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Trump talks Taiwan on the telephone China lodges complaint


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China has been very happy this past 30 years that no one has challenged them on any level, they know the rules of the game, and China is very very good at exploitng those rules for its own benefit and the benefit of the communist party.


Now the rules have changed.

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China better realize there is a new sheriff in town and they better check their guns at the door.  Trump sent them a message but he is not going to open relations with Taiwan. The Chinese are a clear and present danger to the US and the World. They seek land; food; oil and other natural resources for their huge population. They need to keep their population docile so the Cmmunist Party can survive. Trump is telling them they are not going to be able to do everything they want. 

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3 hours ago, wwest5829 said:

Not my choice as President-Elect, nor that of a majority of eligible citizens.


And how would you know that, since not all eligible citizens voted, and lying Hilary just got a small majority of the popular vote of those that voted.


So I look forward to a link to a credible source that confirms your superior knowledge

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The article said "The US backs Beijing’s one China policy, which sees Taiwan as Chinese territory. "  I am pretty sure that is far from entirely true or codified in any official USA policy or treaty.  Granted the USA keeps kind of quiet about Taiwan and mainland china, and dropped formal diplomatic relations decades ago.  Read the history, the Taiwan Relations Act, normal trade relations (NTR) status, etc.  Of course there are a few contradictory statements out there made by the USA.  So to take any one of them alone or out of context would be at best, an incomplete story

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China better realize there is a new sheriff in town and they better check their guns at the door.  Trump sent them a message but he is not going to open relations with Taiwan. The Chinese are a clear and present danger to the US and the World. They seek land; food; oil and other natural resources for their huge population. They need to keep their population docile so the Cmmunist Party can survive. Trump is telling them they are not going to be able to do everything they want. 

I don't think China will take kindly to trump telling them anything.
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On 12/4/2016 at 3:08 PM, aslimversgwm said:
Absolutely spot-on and as an earlier contributor mentioned this is called 'realpolitik'.  'Trumpettes' please look it up if you don't understand what this actually means - it's to do with the REAL world and what is acceptable or 'do-able' in the real world most of us actually inhabit, thus ensuring all of our future prosperity and security.

The only real that trump fanatics know is the real trump twitter page. He fancies himself like a Roman emperor. God help us.

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4 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

Taiwan is not a legal country. It never was. It is unfortunate that you  have no knowledge of the history of China and of Taiwan. 


It looks as if you only know the history you want to know.


Because China INVADED Taiwan after WWII and claims it belongs to them doesn't really mean that is so.


Or do you also agree that the Spratly islands belong to China, as they claim it?


In the mean time, take some time to read up on the history of Taiwan.







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9 hours ago, Luckysilk said:

Nice to see President Elect stand up to China.


Taiwan should be recognized as a sovereign nation.


Thank You President Elect Trump.


Yeh!  Especially when you are building a hotel there.  Thank god America is in safe hands

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15 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Comrade Xi must have got the shock of his life upon hearing of Trump's call...realizing it's a new game in relations with the United States and that there's soon to be no longer a pushover occupying the Oval Office ?


Absolutely.  Who cares about the trillions of dollars the USA owes them or the fact that China is the major economic powerhouse in the world.   With Trump's grasp on world affairs  America can sleep easy!

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trump loves to keep everyone on the edge of their seats constantly reality t.v. style. Aren't you sick of it already ? From no drama Obama to crazy arsed orange bull con man in a China shop with the China shop being the world. If this is what making America great again is about pass the hard drugs.

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China has been slapping Obama around for 8 years, time for that to stop.  Think China will refuse Trump steps when he lands in China?  We all seen that shaming of Obama...and it was so sad.


And all the libos talk about Trump not working with the State Dept., when we all know how corrupt, crooked and stupid that organization has been for the last 8 years.  State needs reformed ASAP, they are not qualified to talk to themselves, intelligently.


And as far as protocol goes, when did the last president (before the apologist) praise the commies in Cuba?



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I hope they don't put down steps for trump. So he'd fly away and China would win.

