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Trump drama rolls on: Disputes, falsehoods hit transition


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6 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Luckily for her, the President-elect feels sorry for her. A fair justice department would have charged her for sure.


Neither The Republican controlled congress or the Pro Trump FBI could,, after numerous investigations, find enough of anything to even call a grand jury hearing, let alone lay charges. Forget about any convictions.


all they've had is accusations. Any fool can accuse. David Petraeus on the other hand was charged AND convicted. But hey, let's give *him* a second chance.

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49 minutes ago, CMNightRider said:


Thank you so much for the education.  This article confirms Hillary the Liar's incompetence.  Fortunately for America, this woman along with her crime family and Obama, will fade away into history as the incompetent buffoons they are.


On a happier note, president elect Trump is continuing to choose both stellar insiders as well as outsiders to fill his cabinet.  In spite of all the liberal, left-wing, hysterical rants, Trump will make America great again.



Here's something to chalk up to the credit of the soon to be Secretary of the Treasury, "stellar" Steve Mnuchin:

Trump treasury secretary pick Steven Mnuchin’s bank foreclosed on 90-year-old woman who owed 27 cents 

A bank owned by Steven Mnuchin, Donald Trump's Treasury secretary nominee, foreclosed on a 90-year-old Florida woman who owed 27 cents, reports revealed Thursday. ...

An 86-year-old California man told the radio station that OneWest refused to modify the home equity loan on him and his wife’s longtime home even though they qualified three times for a government-backed modification. The bank sold their home of 50 years in 2011.


Do you have your own personal thesaurus in which "abysmal" is listed as a synonym for "stellar"?

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2 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


Neither The Republican controlled congress or the Pro Trump FBI could,, after numerous investigations, find enough of anything to even call a grand jury hearing, let alone lay charges. Forget about any convictions.


all they've had is accusations. Any fool can accuse. David Petraeus on the other hand was charged AND convicted. But hey, let's give *him* a second chance.

It's true that any fool can accuse. But it takes an obsessive and unbalanced fool to keep on repeating it.

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For one of the most powerful jobs in the gov, Trump hires Son of a Goldman Sachs top honcho, born with a silver spoon, lead a privileged life, went to Yale, belonged to the Elite Scull and Bones Club, joined daddy's firm upon graduation.


Dear Trump supporters, I bet that when Trump said he'd "take on the elites" you didn't think he meant "take them on board the government gravy train"


So far, give Trump credit for assembling a diverse Cabinet, mixing billionaires with just plain multi-millionaires.

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11 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

For one of the most powerful jobs in the gov, Trump hires Son of a Goldman Sachs top honcho, born with a silver spoon, lead a privileged life, went to Yale, belonged to the Elite Scull and Bones Club, joined daddy's firm upon graduation.


Dear Trump supporters, I bet that when Trump said he'd "take on the elites" you didn't think he meant "take them on board the government gravy train"


So far, give Trump credit for assembling a diverse Cabinet, mixing billionaires with just plain multi-millionaires.


" "I know the guys at Goldman Sachs. They have total, total control over (Ted Cruz). Just like they have total control over Hillary Clinton," he (D. Trump) said earlier this year during the primaries.





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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


You might follow your own advice. Try reading your link for a start. There was plenty of controversy. The FBI agents that did the investigation strongly felt that she should have been charged. General Petraeus did not have political cover.

I see there are those that are continuing to harp on and on about Hillary and her server.   It might be time to move on.   


General Petraeus is a whole different kettle of fish.   He shared, willingly, knowingly and deceitfully, classified information with his love.   He knew full well what he was doing was illegal.   Classified information was put in emails that were left on a server, and his lover had the password to access those emails.   They exchanged information in this matter.   By the way it is the same method used by some terrorists, so that it doesn't actually get sent.   


One might forgive him if he had information in his locked briefcase and she managed to open it and look at it, but that's not what happened.   


I'd say he actually had a great deal of political cover.   

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28 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

For one of the most powerful jobs in the gov, Trump hires Son of a Goldman Sachs top honcho, born with a silver spoon, lead a privileged life, went to Yale, belonged to the Elite Scull and Bones Club, joined daddy's firm upon graduation.


Dear Trump supporters, I bet that when Trump said he'd "take on the elites" you didn't think he meant "take them on board the government gravy train"


So far, give Trump credit for assembling a diverse Cabinet, mixing billionaires with just plain multi-millionaires.


Instead of seeking out the brightest and most educated to fill cabinet positions, do you think Trump should be looking for someone that didn't graduate from high school and is still living in the projects?  


"Multi-millionaires and billionaires" tend to be wealthy because they are the cream of the crop businessmen or CEO's.  Come on rub those sleepy little eyes and wake up.


