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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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On June 23, 2017 at 7:21 PM, heybruce said:


As has been mentioned before, all the intelligence agencies agree that Russia attempted to hack voting machines, planted fake news, attacked the DNC server, and in general did as much as possible to influence the election.  Yet according to Comey and AG Sessions, Trump has taken no action regarding this direct assault on the US democratic system.  So how about dereliction of duty for grounds for impeachment?  He's been derelict in many ways, but this one borders on treason.

They hacked the Co. that made the V-machines, the voting machines are NOT on line/ connected to the internet! To hack the S/W in the machines, it would have to be done

machine by machine since they are not hooked to an intra or internet and would have

to be done city/county voter's office that use the machines. Much harder than hacking



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A very thoughtfully analysis of the " Trump Resistance " and why in its current form it will likely fail.



It addresses many issues the the Democratic Party has to solve before it is a viable alternative to the current wave of right wing Republican Party dominance in US local and national elections. Little chance these issues will be solved any time soon. Certainly not by 2018.


I'm very sorry to say this but I believe there is little chance the Democratic party will get control of the House of Representatives,  much less the Senate,  in 2018. The US is in for a very hard time for the average American for the next 8 to 10 years.


What has happened now is we have President that has no actual policy and has turned that over to Republican congressman who got elected on a anti-federal government platform full of every right wing dog whistle you can imagine. Just think, Ted Cruz, a first term, most hated on a personal level by his peers, US senator is apparently calling the shots on the future of health care in America right now. 


The leader of this anti-government movement is Paul Ryan. A self avowed true believer in  Ann Rand's "Objectivism". One telling lesson from all Ann Rand's novels that lay out this political philosophy is that after going on and on about how bad government interference in people's lives is, not a single thing is ever written about what happens after the " John Galt's"  actually take control and try to govern. 


 One only has to look at what has happened in Kansas to see the results of sustained control of the executive and legislative branches of government by these right wing, libertarian, self described   "John Galts". 


There is little doubt in my mind that because Trump has no actual policy and is more then willing to let the Paul Ryans/Ted Cruz  in congress formulate a legislative agenda laid out by the Koch brothers 30 years ago that the "Kansas Experiment"will be duplicated on a national level over the next several years. 


The Tea Party republicans  (a creation of the Koch brothers and their ilk) will implement their self serving,  destructive agenda for the next 10 years or so.  They probably deserve their chance at this, as they have invested billions of dollars over the past 50 years in getting where we are today. 


If you are not in the top 20% economic elite now (household income over $100k) ,  you and your children are in for a very, very hard time for pretty much the next generation. 


I think it may take at least 2 or more national election cycles before US politics returns to it historical center. It may be too late, but I remain hopeful. 


I will likely be dead by then, thank God.



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A definitive collection of:


T r u m p ’ s   L i e s


"Many Americans have become accustomed to President Trump’s lies."


"But as regular as they have become, the country should not allow itself to become numb to them"


"So we have catalogued nearly every outright lie he has told publicly since taking the oath of office."

Hundreds of them.
And the Lemmings jabber on with their own self-serving feel good delusions, while Rome burns...
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2 hours ago, rice555 said:

They hacked the Co. that made the V-machines, the voting machines are NOT on line/ connected to the internet!


You really are in a uninformed bubble aren't you?


Russian Cyber Hacks on U.S. Electoral System Far Wider Than Previously Known

Attackers said to take measure of voting systems, databases


"Russia’s cyberattack on the U.S. electoral system before Donald Trump’s election was far more widespread than has been publicly revealed,

including incursions into voter databases and software systems in almost twice as many states as previously reported."


"In Illinois, investigators found evidence that cyber intruders tried to delete or alter voter data."


"The hackers accessed software designed to be used by poll workers on Election Day, and in at least one state accessed a campaign finance database."



39 states.


And investigations of collusion, fraud and money laundering in process.

With guess who?


P.S. I implore you to be un-Trumpeteer like and actually read  the article.

Naa, never mind.

With screaming posts punctuated by exclamation marks, there is most likely no hope...

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1 hour ago, thaihome said:

A very thoughtfully analysis of the " Trump Resistance " and why in its current form it will likely fail.



It addresses many issues the the Democratic Party has to solve before it is a viable alternative to the current wave of right wing Republican Party dominance in US local and national elections. Little chance these issues will be solved any time soon. Certainly not by 2018.