Already his promise to ruin TPP gives China a huge win. He's a mental case. If he thinks his Rambo act is going to intimidate China just watch. This plays right into their goals.
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1 hour ago, dunroaming said:


Absolutely.  Who cares about the trillions of dollars the USA owes them or the fact that China is the major economic powerhouse in the world.   With Trump's grasp on world affairs  America can sleep easy!

There's that inane remark again about the "trillions of dollars" the US owes China...haven't you ever heard the sayin' "When you owe the bank $ 50,000, the bank ownes you...but when you owe the bank $50,000,000, you own the bank." I'll put this really simple for you...the United States ownes China.


And the only reason they're an "economic powerhouse" as you put it (many would argue instead that they're an economic basketcase) is because the US buys so much of the junk they manufacture, which could easily be sourced elsewhere . 



The Chinese muted reaction, blaming the Taiwanese for calling Trump, shows who holds the cards in this relationship.


Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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9 hours ago, Thakkar said:

Other reports indicate that Eric Trump, the president-elect's second son and executive vice president of the Trump Organization, will be coming to Taoyuan later this year to discuss the potential business opportunity.


So, this must be that "blind trust" that everyone is talking about. Daddy just happens to have a nice conversation with Taiwan's president before his son's trip to discuss a business opportunity. Nope, no conflict of interest there at all. Move along, nothing to see here.

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11 hours ago, geriatrickid said:


No, that is not how it works. There is a way of doing things and one of them is to work within the  established protocols set up and structured  since the day Nixon established  diplomatic ties with the Chinese. President Bush the elder put the framework in place when he was the head of the US delegation to China.


I know it is trendy to  dismiss the work of career diplomats and people who understand the Chinese . However, the  US policy on China is the result of long standing  Republican positions that date back to a period when there were  honourable people in the party, and these people know what the situation is with China.


Taiwan is not a legal country. It never was. It is unfortunate that you  have no knowledge of the history of China and of Taiwan. 



Please do explain how the Republic of China is not a legal country and never was. Seems like your definition of a legal country is one which changes by the whim of other nations rather than being that of a self governing entity.  If my memory serves me correctly it was recognized by the international community, and held a place on the Security Council of the UN.  It was when the relations with China improved that the US just dumped Taiwan as being no longer needed when it was expedient to do so.  It was as much as embarrassment as our Congress not providing money to South Vietnam in 1975 after 58,000 men died fighting a war.  This type of state department behavior is exactly the reason many don't trust the US as an ally. I would hate to the be the rebel fighters that we have supported and encouraged in Syria when Assad and Russia finally defeat ISIS and start on the rebels that we have supported.  Surely the US will pack up and run for the hills. 


Maybe some people elected Trump to shake up things a bit.  It's about time we had someone who thinks outside the box.  Our foreign policy has been in shambles for decades and hopefully we have someone at the helm who can get it straightened out. I'm certainly not worried that China is going to do anything reckless.  They have been calculated in their movements in the South China Sea and will push until stopped.  That's the way they operate.  Economically both the US and China have economic interests.  Neither country is foolish and maybe it is time the Taiwan situation was brought up and things discussed again so it can eventually be brought to a close. China has been blackmailing the world for decades over the issue.  



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What the US has been doing, especially regarding China for the past few decades has resulted in a disaster for America, Americans and American workers. Yet some think that "established protocol" must be followed. Amazing.


There's a new sheriff in town who has already said he'll put the wood to China if they don't become more cooperative. Why is anyone surprised? China and liberal snowflakes will make a lot of noise while grinding their teeth on their fingernails, but Trump will prevail.


Somehow the US has to not only recover but begin again to thrive after decades of being ripped off by China. You're seeing a start and it will work.



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Here's a quick string of Twitter posts by Trump today. As he hates the MSM he finds other ways to talk to the people. He sure doesn't seem concerned about the gum flapping from liberals about Taiwan. He's going forward.


You have to read these posts from the bottom up as that's the way they post. He made many posts because Twitter limits the number of characters one can use.





