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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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12 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

More nitpicking. Nothing will come of this latest ridiculous accusation.  The Trump-haters - "resistance" - are getting more and more petty and most people realize it. :passifier:

No, not really.   When it comes to picky, I'd say the right wing has them beat.   


Conway's remarks are way out of bounds.   Do you think it would be OK for the White House staff to tell people they must drive a Chevy, as opposed to a Ford; that they should buy gas at Chevron, but not Exxon, or perhaps they should eat at Sizzler, but not Village Inn.


She is clearly violating a number of rules and perhaps a law or two.   

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Bernie Sanders and Bill Clinton gave all kinds of publicity to burger joints like In-N-Out. Is that "unethical"?

Barrack Obama recommended books to the public repeatedly, including his own. However, no one in the Republican party was silly enough to make an issue out of that.

If Trump tried it, the MSM would try to have him impeached:shock1:

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Neither Clinton nor Obama profited from In-and-Out burgers.   Ivanka Trump owns her brand name.   She profits from it.   She is a part of the First Family and the administration.   What Conway did is wrong.   


It's amateur hour at the White House and it's a good replacement for Ringling Brother's Circus.   

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Ivanka Trump is the daughter of the President and the wife to one of the White House staff.   Conway has given a plug to a clearly commercial interest.   Conway has gotten into trouble for it and has been 'counseled'.   


And even better news, the court didn't re-instate his immigration ban.   


Trump and his entire administration are a bunch of LOSERS.

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5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Nonsense. Ivanka Trump is not part of the administration. She is the daughter of he president and obviously a target for everyone who hates the man.

   Résultat de recherche d'images pour "ivanka trump made in china"Résultat de recherche d'images pour "ivanka trump made in china" Résultat de recherche d'images pour "ivanka trump made in china"

  " go buy Invanka stuff" ( Conway) , " Buy American" " “Look at what China is doing to our country in terms of making our products,” ( Trump)

“We have to stop our jobs from being stolen from us.” (Trump)

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Impeachment is definitely on people's minds.


Conservative TIME MAGAZINE calling for trump's impeachment.


Legal Scholars: Why Congress Should Impeach Donald Trump




But it's an unrealistic goal as long as the republicans control congress, even though many of them have expressed they question trump's sanity and capability to hold the office. Here is a scenario where it could happen. Not as quickly as many hope but better than nothing:




Trump’s two-year presidency

Good news: In two years, we’ll have a new president. Bad news: If we make it that long.






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An interesting suggestion on how the press should RESIST trump's totally insane level of lying.



The Madness of King Donald

Here is what we are supposed to do: rebut every single lie. Insist moreover that each lie is retracted — and journalists in press conferences should back up their colleagues with repeated follow-ups if Spicer tries to duck the plain truth. Do not allow them to move on to another question. Interviews with the president himself should not leave a lie alone; the interviewer should press and press and press until the lie is conceded. 

Please read the full article. It's pretty amazing. For non-Americans that don't quite get how radically different the political situation is for Americans since the trump regime took power, hopefully, they will start to get it. 

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Many rational and credible people are seriously wondering about how the rise of trump compares to the rise of Hitler and other horrific authoritarian leaders in history. While nobody is saying they are the same situations in the same era, there are indeed some troubling similarities.


This is another reason the RESISTANCE movement against trump is so early and massive. Americans get in their gut --- THIS IS NOT NORMAL.




Isaac Chotiner: What do you make of Trump as a leader in these early days, and how would you compare it to the way other authoritarians have started their time in power?
Richard Evans: When you look at President Trump’s statements, I’m afraid you do see echoes, and they are very alarming. For example, the stigmatization of minorities. First of all, the Trump White House failed to mention the Jews in its statement on Holocaust Remembrance Day. And that is very worrying because the Nazi Holocaust of the Jews was not just a genocide; it had a special quality, because Hitler and the Nazis regarded the Jews as an existential threat to Germany. 







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On 2/10/2017 at 8:59 AM, Ulysses G. said:

Nonsense. Ivanka Trump is not part of the administration. She is the daughter of he president and obviously a target for everyone who hates the man.

There is a bigger picture here and you know it.  


Ivanka clothes. Sell/don't sell. No one cares but politics says .... Just don't comment. But POTUS comments and the minions have to go to work. 


Nothing donald does upholds the sanctity of something greater than himself. It is a grotesque shame he has reduced a proud office to something smaller than it was.



