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I'm looking for very large, strong plastic bags. Big enough to cover and seal a three seat sofa.

I've tried Bigmove, the moving company in Nabon, but they say they have nothing like that.

I could try buying a single sheet and then use strong tape to join the sections but would prefer a single bag.

Lazada has nothing suitable but I have been able to source something in The UK. Posting would be a problem with that, though, I think.


Anyone know where I might find what I'm looking for locally?


Thanks :)


Have you tried looking for outdoor furniture covers?  

Lazada has lots of them, but I think they all come from China, so it'll take a little longer than usual to get them.


"find a company that makes clear plastic awnings etc and have them sew or glue you one to spec".


There is a company close to where I live called LekStar, I think they would be able to run something up for me but I think it will be much more expensive than a simple large plastic bag.........

Anyone used this company before? Know if the quality is good?




Deleted with a promise to read the OP requirements a bit better next time...



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