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All is forgiven after shamed Thai TV star becomes a monk


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22 minutes ago, merlin2002 said:

Bl$$dy joke... Incredible how Thai society appears to accept these pretentious pricks doing the cursory visit the temple, becoming a monk for a short time, and all their bad deeds will be forgiven without any recrimination...

"...bad deeds will be forgiven without any recrimination..."


Really?  You're forgetting about the recriminations that will come as a result of his being prosecuted for the MINI incident.

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11 minutes ago, jolive said:

Case closed??
What a joke!!


5 minutes ago, Sooo Upto Me said:

Once again everything swept under the monks carpet.  An all is forgotten.


Where did it say that the case was closed and swept under the carpet?  Oh, yes, nowhere, the case is still very much alive.

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48 minutes ago, edwinchester said:

Hopefully, one day, a temple will tell vile characters such as this to <deleted> off rather than go through with this pathetic charade.


Only when hell freezes over. Oops, wrong religion.

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1 hour ago, hanuman2543 said:

The temple and the abott should be ashamed that they "support" this pathetic "show". Disgusting and unbelievable behaviour from all involved in this.


The Abbot should be ashamed, stop being silly money is all they care about.

Having Nott there will bring in a bit of extra money.

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No different to a Catholic banging his neighbour's wife and then the pair of them going to 'confession' to be absolved of sin, except perhaps that their 'confession' is private.

As for the show of the class divide, that is normal too, and not just in Thailand either. 

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i definitely called this one! too predictable anyway! step 1: wai to the police; step 2: apologize to everyone (excepy his victim); step 3: enter monkhood; step 4: back to society as if nothing happened; step  5: violate another human being; back to step 1

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8 minutes ago, Moonmoon said:

All is forgiven even if u kill someone with your car, punch and broke a few noses or rape someone after you enter the monkhood. How convenient 


Unfortunately some deluded people do think that even though it is not true.

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Just now, irwinfc said:

i definitely called this one! too predictable anyway! step 1: wai to the police; step 2: apologize to everyone (excepy his victim); step 3: enter monkhood; step 4: back to society as if nothing happened; step  5: violate another human being; back to step 1


Your 'step 4' misses out the very important bit about him being prosecuted.

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2 hours ago, ezzra said:

Wouldn't be grand if you can do that every time you run foul with the law of the land,

foreigners too, I don't think that there's another country on this god given earth where

you can sin and by joining a sect or a cult, all is forgiven....

This goes a long way to explaining why Thailand will always be a 3rd world country.


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41 minutes ago, gdgbb said:

"...is made to wye..."

"...he does the crappy quick half wye..."

"...often simply allowed to wye..."


Jeez, you're a teacher?  Is the inability to spell also one of the consequences that your pupils suffer?

Give us a hug, buddy. You know there are better ways of getting attention than trolling and being suspended from posting messages again. 


You're right. According to the Oxford dictionary it's spelt 'It's a Thai word'. 

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3 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Give us a hug, buddy. You know there are better ways of getting attention than trolling and being suspended from posting messages again. 


You're right. According to the Oxford dictionary it's spelt 'It's a Thai word'. 

"Give us a hug, buddy."

Nah, rather not, thanks.


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40 minutes ago, ChangMaiSausage said:

He will be back on TV within a couple of month.


I doubt it very much , he made a fool of himself and he got sacked by the TV channel . But I am sure he can find other jobs. 


Edited by balo
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3 hours ago, CelticBhoy said:

I wouldn't mind using his car while he's banged himself up  :smile:

Perhaps better even if the victim got to use it.


FYI: Thailand, Nott is not all forgiven at all, just thinks he is. I for one don't forgive him for the bad publicity he has given Thailand or the thuggery of him and his bodyguard buddy wingman.

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I always find these threads interesting... Invariably they degenerate into rants about Thailand being a 3rd world country that will never achieve the moral and legal standards of the West. 


While I have some sympathies with these arguments, I would argue that it's more instructive to view Thailand through an anthropological lens of a country making a transition from an agrarian, feudal society to an industrialised democratic society following the rule of law. 


Viewed from this perspective, I think the most profound differences between ThaIland and the West result not from inherent differences in theology or morality, but rather from the simple fact that they are at different points in their respective evolutions. 


The Catholic Church struggled with the problem of "indulgences" acquired (and bought) to absolve sin throughout the Middle Ages -- and really only banished the practice in the 20th century.  


Thailand's transition, having begun late in the world's Industrial Age and continuing throughout the Information Age, has been much, much shorter. It's no surprise then that many institutions in Thailand are under stress as the old ways that once worked give way to new ways that are not yet developed, accepted, and understood. 

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ORANGE. ENVELOPE. changed hands. Everybody happy. Abbot can finally buy that 50inch flatscreen. NOTT can show the country how solly (sic) him (sic) am (sic). Thai people not like pesky farlang. Thai people suhpecial. ??

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It is increasingly difficult to have any respect for the institution of Buddhism when the hierarchy permit/condone/encourage this sort of conduct as a path to absolution.

This creature is no more than a self absorbed TV 'star' who's absorbed in his own limited success.

I do hope he's not given another chance in the TV industry.

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25 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Give us a hug, buddy. You know there are better ways of getting attention than trolling and being suspended from posting messages again. 


You're right. According to the Oxford dictionary it's spelt 'It's a Thai word'. 

However things might be with right or wrong, it´s definitely some monk(ey) business going on here.

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