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Yes, as many have observed, the presidency is not changing trump as it always had for NORMAL presidents. He is changing the presidency in extremely bizarre and threatening ways. It was fine when he did the hotels (you can stay in them or not), the beauty pageants (watch or not), and the moronic reality t.v. show (watch or not) but now this clearly mentally strange man has sucked the entire nation, and much of the world, into his diseased head space. Resistance to this is normal and needed. How long to remove the mad president? 

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It turns out Donald Trump’s ‘forgotten men and women’ aren’t who you thought


During the campaign, Donald Trump liked to brag that, unlike his rivals, he wasn't in Wall Street's pocket. And you can tell that by the fact that he's stocked his cabinet with Goldman Sachs alums, has signaled that he wants to dismantle the post-crisis rules reining in banks, and will now allow brokers to go back to giving their clients deliberately bad advice.

This is Wall Street's kind of populism.


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On 2/10/2017 at 7:26 AM, Credo said:

Ivanka Trump is the daughter of the President and the wife to one of the White House staff.   Conway has given a plug to a clearly commercial interest.   Conway has gotten into trouble for it and has been 'counseled'.   


And even better news, the court didn't re-instate his immigration ban.   


Trump and his entire administration are a bunch of LOSERS.

well... they WON the election and, like it or not, they are there for 4 years at least so "LOSERS" hardly fit's the situation I'd say the millions who voted that way are the "LOSERS" and the electoral system that gives the "LOSER" in votes the job of POTUS 

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1 hour ago, LannaGuy said:

well... they WON the election and, like it or not, they are there for 4 years at least so "LOSERS" hardly fit's the situation I'd say the millions who voted that way are the "LOSERS" and the electoral system that gives the "LOSER" in votes the job of POTUS 

Not going to get sucked into the "loser" insult game but the actual fact is that we are NOT necessarily stuck with trump for four years. Because of two obvious reasons. He's not a healthy man, physically or mentally, and his mad doctor has hinted as much (AFTER he was elected).  Secondly, there is already a credible movement to IMPEACH him. 

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12 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Not going to get sucked into the "loser" insult game but the actual fact is that we are NOT necessarily stuck with trump for four years. Because of two obvious reasons. He's not a healthy man, physically or mentally, and his mad doctor has hinted as much (AFTER he was elected).  Secondly, there is already a credible movement to IMPEACH him. 

he should never have been POTUS but I think this 'loser' stuff is a bit silly... anyway change the electoral system would have saved us from Bush and Trump

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On ‎6‎/‎02‎/‎2017 at 6:26 PM, craigt3365 said:

Lying, hypocritical media?  If you are talking about MSM, then I've yet to see lies.  You'll have to show a link for that.  They are reporting the news, and with regards to Trump, don't have to make anything up.  He's throws them softballs almost every day. LOL


You should read his tweets.  Seriously.  They are scary.  And shows what kind of man he is.  If you support him, you need to read these.


He's creating problems.  Thus, the massive amount of legal proceedings over his last poorly conceived and executed EO for travel bans.  What a mess.  And costing us more money.


The current vetting, enhanced by Obama, for refugees and those entering the US is already stringent.  Trumps current EO will do nothing to make America more safe.  Quite the contrary.  It's great fooder for the crazies.  He's given them a lot of ammo to use.


It's also been proven walls don't help.  I lived in San Diego and read weekly about how they'd get around it.  Trust me, it was a weekly thing there.

If you support him, you need to read these.

I don't "support" HIM. I was always a "never her" advocate, and happy whoever kept her out.

Strange though, only a few months and it's like she never existed! All the media hysteria is about him, and never about what could have been.

As one that does not take politicians seriously, I'm just lovin' the greatest reality show, ever.


Re the ban, that was an election promise, and he's just trying to keep that. If he wasn't the media would be complaining that he doesn't keep his election promises. Damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.


You are soooooo wrong about walls not helping. No one is saying the Israeli wall doesn't work, and the German wall during the cold war was pretty effective. The Chinese wall worked pretty well too, for centuries. 

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15 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

he should never have been POTUS but I think this 'loser' stuff is a bit silly... anyway change the electoral system would have saved us from Bush and Trump

Would also have saved us from a HRC POTUS. She was just as unpopular as he.

However, who else could have been elected? None of the candidates standing were much good and to appoint someone would be to negate democracy.

No doubt about it, democracy gave us Trump and there is nothing that can change that.

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23 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Would also have saved us from a HRC POTUS. She was just as unpopular as he.

However, who else could have been elected? None of the candidates standing were much good and to appoint someone would be to negate democracy.

