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Trump drama rolls on: Disputes, falsehoods hit transition


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On 11/29/2016 at 9:01 AM, Emster23 said:

Trump is a drama queen, lives for the ratings and attention. I suggest he get a daily 15 or 30 minute show dedicated to this sort of kardashian foolishness, relieve news orgs of having to cover this obvious play for attention regardless of what it does to US government


The only drama queens here are the 2 ladies (JULIE PACE and CATHERINE LUCEY), who wrote this ridiculous article about nothing.

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3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Ask the hundreds of shafted workers and contractors for Trump's businesses, in particular his running away from responsibilities from his 3 giant casinos which went belly-up in Atlantic City.  Ask 'em how they feel?

Also, ask the hundreds (or thousands) of jilted investors in Trump's failed ventures.  Yes, the folks who saw their investments tank to pennies on the dollar.   Ask the banks who loaned money to the shyster, yet who won't now loan him any money.  


They made a bet.  If they invested in all of Trump's businesses, they would be waaaay ahead, as is he.  Every entrepreneur knows that some businesses do not work out.  And in the case of the casinos, no one saw the possibility of Native American Indian reservations getting license to open casinos all over - including Trump's casino-investors, who were taking a "calculated business risk."  


Yes, those three, of hundreds of Trump businesses, filed for bankruptcy, as the law allows.  Some say those laws should be changed.  The opposing party held the reigns of the exec and legislative branches several times in recent decades, and did not see fit to change those laws.  Wonder why?


3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

BTW, he's not a multi-billionaire.  He may not even be worth 1 billion.  He said he would ("love to....") release his taxes, but we all know he never will.  He's the King of Shysters, even out-doing Madoff.  

At least Madoff eventually got busted, but Trump conned his way into winning the majority of electoral votes.


Have you read the financial disclosures he was required to disclose prior to running for president?  Those disclose his net-worth, while tax forms do not.  The "shysters" are the ones lying about this.  By "conned" you mean won the states and congressional-districts necessary to spite the millions of Illegals which any reasonable person would assume voted against him (see my other post on that).  If Trump had filed Fraudulent Financial Statements like Madoff, you can bet his enemies (in both parties) would have found that evidence.


3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

One of his latest Trumpisms:  He recently spouted a string of glowing praises upon Pakistan's leaders.  Does he not know that Pakistan was harboring Bin Laden.  Also; kissing Pakistan's butt will anger India.  These are things which prove what a blundering dufus he is, in the halls of power.


And General Flynn (a close Trump associate) also wrote a recent op-ed friendly to Turkey, to spite Turkey's support of terrorists in Syria (the same ones to whom Washington drops ammo and weapons) - to spite the fact that Flynn was booted by Obama for opposing Western support to those same terrorists.  Why? 


Both of these nations have "obeyed" Washington/EU dictates, and cooperated in some nasty covert business on their behalf.  I would hypothesize that this is a signal that, "There is a New Boss with New Rules that will differ from the Rules our 'Elites' gave you before - but we aren't throwing you under the bus if you go with the new agenda."  That's speculation on my part, but is my best guess. 


Keep in mind, Trump's foreign-policy is only a possible improvement over the R/D uniparty agenda - not one of the primary reasons he was elected - which were trade and immigration.   But on the one foreign-policy front with the most promise, if Trump stops trying to surround Russia with missiles, using "enemy" rhetoric against them, and interfering in their internal politics (running anti-Putin political-ops out of the US-Embassy, etc) - this would be a fantastic development.

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1 hour ago, JackThompson said:


They made a bet.  If they invested in all of Trump's businesses, they would be waaaay ahead, as is he.  Every entrepreneur knows that some businesses do not work out.  And in the case of the casinos, no one saw the possibility of Native American Indian reservations getting license to open casinos all over - including Trump's casino-investors, who were taking a "calculated business risk."  


Yes, those three, of hundreds of Trump businesses, filed for bankruptcy, as the law allows.  Some say those laws should be changed.  The opposing party held the reigns of the exec and legislative branches several times in recent decades, and did not see fit to change those laws.  Wonder why?



