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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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9 minutes ago, Morch said:


As said, that's quite a departure from the purist position held but a few months ago.

Desperate times, brother. 


In my case, for example, in considering the white supremacist nationalist rhetoric (and Bannon reality) of trumpism, I have never said all trump supporters are racists but I have said all trump voters (that weren't asleep and surely there were many of those) let that toxic stuff pass for perceived other positive things. 

As it becomes more clear that most of the perceived positive things were a crock of the you know what, those that didn't totally drink the trump Koolaid will start waking up. 

Of course, in the scheme of things it's probably going to be too little, too late.

The damage trump is doing to American democracy continues. 

Edited by Jingthing
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All the mainstream news outlets aren't shy now about calling Trump mentally unstable. Actually, that's the way the nicest commentators frame it.  Even his die-hard spokespeople on media interview panels are starting to admit the obvious.  The potential harm Trump can do is awesome.  He's like a barn fire next to a fireworks factory.  

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“How can anybody trust what this president says at this point? I’m sorry, let’s get right to the chase here. How can anybody trust what comes out of his mouth or his tweets? You can’t,” she said.

Yes. Exactly. 

It's like the American people sought out the worst possible choice for president and elected him. Own goal.

Forces hostile to the USA can't believe how lucky they are.




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And just how bad can to possibly get?  I don't even know where to start.


Spicer now claims that Trump did not mean 'wiretapping' when he said 'wiretapping' in his tweet. Apparently Trump never meant Obama did it !!!! despite his tweet saying he did. All this of course coming on the day when Trump was supposed to provide the congressional investigation with evidence of his claims that Obama committed a felony.


Next, it has now been shown that TrumpCare will leave 10-12 million Americans who now have insurance, without insurance. A 60 yr old earning 50K USD a year who would get 13500k USD under the ACA will get 4K USD under Trump Care. Funny how the man who has wanted to put his name on some of the crappiest products out there  Trump Vodka, Trump Steaks, Trump Ties, does not want to put his name on the front of the care act!! Wonder why ? LMAO. Hey America, last one out turn the lights off.

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Obamacare revision would reduce insured numbers by 24 million

"The 37-page report provides the most tangible evidence to date of the human and fiscal impact of the House GOP’s American Health Care Act. It also undermines President Trump’s pledge that no Americans would lose coverage under a Republican remake of the Affordable Care Act."



Edited by simple1
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Draining that swamp into his own backyard...


'A company owned by the family of Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, stands to receive more than $400 million from a prominent Chinese company that is investing in the Kushners’ marquee Manhattan office tower at 666 Fifth Ave.'


Kushners Set to Get $400 Million From Chinese Firm on Tower



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Absolutely incredible.  And the hits just keep coming.  Hard not to make fun of these people.






Twitter Hilariously Burns Kellyanne Conway For Microwave Comment

Because it’s **BEEPING** insane.

Twitter is boiling over with hilarity after Kellyanne Conway made a comment about “microwaves that turn into cameras.”



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14 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Desperate times, brother. 


In my case, for example, in considering the white supremacist nationalist rhetoric (and Bannon reality) of trumpism, I have never said all trump supporters are racists but I have said all trump voters (that weren't asleep and surely there were many of those) let that toxic stuff pass for perceived other positive things. 

As it becomes more clear that most of the perceived positive things were a crock of the you know what, those that didn't totally drink the trump Koolaid will start waking up. 

Of course, in the scheme of things it's probably going to be too little, too late.

The damage trump is doing to American democracy continues. 


There was a time when the likes of Jamelle Bouie (of Slate Magazine) were hailed as the voice of the resistance. It was argued that such positions were counter-productive and that lumping Trump's support ignores (or perhaps, manifests) some of the issues that cost HRC the elections. I'm all for a more reasonable and inclusive approach, but doesn't seem the above is quite "it". Sounds more like a repent-and-ye-shall-be-forgiven thing.


Trump is bad news, we can agree on that. But saying anything (or anyone) is better than Trump...guess that's open to debate. There still isn't much positive said about alternatives. If the only merit required is being not-Trump, then it's a pretty good bet that the seeds of the next crisis are being sowed.