I'm very sorry to say this but I believe there is little chance the Democratic party will get control of the House of Representatives,  much less the Senate,  in 2018. The US is in for a very hard time for the average American for the next 8 to 10 years.


What has happened now is we have President that has no actual policy and has turned that over to Republican congressman who got elected on a anti-federal government platform full of every right wing dog whistle you can imagine. Just think, Ted Cruz, a first term, most hated on a personal level by his peers, US senator is apparently calling the shots on the future of health care in America right now. 


The leader of this anti-government movement is Paul Ryan. A self avowed true believer in  Ann Rand's "Objectivism". One telling lesson from all Ann Rand's novels that lay out this political philosophy is that after going on and on about how bad government interference in people's lives is, not a single thing is ever written about what happens after the " John Galt's"  actually take control and try to govern. 


 One only has to look at what has happened in Kansas to see the results of sustained control of the executive and legislative branches of government by these right wing, libertarian, self described   "John Galts". 


There is little doubt in my mind that because Trump has no actual policy and is more then willing to let the Paul Ryans/Ted Cruz  in congress formulate a legislative agenda laid out by the Koch brothers 30 years ago that the "Kansas Experiment"will be duplicated on a national level over the next several years. 


The Tea Party republicans  (a creation of the Koch brothers and their ilk) will implement their self serving,  destructive agenda for the next 10 years or so.  They probably deserve their chance at this, as they have invested billions of dollars over the past 50 years in getting where we are today. 


If you are not in the top 20% economic elite now (household income over $100k) ,  you and your children are in for a very, very hard time for pretty much the next generation. 


I think it may take at least 2 or more national election cycles before US politics returns to it historical center. It may be too late, but I remain hopeful. 


I will likely be dead by then, thank God.



Thanks for that.

Being pessimistic now reflects the reality.

But I don't think that means people should give up. 

Keep in mind trump was a real black swan. 

That's where my hope lies now.

An anti-trumpist black swan. 

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1 hour ago, iReason said:


You really are in a uninformed bubble aren't you?


Russian Cyber Hacks on U.S. Electoral System Far Wider Than Previously Known

Attackers said to take measure of voting systems, databases


"Russia’s cyberattack on the U.S. electoral system before Donald Trump’s election was far more widespread than has been publicly revealed,

including incursions into voter databases and software systems in almost twice as many states as previously reported."


"In Illinois, investigators found evidence that cyber intruders tried to delete or alter voter data."


"The hackers accessed software designed to be used by poll workers on Election Day, and in at least one state accessed a campaign finance database."



39 states.


And investigations of collusion, fraud and money laundering in process.

With guess who?


P.S. I implore you to be un-Trumpeteer like and actually read  the article.

Naa, never mind.

With screaming posts punctuated by exclamation marks, there is most likely no hope...

I was a CA, Dem voter from the 60's. I haven't voted in 30 years, my last period of voting was only for state/county/city bills, not for anyone running

for office, there's not much difference in anyone of them. 

But I didn't move to LOS to be a cut & paste king or think that I could make the US politics different at a keyboard.


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the trump goes abroad again.

It's planning to visit Hamburg in July for the G20 summit and also to friendly Poland. 

As this visit is after trump did the outrageous exit from the Paris climate accord, and given German politics, do you think there will be very large anti-trump protest rallies? 

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Resistance leader Bernie Sanders, along with his wife, is now under investigation for BANK FRAUD.  Understandably, they have both lawyered up.


Looks like the government does not fear these two resistance members.


And all this time we thought HILLARY was the criminal!



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33 minutes ago, mesquite said:

Resistance leader Bernie Sanders, along with his wife, is now under investigation for BANK FRAUD.  Understandably, they have both lawyered up.


Looks like the government does not fear these two resistance members.


And all this time we thought HILLARY was the criminal!



Nice deflection, but this thread is about the anti-Trump resistance.   

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45 minutes ago, mesquite said:

Resistance leader Bernie Sanders, along with his wife, is now under investigation for BANK FRAUD.  Understandably, they have both lawyered up.


Looks like the government does not fear these two resistance members.


And all this time we thought HILLARY was the criminal!




11 minutes ago, Credo said:

Nice deflection, but this thread is about the anti-Trump resistance.   