Have you read the financial disclosures he was required to disclose prior to running for president?  Those disclose his net-worth, while tax forms do not.  The "shysters" are the ones lying about this.  By "conned" you mean won the states and congressional-districts necessary to spite the millions of Illegals which any reasonable person would assume voted against him (see my other post on that).  If Trump had filed Fraudulent Financial Statements like Madoff, you can bet his enemies (in both parties) would have found that evidence.



And General Flynn (a close Trump associate) also wrote a recent op-ed friendly to Turkey, to spite Turkey's support of terrorists in Syria (the same ones to whom Washington drops ammo and weapons) - to spite the fact that Flynn was booted by Obama for opposing Western support to those same terrorists.  Why? 


Both of these nations have "obeyed" Washington/EU dictates, and cooperated in some nasty covert business on their behalf.  I would hypothesize that this is a signal that, "There is a New Boss with New Rules that will differ from the Rules our 'Elites' gave you before - but we aren't throwing you under the bus if you go with the new agenda."  That's speculation on my part, but is my best guess. 


Keep in mind, Trump's foreign-policy is only a possible improvement over the R/D uniparty agenda - not one of the primary reasons he was elected - which were trade and immigration.   But on the one foreign-policy front with the most promise, if Trump stops trying to surround Russia with missiles, using "enemy" rhetoric against them, and interfering in their internal politics (running anti-Putin political-ops out of the US-Embassy, etc) - this would be a fantastic development.

Your defense of Trumps management of his casino business fails to note that even in the good years, his casino was not as profitable as his competitors. What's even worse though, is that he managed to unload his private debt onto the casinos and left his creditors holding the bag for it. Such a lowlife.


Flynn was booted by Obama because he was a terrible manager by all accounts. What you fail to mention is that Flynn's firm was and I believe still is being paid by the Turkish government. And as for the US and Turkey supplying the same terrorists, what in the world are you talking about. By far the biggest recipient of US aid in the Syrian war is the Kurds, whom Turkey has repeatedly attacked.  And another thing. Flynn alleged in a book he cowrote with Michael Ledeen that North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba and other nations were in a conspiracy with Muslim terrorists against the USA.  


But what truly gives us a true picture of the quality of your thinking is this comment:

"By "conned" you mean won the states and congressional-districts necessary to spite the millions of Illegals which any reasonable person would assume voted against him (see my other post on that)." I suspect you can't provide a link for that one since false news sites are now banned on the forum.

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2 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Your defense of Trumps management of his casino business fails to note that even in the good years, his casino was not as profitable as his competitors. What's even worse though, is that he managed to unload his private debt onto the casinos and left his creditors holding the bag for it. Such a lowlife.


The casinos were business entities.  When a corporation goes bankrupt, the shareholder looses nothing but their shares, or part of them or their value.  One's "private" money is not affected by corporate losses.  Some say this system is wrong, and they have a point ... but that is another long discussion on alternative business structures.


Those "creditors" were "investors," and "banks" who invested "risk capital" - which is one of the justifications for the interest charged by banks.  Again, many good points to be made about the corrupt nature of banking and finance, but bashing those who follow existing law won't solve the underlying problem - the "rules of the game" may need to be changed, which is another discussion.



Flynn was booted by Obama because he was a terrible manager by all accounts. What you fail to mention is that Flynn's firm was and I believe still is being paid by the Turkish government. And as for the US and Turkey supplying the same terrorists, what in the world are you talking about. By far the biggest recipient of US aid in the Syrian war is the Kurds, whom Turkey has repeatedly attacked. 


Flynn's story - not by "all accounts" - by the Obama-people's accounts.  Obama's trade and foreign-policy were terrible, whether you are on the left or right.   I can only guess what is in his head, or if he is compromised by some financial dealing or will do what he believes is right.


The US/Turkey back and forth with the Kurds has been going on since the US was using them against Saddam Hussein, while Turkey was fighting them at the same time - all this while Turkey was considered a US-ally.   Recall that is where the missiles were, that led to the Cuban Missile Crisis.  Nothing new with the Kurds - they are being used as disposable pawns, as usual.  I hope Trump can cut them a break, somehow (Bush/Obama sure didn't).