A significant part of Trump's support had to do with feeling of disenchantment and resentment of how things are. Not arguing as to whether these perceptions are right or wrong. It is what it is. If the only thing on offer is going back to the same old paradigm, it may not be enough to change voters minds. The may not place their trust in Trump again, but that's still not the same as supporting the opposition. Could be wrong, but such a sentiment might see an increase in the numbers of those choosing not to exercise their right to vote. Not, I think, a welcome outcome.

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Learning from history so we don't repeat it --




The 1930s were humanity's darkest, bloodiest hour. Are you paying attention?

For historians of the period, the 1930s are always worthy of study because the decade proves that systems – including democratic republics – which had seemed solid and robust can collapse. That fate is possible, even in advanced, sophisticated societies. The warning never gets old.




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A true story:

A few years ago I was looking for a job. I told a friend that I always have problems at the time of interview.

He said: I can get any job I want. I know how to speak for them. I can win any difficult job interview, but "I just don't know how long I can keep the job" after they find out that I am not the right guy.


God bless America.

Edited by Foozool
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2 minutes ago, Foozool said:

A true story:

A few years ago I was looking for a job. I told a friend that I always have problems at the time of interview.

He said: I can get any job I want. I know how to speak for them. I can win any difficult job interview, but "I just don't know how long I can keep the job" after they find out that I am not the right guy.


God bless America.

Well the USA doesn't have a parliamentary system so it's not possible to have a no confidence vote. So we may indeed be stuck with the clown demagogue for four years.

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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Well the USA doesn't have a parliamentary system so it's not possible to have a no confidence vote. So we may indeed be stuck with the clown demagogue for four years.

I don't know much about politics and I'm not suggesting anything. I just never imagined that my country see these days in 21 century.

"Accusing others" for own mistakes or wrong actions (like some kids) is not a solution for problems. It will be just the matter of time.

Once president Nixon found that option. He resigned.

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Just now, Foozool said:

I don't know much about politics and I'm not suggesting anything. I just never imagined that my country see these days in 21 century.

"Accusing others" for own mistakes or wrong actions (like some kids) is not a solution for problems. It will be just the matter of time.

Once president Nixon found that option. He resigned.

Look, it's no secret.

A huge goal of the resistance is to try to find a way to remove trump from the presidency ASAP. It's just really hard to do, especially when his party controls congress and any actual impeachable offenses will tend not be pursued or prosecuted by his own party. 

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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Look, it's no secret.

A huge goal of the resistance is to try to find a way to remove trump from the presidency ASAP. It's just really hard to do, especially when his party controls congress and any actual impeachable offenses will tend not be pursued or prosecuted by his own party. 

My guess is Republicans are still in shock, 555  perhaps they are looking for a solution for how to deal with this since he is one of them now, even though republicans had not much desire to have him.

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Also especially when President Trump is keeping his political base happy by delivering on his promises.  The so-called resistance is more like a blown fuse as this article points out.  In addition those who were against him are now warming up to him, at least people I know, and myself, too.  http://americanlookout.com/sanctuary-city-ice-targets-philadelphia-and-arrests-248-illegal-immigrant-criminals/
No he is not keeping his promises at all. He made it explicitly clear in the campaign that his health plan would take care of all Americans. Instead he is supporting trumpcare that is heartlessly and brutally murderous to the poor, older, and low income. Ironically the hardest hit by his disgusting plan are demographics that voted heavily for trump. He's a con man and his approval ratings are deservedly sinking even lower. His base was never a majority and it never will be one either.
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My guess is Republicans are still in shock, 555  perhaps they are looking for a solution for how to deal with this since he is one of them now, even though republicans had not much desire to have him.

Many may eventually jump ship for cynical personal political motivation. One can hope.
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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

No he is not keeping his promises at all. He made it explicitly clear in the campaign that his health plan would take care of all Americans. Instead he is supporting trumpcare that is heartlessly and brutally murderous to the poor, older, and low income. Ironically the hardest hit by his disgusting plan are demographics that voted heavily for trump. He's a con man and his approval ratings are deservedly sinking even lower. His base was never a majority and it never will be one either.

He is building the wall.  He is deporting illegal aliens.  He is bringing jobs back to the United States. 


He most certainly has a majority as his base, an electoral majority and that is what counts.  It will continue to grow and in four years he will be reelected by a landslide, just like Reagan was.  And of course he will not be impeached. 


