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Sex With Teens?


What age would your partner have to be for sex? Lets say this is for the over 30's  

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The poll was not just aimed at hetrosexuals, others feel free to vote and I was assuming that people would know the age of their partner and armed with that knowledge face a choice.

Not counting mistakes made like the gentleman who got out as soon as he knew the answer. I bet you always checked after that though right gent?

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Hmm, I think it really depends on the personality etc of the indivual. I'm never had sex with a 16 or 17 year old (not even when I was that age or nearabouts!!).

But taking the scenario of being here in LoS, why is it the age of the person that is of paramount importance (assuming they are of 'legal' age)? You can have great sex with someone of 18, 30, 50 years old etc. And equally you can have terrible sex with them :o

If it's a question of a partner, as opposed to a 1 night stand, then I personally find the younger girls too immature (mentally I mean). And actually I find a lot of older Thai girls rather immature as well :D

I suspect that some older guys like to bed 18 year olds (or younger) simply on the kudos factor. If that's the case then the older girls only need to say 'yes I really am 17 or whatever...'

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18 is good enouf to Rock The Cradle

OK, so a bit of "facts".

Women reach their sexual peak far later than men, i.e. after 30.

So sexually wise, girls over 30 are the "best".

But I guess, most of the men have different criteria,... :o

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I suspect that some older guys like to bed 18 year olds (or younger) simply on the kudos factor. If that's the case then the older girls only need to say 'yes I really am 17 or whatever...'

I am afraid that I am going to reveal that I am a rather shallow fellow, but here goes:

If I am not in a "love" relationship, what I want out of sex -most of the time- is to sleep with the most attractive girl or woman that I can with no guilt and no unpleasantness. Just happiness and fun.

If I go with an older girl or woman, she is usually going to be trying to wrangle me into a relationship that I have no interest in, at all. It makes me feel guilty and takes all the fun out of what might be a better performance in bed.

If I go with a homely girl, I often have the same problem, plus I feel sorry for her, which is not an aphrodisiac for me.

Young, beautiful girls appreciate me for a customer, and that is it. They sweet mouth me and lie, and they want me to come back as a customer, but they aren't desperate. They don't call, or show up at my front door and bother me.

There are plenty of ugly old fools where this one came from.

They get rid of any loneliness and leave sweetness behind, and, at this time in my life, that is all I require.

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Aren't the 17 and 19 years old not attractive?

Mainly because those are ODD. 16-18 are even .....better. :o

But does it make age difference a nasty thing, my wife is 44 and I am 70,does that make me a "dirty old man"?

But I did run off a 33 year old and refuse a 23 year old to make room for her. :D

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The age of consent in Japan is 13 I think. Sometimes in bars I may talk to a bargirl who is 18 or 19 and I think no I would rather stick with my girlfriend who is 34 because the generation gap is too much.

The age of consent in Europe (Austria) is 14 for girls for marriage (with written permission of both, father and mother) otherwise 16.....

About myself, I do not accept any woman with me, who is a minor, and for me this means 20+.

In Thailand I check her ID card and make a photocopy to be sure, who is with me in my room for overnight. - Found the best women somewhere between 25 and 35 old....I am not really interested in the very young ones....


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Interesting thread!

I realise age is an issue regarding the law side of things, but lets be honest, some 18 year old girls look twelve and some 15 year old girls look 22 - I had a client recently who was mid 50s and his "wife" 22 (lives with him in Aus), looked 14 years old - he looked like a perv! and in Australia I bet he has had a few comments thrown his way.

When I arrived in Thailand, I was attracted to a girl who was tall, leggy and looked about 20ish (she told me 22), I later found out she was 16 years old :o , which by that time I had slept with her - it was a horrible situation to be in as I liked the girl a lot, but I knew morally I had to let her go........ I can understand that there is a fine line on whats looked at as right or wrong, but sometimes you just dont know!

I ended up marrying a girl in her late 20's (now 30), for many reasons, being, I felt comfortable with her in the public eye as well as all of the love stuff.....

I dont know how to vote on this subject as I have been both ends of the age side of things.

there must be plenty of old farangs of the ages 50-60-70 living with girls of 20s in LOS

and there are guys of 50-60s living with thai gals of 20s in the UK

on a BBC TV documentary ABOUT THE BRITISH EMBASSY some years ago a Brit in his 30s actually got a visa for a 15 year old thai gal and took her to the UK .


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> it would be interesting to know WHAT the legal age for hetrosexual

> sex in thailand is, as i have seen many different ages mentioned

1. There's not difference between heterosexual or homosexual sex in Thai law, though you could make an argument that police are more active in going after homosexual sex offenses.

2. There are sever penalties for abusing children under 15, and even stricter for children under 12.

3. Age of consent is 15. Same age as Thais get their ID card. You can legally have a (sexual) relationship with Thais having reached 15 years of age, as long as no prostitution is involved.

4. Thais are more or less 'allowed' to works as hostesses, bargirls and de facto prostitutes at the age of 18. Prositution is illegal, but there are no penalties for people having sex with prostitutes at least 18 years of age.

5. Thais may visit entertainment places (pubs, discos etc) only when reaching 21 (or was it 20) years of age.

#5 is a weird one, part of the social order thing. It's weird because you can WORK as a hostess at 18, but can only go have a drink in a pub at 20 (or 21, I forgot, ask any teenager. :o



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clearly one day i'll have to go to Thailand!!..