One of the "biggest recipients" of aid in Syria is John McCains "friendly Wahabbis" (did you see the pic with him and those death-squad leaders?) - aka the "Free Syrian Army" - who have regularly defected to ISIS in large numbers (with American-supplied weaponry), and share many of the same leaders.  Some of the best weaponry the Kurds have, comes from when they defeat an ISIS outfit, and get the remaining American-supplied gear.


See the article in the CFR magazine "Foreign Affairs" - "Two Cheers for Syrian Islamists" for the neocon-spin ('non-partisan') on this.  This partnership with those terrorists is nothing new - those guys have been on Hitlers, then MI6's and the CIA's payroll since forever (using various names - Muslim Brigades (nazi allies), Muslim Brotherhood (Egypt anti-Nasser), Muhahadeen, Taliban - working in Afghanistan (with Bin Laden), Yugoslavia (working with the neo-nazis), Chechnya, Libya, Eastern Ukraine currently (again with neo-nazis).


I don't know if Trump can/will end this revolting partnership, but we can be sure that Hillary, Rubio, "Jeb!", etc would not have.



And another thing. Flynn alleged in a book he cowrote with Michael Ledeen that North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba and other nations were in a conspiracy with Muslim terrorists against the USA.  


North Korea declared a mourning period of the death of Castro, and they had an ongoing trade-relationship.  Venezuela is also a close Cuba ally.  I haven't researched any connection with the Wahabbi-terrorists, but would not put it past them, given they might be "useful" to each other in the land of real-politik.  I thought Chavez did well nationalizing the oil "Norway-style," with his literacy-programs, etc.  But too bad he went on to destroy free-enterprise.  He could have issued shares of the oil-reserves to all citizens, and let the market work for them.


Edit: I forgot, Pakistan and North Korea had a partnership trading missile-tech for nuclear-tech, when Pakistan was given the green light by Jimmy Carter to develop nukes, in exchange for aiding the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan.  See the letter to Carter from war-criminal Zbignew Brzezinski (now declassified), where he said they would have to put NNP (nuclear non-profileration) on the back-burner, to start the civil war in Afghanistan, to lure in the USSR in to stop the terrorists, whom the USA aided (6 mo before the USSR responded, as expected). That's how both Pakistan and North Korea ended up with nukes.  My guess, that intelligence-conduit is the foundation for whatever Flynn is referring to.



But what truly gives us a true picture of the quality of your thinking is this comment:

"By "conned" you mean won the states and congressional-districts necessary to spite the millions of Illegals which any reasonable person would assume voted against him (see my other post on that)." I suspect you can't provide a link for that one since false news sites are now banned on the forum.

Please respond to the logic in my other post on the "illegals voting" issue.


If you want "fake news" - avoid the "so-called Left" funded efforts which were exposed - including posting "fake right slant" fake-stories in the hopes the right would repeat them, so the left could say the right believed in "fake news."  


So, the 6 Transnationals who literally own the US-Media shall be the arbiters of truth?


I say "so-called Left", because what is called "left" today (funded by George Soros, Bill Gates, and their traitorous ilk) is diametrically opposed to the labor polices of Caesar Chavez and the racial policies of MLK.  I respected what those two had to say on those issues.

Edited by JackThompson
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8 minutes ago, JackThompson said:


The casinos were business entities.  When a corporation goes bankrupt, the shareholder looses nothing but their shares, or part of them or their value.  One's "private" money is not affected by corporate losses.  Some say this system is wrong, and they have a point ... but that is another long discussion on alternative business structures.


Those "creditors" were "investors," and "banks" who invested "risk capital" - which is one of the justifications for the interest charged by banks.  Again, many good points to be made about the corrupt nature of banking and finance, but bashing those who follow existing law won't solve the underlying problem - the "rules of the game" may need to be changed, which is another discussion.



Flynn's story - not by "all accounts" - by the Obama-people's accounts.  Obama's trade and foreign-policy were terrible, whether you are on the left or right.   I can only guess what is in his head, or if he is compromised by some financial dealing or will do what he believes is right.


The US/Turkey back and forth with the Kurds has been going on since the US was using them against Saddam Hussein, while Turkey was fighting them at the same time - all this while Turkey was considered a US-ally.   Recall that is where the missiles were, that led to the Cuban Missile Crisis.  Nothing new with the Kurds - they are being used as disposable pawns, as usual.  I hope Trump can cut them a break, somehow (Bush/Obama sure didn't).


