he's so polarizing with Republicans," said Julian Zelizer, a presidential historian at Princeton University. "He's just reminding them how much they disliked Obama and that he's better than the other guy."


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1 hour ago, Opl said:

I read this somewhere else. It also contains another interesting snippet of info.  Mercer who was it seems, the biggest single donor to Trump with 2 Million USD got two of his people hired on to the Trump administration! Bannon and Conway !!!



Mercer who, alongside daughter Rebekah Mercer, fought to install chief White House strategist Steve Bannon and counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway in the Trump administration

Bannon and Conway used to work with/for Mercer.  Draining the swamp indeed !

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In the wake of the passed in the house murderous trumpcare (yes, sorry, I'm sticking with that and I've now provided a source to back it up), the POLITICS are starting to get interesting. As if they weren't interesting enough already. May we live in interesting times. That part we have.




Democrats must unmask Trump’s populist scam. Here’s a place to start.


By highlighting this, the memo argues, Democrats can take advantage of a unique opportunity presented by the GOP health bill. The measure should allow Democrats to unmask Trump’s alleged economic populism as a total scam, and to show that in reality, Trump is furthering a conventionally plutocratic GOP agenda. 





2018 midterms ... bring it on!



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OK, so even though the anti-trump resistance has been dramatic and certainly the most overwhelming resistance to a new president in modern American history, still, it's going to continue to be very hard, and it's not going to be very fast. 


I've been in contact with people who thought we would have removed him long ago. That obviously wasn't going to happen.


So as this starts to drag on, and trump gets some "wins" like passing that horrible trumpcare mess in the house ... here is an article expressing doubts about the long run. Part of trump's game is wearing people down and accepting his insanity as normal. Many people will be worn down. 



This is a reality-check moment, right? The [Obamacare] repeal vote has happened today, as we’re speaking. Trump is not going away in some magical impeachment. That kind of stuff won’t happen unless the Republican legislature get really scared, and that’s probably not going to happen before the 2018 elections. These things are here for a while, so is there the energy for sustained capacity building or not? That’s kind of this moment of collective decision.






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OK, so even though the anti-trump resistance has been dramatic and certainly the most overwhelming resistance to a new president in modern American history, still, it's going to continue to be very hard, and it's not going to be very fast. 
I've been in contact with people who thought we would have removed him long ago. That obviously wasn't going to happen.
So as this starts to drag on, and trump gets some "wins" like passing that horrible trumpcare mess in the house ... here is an article expressing doubts about the long run. Part of trump's game is wearing people down and accepting his insanity as normal. Many people will be worn down. 
This is a reality-check moment, right? The [Obamacare] repeal vote has happened today, as we’re speaking. Trump is not going away in some magical impeachment. That kind of stuff won’t happen unless the Republican legislature get really scared, and that’s probably not going to happen before the 2018 elections. These things are here for a while, so is there the energy for sustained capacity building or not? That’s kind of this moment of collective decision.

Apparently he wore down Dianne Feinstein, she has jumped the fence and now claims the Trump and his lackeys did not collude with the Russians.
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One issue out of several.

It's a matter of following where the facts lead wherever they lead on that one. 

Feinstein is definitely in the resistance. 



Feinstein plans to lead ‘the Resistance’ to Trump


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