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All is forgiven after shamed Thai TV star becomes a monk


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5 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Wholly expected and wholly pathetic!

Even my Thai friends say this is wholly pathetic but they shrug their collective shoulders and say "what can we do ? "

Well you can actually do a lot but they wont.Apathy is so predominate with most Thais ,unless it affects them directly, nothing will ever improve.

I dont think there is a single issue in my marriage to a Thai that causes more in house arguments. I guess I am not alone.



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5 hours ago, Eligius said:

Totally pathetic. Does this idiocy and insult to genuine spirituality never end? It's difficult to take much more of this nonsense ...


Agreed. The only way to avoid it is to not read the news or TV (this site). I did it for about a year and it's actually quite purifying. :wink:

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They could at least mix it up a bit by making it an obligation to give something back to the monkhood, such as a body part, for example.


Nothing's free in this world and, unfortunately for this slimy individual, if he is indeed a Buddhist, he won't be finding nirvana this time around and will be stuck in this shitty death-rebirth cycle along with the other 99.999% of Thais. :thumbsup:

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3 minutes ago, Pdaz said:

No sillier than Catholics asking for forgiveness and confessing their sins every week.. "Forgive me Father I have sinned" Bullshit by another name.


Yes, but at least in those places that practice that tripe they tend to lock you away when you do wrong... ooh, such as beat the sheet out of someone because they scratched your car or pound a kid's head on the ground because he hit your son.

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5 hours ago, ezzra said:

Wouldn't be grand if you can do that every time you run foul with the law of the land,

foreigners too, I don't think that there's another country on this god given earth where

you can sin and by joining a sect or a cult, all is forgiven....

Doh,heard of the catholic church,3 hail marys and your free for another week.

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That's the way to go chaps, we should all be pushing to have a monk barber shop boot at all thai's airports, so in case of overstay or been caught working without wp, etc, just get a new free hairstyle and a beautiful orange robe and you are free to go, no fines, no courts, prisons,.....it's a win-win situation for all

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3 hours ago, sandemara said:

Phra Nott's entering the monkhood is not necessarily a simple publicity stunt.  Monks have few (or no) possessions; they aren't allowed to even touch money, let alone possess cash or assets.  This devout act of joining a monastery might have implications for any legal actions for compensation taken by his assault victim.  Can the  victim get blood out of a stone?

You rekon.They all got phones.Saw one the other day buying one and handing the money over.They are mere men and boys after all,nothing special going on.

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6 hours ago, ezzra said:

Wouldn't be grand if you can do that every time you run foul with the law of the land,

foreigners too, I don't think that there's another country on this god given earth where

you can sin and by joining a sect or a cult, all is forgiven....


                Maybe you're not well acquainted with the Christian belief system:  'admit your sins and you will be forgiven.'  That's the creed for Catholics, at least.  Also:  'Jesus died for your sins' nonsense is supposed to excuse all good Christians of any bad deeds, because Jesus pre-paid for your karmic mis-steps when he was put up on a wood frame and forced to die a slow and agonizing death.


              Note:  One of the most prolific mass murderers during the Khmer Rouge reign of terror was named Duch.  While in jail, he converted to Christianity.  His fellow Christians petitioned the Cambodian court to have charges dropped because, in their creed, anyone who converts to Christianity gets a clean slate.

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First off, what kind of sweetheart drives a Mini. That's for girls. Maybe that's why he got mad. Knowing that now everyone knows his real gender. 

Secondly, I don't understand what's all the fuss about her. 

Just another individual, who couldn't handle money and fame and got stripped of all. I think he's much better off being off screen. Nobody cares about people like this anyway. 

And who cares if he didn't apologize to the victim. Opinions and words of such entities don't count.

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This is  interesting. So should I understand that being religious, especially having a "rank" is a punishment? In other words being a monk is a punishment? And what is the exchange rate? Attacking someone , or killing others can one buy absolution against being a monk. What should I think about a higher ranked monk than?

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2 hours ago, George Graham said:
4 hours ago, seancbk said:

No different to a Catholic banging his neighbour's wife and then the pair of them going to 'confession' to be absolved of sin, except perhaps that their 'confession' is private.

As for the show of the class divide, that is normal too, and not just in Thailand either. 



Not so. You cannot get absolution from criminal offenses through the church. Confession might just make you feel better.

Unless charges were laid the incident with the mini and the motorbike was not criminal.  It was an argument between two adults in the street.

The fact that there is a class divide here which means the lower class person was made to bow down by the higher class person is not a criminal matter.  

The class thing is very deeply ingrained into Thai society and will never be changed.  

Actually the class thing is very deeply ingrained in Western society, except we apply it differently these days, but it is definitely there in thought if not so much in deed.


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8 minutes ago, seancbk said:

Unless charges were laid the incident with the mini and the motorbike was not criminal.  It was an argument between two adults in the street.

The fact that there is a class divide here which means the lower class person was made to bow down by the higher class person is not a criminal matter.  

The class thing is very deeply ingrained into Thai society and will never be changed.  

Actually the class thing is very deeply ingrained in Western society, except we apply it differently these days, but it is definitely there in thought if not so much in deed.


What about the broken nose?

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5 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Do they have a back door where he can leave unnoticed??


 Hey mate,


            I've done something very stupid and must pretend to be a monk for 4 weeks. Wanna join me and forget your sins from TVF?


              Please page me. 

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On 11/29/2016 at 7:29 PM, louse1953 said:
On 11/29/2016 at 7:20 PM, seancbk said:

Unless charges were laid the incident with the mini and the motorbike was not criminal.  It was an argument between two adults in the street.

The fact that there is a class divide here which means the lower class person was made to bow down by the higher class person is not a criminal matter.  

The class thing is very deeply ingrained into Thai society and will never be changed.  

Actually the class thing is very deeply ingrained in Western society, except we apply it differently these days, but it is definitely there in thought if not so much in deed.





What about the broken nose?

As I said above, unless the Police or the 'victim' press charges it is nothing more than the outcome of 2 people having a fight.

We don't know the full details, perhaps (highly likely) the scooter rider was in the wrong.   I would be punching the <deleted> left right and center if I had an expensive car in Bangkok because they can't wait like a normal vehicle, they all have to weave between the cars and they all scratch and bump into other road users.   

Edited by metisdead
Profanity edited out of post.
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