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SURVEY: Should foreigners entering Thailand be required to have or purchase medical insurance?


SURVEY: Should foreigners entering Thailand be required to have or purchase medical insurance?  

262 members have voted

  1. 1. SURVEY: Should foreigners entering Thailand be required to have or purchase medical insurance?

    • Yes, all foreigners should show proof of insurance or be required to purchase it before entering the Kingdom.
    • No, foreigners should not have to show or purchase insurance.

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What about millionaires who self insure? Why should they be forced to pay for crappy insurance if they can just pay out of pocket without battering an eyelid? I don’t know of any country that requires to see health insurance when you show up at customs, why should Thailand be an exception? If it was anywhere it should be first world countries where health care isn’t as cheap as Thailand.





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3 minutes ago, pentae said:

What about millionaires who self insure? Why should they be forced to pay for crappy insurance if they can just pay out of pocket without battering an eyelid?



Then they should have no problem locking up X amount of cash as deemed fit by Thailand to pay for their emergencies

should they have any


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2 hours ago, mania said:

I would say yes

Tourists...many are drinking party types & crash motorbikes often enough

Anyone who has lived here for years has read many times please from family members from where ever

asking for help to fund their now bed ridden or worse relative homewards


Long Term Expats? 100% yes required & if they want to claim ..."Oh I self insure or can always go

home if I have a problem"..... then they need to deposit X amount deemed sufficient by Thailand

into a fund that is locked & they can gain interest from it but not use the principal of it.


Fair is fair & Thailand is going to get stuck big time with all the retiring geriatrics that come here many of

whom are still spending their days lifting beer mugs


I'm sure this may not be well received but if it was your country & thousands were retiring there

without insurance you would say the same


They already do in Britain ,there are so many illegals and health tourists its a joke , but my sister in law who is Thai does not need health insurance in Britain she gets the NHS free , so why cant we go to a govt hospital , oh i forgot i do ,i use the Queen Sirikit and pay falang price .


but if your survey is about tourists here for a few weeks ,of course they should have insurance ,stupid not to .

Edited by i claudius
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2 hours ago, BarnicaleBob said:

I think tourists arriving in Thailand should have travel insurance at least.  However, those that retire to Thailand and live long term, getting insurance above a certain age is impossible because no Thai insurance company will insure them at their age.  So if the Thai government requires all persons tourist and expats to have insurance, the Thai government will need to provide a means that will require Thai insurance company's to cover anyone of any age at a reasonable price.  Its called spreading the risk, maybe a new concept to Thai insurance companies. 


I don't agree with your statement that old retirees cannot buy into Health Insurance. I took out Health Insurance at the age of 69 and am able to continue cover until age 90. The company is based in Bangkok and has previously advertised here on TVF. You can PM me if you require further information.

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I have recently been informed by Thai Life I am no longer eligible for hospital cover as I am 70 years In Jan; before I was told the cover was until 80 years, have informed me this is only for new customers. My heralth is good at the moment but who knows in the future. I  will not get covered for health insurance here, so have to consider all options. No easy answer, have small pension that covers me for my monthly bills that is it.




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And I believe that all rich spoiled brats should be expelled from Thailand because of their I'm better than you because I'm rich, never dug a ditch, slogged a rice paddy, had a cave in, got shot at, spent 16 hrs. a day/night on patrol with no back up available for 45 min. much less medical help. At 71, I have insurance back in the states, ended when the plane left the coast, no, one part continued for a month, much like travel ins.,  and VA here, but only for my specific disabilities. If I'm in good enough shape to return to the states and return with the same abilities and life style I live now OK, if not, just pop me in the oven until well done.


joebrown, and how much did that insurance cover and what was the cost?


Transam, I certainly don't thing so, at least not for the states. But you must have income or certain amount to guarantee support. I gave up on a visa for the wife after seeing and hearing all the hoops, time and cost. It was only for a month, until I finished work. Nothing about insurance. Oh, she didn't want to go anyway, she knows too much about what the states are really like, especially the south.

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Tourists shall be covered by mandatory travel insurance with repatriation.