One of the "biggest recipients" of aid in Syria is John McCains "friendly Wahabbis" (did you see the pic with him and those death-squad leaders?) - aka the "Free Syrian Army" - who have regularly defected to ISIS in large numbers (with American-supplied weaponry), and share many of the same leaders.  Some of the best weaponry the Kurds have, comes from when they defeat an ISIS outfit, and get the remaining American-supplied gear.


See the article in the CFR magazine "Foreign Affairs" - "Two Cheers for Syrian Islamists" for the neocon-spin ('non-partisan') on this.  This partnership with those terrorists is nothing new - those guys have been on Hitlers, then MI6's and the CIA's payroll since forever (using various names - Muslim Brigades (nazi allies), Muslim Brotherhood (Egypt anti-Nasser), Muhahadeen, Taliban - working in Afghanistan (with Bin Laden), Yugoslavia (working with the neo-nazis), Chechnya, Libya, Eastern Ukraine currently (again with neo-nazis).


I don't know if Trump can/will end this revolting partnership, but we can be sure that Hillary, Rubio, "Jeb!", etc would not have.



North Korea declared a mourning period of the death of Castro, and they had an ongoing trade-relationship.  Venezuela is also a close Cuba ally.  I haven't researched any connection with the Wahabbi-terrorists, but would not put it past them, given they might be "useful" to each other in the land of real-politik.  I thought Chavez did well nationalizing the oil "Norway-style," with his literacy-programs, etc.  But too bad he went on to destroy free-enterprise.  He could have issued shares of the oil-reserves to all citizens, and let the market work for them.


Please respond to the logic in my other post on the "illegals voting" issue.


If you want "fake news" - avoid the "so-called Left" funded efforts which were exposed - including posting "fake right slant" fake-stories in the hopes the right would repeat them, so the left could say the right believed in "fake news."  


So, the 6 Transnationals who literally own the US-Media shall be the arbiters of truth?


I say "so-called Left", because what is called "left" today (funded by George Soros, Bill Gates, and their traitorous ilk) is diametrically opposed to the labor polices of Caesar Chavez and the racial policies of MLK.  I respected what those two had to say on those issues.


A great post and good job countering left wing spin. You have the patience of a saint.

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12 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Paula Broadwell had a top secret security clearance and she never published the information. It is a double standard when someone doing much worse was never even charged because of political considerations.

Paula Broadwell's exact security clearance at the time is not known.   Under the regulations even having top security clearance does not permit a person to be in possession of documents that are unrelated to their job.   I don't think being his mistress is a prerequisite for obtaining classified information.   


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12 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

Can't wait for all those Trump supporters from the rust-belt to finally realise that they have been used and then betrayed. Their wailing and gnashing of teeth is going to be soooooo funny.


The Democrats betrayed the people in the rust belt partly by shipping their jobs to China and Mexico. They also failed to invest in infrastructure. What was formerly the auto manufacturing capital of the world is now in ruins. The last I knew Flint didn't even have safe water to drink. People who used to have good family wage jobs in manufacturing are now on welfare and food stamps and their towns are in ruins.


The Democrats have controlled those states for at least 50 years. The people have had enough of the treason from Democrats who care nothing for Americans but instead allow massive immigration by people who would harm them and by illegals who take jobs under the table for less than minimum wage. There's the treason of shipping the good manufacturing jobs out of the country leaving those people with nothing.


Trump wants to make those areas great again and he convinced the people he can. Give him a chance. What's been going on hasn't been working. The graphic below shows just what a landslide/wipe out Trump inflicted on the Democrats.


Election map.gif

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14 hours ago, KarenBravo said:


Yup, a loyal Trump supporter. Proud of their ignorance and impervious to facts.

Yeap, proud perhaps of not having supported an unindicted criminal and arrogant elitist playing the same race card over & over & over and addicted to picking fights with the middle class.

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       Attempts to sugarcoat Trump's massive failings in Atlantic City are pitiful.  Trump is going into his 70's.  People don't change their characters as they age. He's not going to miraculously change from a calloused scammer to a decent person who cares for the disadvantaged.   Trump has a long and ugly history of vindictively screwing people, and he's going to keep that going on the national and international stages.


