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Trump: US to quit TPP trade deal on first day in office


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Trump: US to quit TPP trade deal on first day in office


WASHINGTON: -- President-elect Donald Trump says the US will quit the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal on his first day in the White House.


He made the announcement in a video messageoutlining what he intends to do first when he takes office in January.


The TPP trade deal was signed by 12 countries which together cover 40% of the world's economy.


Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-38059623

-- © Copyright BBC 2016-11-22
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So Mr. Trump says that instead of TPP,  USA will negotiate bi-lateral deals in the Asia-Pacific region. So Asian Pacific country A will say to USA they will sign a bilateral deal after they see what deal USA signs with Asian Pacific Country B and B will say that they will wait until they see the deal USA signs with Asian Pacific  country A.

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No worries. Trump will make his own "back room" deals. He already has several "pay to play" schemes going on. This is just the beginning of many to come.


First meet with some Indian businessmen to build a Trump apartment building in India.


Trump Met With Indian Business Partners Last Week, Raising More Pay-to-Play Fears



Next make sure foreign diplomats stay at Trump's hotel in DC.


Foreign Diplomats Are Apparently Lining up to Do Business at Trump’s D.C. Hotel



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The worst aspect of the TPP was the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) mechanism which subrogated State sovereignty to the interests of corporations. Plus, the whole deal was negotiated in secret with no input from affected parties outside corporate boardrooms and Obama's trade negotiator.  Sadly, Trumps promise to bring jobs back to the US will never occur. Globalization is here to stay with or without the TPP.


What is needed in the world today is a more humane approach to issues affecting the health of all of us living on this globe.  Everyone should have access to life saving drugs at 'reasonable' prices or free for those who are indigent.


People also need to be aware of the production practices for the products they buy.  Garments and smart phones are prime examples. If you choose to buy items that are produced in factories that treat human beings as expendable parts of the production system, nothing is going to change.

Edited by pookiki
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12 minutes ago, Mosha said:

Not if you're already at the bottom, and globalisation has seen your job shipped to low cost countries.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk


Currently most Western governments are of the view that not being a member of international supply chain / trade agreements, with reduced tariffs and so on will increase unemployment, not increase local job opportunities. e.g. Whilst there is currently strong criticism of the NAFTA agreement employment in the US automotive sector has actually increased during the Obama Administration. IMO many are overlooking that if domestic companies become noncompetitive against international competitors due to trade isolationist polices, domestic prices increases accelerate, unemployment will increase with reduced capital investment. I assume some people with disagree, but the foregoing POV was very much articulated during my employment with IBM with which I concur.


The main legal concerns regarding the TPP have been ironed out ,with the TPP is estimated to represent US$27 trillion plus per annum for member countries with significant increase in trade flow should the agreement go ahead. The Trump Administration proposal to supplant the TPP within a reasonable period of time without negatively impacting the US economy beggars belief.

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30 minutes ago, Mosha said:

Not if you're already at the bottom, and globalisation has seen your job shipped to low cost countries.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk


And what are people (50% of Americans) not understanding about the fact that their jobs were shipped to low cost countries by company owners like Trump. Do they really think they are going to ship them back?


The Great American Dream is now literally the dream of so many in America that a ruthless scrooge of a businessman will actually bring jobs back to America from their current low cost locations in Asia. He is trying to line his pockets so quickly that they are almost full before he steps in the White House. I kind of feel sorry for all those that believed in him.


At the end of the day the mission statement of every company in the world is actually the same - To make money for shareholders. That does not include voluntarily keeping your company in a higher cost labour force environment when a lower cost one (and therefore higher profits) is available. The only way Trump will bring back jobs is to make the labour costs in the USA comparable with the current third world costs (better keep those Mexicans Donald). Do you seriously all believe company's will flock back because they 'like' Trump. Businessmen already understand that Trump is a rubbish businessman, and they have not been conned, the general working (unemployed) population have been.

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8 minutes ago, simple1 said:


Currently most Western governments are of the view that not being a member of international supply chain / trade agreements, with reduced tariffs and so on will increase unemployment, not increase local job opportunities. e.g. Whilst there is currently strong criticism of the NAFTA agreement employment in the US automotive sector has actually increased during the Obama Administration. IMO many are overlooking that if domestic companies become noncompetitive against international competitors due to trade isolationist polices, domestic prices increases accelerate, unemployment will increase with reduced capital investment. I assume some people with disagree, but the foregoing POV was very much articulated during my employment with IBM with which I concur.