The few that hold on to the "hope" that President Trump will be thrown out of office are really living in a fantasy world.  At some point you have to wake up and smell the coffee.  The election is over, President Trump won, get used to it.

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He is not building the wall. The Congress does not not even want to give him a measly billion down payment for that.

Jobs? You bought the hype? He falsely taking credit for Obama's work. He never had a majority base so stop pushing that obvious lie. He won yes but by far short of a majority.

Yes getting rid of the clown may be a fantasy but it's a worthy one.

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1 hour ago, Pepe1 said:

Also especially when President Trump is keeping his political base happy by delivering on his promises.  The so-called resistance is more like a blown fuse as this article points out.  In addition those who were against him are now warming up to him, at least people I know, and myself, too.  http://americanlookout.com/sanctuary-city-ice-targets-philadelphia-and-arrests-248-illegal-immigrant-criminals/



This is interesting. We are all being taken for a ride here.


Clearly this poster is a re-tread and one of the mad Trump fanboys who obviously went over the line in a past incarnation. But here we have a post that tells us Mr. Trump is keeping his promises and this is causing those who were against him to start supporting him. "at least the people I know and myself too". So we have a perfectly reasonable 'independent' non Trump supporter who is now supporting him and who then goes on to post a link to an article that supports this claim.


Who are the writers at American Lookout? Well very quickly we are told that they write the stuff that other will not. Need any more hints? They then go on to say that their writers have previous experience at Gateway Pundit, a known fake news site and Breitbart, whose notoriety is now universal and the admired platform for the white supremacists.


The only thing worse than someone trying to run a scam on you is for that person to be so transparent incompetent that it is essentially an insult to the reader's intelligence.


So that was Pepe's 6th post. Lo and behold, it only took Pepe until the very next post before he went full bore trump fanboy, or should I say full trump fanboy boor. All of this with the whole, President for 8 years, wake up and smell the coffee and finally the 'get used to it' - the endless Alt Right crowing after 8 November.


Pepe is finally revealed.


What is further interesting is that a couple days ago, when Pepe appeared, his avatar was the frog. Here is what the Anti-Defamation League has to say about Pepe the Frog:


"In recent years, with the growth of the "alt right" segment of the white supremacist movement, a segment that draws some of its support from some of the above-mentioned Internet sites, the number of "alt right" Pepe memes has grown, a tendency exacerbated by the controversial and contentious 2016 presidential election. Though Pepe memes have many defenders, the use of racist and bigoted versions of Pepe memes seems to be increasing, not decreasing."



But now the avatar is showing us a poor peasant farmer presumably Mexican or at least the users impression of a poor Mexian peasant farmer complete with Sombrero and vague look.


Well Newbie, welcome to the culture wars TVF style although I am sure we have crossed swords in your previous life. I wonder who you were. So many antagonists from those days have gone silent. They all couldn't have been Russian internet trolls surely. We will just have to monitor your tone and style and see if we can guess.

Edited by Tawan Dok Krating Daeng
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9 hours ago, Pepe1 said:

He is building the wall.  He is deporting illegal aliens.  He is bringing jobs back to the United States. 


He most certainly has a majority as his base, an electoral majority and that is what counts.  It will continue to grow and in four years he will be reelected by a landslide, just like Reagan was.  And of course he will not be impeached. 


The few that hold on to the "hope" that President Trump will be thrown out of office are really living in a fantasy world.  At some point you have to wake up and smell the coffee.  The election is over, President Trump won, get used to it.

The wall has not been built and most likely never will.  They can't find the money.  He hasn't deported any illegal aliens.  Obama did the best of any president ever.  And he's brought zero jobs back to the US.  How's that Koolaid taste? LOL


P.S. This isn't about the election.  Catch up, please.

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37 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

The wall has not been built and most likely never will.  They can't find the money.  He hasn't deported any illegal aliens.  Obama did the best of any president ever.  And he's brought zero jobs back to the US.  How's that Koolaid taste? LOL


P.S. This isn't about the election.  Catch up, please.

I won't address all of your foolish points, but will address the PS.

The topic is about the "resistance."  The whole reason the resistance exists is because people have not gotten over the President Trump victory, so my comment is totally on topic.

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12 minutes ago, Pepe1 said:

I won't address all of your foolish points, but will address the PS.

The topic is about the "resistance."  The whole reason the resistance exists is because people have not gotten over the President Trump victory, so my comment is totally on topic.

