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Capital gains tax in Thailand

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On 12/5/2016 at 5:02 PM, Naam said:


no more yada yada yakety-yak please!



I am not sure who you are answering but if by chance my question your answer does not cover my questions.


International taxation is quite often more complex than it seems, especially if you are not trained in the area. Normally you need a background in accounting - then a masters degree in taxation (MST or LLM) just to be a beginner in a large firm's tax department these days. I remember once asking a friend who was a senior partner in one of the big firms a tax question and he said he only knew enough to be dangerous as he wasn't a tax specialist. Being a very smart highly experienced CPA with an MBA and publications etc were not enough. You need a tax specialist and up to date.


So unless you know the actual law and lots of details it is not a good idea to rely on a quick reading of a summary of tax law.


You may disagree - which is your right, or you may be a highly trained tax expert fluent in Thai and familiar with the statutes in question in which case I will with appreciation quietly listen to your tax wisdom...



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