When I view many of the hysterical and nonsensical left-wing posts on this site, it reminds me of a quote, "Life is hard but it is even harder when you are stupid."    

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10 minutes ago, Credo said:


General Petraeus is a whole different kettle of fish.   He shared, willingly, knowingly and deceitfully, classified information with his love.   He knew full well what he was doing was illegal.


Paula Broadwell had a top secret security clearance and she never published the information. It is a double standard when someone doing much worse was never even charged because of political considerations.

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49 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

It's true that any fool can accuse. But it takes an obsessive and unbalanced fool to keep on repeating it.


Well with that in mind, one must wonder why you keep repeating the same nonsense over and over again.


As the days unfold, and Trump's stellar cabinet choices grow, I'm sure those lurking in the liberal left-wing swamp can see their days are numbered.  


Hey, since political correctness along with Hillary the Liar and Obama are soon to be distant bad memories, this Christmas it will be okay to say Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays.  How about that thought on a happy Friday.  :-)  

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18 minutes ago, CMNightRider said:

"Multi-millionaires and billionaires" tend to be wealthy because they are the cream of the crop businessmen or CEO's.  Come on rub those sleepy little eyes and wake up.


When I view many of the hysterical and nonsensical left-wing posts on this site, it reminds me of a quote, "Life is hard but it is even harder when you are stupid."    


.....or, inherited from Mummy and Daddy.........just like Trump and the banker?

Life must be very hard for you, according to your post.

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20 minutes ago, CMNightRider said:


Instead of seeking out the brightest and most educated to fill cabinet positions, do you think Trump should be looking for someone that didn't graduate from high school and is still living in the projects?  


"Multi-millionaires and billionaires" tend to be wealthy because they are the cream of the crop businessmen or CEO's.  Come on rub those sleepy little eyes and wake up.


When I view many of the hysterical and nonsensical left-wing posts on this site, it reminds me of a quote, "Life is hard but it is even harder when you are stupid."    

I see, the best and the brightest are those people who profited from inflicting misery  on others?  If that's the case, Steve Mnuchin is your man. And Karen Devos, who had the genius to be born into riches and marry into more?  She's among the best and brightest? In other words, your motto is, if you're so smart, how come you ain't rich. And how about Wilbur Ross, who said a family earning $50,000 could hire a nanny to help them with the kids.   These are definitely the people to help out struggling middle Americans.

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1 hour ago, CMNightRider said:
2 hours ago, Thakkar said:

For one of the most powerful jobs in the gov, Trump hires Son of a Goldman Sachs top honcho, born with a silver spoon, lead a privileged life, went to Yale, belonged to the Elite Scull and Bones Club, joined daddy's firm upon graduation.


Dear Trump supporters, I bet that when Trump said he'd "take on the elites" you didn't think he meant "take them on board the government gravy train"


So far, give Trump credit for assembling a diverse Cabinet, mixing billionaires with just plain multi-millionaires.


Instead of seeking out the brightest and most educated to fill cabinet positions, do you think Trump should be looking for someone that didn't graduate from high school and is still living in the projects?  


"Multi-millionaires and billionaires" tend to be wealthy because they are the cream of the crop businessmen or CEO's.  Come on rub those sleepy little eyes and wake up.


When I view many of the hysterical and nonsensical left-wing posts on this site, it reminds me of a quote, "Life is hard but it is even harder when you are stupid."    


I see, so the choice is between well-educated billionaires born to privilege or high school dropouts. How about choosing from a much larger pool of well-educated people who are not rapacious banksters? ( http://www.businessinsider.com/trumps-treasury-secretary-pick-is-a-very-very-lucky-man-2016-12?utm_source=feedburner&%3Butm_medium=referral&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+businessinsider+(Business+Insider)) 


People like Trump and Mnuchin sure are real smart to be born to rich dads.


If I weren't such a lefty idiot, I'd have chosen a rich dad too.

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1 hour ago, KarenBravo said:

Can't wait for all those Trump supporters from the rust-belt to finally realise that they have been used and then betrayed. Their wailing and gnashing of teeth is going to be soooooo funny.


No need towait. Plenty of that going around now from the liberals who lost the election and twist and distort Trump's every move. 

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48 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

Can't wait for all those Trump supporters from the rust-belt to finally realise that they have been used and then betrayed. Their wailing and gnashing of teeth is going to be soooooo funny.


Wow, you think people "walling and gnashing of teeth is soooooo funny."???  Actually, that phrase is mentioned seven times in the New Testament.  I can't recall hearing anyone who thought that was funny.  You may want to reflect on that for a moment.


Talk about "being used and betrayed."  Have you ever given thought to who is responsible for the economic crisis in the "rust belt?"  I'll make this easy for you.  That would be the Democrats.


Actually, I grew up in the rust belt before it got rusty.  Once I saw the rust forming, I re-invented myself and move out west.  


