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Bail denied! Stepfather apologizes to everyone except five year old boy he stamped on


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Bail denied! Stepfather apologizes to everyone except five year old boy he stamped on



Picture: Daily News


PHITSANULOK: -- The stepfather caught knocking down a five year old then stamping on him in a school car park has turned himself in to police.


Pongsak, 28, fled to his mother then hid with friends after CCTV caught him assaulting the five year old for nothing more than the fact the boy would not read to him, reports Daily News.


He turned up at Phitsanulok police station yesterday with a lawyer and his elder sister - and he was holding a "phaan" (golden tray) with candles and garland ready to say sorry.


He apologized to his mother and father and his grandparents. He apologized to society at large.


But no mention was made that he said sorry to "Mack" the five year old who he struck down and stamped on in full view of startled parents.


There was not even a word for Mack's mother.


He said he was stressed with family worries and asked people to forgive him saying he will turn over a new leaf. It won't happen again, he added.


He was interviewed by the local district chief Itthiphon Bupphasiri and the police chief. The case, along with the CCTV footage had caused widespread consternation in the country.


He was charged with assault and abusive behavior within his family. He was denied bail because he had fled following the incident at the downtown school last Tuesday.


Source: Daily News

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-11-22
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He didn't apologise to the 5 year old boy because he's not actually sorry. He only apologised to anyone he thought could help him get off. 


This guy should not be allowed anywhere near children or women, etc. He's clearly a psychopath a sociopath. 


Lock him up for a long time. He can pray to inanimate objects in his cell. 

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This guy is a complete turd. I can only applaud the fact he is in custtody now, but according to the bp he only faces 6 months and / or a 6k baht fine (undoubtedly reduced after confession).


His apologies and excuses ring very hollow indeed. And no mention of an apology to the young lad he battered either.


Would be interested to know what the Thai population at large make of this latest farce ?

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5 minutes ago, 2008bangkok said:

Running to his mummy at 28..... What a cry baby.

Hope the little one is ok but more importantly I hope the mother of the child cuts ALL ties.


All the more ironic given that this is a monster created by mummy. She shares the blame

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35 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

He didn't apologise to the 5 year old boy because he's not actually sorry. He only apologised to anyone he thought could help him get off. 





This guy should not be allowed anywhere near children or women, etc. He's clearly a psychopath a sociopath. 


I don't know. He sounds like the average Thai that's been caught red handed doing something that causes them to loose face.

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1 hour ago, rkidlad said:

He didn't apologise to the 5 year old boy because he's not actually sorry. He only apologised to anyone he thought could help him get off. 


This guy should not be allowed anywhere near children or women, etc. He's clearly a psychopath a sociopath. 


Lock him up for a long time. He can pray to inanimate objects in his cell. 

Your first sentence say so much.

He should have been made to apologise to the boy and the mother, massive loss of face having to apologise to a  5 year old. Maybe too traumatic though for the boy to come face to face with him the man who did this to him.

Did none of the bigwigs present think to say ' and what about the boy ? ' when he was apologising to all of them ?


Edited by NongKhaiKid
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absolute grub, should not be allowed near the kid again. Problem is the mother will probably accept his bullshit apology and let him back in. Courts , child protection agencies & the blokes in brown (who masquerade as police) should enforce some sort of no go zone (AVO), does that exist here in Disney Land ?

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1 hour ago, rkidlad said:

He didn't apologise to the 5 year old boy because he's not actually sorry. He only apologised to anyone he thought could help him get off.


It's the Thai way. Apologies here are invariably meaningless. Just empty words and gestures.

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5 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

Your first sentence say so much.

He should have been made to apologise to the boy and the mother, massive loss of face having to apologise to a  5 year old. Maybe too traumatic though for the boy to come face to face with him the man who did this to him.

Did none of the bigwigs present think to say ' and what about the boy ? ' when he was apologising to all of them ?


No, I imagine the bigwigs were too busy enjoying the attention they were getting from this guy and the press. Shameless. 

Edited by metisdead
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46 minutes ago, lust said:

This guy should be executed. About time that they make an example of someone over stuff like this. 

A good stoning perhaps, or how about the rack? Do you prefer hanging or the sword? If they executed all the guys of his ilk, Thailand's male population would lose thousands overnight. Better to put him in jail with a sign around his neck that said "Child abuser". Inmates understand justice better than the judges.

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His sister should be ashamed of herself for agreeing to be part of his charade. His parents should come out and disown the spineless creep.


In a civilised country he would get a heavy fine, and/or imprisonment. Hopefully justice can be meted out properly in this case ( not a THB 2000 fine and 3 wais ) and he can be kept away from mother and son in the future ( I know but I like to dream !! ).


Good luck to his next girlfriend when he has his next stress session.

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58 minutes ago, freebyrd said:

Asian men as a whole are some of the most immature I've ever encountered. Do they ever grow up?


Asians are best ones to take care the family, especially the kids. That's how the population grows in Asia, also you are here.


In western world it is reverse trend, and especially white population is reducing. I am not racist, but you are forced me to mention white, because you mentioned Asian.


Keep your thoughts open, and life is not just coming to Asia and drinking beer.

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I hope this media attention also serves to help get the message across to those in the education department that something is wrong...

I am frustrated at the education my kids get, but of course I dont take it out on them...


I hate to say it, but I can understand why the mother didnt get an apology... If.... she is one of those parents that let their little sh.. um rascals, run amuck, thinking he will be the next leader of the nation....


Both my Thai girls have said that sometimes it hard to study in school as the boys sometimes cause so much of a ruckus and the teachers do very little to subdue their disruptive behavior!


I dont condone what the Thai man did, but I also understand his frustration when society and culture and dare I say the lack of realization that the teacher, school and/or parents are to also blame for the resulting incident...
Why cant the boy count to 10?... If he has learning issues, then why isnt that being addressed ???


Most schools do NOTHING to stop them illegally riding to school.... (sorry for going OT... its still a sore point for me as I recently saw another accident involving young kids crashing on a scooter)

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2 hours ago, rkidlad said:

He didn't apologise to the 5 year old boy because he's not actually sorry. He only apologised to anyone he thought could help him get off. 


This guy should not be allowed anywhere near children or women, etc. He's clearly a psychopath a sociopath. 


Lock him up for a long time. He can pray to inanimate objects in his cell. 

Apparently the Thai newspapers are saying the Thai people are asking the guys already locked-up to sort this <deleted> out. It will be well deserved.

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2 hours ago, z42 said:

This guy is a complete turd. I can only applaud the fact he is in custtody now, but according to the bp he only faces 6 months and / or a 6k baht fine (undoubtedly reduced after confession).


His apologies and excuses ring very hollow indeed. And no mention of an apology to the young lad he battered either.


Would be interested to know what the Thai population at large make of this latest farce ?

They are not impressed - see my early post.

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