What more could one ask for in a country where girls are so sweet and adorable

that you can go out with a girl who looks and acts like she's 16 but she's actually 32. Brilliant!

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I find it interesting the world seems to decide someone who is biologically an adult is a child.

I find it more interewsting how we think it is so important to "protect" these "children" as if growing up is a bad thing.

I would prefer my 14 year old daughter to get involved with a man over 40 who was educated, cultured and had a degree of sophistocation than to be in bed with another 14 year old.

My wife and I educated our daughters about sex, love, relationships, money, contracts, running a business, being a business owner, marriage, picking partners from an early age. Both of my daughters are remarkably mature for their age.

In ancient societies a girl at the age of 12 was considered an adult. An immature adult, but an adult none the less. She was taught, guided by mentors and guardians who were responsible to see she was raised to be a responsible and knowledgable adult. At 18, she was recognized as a full adult and fully responsible for her actions. the ages of 14 and 21 applied for men.

Now society is too busy to be teaching young adults, so we call them children. Then we wonder why they act like immature idiots when they are 50.

Young adults should be taught about sex by people older than they are.

When I was in my teeens I was taken in tow by a woman in her 30's. SHe taught me how to touch a woman, more importantly she taught me how to cuddle a woman after sex. How to notice things, how to ask questions, how to learn slowly what a woman liked and didn't.

Under her guidance I became a fairly accomplished lover, masseur, cook, and a reasonably well rounded human being.

If we are throwing biology out the door as a guide, why 16 or 18 why not 35? Most wealthy families do not release the bulk of their trusts to inheritors until that age. In teh US you cannot be President until that age.

How many of you liked being called a Child when you were 15 or 16?

Did we know everything? Of course not.

But to show young adults this level of disresecpt for what they do know, and more importantly what they could know only teaches them how ignorant adults are and encourages them to not grow up, act mature and become better adults.

My daughters would not fall victim to a sexual predator for a simple reason; they know the lines, they know what is going on. Educate.

I taught them as infants how to safely crawl down stairs, what hot water and a stove was, how to swim before they could walk.

Raising children is serious business and a serious responsibility.

But thinking someone who could have sex and get pregnant is a child is delusional.

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If it's thirteen in your country, you won't get prosecuted there, but the Thai police will teach you to respect their laws...

Even at age 15, do you really believe a'relationship' with a farang is the best education she/he could get? :o

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A lot depends on the race and laws of the country, Ragheads are marrying them at 11 or 12, But me personally I like em between 18 and 80,depending on the amount of drinks I have had.


They don't like to be called ragheads. That's a little sheet on top of their heads so call 'em "Sheetheads! :o

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About myself, I do not accept any woman with me, who is a minor, and for me this means 20+.

In Thailand I check her ID card and make a photocopy to be sure, who is with me in my room for overnight. - Found the best women somewhere between 25 and 35 old....I am not really interested in the very young ones....


You're kidding surely? You mean at 2.00 am you scour the streets of Sukhumvit or wherever looking for a photocopy shop, while your chosen escort, looks bemused and wondering "what is this crazy farang on?" If I was her, would probably think you were some sort of holy roller or farang cop and would have "fled the scene" long before getting anywhere near a xerox machine. You mean shagging a 19 yr old is off, as she's too young to be served an alcoholic bev in your own country or what? As many have said before, many 18 yr olds are more mature than some 30 yr olds, so age is just an arbritary disntiction (within limits of course). 16 yrs old is a fair legal distinction I'd say, that protects genuine young maidens from old goats like Georgie-porgie! :o

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About myself, I do not accept any woman with me, who is a minor, and for me this means 20+.

In Thailand I check her ID card and make a photocopy to be sure, who is with me in my room for overnight. - Found the best women somewhere between 25 and 35 old....I am not really interested in the very young ones....


You're kidding surely? You mean at 2.00 am you scour the streets of Sukhumvit or wherever looking for a photocopy shop, while your chosen escort, looks bemused and wondering "what is this crazy farang on?" If I was her, would probably think you were some sort of holy roller or farang cop and would have "fled the scene" long before getting anywhere near a xerox machine. You mean shagging a 19 yr old is off, as she's too young to be served an alcoholic bev in your own country or what? As many have said before, many 18 yr olds are more mature than some 30 yr olds, so age is just an arbritary disntiction (within limits of course). 16 yrs old is a fair legal distinction I'd say, that protects genuine young maidens from old goats like Georgie-porgie! :D

Hey! Even old goats need love too and what's wrong if the gal's on the game, needs $$$ for her family? Here we go with the old Erco shit again... :o

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'About myself, I do not accept any woman with me, who is a minor, and for me this means 20+.

In Thailand I check her ID card and make a photocopy to be sure, who is with me in my room for overnight. - Found the best women somewhere between 25 and 35 old....I am not really interested in the very young ones....

Johann '

How old is your Japanese wife?

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Hey!  Even old goats need love too and what's wrong if the gal's on the game, needs $$$ for her family?  Here we go with the old Erco shit again... :o

Another one the police should take an interest in...

Police! Police!

Never a cop around when you need 'em! :D

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