No doubt about it, democracy gave us Trump and there is nothing that can change that.

but she got 3m more votes - personally I don't like her but true 'democracy' she would be POTUS

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Just now, LannaGuy said:

but she got 3m more votes - personally I don't like her but true 'democracy' she would be POTUS

LOL. I believe a minority of eligible voters bothered to do so, ergo, she would have got less than a majority even in a straight up vote, so still not a true democratic result.

Do I have to remind you that the USA votes by states and not by popular vote? If people disagree, they can change the constitution. Till that happens, Trump was elected in a democratic election as held in the USA.


BTW, countries with proportional representation rarely elect a government on a "majority" vote, and end up with coalitions. Hardly democratic.

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36 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You are soooooo wrong about walls not helping. No one is saying the Israeli wall doesn't work, and the German wall during the cold war was pretty effective. The Chinese wall worked pretty well too, for centuries. 

Again, I lived in San Diego.  The wall wasn't 100% perfect.  It was OK, but not perfect.  Lots of stuff still got through.


The Chinese wall worked OK, until it didn't.  Same with the German wall.

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Viva la Resistance!


The resistance won't quit regardless of how long it takes to rid the white house of the white nationalist scourge of donald trump. 


Flash in the pan? No way.







The big lesson of Trump's first 2 weeks: resistance works

Protests, phone calls, and mobilization are making a difference.


It’s easy to miss amid Donald Trump’s frenetic pace of activity and nonstop media coverage, but the most important story in American politics right now isn’t about what Trump is doing: It’s that the opposition is working.

The millions of people who marched in Washington and other cities around the world on inauguration weekend and then demonstrated again at airports the following weekend are making a concrete difference in the world. So are the tens of thousands who’ve called members of Congress or showed up in person at their events.




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This is going to be harder than Donald Trump expected


Much of the emerging image of dysfunction has been painted by Trump's own staff. The calls are coming from inside the White House -- and they are going to reporters, who have been flooded with accounts of a frenetic and angry president, who bounces from political frustration to personal grudge -- often in his bathrobe, according to a New York Times account disputed by the White House -- in the space of a few minutes.
Now, with the foot soldiers of his Republican majority under siege in their home districts, the blustering outsider who chalked up his predecessors' failures to their lack of will or guile, is seeing his own challenged daily.




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14 minutes ago, mesquite said:

Trump will not be impeached as he has done nothing impeachable. This is one more in the string of wishes from the snowflakes. Expect 8 years of Donald Trump as president followed by 8 years of one of his children. I personally hope it is Ivanka.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Insulting the anti-trump resistance people with the S word is INFLAMMATORY.  Kindly DESIST.


The vast majority of Americans did not vote for trump. Only about a quarter of eligible voters actually did. So to insult the majority of Americans with your ugly slur words is unacceptable. 


trump may or may not be impeached. He has already committed impeachable offenses based on the emoluments clause. Whether or not that (or other current or future offenses) is acted upon is basically a POLITICAL question. Right now the republicans are going along for the ride because they know they can use trump to further their long term agenda with things like "reforming" Medicare, suppressing minority voters, etc. But that dynamic may indeed change especially in the midterm elections. 


As far as Ivanka's political future, well that's an unwritten book. Sadly for her, she's a New Yorker, and there is no way she'll ever get elected to a major office in New York. I seriously doubt just being trump's daughter or Jared's wife is ever going to be enough to elevate her to the presidency.  But admittedly, AT (after trump), all the old "rules" are out the window. 

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21 minutes ago, mesquite said:

Trump will not be impeached as he has done nothing impeachable. This is one more in the string of wishes from the snowflakes. Expect 8 years of Donald Trump as president followed by 8 years of one of his children. I personally hope it is Ivanka.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Please, don't use the term snowflake.  It's extremely derogatory.


Trump might not make it the full 4 years.  If we are lucky, he'll get frustrated and quit! LOL


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I should have added Jared to the list of possible presidents.  In fact he might be the most likely as he is getting on the job training right now.


Trump will not be removed from office due to impeachment or threat of impeachment, and will last for eight years. 


My predictions, which went against the grain, were:

Trump will win the nomination. Correct.

Trump will win the general election.  Correct.

Either Hillary or Bill will die before the general election. NOT Correct.

The recount will fail.  Correct.

The emotional appeal to the electoral college will fail.  Correct (In fact Hillary lost more electoral votes than Trump).


Be prepared for a Trump or Trump/Kushner dynasty.

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You're certainly welcome to indulge in such political fantasies.
Speaking of which Al Franken came off very presidential on Real Time. Normally ex-comedians would be off limits for the presidency but normal doesn't matter lately. On topic here because Franken has emerged as a strong insider leader of the anti trump resistance.

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