"Bernie Sanders energized many Americans during the U.S. election campaign with his socialist ideas. In the Trump era, he has become one of the leaders of the 'resistance.'"




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11 hours ago, rice555 said:

They hacked the Co. that made the V-machines, the voting machines are NOT on line/ connected to the internet! To hack the S/W in the machines, it would have to be done

machine by machine since they are not hooked to an intra or internet and would have

to be done city/county voter's office that use the machines. Much harder than hacking



It was more than the manufacturer that got hacked.  Plus, we've no idea exactly the depth of the hacks. Some details may never become public.





The attacks focused on voter registration systems rather than voting machines themselves, so there’s no evidence that the Russian government directly changed anyone’s vote. But there’s also a lot we can’t tell from the report about what the Russians might have accomplished — and whether they could have altered the election result, directly or indirectly.


Next, the attackers posed as employees of the voting technology company to attack election officials in jurisdictions that used the company’s products.



Worth reading this report.  I'd love to hear from all the TVF members who were adamant Russia never hacked anything.  A bit of egg on their face now?  Or are they still in denial? LOL

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8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Thanks for that.

Being pessimistic now reflects the reality.

But I don't think that means people should give up. 

Keep in mind trump was a real black swan. 

That's where my hope lies now.

An anti-trumpist black swan. 

With respect, JT, both political parties are a mess.  Rock bottom approval ratings, corrupt leaders, change is desperately needed.  Until that happens, doesn't look like we'll get good candidates to vote for.  We haven't had really good candidates for a long time.

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8 hours ago, rice555 said:

I was a CA, Dem voter from the 60's. I haven't voted in 30 years, my last period of voting was only for state/county/city bills, not for anyone running

for office, there's not much difference in anyone of them. 

But I didn't move to LOS to be a cut & paste king or think that I could make the US politics different at a keyboard.


A few extra voters could have changed the results of this past election.  That's what democracy is all about.  Voting is critical.  Vote for an independent.  Send a message.

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2 hours ago, mesquite said:

Resistance leader Bernie Sanders, along with his wife, is now under investigation for BANK FRAUD.  Understandably, they have both lawyered up.


Looks like the government does not fear these two resistance members.


And all this time we thought HILLARY was the criminal!



Guess who filed the claim?  Politics at it's worst.  From that article:



Brady Toensing of Burlington, the man responsible for the claims filed to the U.S. attorney for Vermont, was a chairman for the Trump campaign in his state. 


Also from that article.


And as for the claim that Ms. Sanders manipulated the loan application, Weaver  said, "The loan was approved by the financial board at the college." 


From Politico:



Now, President Donald Trump’s Justice Department is handling an investigation that will proceed at the discretion of a U.S. attorney of Vermont that Trump has yet to appoint.

Again, politics at it's worst.

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1 hour ago, Luckysilk said:

^^ Oh I get it if you aren't part of the anti-President brigade you don't want to hear how the residence is failing ? 


Why don't you guys just PM each other ?


Here's another blow, your hero is in the news.


Trump accuses Obama of inaction over Russia meddling claim

An accusation by Trump is hardly a blow.  LOL


But yes, that is a big issue.  And action was taken.  As normal, another lie and publicity stunt by our wonderful commander in chief.





Tony Blinken, Obama's former deputy national security adviser, said Friday that the administration took significant action to prevent Russia from interfering with the electoral system itself.


Officials in the Post article suggested Obama struggled to find a way to respond to Putin without being so aggressive that he would be perceived as trying to influence the election in Clinton's favor -- a point Merkley echoed Friday.


Imagine the outcry if Obama had been more aggressive?  Remember all the naysayers last year?  Who said Russia would never do such a thing and the CIA was lying? LOL


No easy answers here.

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9 hours ago, rice555 said:

I was a CA, Dem voter from the 60's. I haven't voted in 30 years, my last period of voting was only for state/county/city bills, not for anyone running

for office, there's not much difference in anyone of them. 

But I didn't move to LOS to be a cut & paste king or think that I could make the US politics different at a keyboard.

As I thought, hopeless.

And an expected pathetic deflection of your completely erroneous assertion.


"...think that I could make the US politics different at a keyboard."

:cheesy: The Russians do.


