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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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Hopefully, it is not too late.

But there are no guarantees.





I wonder how far along the scale of moral degeneration Zweig would judge America to be in its current state. We have a magnetic leader, one who lies continually and remorselessly—not pathologically but strategically, to placate his opponents, to inflame the furies of his core constituency, and to foment chaos. The American people are confused and benumbed by a flood of fake news and misinformation. Reading in Zweig’s memoir how, during the years of Hitler’s rise to power, many well-meaning people “could not or did not wish to perceive that a new technique of conscious cynical amorality was at work,” it’s difficult not to think of our own present predicament. 



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Where did this trump come from?

Yes, we know, QUEENS, but deeper than that.

It's important to know as much as possible about the ENEMY that the resistance is resisting against --




A Short History of the Trump Family

In 1988, Spy conducted a national poll, the first ever on the presidential potential of Donald Trump. Offered a list of non-candidates, voters were asked: ‘Who are you most disappointed isn’t running for president?’ Trump got 4 per cent of the vote. Tellingly, Spy discovered the celebrity’s irreducible base: ‘In terms of level of education, the voters who most favoured a Trump candidacy – with a 9 per cent rating – were those whose minds remain uncluttered by any learning beyond junior high school.’


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On 2/12/2017 at 9:21 PM, craigt3365 said:

Again, I lived in San Diego.  The wall wasn't 100% perfect.  It was OK, but not perfect.  Lots of stuff still got through.


The Chinese wall worked OK, until it didn't.  Same with the German wall.

I'm not familiar with the San Diego wall, so I looked it up on google and found a picture of a fence that wouldn't keep much out.fence.jpg

I also found a picture of a wall with lookout tower that would do the jobborderwall.jpg.

The difference is that the fence doesn't appear to be backed up with guards, so isn't going to work well. Even the Chinese wall relied on men to back it up and I'm certain the Israeli wall has lots of armed men in lookouts.

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John Oliver has a plan.

Understanding that trump doesn't read anything and ignores security briefings but that he DOES watch an awful lot of AWFUL cable t.v., he figures a rich path of resistance is reaching trump directly  ... on t.v.


Here's a start:




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37 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

John Oliver has a plan.

Understanding that trump doesn't read anything and ignores security briefings but that he DOES watch an awful lot of AWFUL cable t.v., he figures a rich path of resistance is reaching trump directly  ... on t.v.


Here's a start:





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On 11/21/2016 at 3:45 PM, Jingthing said:

He did legally win.

Much to American's eternal embarrassment. 

We did this.

Own it, accept it, and now work on fighting against the horribleness we have wrought. 

It's true that everyone brought this on by our own negligence, but we may well find that Russian involvement tipped the scales on this one.  Soon, we will find the results.

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42 minutes ago, Redline said:

It's true that everyone brought this on by our own negligence, but we may well find that Russian involvement tipped the scales on this one.  Soon, we will find the results.

NYT: Trump Team Had "Repeated Contacts" With Russian Intelligence During the Presidential Campaign.


Phone records and intercepted calls show that members of Donald J. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and other Trump associates had repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials in the year before the election, according to four current and former American officials.



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The odds on impeachment are on the UP!






As White House chaos grows, Trump is a ‘boon for business’ in Britain’s betting houses

On both sites, though, “the main bet would be impeachment or will he finish the term,” Donahue said. And most bettors seem to be placing their hard-earned money on the idea that he will.



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Donald Trump is suddenly looking like a very weak autocrat


Indeed, the lashing out is beginning to look less and less fearsome, and more and more impulsively buffoonish and self-defeating. And there’s a broader pattern developing here, one that undermines a key narrative about the Trump presidency, in which Trump is pursuing strategic disruption and breaking all the old rules and norms to further an unconventional presidency that is designed to render the old way of doing business irrelevant. It’s obvious that all of this is now actively undermining his own designs, on multiple fronts.

There has been some good news for the RESISTANCE lately.




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trump should have never been president. As long as he is, the RESISTANCE will persist and grow.

trump voters, former trump supporters ... are you ready YET to admit it? If so, welcome aboard. Most Americans will get there, sooner or later. How could they not?







Admit it: Trump is unfit to serve


It will be said that Trump was elected and thus deserves some benefit of the doubt. Isn’t it rash to declare him unfit after so little time?

The answer is no, because the Trump we are seeing now is fully consistent with the vindictive, self-involved and scattered man we saw during the 17 months of his campaign. In one of the primary debates, Jeb Bush said of Trump: “He’s a chaos candidate and he’d be a chaos president.” Rarely has a politician been so prophetic.



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Trump was asked a question about anti-Semitism. His answer was about the electoral college....






C4uWaUwXUAMCgcG.jpg "you're going to see a lot of love"

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1 hour ago, beechguy said:

It worked for Barrack, why not?

Nice attempt at deflection.   It's difficult to believe that someone could consider himself the leader of a country and accept no responsibility for what he is doing.   Everything is everybody elses fault.   


Most of the news conference was about him; how great he is, how wonderful he is, how tremendous he is and how terrible anybody who is who doesn't agree with him.   

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55 minutes ago, Credo said:

Nice attempt at deflection.   It's difficult to believe that someone could consider himself the leader of a country and accept no responsibility for what he is doing.   Everything is everybody elses fault.   


Most of the news conference was about him; how great he is, how wonderful he is, how tremendous he is and how terrible anybody who is who doesn't agree with him.   

Again, it was what Obama did, almost right to the very end. I recall very little that he accepted, as his responsibility. Trump has inherited a mess, but with such a short time in office, I'll wait a little while and see what happens.

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1 hour ago, beechguy said:

Again, it was what Obama did, almost right to the very end. I recall very little that he accepted, as his responsibility. Trump has inherited a mess, but with such a short time in office, I'll wait a little while and see what happens.

You are saying Obama didn't inherit a mess?  Read up on his first day in office and what he had to deal with.  It was incredible.  And in the end, he dealt with it and brought the US back from the brink of collapse.  An incredible job.  Like him or not.


In the same amount of time, Trump has only created mass chaos, not only in the US, but around the world.


Read about his latest press release.  Unreal, full of deflections and lies.  Typical Trump.  Listen to the analysis by Tapper.  He puts it very succinctly.






An amazing moment in history: Donald Trump's press conference

President Donald Trump launched an extraordinary denunciation Thursday of his critics, complaining he inherited a "mess" and slamming stories that his campaign was constantly in contact with Russia as "fake news."


Trump held court during a news conference that lasted an hour and fifteen minutes, carving out a stunning moment in modern American political history. He displayed a sense of anger and grievance rarely vented by a President in public -- let alone one who has been in office for just four weeks.



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On 2/15/2017 at 11:47 PM, Redline said:

It's true that everyone brought this on by our own negligence, but we may well find that Russian involvement tipped the scales on this one.  Soon, we will find the results.

I guess it must be easier to believe that the "Russians" did it that to admit that HRC was such an appalling candidate that almost all the states rejected her.

No doubt if the "Russians" weren't a convenient scapegoat ( ?fake news ) some other reason would have been invented by the leftist liberals to explain why their candidate was rejected.

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