15 hours ago, CMNightRider said:

You are not an American citizen?  Well, why on earth would you care who was elected.  How do you feel about the Muslim refugees flooding western Europe?  


        The above is addressed to someone else.  However, decisions of the prez of the US can affect many people worldwide.  He can even affect environmental issues.  Carson famously said, after he pulled out of the Rep race, that "there are two Trumps."   Apparently, he was referring to the one Trump on the stump who continually denigrates others, is mean, is uninformed, and lies like a rug.   Perhaps Carson's "other Trump" is a decent person with some wisdom and knowledge.   Personally, I've never seen any wisdom or decency in Trump's character.  Have you?  


         Note: when Trump's anti-science, anti-environment group of old men start undoing the Paris Accords and thereby facilitating oil and coal to get shipped/burned all over,  it's not only going to adversely affect people .....there are tens of thousands of other species ww which will get harmed also.  


       Last week, the New Delhi government outlawed fireworks.  Why?  Because many little kids had barely any lung capacity left - many were on the verge of death.  Of course, the real culprit is ND's dirty air (fouled by fossil fuels and burning fields), but at least gov't officials there acknowledged a dire problem.

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9 hours ago, NeverSure said:


The Democrats betrayed the people in the rust belt partly by shipping their jobs to China and Mexico. They also failed to invest in infrastructure. What was formerly the auto manufacturing capital of the world is now in ruins. The last I knew Flint didn't even have safe water to drink. People who used to have good family wage jobs in manufacturing are now on welfare and food stamps and their towns are in ruins.


The Democrats have controlled those states for at least 50 years. The people have had enough of the treason from Democrats who care nothing for Americans but instead allow massive immigration by people who would harm them and by illegals who take jobs under the table for less than minimum wage. There's the treason of shipping the good manufacturing jobs out of the country leaving those people with nothing.


Trump wants to make those areas great again and he convinced the people he can. Give him a chance. What's been going on hasn't been working. The graphic below shows just what a landslide/wipe out Trump inflicted on the Democrats.


Election map.gif


That's a very misleading map.  For example:  HRC won Nevada, but look at it, it's almost entirely red.  Yet another example of false and/or skewed news from right wingers.

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7 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


That's a very misleading map.  For example:  HRC won Nevada, but look at it, it's almost entirely red.  Yet another example of false and/or skewed news from right wingers.


Is this better? :smile: 


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7 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


That's a very misleading map.  For example:  HRC won Nevada, but look at it, it's almost entirely red.  Yet another example of false and/or skewed news from right wingers.


I don't know what's false about it. Hillary won just two counties but they contain Las Vegas and Reno. She got all of Nevada's 6 electoral votes. Overall Hillary won Nevada by about 2.5%. OTOH Trump won all of the other counties which are red. Nevada went for Clinton.

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17 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


That's a very misleading map.  For example:  HRC won Nevada, but look at it, it's almost entirely red.  Yet another example of false and/or skewed news from right wingers.


Obama has been so bad that while he's been POTUS the Democrats have lost more than 900 state legislature seats, 12 state governors, 69 Congressional House seats, 13 Congressional Senate seats and now The White House to Trump. Those are the elections of 2012, 2014 and now 2016.


That's a very serious axe kicking from the people. The Democrats have been the captains of their own private Titanic.



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On 12/2/2016 at 2:17 PM, KarenBravo said:

Not change......a leap into the unknown.

If both candidates are proven liars and you want to vote, then there's no choice but to elect a liar.


One candidate told a few lies over a 40 year career, such as; saying she was shot at - at an airport in a war zone.  The few lies she may have told, she apologized for, repeatedly.


In stark contrast, Trump has told very many large lies, backed by vindictiveness.  He has never apologized for anything.  He said "I would love to release my tax forms, believe me!"  .....that's just one of thousands he told daily.  Shall I make a list?


On 12/2/2016 at 2:25 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

A leap into the unknown is far better than business as usual, when business as usual has failed, spectacularly, as it did under Obama.