For long-term residents/expats I'm in favor of a foreigners medical plan/public insurance after "all for one and one for all" principle for govermental hospitals only; that will be affordable and can include people, even over an age where a normal health insurance is possible to sign into. Those who wish extra coverage or use private hospitals/different service can buy an insurance or pay themselves, but everybody will be eligeble for a public hospital, and the Thai government will not be financially burdened; as an expat-plan shall always be adjusted to cover the actual costs for the Thai authorities, which is fair for all. If it shall be mandatory to all, or only those not having a private health insurance, can be discussed...


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7 hours ago, nightbird said:

Bludging? Where in Thailand do you get free medical care? When I go to any hospital, private or gov't, I must pay the rate. And, I pay it in full. Most insurance is a scheme that preys on your fear and the collusion of big business, big Pharma, and a profit motive as the main ingredients. They arbitrarily decide on the worth of various procedures, treatments, etc., guaranteeing the profits for those in control. This, in effect, is against the people, as it makes a basic service, care and treatment giving, unaffordable for the masses. The only benefit having foreigners have their own health insurance is for the private hospitals who will be able to charge top dollar/euro for their service. 


Try to rethink your response before coming to an absurd conclusion. 

The argument for medical insurance for foreigners is not that they get free medical treatment in Thailand but that they are then covered and don't have to beg from others in order to either get treatment for a serious illness or repatriation. There might also be an argument that they should not be getting subsidised treatment that is only available to Thai citizens.


Try getting medical treatment at all without insurance in many countries where you are not a citizen or resident! Even in some EU countries, it is either not easy or impossible (and that is for EU citizens who have neglected to remember to bring a certain form). Good luck with getting any medical treatment in the USA - my insurer which covers every country in the world will not cover me at all in the USA. I have to get special travel coverage for any trips there.


Foreign tourists can get very cheap medical insurance for up to several months as long as they remain resident in a foreign country. Long term stayers can get either medical insurance in their own country or in Thailand.


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On 11/26/2016 at 11:37 AM, Scott said:

Should foreigners entering Thailand be required to have or purchase medical insurance?


One of the points raised in the proposed changes in immigration rules is that foreigners may be required to have medical insurance.   In your opinion, do you think Thailand should require foreigners to have medical insurance or to purchase medical insurance before being allowed to enter Thailand?


2 issues here. Foreigners entering Thailand and immigration rules.


1. Not many immigration rules apply to foreigners ( tourists ) on holiday. I think it is only correct, for both the tourist and Thailand that the tourist has appropriate medical insurance to cover their short stay in Thailand. I am talking about those that come for a 2 / 3 week holiday and return home.


2. Long term foreigners are a totally different barrel of fish. Of course they should also have appropriate medical insurance. The issue arises when they will no longer be accepted for medical insurance due to age restrictions.


Grey area, with no specific answers. 


Perhaps some sort of Government Health Insurance when people have passed the age limit for Health Insurance might be the answer. Then again, with the amount of Thai bashing that goes on, I would not be inclined to agree to that if I was a Thai Government official.

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I don't believe there's a problem with farang using or abusing or bludging off the Thai medical system or the Thai tax payers. It sounds like one more excuse for farang bashing to me. Most tourists do have travel/medical insurance, which gets ripped off with ridiculous fees, way in excess of what any Thai patient ever pays, so how about an investigation into that little scam.


Others living here do not have medical insurance but pay as they go at local hospitals and clinics. There again they are paying more than Thai patients, but the fees and charges are still very low and affordable. All this talk about penniless farang running but hundreds and thousands of baht bills is rubbish. You can't get a big toe into one of those 5-star Bangkok Hospitals without first showing medical insurance or a credit card. And nobody's running up thousands of baht bills at Thai gov run regional hospitals. 


So don't kid yourselves, farang don't get aught for nought in Thailand.

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When we come on holiday to LOS we always have travel insurance which also covers motorcycle accidents.  We go abroad many times throughout the year so just retain a rolling one year travel insurance policy and also have EHIC cards.


I dread to think what would happen to us if we had a serious accident in LOS, or elsewhere, without travel insurance.  Actually I know, as I see it in the news all the time with victims families trying to raise tens of thousands of £s / $s through gofundme websites to settle eye watering medical and repatriation bills.  Even then some victims do have travel insurance but without sufficient coverage for all eventualities which is completely bonkers or the policy has expired as they 'forgot' about it.  Still that's up to them and not my look out.