No, dude.

We're over talking about the election.

Please stick to the topic. 

trump is indeed president.

Nobody is saying differently. 

He's horrible. People are resisting in a great variety of ways. The goal for many is to impeach him or force him to resign but even without that there are things citizens can do to oppose him and his agenda.

Sure if he magically transformed into a decent president, the resistance would fade.

But that will never happen. He's even admitted he will never change and what he is is simply not OK for a significant portion of the U.S. population. 


It is interesting that the main force that wants to live in the past (savoring his election victory) is trump himself and the most (irrationally) fanatic of the trumpist base. Witness his recent campaign rally in Tennessee. He was the same Mussolini style trump campaign rally thing. The crowd loved it. The carefully vetted crowd. Not representative of the nation. It's really sad really considering his policies are especially brutal on the "forgotten" people that are a big part of trump's base. They still trust him and love him in a cult like way ... how long will that last?


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7 minutes ago, Pepe1 said:

I won't address all of your foolish points, but will address the PS.

The topic is about the "resistance."  The whole reason the resistance exists is because people have not gotten over the President Trump victory, so my comment is totally on topic.

Foolish?  Ok.  Give me credible links to what Trump has achieved so far.  You can start your education with this:



The whole reason the resistance exists is because people are not happy with Trump's performance and ridiculous antics on Twitter.  Not to mention his numerous outright lies to the American people.


The election is history.  Over.  Done.  And we all know that.  Well....most of us...LOL

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Trump to name coal lobbyist as deputy EPA chief: report


"Coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler is reportedly President Trump's pick to be the deputy chief of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and is expected to be tapped for the position in coming weeks."


"He is also a registered lobbyist for the nation's largest privately owned coal company, Murray Energy,

which challenged many of Obama's environmental regulations in court."


"The pick is in keeping with President Trump's message on environmental policy and climate change so far. Scott Pruitt, the EPA's head, has close ties to the oil and gas industry, as does his Secretary of State Exxon Mobil's Rex Tillerson."



Gonna need a bigger swamp...

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10 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


This is interesting. We are all being taken for a ride here.


Clearly this poster is a re-tread and one of the mad Trump fanboys who obviously went over the line in a past incarnation. But here we have a post that tells us Mr. Trump is keeping his promises and this is causing those who were against him to start supporting him. "at least the people I know and myself too". So we have a perfectly reasonable 'independent' non Trump supporter who is now supporting him and who then goes on to post a link to an article that supports this claim.


Who are the writers at American Lookout? Well very quickly we are told that they write the stuff that other will not. Need any more hints? They then go on to say that their writers have previous experience at Gateway Pundit, a known fake news site and Breitbart, whose notoriety is now universal and the admired platform for the white supremacists.


The only thing worse than someone trying to run a scam on you is for that person to be so transparent incompetent that it is essentially an insult to the reader's intelligence.


So that was Pepe's 6th post. Lo and behold, it only took Pepe until the very next post before he went full bore trump fanboy, or should I say full trump fanboy boor. All of this with the whole, President for 8 years, wake up and smell the coffee and finally the 'get used to it' - the endless Alt Right crowing after 8 November.


Pepe is finally revealed.


What is further interesting is that a couple days ago, when Pepe appeared, his avatar was the frog. Here is what the Anti-Defamation League has to say about Pepe the Frog:


"In recent years, with the growth of the "alt right" segment of the white supremacist movement, a segment that draws some of its support from some of the above-mentioned Internet sites, the number of "alt right" Pepe memes has grown, a tendency exacerbated by the controversial and contentious 2016 presidential election. Though Pepe memes have many defenders, the use of racist and bigoted versions of Pepe memes seems to be increasing, not decreasing."



But now the avatar is showing us a poor peasant farmer presumably Mexican or at least the users impression of a poor Mexian peasant farmer complete with Sombrero and vague look.


Well Newbie, welcome to the culture wars TVF style although I am sure we have crossed swords in your previous life. I wonder who you were. So many antagonists from those days have gone silent. They all couldn't have been Russian internet trolls surely. We will just have to monitor your tone and style and see if we can guess.


"Clearly this poster is a re-tread..."




"I am sure we have crossed swords in your previous life. I wonder who you were. "




"We will just have to monitor your tone and style and see if we can guess."






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