       Many indicators are looking good after Obama's 8 years.  Jobs are up.  Iran was stopped from becoming a nuke-wielding country.  Troop numbers have been drawn down dramatically from the days when Republican administration was cranking up wars.  Wall Street was going through the floor when Obama took office.  Tens of millions of Americans were watching while their home values tanked - so much, they quit paying their mortgages.   2 million more Americans have health coverage under Obama, than anytime prior.   Numbers of illegals from Mexico has dropped drastically.  The US continues to maintain the strongest military in the world.  


        If you believed Trump's incessent string of shouted lies for the past 17 months, you'd think the US is tumbling down toward the abyss.  You probably also believe Trump is not John Miller and that he didn't do anything untoward to the dozen women who claimed he sexually assaulted him.  .....even his 1st wife claimed he raped her - under oath.    Trump is such a neanderthal that even today, he would say that 'raping a wife is not illegal.'   Of course, as with so many other things, he'd be dead wrong.

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10 hours ago, NeverSure said:

Obama has been so bad that while he's been POTUS the Democrats have lost more than 900 state legislature seats, 12 state governors, 69 Congressional House seats, 13 Congressional Senate seats and now The White House to Trump. Those are the elections of 2012, 2014 and now 2016.

That's a very serious axe kicking from the people. The Democrats have been the captains of their own private Titanic. Cheers.


Obama won two presidential elections. That's a pretty good track record.  And he won despite the best efforts of the Republican Attack Machine and billions of dollars thrown against him - along with torrents of lies and birther BS (led by you know who).   Indeed, a large % of the ding dongs who voted for McCain, Romney and Trump still believe that Obama is a Kenyan Muslim - because Trump kept railing on that pack of lies for five years.  It's a modicum of the BS that right wingers believe when they're told the same pack of lies daily.

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:


Obama won two presidential elections. That's a pretty good track record.  And he won despite the best efforts of the Republican Attack Machine and billions of dollars thrown against him - along with torrents of lies and birther BS (led by you know who).   Indeed, a large % of the ding dongs who voted for McCain, Romney and Trump still believe that Obama is a Kenyan Muslim - because Trump kept railing on that pack of lies for five years.  It's a modicum of the BS that right wingers believe when they're told the same pack of lies daily.


Hey, just FYI, your side lost. You can stop promoting Obama any time now. He's outta there.


The US has had the slowest economic recovery since WWII under Obama. Obama has never had a year of 3% GDP growth. Unemployment numbers have been skewed but there are more people out of the workforce right now than ever in history. Home prices are propped up by absolute record low interest rates for 8 years. The Fed has had to keep interest rates near zero just to barely keep things afloat. Jobs have fled the country en masse. 


The community organizer who never even managed a lemonade stand has been running the country and the economy and he's made a mess. 


I've listened to libs tell me Trump couldn't win the nomination, and then that he couldn't win the White House, and now that he can't run the country. I feel like I'm in a room full of children.


Way back when Trump first announced his candidacy I started telling people on here, "Get used to saying President Trump." I took the hoots and derision from the Left. NOW get used to saying it. You act like there's still a campaign in progress. It's over.



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On 12/2/2016 at 6:08 PM, JackThompson said:

Regarding the so-called "falsehood" about Illegal Voters:

There are Millions of Illegal Aliens in the USA (12 to 40 Million, depending on which source).  States now give them Drivers Licenses, a form of ID.  To register to vote, some states require ID be shown, others not, but even in those that do, these Illegal's Drivers Licenses will suffice.  The last step of "verification" is for the applicant to check a little box saying they are citizens - with no proof.  This is a felony act when done by a non-citizen.


Now, given the above, and given that

  • Tens of millions of Illegal Aliens could loose their ability to continue occupying American Citizens' former careers (construction, food packing, and many other previously middle-class careers) if Trump was elected
  • They have committed multiple felonies in order to steal the jobs they currently occupy (federal document-fraud, etc), so this level of crime is not new to them
  • There is little to no effort to identify Illegal Aliens on voter-registration rolls (because businesses like cheap-labor and Hillary's party calls it "discrimination" to try)

Would it not be foolish to assume that millions of Illegals in the USA Did Not vote in the election?  Any reasonable person, surveying the facts and clear motivations, knows they did exactly that en-masse, and only a fool would think otherwise.  Trump is not a fool. 


Any actual hard proof, though? Because Trump was stating it as fact, not as a possibility. Trust but verify and all that.