111 copy.jpg

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What Trump could do and might, is form an alliance against China with the following countries:


1.  India which HATES China, is a US ally, has a military and nukes. It's also geographically close.


2.  Russia which HATES China and would also like to form a defense. It's also dangerously close to China.


3.  Japan which HATES China but has little military and no nukes. It is however a manufacturing powerhouse and has the potential of military bases up close and personal.


4. The US, of course.


Even without any puzzy W. European countries involved you'd have China cornered. Now you could defend the S C Sea and anything else you wanted to. You'd really put the screws to the bully.



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Here's Trump's latest tweet about this on Twitter. It's obvious that Trump has disdain for the MSM and is going directly to the people. Good for him. NOW do you think Trump or his highly experienced advisers are afraid of China?


"Did China ask us if it was OK to devalue their currency (making it hard for our companies to compete), heavily tax our products going into their country (the U.S. doesn't tax them) or to build a massive military complex in the middle of the South China Sea? I don't think so!"

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5 hours ago, NeverSure said:

What Trump could do and might, is form an alliance against China with the following countries:


1.  India which HATES China, is a US ally, has a military and nukes. It's also geographically close.


2.  Russia which HATES China and would also like to form a defense. It's also dangerously close to China.


3.  Japan which HATES China but has little military and no nukes. It is however a manufacturing powerhouse and has the potential of military bases up close and personal.


4. The US, of course.


Even without any puzzy W. European countries involved you'd have China cornered. Now you could defend the S C Sea and anything else you wanted to. You'd really put the screws to the bully.




You're stuck in a cold war mentality. At this point as China's wealth increases and the US is having problems, China could just outspend the US and bankrupt it.  Better for the US to work another angle to keep the PRC in check as their power increases.



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The Southern California Republican congressman being considered for Secretary of State told Breitbart News that President-elect Donald J. Trump sent the right message when he accepted a congratulatory call from Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen Friday, despite the uproar from Red China and America’s left-wing commentariat.

“The Chinese are now being alerted that they should not think of the United States as a pushover anymore,” said Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, who sits on the House Foreign Affairs Committee and chairs its Europe, Eurasia and Emerging Threats subcommittee.



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12 minutes ago, Rob13 said:


You're stuck in a cold war mentality. At this point as China's wealth increases and the US is having problems, China could just outspend the US and bankrupt it.  Better for the US to work another angle to keep the PRC in check as their power increases.




You are overestimating both China's wealth and apparently its development of advanced weapons. BTW the Cold War with Russia ended very well for the US.


As recently as 1987, President Reagan strongly ordered Russia's leader:  "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"


That's how long it's been since the Berlin Wall came down, and how long it's been since the US had a strong leader. We'll be back on track on Jan 20.


Again, look above at my post #55 showing Trump's Twitter post today, aimed right at China's precious "face". We finally have a leader who won't take any crap off China. Did you see puzzy Obama's statement about Trump's phone call? What a <deleted> wimp.



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15 minutes ago, Rob13 said:


You're stuck in a cold war mentality. At this point as China's wealth increases and the US is having problems, China could just outspend the US and bankrupt it.  Better for the US to work another angle to keep the PRC in check as their power increases.



He might be stuck in the cold war mentality but at least he's not living in la la land. Do you truly believe that the world banks, the IMF, the Fed and all the other financial institutions would stand by and allow this to happen, it would bring down the entire world's financial system?  And what do you think would happen then.  Here's a hint. :hit-the-fan: Totally unrealistic wouldn't you say? :wai:

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23 hours ago, Dagnabbit said:

Liberals are unbelievable. They make heroes of Che Guevara, Fidel Castro and Pablo Escobar. They call CEOs greedy but laud overpaid Hollywood stars. And now they side with China... They think that the US should bow down to a Communist regime and not speak to the leaders of a true democracy. Screw China, seriously. Taiwan is a great country, not a pariah state. 


I am liberal.  I must also be unbelievable.  However, you didn't ask me whether I liked or disliked Trump's recent faux pas mentioned in the OP.  As much as I dislike Trump, I actually liked what he did re; Taiwan.  For decades I have been in favor of Taiwan being recognized for the country it is.   Dagnabbit: don't be so quick to put us liberals in a cubby hole that fits your biases.     

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