When presented with facts, rice555:





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15 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

An accusation by Trump is hardly a blow.  LOL



It's serious. Obama has admitted they dropped the ball on this. The Russians were interfering and he did nothing. Not a small matter. 

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28 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Guess who filed the claim?  Politics at it's worst.  From that article:

Also from that article.


From Politico:


Again, politics at it's worst.

Payback for the impeachment nonsense.

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But also....

"I filed a request for an investigation in January 2016 and an investigation appears to have been started right away," he said in an email to CBS News. "It was started under President Obama, his Attorney General, and his U.S. Attorney, all of whom are Democrats."

"My only hope is for a fair, impartial, and thorough investigation," Toensing added.

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5 minutes ago, Rob13 said:


It's serious. Obama has admitted they dropped the ball on this. The Russians were interfering and he did nothing. Not a small matter. 

They did do something.  Kicked out a bunch of Russian spies.  Plus a lot of other stuff that's noted in that CNN article. 


How about the current president do something?  Instead of nothing.  I mean nothing at all other than try to obstruct justice by making it go away.  Terrible.






Trump White House Has Taken Little Action To Stop Next Election Hack

The Trump administration has taken little meaningful action to prevent Russian hacking, leaking and disruption in the next national election in 2018, despite warnings from intelligence officials that it will happen again, officials and experts told NBC News.


"This attack is really the political equivalent of 9/11 — it is deadly, deadly serious," said Michael Vickers, a career intelligence official who was the Pentagon's top intelligence official in the Obama administration. "The Russians will definitely be back, given the success they had…I don't see much evidence of a response."



And he's got the nerve to criticize Obama about this?  Incredible.

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4 minutes ago, mesquite said:

But also....

"I filed a request for an investigation in January 2016 and an investigation appears to have been started right away," he said in an email to CBS News. "It was started under President Obama, his Attorney General, and his U.S. Attorney, all of whom are Democrats."

"My only hope is for a fair, impartial, and thorough investigation," Toensing added.

He was the VP of Trump's campaign, when Obama was president!  Trying to find dirt on a candidate during the elections?  Hmmmm....

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Intelligence officials worry State Dept. going easy on Russian diplomats

Lawmakers have also voiced concern that State is not preparing to crack down on diplomats’ illicit travel inside the U.S. (sub-title)


"Intelligence officials and lawmakers are concerned that the State Department is dragging its feet in implementing a crackdown on Russian diplomats’ travel within the U.S., despite evidence that Moscow is using lax restrictions to conduct intelligence operations."


"The frustration comes amid bipartisan concern that the Trump administration is trying to slow down other congressional efforts to get tough on Russia."


"Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told a House committee last week that a new Senate sanctions package designed to punish Russia for its interference in the 2016 election would limit Trump’s “flexibility” and impede possible U.S. “dialogue” with Moscow."



Going "easy" on Russian diplomats?

"the State Department is dragging its feet in implementing a crackdown"


Now why is that?


"Senate sanctions package designed to punish Russia for its interference in the 2016 election"

"would limit Trump’s “flexibility”


Now why is that?


The whole thing stinks to high heaven.

And the Lemmings are in a trance...



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"The Secretary of State shall, in coordination with the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Director of National Intelligence, establish a mandatory advance notification regime governing all travel by accredited diplomatic and consular personnel of the Russian Federation in the United States and take necessary action to secure full compliance by Russian personnel and address any noncompliance."



Just one of the acts of legislation the Obama administration put forth that the Lemmings are clueless of.

Due to their devotion to the "Tweets" of a compulsive liar.




(1) Active measures by russia to exert covert influence.--The term ``active measures by Russia to exert covert influence'' means activities intended to influence a person or government that are carried out in coordination with, or at the behest of, political leaders or the security services of the Russian Federation and the role of the Russian Federation has been hidden or not acknowledged publicly, including the following:

            (A) Establishment or funding of a front group.

            (B) Covert broadcasting.

            (C) Media manipulation.

            (D) Disinformation and forgeries.

            (E) Funding agents of influence.

            (F) Incitement and offensive counterintelligence.



And there is plenty more...



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Trump's Lies

Many Americans have become accustomed to President Trump’s lies. But as regular as they have become, the country should not allow itself to become numb to them. So we have catalogued nearly every outright lie he has told publicly since taking the oath of office.



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