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On 12/2/2016 at 6:36 PM, JackThompson said:


They made a bet.  If they invested in all of Trump's businesses, they would be waaaay ahead, as is he.  Every entrepreneur knows that some businesses do not work out.  And in the case of the casinos, no one saw the possibility of Native American Indian reservations getting license to open casinos all over - including Trump's casino-investors, who were taking a "calculated business risk."  


Yes, those three, of hundreds of Trump businesses, filed for bankruptcy, as the law allows.  Some say those laws should be changed.  The opposing party held the reigns of the exec and legislative branches several times in recent decades, and did not see fit to change those laws.  Wonder why?



Have you read the financial disclosures he was required to disclose prior to running for president?  Those disclose his net-worth, while tax forms do not.  The "shysters" are the ones lying about this.  By "conned" you mean won the states and congressional-districts necessary to spite the millions of Illegals which any reasonable person would assume voted against him (see my other post on that).  If Trump had filed Fraudulent Financial Statements like Madoff, you can bet his enemies (in both parties) would have found that evidence.



And General Flynn (a close Trump associate) also wrote a recent op-ed friendly to Turkey, to spite Turkey's support of terrorists in Syria (the same ones to whom Washington drops ammo and weapons) - to spite the fact that Flynn was booted by Obama for opposing Western support to those same terrorists.  Why? 


Both of these nations have "obeyed" Washington/EU dictates, and cooperated in some nasty covert business on their behalf.  I would hypothesize that this is a signal that, "There is a New Boss with New Rules that will differ from the Rules our 'Elites' gave you before - but we aren't throwing you under the bus if you go with the new agenda."  That's speculation on my part, but is my best guess. 


Keep in mind, Trump's foreign-policy is only a possible improvement over the R/D uniparty agenda - not one of the primary reasons he was elected - which were trade and immigration.   But on the one foreign-policy front with the most promise, if Trump stops trying to surround Russia with missiles, using "enemy" rhetoric against them, and interfering in their internal politics (running anti-Putin political-ops out of the US-Embassy, etc) - this would be a fantastic development.


Flynn wrote the op-ed you mentioned while his firm was consulting and lobbying Turkish interests. He did not identify himself as being on a payroll, but rather used his previous military credentials. This was discussed on previous topics, links and all.


Intentionally or not, your post over-simplifies issues pertaining to Turkish and US support of various factions involved in the Syrian conflict. The short version is that your account is inaccurate, at best. There was a rather lengthy article mentioned earlier today which does a good job of addressing these issues.


Neither Turkey nor Syria have "obeyed" any US/EU dictates. Posting this pretty much gives away your biased POV. Turkey leveraged the refugee situation and continues to do so while looking out for further gains. Syria, unless one counts the chemical weapons stores thing, did not "obey" any Western wishes as well.


Gotcha, the US is the belligerent, nothing to do with Russia actions, which are all innocent, defensive and harmless to other countries. Right. As for running political ops - fine sense of humor there. For 100$ What is Wikileaks.

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20 hours ago, NeverSure said:

cnn copy.jpg


This seems more relevant to the host of interpretation heaped on Trump's rather obvious statements by his supporters. But anyhow, anything seems to be countered by either "it doesn't matter/I don't care" or "Trump won the elections". Both being the paragon of reasoning when it comes to certain posters.

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1 hour ago, NeverSure said:


Hey, just FYI, your side lost. You can stop promoting Obama any time now. He's outta there.


The US has had the slowest economic recovery since WWII under Obama. Obama has never had a year of 3% GDP growth. Unemployment numbers have been skewed but there are more people out of the workforce right now than ever in history. Home prices are propped up by absolute record low interest rates for 8 years. The Fed has had to keep interest rates near zero just to barely keep things afloat. Jobs have fled the country en masse. 


The community organizer who never even managed a lemonade stand has been running the country and the economy and he's made a mess. 


I've listened to libs tell me Trump couldn't win the nomination, and then that he couldn't win the White House, and now that he can't run the country. I feel like I'm in a room full of children.


Way back when Trump first announced his candidacy I started telling people on here, "Get used to saying President Trump." I took the hoots and derision from the Left. NOW get used to saying it. You act like there's still a campaign in progress. It's over.