The main legal concerns regarding the TPP have been ironed out ,with the TPP is estimated to represent US$27 trillion plus per annum for member countries with significant increase in trade flow should the agreement go ahead. The Trump Administration proposal to supplant the TPP within a reasonable period of time without negatively impacting the US economy beggars belief.

I suppose that you will also posit that the garment industry will be resurrected in the US after its demise decades ago and that Apple will start making its phones in the US instead of China and India? I haven't researched your assertion that employment in the automotive industry has increased under the Obama administration but part of that may be related to the government's bail out of GM. If workers had a level playing field in terms of safety and health, a living wage, and minimal benefits, then trade agreements would be worth considering. Otherwise it is just subsidizing the worst possible practices against workers.  The Thai fishing industry is a prime example as is the garment industry in Bangladesh -- and the automotive industry in India.

Edited by pookiki
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Trump will start the first day in office allowing the Chinese government to come right in and fill the void , the Chinese are waiting for an nice Chinese New Year Gift in January

The Chinese are applauding him already as they badly need the TPP to tank so that they can pursue a bigger influence with any nations that needs trade

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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2 hours ago, JLCrab said:

So Mr. Trump says that instead of TPP,  USA will negotiate bi-lateral deals in the Asia-Pacific region. So Asian Pacific country A will say to USA they will sign a bilateral deal after they see what deal USA signs with Asian Pacific Country B and B will say that they will wait until they see the deal USA signs with Asian Pacific  country A.

I doubt Wal*Mart will have any difficulty stocking its shelves with merchandise from "Trans-Pacific" countries after the agreement crumbles.

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1 hour ago, pookiki said:

Sadly, Trumps promise to bring jobs back to the US will never occur. Globalization is here to stay with or without the TPP.


What is needed in the world today is a more humane approach to issues affecting the health of all of us living on this globe.  Everyone should have access to life saving drugs at 'reasonable' prices or free for those who are indigent.


People also need to be aware of the production practices for the products they buy.  Garments and smart phones are prime examples. If you choose to buy items that are produced in factories that treat human beings as expendable parts of the production system, nothing is going to change.


Agree with most of your points...especially with the fact that these jobs are not coming back to the USA.  That train has left the station.  I don't know the full details of the TPP, but I do understand that it includes some of the points you've made with regards to workers rights and environmental protection.  Countries that signed on would have had to comply.  Trade is a net benefit for America but yes, some will lose out.  That's the nature of globalization. 

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53 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

I doubt Wal*Mart will have any difficulty stocking its shelves with merchandise from "Trans-Pacific" countries after the agreement crumbles.

I thought WalMart would be stocking their shelves from stuff made in America.

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1 hour ago, pookiki said:

I suppose that you will also posit that the garment industry will be resurrected in the US after its demise decades ago and that Apple will start making its phones in the US instead of China and India?


Don't know how you reached the above conclusion. However my answer is "No"

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3 hours ago, Silurian said:

No worries. Trump will make his own "back room" deals. He already has several "pay to play" schemes going on. This is just the beginning of many to come.


First meet with some Indian businessmen to build a Trump apartment building in India.


Trump Met With Indian Business Partners Last Week, Raising More Pay-to-Play Fears



Next make sure foreign diplomats stay at Trump's hotel in DC.


Foreign Diplomats Are Apparently Lining up to Do Business at Trump’s D.C. Hotel




Wonder if .....it does not work like this... to try to avoid conflic of interests concerns :


-  According to the Argentine press, Mr. Trump profited from a telephone exchange with President Mauricio Macri to ask for his help on a real estate project - something the Argentine president's spokesman vigorously denied.

- In an interview published Monday by the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun, Mr. Macri, who has long known Mr. Trump, said he was able to discuss at the same time with his eldest daughter, Ivanka, who is both a vice-president of the company created by her father and a member of her transition team,


( Ivanka Trump  had already attended the reception of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on 17 November.)


Who is there for politics and diplomatics ?

Who is there for business ?

Who is the Trojan?

Why does the info come from the foreign press?

Why is US press coverage restricted ?


