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New York Magazine claims activists want Hillary Clinton to challenge presidential election results


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New York Magazine claims activists want Hillary Clinton to challenge presidential election results

Ian Horswill
News Corp Australia Network


NEW YORK: -- DEMOCRAT backers are reportedly urging Hillary Clinton’s team to call for a recount in three swing states won by president-elect Donald Trump.


New York Magazine reports that a group, including Boston voting-rights lawyer John Bonifaz and J. Alex Halderman, the director of the University of Michigan Centre for Computer Security and Society, believe they have found evidence that the results in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania are suspicious.


The group reportedly held a conference call with Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta and campaign general counsel Marc Elias last Thursday.


The group state that in Wisconsin, Clinton received seven per cent fewer votes in counties that relied on electronic-voting machines compared with counties that used optical scanners and paper ballots. Based on this statistical analysis, Clinton may have been denied as many as 30,000 votes. She lost Wisconsin by 27,000.


Full story: http://www.news.com.au/finance/work/leaders/new-york-magazine-claims-activists-want-hillary-clinton-to-challenge-presidential-election-results/news-story/c48cb115fd34a4f14f7b1e805463fbdc

-- © Copyright News.com.au 2016-11-23
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Unfortunately, I would bet that Clinton will not file a request for a recount. However it would be interesting if this was investigated and what the finding were. Was there tampering? Trump was the one during the campaign that was running his mouth about a rigged election. It would be quite the turnabout if he was right and it was rigged in his favor.

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Interestingly enough, during the primary election between Clinton and Sanders in Massachusetts, there was a similar discrepancy between paper ballots and electronic voting. Sanders won on paper ballots. There are all kinds of ways electronic voting machines can be manipulated.  Give everyone a paper ballot.  Even though the count will take longer, it is the most reliable method. Nonetheless, there won't be a recount.

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“Once in the room, I could see the four SEO employees sitting at the same table actively filling out election ballots,” the affidavit reads. “Each had a stack of blank ballots to the right of them (about an inch high) and a stack of completed ballots to their left… I could see that the bubbles on the right stack had not been filled in, while the bubbles on the left stack had been blackened in.”

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32 minutes ago, Jdietz said:


Shocking if true, they cheated and still lost !


Sources confirm Snipes was breaking the law and opened more than 153,000 ballots cast by mail in private, claiming employees were tearing up and disposing of those that were votes in support of Donald J. Trump. The law prohibits the opening of ballots without the supervision of a canvassing board appointed to oversee and certify elections precisely because of this possibility.


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New York magazine is a hate based left wing rag, that printed this cover the week of the election.  Total losers at the magazine and in life, like most of the socialists/liberals.


More sore loser BS.  Can't believe this rag of dishonest news gets posted on TVF as real.


ผลการค้นหารูปภาพสำหรับ new york magazine dumb cover

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I am surprised people are not more concerned and that opinions brake among partisan lines.

I have no love lost for Hillary, but I love this country and I respect the process.

People have already forgot the Coup D'etat instigated by the FBI that gave Trump the edge, The hacks and release of only one sides dirty laundry, and now this. Dont you care that outside forces are subverting your democracy?

I am more concerned about my country than I am about Hillary and Trump. 

Personally I hope Hillary jumps of a very tall building and lands on Trump. What I call a win, win, situation.

To all the Trump supporters. Aren't you all more apset that you were all played? 

He has backtracked on everything he told you.

Latest, no prosecution for Hillary over Emails.

I guess you can all stop chanting "lock her up"

And Climate Change is no longer a Chinese trick. It might be happening and people might have something to do with it.

Gloating from one side, and defensiveness from an other. What ever happened to patriotism?

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4 minutes ago, sirineou said:

I am surprised people are not more concerned and that opinions brake among partisan lines.

I have no love lost for Hillary, but I love this country and I respect the process.

People have already forgot the Coup D'etat instigated by the FBI that gave Trump the edge, The hacks and release of only one sides dirty laundry, and now this. Dont you care that outside forces are subverting your democracy?

I am more concerned about my country than I am about Hillary and Trump. 

Personally I hope Hillary jumps of a very tall building and lands on Trump. What I call a win, win, situation.

To all the Trump supporters. Aren't you all more apset that you were all played? 

He has backtracked on everything he told you.

Latest, no prosecution for Hillary over Emails.

I guess you can all stop chanting "lock her up"

And Climate Change is no longer a Chinese trick. It might be happening and people might have something to do with it.

Gloating from one side, and defensiveness from an other. What ever happened to patriotism?


I'm glad you respect the process because it is obvious the process is better than the people on either side of it. The process has not played itself out and things may even get worse before they get better. It may take years but it is underway. Even an oaf like Trump has contributed by blowing up two parties that have sought to undermine the process. I expect the process will blow him up in turn.

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17 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


I'm glad you respect the process because it is obvious the process is better than the people on either side of it. The process has not played itself out and things may even ge

t worse before they get better. It may take years but it is underway. Even an oaf like Trump has contributed by blowing up two parties that have sought to undermine the process. I expect the process will blow him up in turn.

"  things may even get worse before they get better. "

I am afraid I have to agree with you. Dont think the players have not noticed how easy the people were fooled, and what they were willing to buy.

Payers will play, only now it's a new game.

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4 hours ago, Mosha said:

Take California out of the equation, and Trump won the popular vote, should 1 state have that power over the rest of the country?

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

Well, it is the most populous state with the largest economy, and probably one of the most well-educated. What do you propose,  giving Californians only half a vote each?


Anyway, what "power over the rest of the country" are you talking about? California went Democratic, and the country now has a Republican Senate, a Republican congress, and a Republican President. What on earth are you on about?

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1 hour ago, bassman said:

New York magazine is a hate based left wing rag, that printed this cover the week of the election.  Total losers at the magazine and in life, like most of the socialists/liberals.


More sore loser BS.  Can't believe this rag of dishonest news gets posted on TVF as real.


ผลการค้นหารูปภาพสำหรับ new york magazine dumb cover


I think you are misinterpreting things here. "Loser" is simply a Trump quotation; it's what he always calls his rivals and opponents.

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Some of the moaners are saying the election wasn't democratic, as she won the popular vote. I was just asking a question. I have looked up why the system works like it does. May be those moaning should do the same. Now't to do with me, both your parties made bad choices.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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1 hour ago, sirineou said:

People have already forgot the Coup D'etat instigated by the FBI that gave Trump the edge, The hacks and release of only one sides dirty laundry, and now this. Dont you care that outside forces are subverting your democracy?


And about half the country forgets that if Hillary had simply used the gov't server and not made the personal decision to cheat the system and avoid transparency with ALL Americans then there would have never been an FBI investogation to begin with.


This whole thing started with her personal decisions and she has only herself to blame. 



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1 hour ago, charmonman said:

Well, it is the most populous state with the largest economy, and probably one of the most well-educated. What do you propose,  giving Californians only half a vote each?


If you actually look at voter power per state, California ranks around 49th or so. Someone in Wyoming has almost 4 times the voting power of someone in California.  Doesn't seem quite fair does it? This is what is partly wrong with the Electoral College among other issues. 


How Powerful Is Your Vote?



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