Most posters bringing up Clinton and Obama are Trump supporters. Replies are met by "Trump won". Kinda circular logic there.

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1 hour ago, NeverSure said:


Hey, just FYI, your side lost. You can stop promoting Obama any time now. He's outta there.


The US has had the slowest economic recovery since WWII under Obama. Obama has never had a year of 3% GDP growth. Unemployment numbers have been skewed but there are more people out of the workforce right now than ever in history. Home prices are propped up by absolute record low interest rates for 8 years. The Fed has had to keep interest rates near zero just to barely keep things afloat. Jobs have fled the country en masse. 


The community organizer who never even managed a lemonade stand has been running the country and the economy and he's made a mess. 


I've listened to libs tell me Trump couldn't win the nomination, and then that he couldn't win the White House, and now that he can't run the country. I feel like I'm in a room full of children.


Way back when Trump first announced his candidacy I started telling people on here, "Get used to saying President Trump." I took the hoots and derision from the Left. NOW get used to saying it. You act like there's still a campaign in progress. It's over.




Great post and all factual. You told us over and over again that Hillary would lose and Trump would win. You were absolutey right!

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On 12/1/2016 at 5:38 PM, Thakkar said:


Meanwhile, HRC hasn't even been *charged* with a crime, let alone convicted. Not even after numerous investigations by several separate and independent bodies, some of which were openly *determined* to find reasons to lay actual charges.


Maybe Obama can preempt that by pardoning Clinton: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/would-obama-pardon-clinton-231120


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3 hours ago, Morch said:


Most posters bringing up Clinton and Obama are Trump supporters. Replies are met by "Trump won". Kinda circular logic there.


Not circular at all. Many of the rah rah posts against Trump are a day late and a dollar short. Trump won the election. It's time to stop campaigning. 


None of the crap posts about Trump have any meaning now. He will be POTUS in just 47 days.



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43 minutes ago, Xircal said:


Maybe Obama can preempt that by pardoning Clinton: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/would-obama-pardon-clinton-231120



She doesn't need a pardon. She's innocent of any wrongdoing. That's what the Democrats tell me. :sleep:


Of course the new AG might decide that Hillary had criminally violated the Emoluments Clause which prohibits officials from accepting those hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign governments such as the $25 million from Saudi Arabia. That's a serious crime.


I'll just wait and let it play out.




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21 minutes ago, NeverSure said:


She doesn't need a pardon. She's innocent of any wrongdoing. That's what the Democrats tell me. :sleep:


Of course the new AG might decide that Hillary had criminally violated the Emoluments Clause which prohibits officials from accepting those hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign governments such as the $25 million from Saudi Arabia. That's a serious crime.


I'll just wait and let it play out.





Using your logic George Bush should also be subjected to investigation. During Clinton's term as Sec State the Foundation received no funding from KSA donors, nor was she a director of the Foundation whilst Sec State.


The Washington Post reported that Saudi Arabia gave about $10 million to build the library. (According to the Post, the Saudis gave a similar amount to the George H.W. Bush library.)  After the library donation, the Saudis gave very little and stopped giving entirely during the time Clinton was secretary of state.




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10 hours ago, Xircal said:


Maybe Obama can preempt that by pardoning Clinton: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/would-obama-pardon-clinton-231120



The comparision between Ford/Nixon and Obama/Hillary is insidious and flawed. At the point when Ford pre-pardoned Nixon, a lot of evidence already pointed towards Nixon's guilt. There is no actual evidence pointing to Hillary's guilt. Making such comparision wrongly assumes that there is.

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12 hours ago, simple1 said:


Using your logic George Bush should also be subjected to investigation. During Clinton's term as Sec State the Foundation received no funding from KSA donors, nor was she a director of the Foundation whilst Sec State.


The Washington Post reported that Saudi Arabia gave about $10 million to build the library. (According to the Post, the Saudis gave a similar amount to the George H.W. Bush library.)  After the library donation, the Saudis gave very little and stopped giving entirely during the time Clinton was secretary of state.





I'd love to see G W investigated for the crimes he may have committed, including the murky links to the Saudis, and in particular the Bin Ladens ( as pointed out by Michael Moore ). No sympathy for G W here.

I'd also love to see her locked up for her alleged crimes.

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