DJT_Headshot_V2_normal.jpg Donald J. Trump



Prior to the election it was well known that I have interests in properties all over the world.Only the crooked media makes this a big deal!

Edited by Opl
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21 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

I thought WalMart would be stocking their shelves from stuff made in America.

Why would they do that...most of their merchandise isn't available from US based suppliers; and few Americans would fancy working 12 hours a day gluing together Christmas ornaments.

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36 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Why would they do that...most of their merchandise isn't available from US based suppliers; and few Americans would fancy working 12 hours a day gluing together Christmas ornaments.

Well Trump will make it available from US suppliers -- great talent out there -- It will be beautiful -- new jobs in manufacturing instead of stocking the shelves at WalMart -- Great potential there -- trust me.

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2 hours ago, stevenl said:

Ah yes, Europe that country that was the first to sign on to the TPP.


I am sorry to inform you but there is no country called Europe.


There are currently 28 countries in the EU most of whom trade with the USA to a greater or lesser amount but NO Europe.

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9 minutes ago, billd766 said:


I am sorry to inform you but there is no country called Europe.


There are currently 28 countries in the EU most of whom trade with the USA to a greater or lesser amount but NO Europe.

You forgot to mention something about the Europeans signing the TPP.

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trump_toilets1.jpg    REAL CASE TO DEAL WITH CHINA ( not part of the TPP)


Chinese company selling luxury 'Trump Toilets' is ready to fight Donald for his name   : "We registered our company in 2002 and obtained approval from the trademark office in Beijing," Zhong Jiye, the CEO of Shenzhen Trump Industrial Company Limited, told NBC News. "If Mr. Trump thinks our trademark violates his rights and interests, he can use legal methods because our company observes China's laws." Zhong's company specializes in making high-tech toilet seats that can cost as much as $880. Apparently, they make them quite well and have captured 85% of the Chinese market share. The company claims that over one billion people use its products every year.







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13 minutes ago, billd766 said:


No I didnt. Officials of the EU would have signed it and they would have come from some of the 28 countries who make up the EU.


Try reading this link. It is quite informative.





Last time I checked Europe was nowhere near the Pacific Ocean ...

[TPP = Trans Pacific Partnership]

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I don't pretend to know much about the details of any trade deals. Obviously, nations want to get best deal they can get. However on the globalization vs. anti-globalization thing, ironically, I'm more of a traditional republican. Very much pro FREE trade. Protectionism is a band aid, it always backfires. We're already in a globalized world, like it or not, better to accept the reality and compete within that reality. I know Hillary Clinton said she was also against TPP, but not many people believed her, including me. 


It is possible that trumpian economic policies might temporarily create some kind of BUBBLE positive reaction in the U.S. economy. I don't consider that a good long term solution. 

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China is going to reap billions, while the cost of tariffs will cost the average American more.  The international corporations have already said they are not moving back.  It's simply not plausible, and it's not going to happen.  They will take the bet that Trump will only be there for 4 years. 

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3 hours ago, Opl said:


Wonder if .....it does not work like this... to try to avoid conflic of interests concerns :


-  According to the Argentine press, Mr. Trump profited from a telephone exchange with President Mauricio Macri to ask for his help on a real estate project - something the Argentine president's spokesman vigorously denied.

- In an interview published Monday by the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun, Mr. Macri, who has long known Mr. Trump, said he was able to discuss at the same time with his eldest daughter, Ivanka, who is both a vice-president of the company created by her father and a member of her transition team,


( Ivanka Trump  had already attended the reception of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on 17 November.)


Who is there for politics and diplomatics ?

Who is there for business ?

Who is the Trojan?

Why does the info come from the foreign press?

Why is US press coverage restricted ?


DJT_Headshot_V2_normal.jpg Donald J. Trump



Prior to the election it was well known that I have interests in properties all over the world.Only the crooked media makes this a big deal!



You have to admit Trumpeteer's this is wrong on so many counts. A President doing personal business during Diplomatic meetings with other heads of states! This man is going to make the Clintons look as clean as new fallen snow. Hang on tight America, you are being taken for a ride.


And for your information Mr President Elect, the crooked media are not making this a big deal, this is what happens with conflict of interest. This is why you were asked if you would put your business in a blind trust and you said "yes".

Edited by Andaman Al
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