If my wife or I were lucky enough to survive a serious accident or medical event then I want the absolute best care afforded us.  If we die then just chuck us on the funeral pyre.


I'm just not willing to risk the uncertainty for what costs the same annual price as a meal for two at a decent restaurant. 


Therefore we don't require an enforced policy as we take care of ourselves already but it's a good idea to remind the masses as many seem to leave their brains behind at departures.



Edited by acid thunder
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3 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

If health insurance became mandatory all the old codgers over 70 would have to leave. Cue here there must be a few rich ole farts that will boo me on this one. Thailand could offer us a reasonable health insurance coverage as after all we do spend money here but it is always the case with a captive audience the likes of us take and not give. They offered coverage a few years back and then quickly withdrew the plan before the ink was dry. I think they felt that they might get the short end of the stick. Heaven forbid. They want to keep the bahts coming but investing in the continuance of the baht flow not so much. Even Costa Rica has a more compassion in their health system you must join. Incoming. 

Your are right !  Expats over 70 could not buy local insurance and most local  insurance, except a few rare company, stop at 70.


For the new 10 years retirement visa they should arrange to have available  local insurance to cover expats  for the  10,000 USD coverage. It must not be so expensive to arrange.  International insurance at that age too expensive for regular people.

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5 hours ago, Cats4ever said:

Yes they should - bludging off another country is not good. How you prove you have the insurance could be tricky. I have a print out of my insurance with me when I travel; would not be hard to forge.

'Bludging off another country'? You're joking! I choose not to contribute hundreds of $$ per month to insurance companies. The money I have saved over the years will cover nearly anything short of a heart transplant. On the rare occasions I need a doctor, I pay cash and am happy to do so. Anyhow, if I turn up at Bangkok-Rayong and penniless, they'd shove me out the door without a by-your-leave. Bludging? I don't think I could even if I wanted to!

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29 minutes ago, alfredmarks50 said:

Sure,  I am happy to pay 100000 bath a year if I can get health insurance.  All  insurances have  refused  and travel insurance only covers heath in combination with a health insurance. So sell me one I am happy to pay for coverage.

Send me a PM and I can give you the name of a company here in LOS which may be of help to you. BTW, I am not an agent for the company.


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1 hour ago, kenk24 said:



hi Guys - I am and have been curious - what happens to the people who do not have much savings? Surely there is a group of expats here because they do not have much money and daily life is cheaper  - - but they are not going to have the 300,000 for a heart procedure or more... what happens when they show up in an ER w/a heart attack or after a serious motorcycle accident? Do they get minimal treatment or are just asked to leave?  


Might get minimal treatment if have no method of paying, like credit card. cash, or insurance card. 


If private hospital they will ship you straight to a government hospital where you will have the minimal treatement in poor conditions.  They won't throw you out but will badger you  for payment every day. Not a pretty picture.

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Absolutely not. Why should people be forced into buying things to suit other people. no one knows anybody else's health or wealth. I left a nanny state to be free of being told what to do. If individuals want to have health insurance that's there choice don't try to ram there choice down the throats of other peopl


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47 minutes ago, cnx355 said:

Your are right !  Expats over 70 could not buy local insurance and most local  insurance, except a few rare company, stop at 70.


For the new 10 years retirement visa they should arrange to have available  local insurance to cover expats  for the  10,000 USD coverage. It must not be so expensive to arrange.  International insurance at that age too expensive for regular people.

At least give me access to pain killers if I am in pain. Don't treat everyone like they are a drug addict. 

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I think any short time visits should have mandatory health insurance.  It is a must for people going out of Canada to the US and not that expensive.


The ripping off of the system is by the people that come here with just enough money to party and then get hurt and have no way to pay.  


As for all of us that live here I think the best solution is that we pay either at 90 day reports or when we extend our visa for the year for a government plan that would cover us in middle of the road hospitals.  Then if you want better service you pay extra.


My insurance is 2 fold I apy for it then have to claim it from Canada a bit of a pain but no real choice.  I keep a nice emergency reserve in my bank account.

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Do farangs who take a Thai bird back to farangland have to supply insurance for his new love...?

Seems like they have to show a certain amount of income. Just looked on NHS site and some things done free, other conditions they tell you how much first, looks like anything life threatening is free.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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4 hours ago, snowgard said:

Something similar like Schengen Visa Insurance would be great but Thai insurances are to greedy.