Anyway,  you should feel right at home here with the other delusional liberal feather merchants spewing non-sensical posts about Trump.   

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Yes, funny. In fact it will be hilarious when these rust-belt citizens who voted for a snake-oil salesman finally realise that they have been conned, when in four years (or, maybe sooner) when they are still unemployed, jobs haven't come back from abroad and all their benefits and health care has been taken away.


I'm already laughing.

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3 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

Yes, funny. In fact it will be hilarious when these rust-belt citizens who voted for a snake-oil salesman finally realise that they have been conned, when in four years (or, maybe sooner) when they are still unemployed, jobs haven't come back from abroad and all their benefits and health care has been taken away.


I'm already laughing.


Well, don't look now but these people didn't have a choice.  Many had already lost their benefits, and health care when they lost their jobs years ago.  They could have voted for Hillary the Liar, which would have been more of the same or Trump who offered help.  


Trump took a million dollars given to him by his father and built a fortune worth over a billion dollars.  The guy is brilliant, unlike Hillary or Obama, and unlike Obama, hasn't hidden his past.


You may be laughing but for the liberal, left-wing, delusional wackos, the party is over.  Happy Friday :-)



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9 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Luckily for her, the President-elect feels sorry for her. A fair justice department would have charged her for sure.


So the president-elect is interfering with fair justice being dished?

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2 hours ago, CMNightRider said:


Instead of seeking out the brightest and most educated to fill cabinet positions, do you think Trump should be looking for someone that didn't graduate from high school and is still living in the projects?  


"Multi-millionaires and billionaires" tend to be wealthy because they are the cream of the crop businessmen or CEO's.  Come on rub those sleepy little eyes and wake up.


When I view many of the hysterical and nonsensical left-wing posts on this site, it reminds me of a quote, "Life is hard but it is even harder when you are stupid."    


How do any of these picks represent good news with regard to the economic future of average Americans? How do they sit with previous Trump statements about draining swamps and evil bankers? That some of them know how to run a profitable business and would have been successful even without the benefit of being born to money is not an indication of being tuned up to public needs.

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46 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


No need towait. Plenty of that going around now from the liberals who lost the election and twist and distort Trump's every move. 


How are all Trump's "moves" twisted and distorted? Most times it's simply repeating what he says or does and pitting it against previous statements and actions.

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17 minutes ago, CMNightRider said:


Well, don't look now but these people didn't have a choice.  Many had already lost their benefits, and health care when they lost their jobs years ago.  They could have voted for Hillary the Liar, which would have been more of the same or Trump who offered help.  


Trump took a million dollars given to him by his father and built a fortune worth over a billion dollars.  The guy is brilliant, unlike Hillary or Obama, and unlike Obama, hasn't hidden his past.


You may be laughing but for the liberal, left-wing, delusional wackos, the party is over.  Happy Friday :-)



Really, that's all Trump started with to build his business empire You mean, he didn't take over  his father's business?  And he didn't then run it into the ground?  Do you know about his debacle in Atlantic City? He actually threatened to sue a financial brokerage if they didn't fire its financial journalist who was saying that Trump had paid way too much and was going to fail. Rather than face a costly lawsuit, the company fired the guy.  It turns out he was fired for being exactly right.  Trump has been through 4 bankruptcies. It got to the point where banks wouldn't lend him money. He had to go to dodgy foreign investors to get his cash.

As other financial analysts point out, if Trump just invested what he had inherited from his father in index funds, he's have about as much money as he claims to have today. Of course, the emphasis is on "claims." He actually sued an author for writing that Trump was worth much less than he claimed. Trump sued him, too. And lost. You should read the deposition that lawyers took from Trump.  Makes for very interesting reading.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


No need towait. Plenty of that going around now from the liberals who lost the election and twist and distort Trump's every move. 

You mean like the time he claimed to have saved a Ford Motor Company factory and it turned out he didn't even save a single job? I recall somebody asserting that Trump's claim was half true.  I know that there's sometimes a question of whether a glass is empty or half full. But when the glass is empty, how can you justify calling it half full?

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13 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Really, that's all Trump started with to build his business empire You mean, he didn't take over  his father's business? 


He owns businesses and property all over the world and is a multi-billionaire. He did not run anything "into the ground".

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8 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


He owns businesses and property all over the world and is a multi-billionaire. He did not run anything "into the ground".

So, his father's business he didn't run into the ground? The Atlantic City Casino Business he didn't run into the ground? Trump Airlines he didn't run into the ground? Is that what you're asserting?

And exactly how do you know he's a multi-billionaire? Did he show you his tax returns? Or are you actually gullible enough to believe what he asserts? You should read this deposition from the time he sued Tim O'Brien for questioning Trump's net worth. 


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