Maybe combinated only with government hospitals and/or 5.000 Baht own payment.



If Thailand adopted the minimum Schengen visa , based on the above website:-


For ONLY 1,100 baht per month, a "retiree" could have  insurance totalling approximately 2,250,000 Baht - at aged 70 (At the "now" exchange rates)  . At aged 90, the premium would be THE SAME. Calculate for yourself, it is easy. All I have done, to cope with the many currencies used by many MEMBERS on this board, is to convert to Baht.


No need to re-invent the wheel Thailand, simply arrange a "Jaunt" to Brussels, to verify this as a possible solution. ONE WOULD THINK, that the lower costs of Thai medical procedures, would result in lower premiums, however, if Thailand maintained the European premium, and the insurance companies, paid Thailand an "administrative fee", to administer it here; I am fairly sure, MANY expatiates would sleep better.


If there was a real will, this is doable...



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6 hours ago, jpinx said:

Of course not -- any such demand would open the floodgates on scams of every hue.  If the Thai Government supplied some form of "foreigner insurance" that would be a reasonable option, but given the terms and conditions applying to health and travel insurance being so diverse, it would be impossible for Immigration to compare "like-with-like" amongst the companies.

The government could issue a list of minimumin medical insurance requirements ,which should be signed by a recognized insurance company. One has to have a similar form in order to get a Schengen (EU) visa.

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4 hours ago, pentae said:

What about millionaires who self insure? Why should they be forced to pay for crappy insurance if they can just pay out of pocket without battering an eyelid? I don’t know of any country that requires to see health insurance when you show up at customs, why should Thailand be an exception? If it was anywhere it should be first world countries where health care isn’t as cheap as Thailand.





Thais and others need to produce proof of medical insurance before they obtain a Schenegen (EU) visa

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The obstacle to obtaining insurance is that no insurance is available for expats over 60  -- with very few very expensive exceptions that exclude pre-existing conditions. So, it's easy to say that you should have when there are no realistic or reasonably priced alternatives. I thought this issue was supposed to be addressed with the ASEAN Economic Community but it just dropped off the radar screen.  In addition, I paid all my life to be covered my Medicare in the US but cannot tap into those benefits outside the US even though medical costs would be much more reasonable in Thailand. Ironically, many US hospitals will send patients outside the US to save money but as an expat, I would have to return to be sent back!

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6 hours ago, Kabula said:

Some foreign hospitals without Insurance, nor proper credit would leave you on a  gurney in the hall without medical help, food and water and wait for you to expire!

Believe it or not they are not charitable organization

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2 hours ago, MalandLee said:


If Thailand adopted the minimum Schengen visa , based on the above website:-


For ONLY 1,100 baht per month, a "retiree" could have  insurance totalling approximately 2,250,000 Baht - at aged 70 (At the "now" exchange rates)  . At aged 90, the premium would be THE SAME. Calculate for yourself, it is easy. All I have done, to cope with the many currencies used by many MEMBERS on this board, is to convert to Baht.


No need to re-invent the wheel Thailand, simply arrange a "Jaunt" to Brussels, to verify this as a possible solution. ONE WOULD THINK, that the lower costs of Thai medical procedures, would result in lower premiums, however, if Thailand maintained the European premium, and the insurance companies, paid Thailand an "administrative fee", to administer it here; I am fairly sure, MANY expatiates would sleep better.


If there was a real will, this is doable...



Sadly this is one of the things that differentiates the type(s) of Governments.


Europe, sought and secured a solution for its Guests, short & long term alike.


So far Thailand does not see any benefit is helping it's guests in this regard. (Affordable Health) - It has done some wonderful things, such as the tourist Police, etc.. Easily criticised until you need them! 


Excluding Burmese, Cambodian & Lao, some say there are 100,000+ expats from Japan, China, Europe, UK America, Oceania, etc..   The monthly premium alone (above) would inject 1.3 Billion into the Thai health system, where it equally compulsory. And this is only for retirees..


 IF it were applied to all visitors, we are talking TRILLIONS of Baht - very big money indeed. The premium could be attached to EVERY visa, no matter where it was issued. It would only cost about the same as departure tax, for the visa exempt. (30 day) Negligible to a foreign visitor, MASSIVE new money to this Govt.





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