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Trump talks Taiwan on the telephone China lodges complaint


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1 hour ago, lannarebirth said:


It's funny, I've watched Democrats becoming Republicans these past few decades. They invest in their IRA's and 401 K's and wonder why America is so screwed up. They don't think it's weird at all that the World's largest corporation only makes electronic gadgets, or that they do it in China, or that their global headquarters are some tiny nondescript building in Ireland.  They are all corporatists now. They don't give a <deleted> about the US anymore as long as their stocks go up and that transgenders can pee where they like. It is all so perverse. America needs what the Democrat party used to be, even if you don't agree with them. Someone has to stand by the people.


Hear Hear !!

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On 12/4/2016 at 8:21 AM, Luckysilk said:

Nice to see President Elect stand up to China.


Taiwan should be recognized as a sovereign nation.


Thank You President Elect Trump.


You're quite foolish and wrong.  The issue here is not what US policy toward China and Taiwan should be.  The issue is, did the reality-TV-figure-elect have ANY idea what the <deleted> he was doing when he took that call?  Spoiler alert: he did not.  We are all in grave danger.

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36 minutes ago, Saastrajaa said:


You're quite foolish and wrong.  The issue here is not what US policy toward China and Taiwan should be.  The issue is, did the reality-TV-figure-elect have ANY idea what the <deleted> he was doing when he took that call?  Spoiler alert: he did not.  We are all in grave danger.


If I may ask, why does accepting a phone call give rise to such an alarmist post?  You. like me, would have no idea of what was involved, only what we read and hear from others who are equally unaccepting as yourself.  And we all are and the grave danger is?   :wai:

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50 minutes ago, Saastrajaa said:

We are all in grave danger.


I doubt it.Not a well thought out move but hardly anything to get worked up over. Expect more unskilled diplomacy like this in the coming months.

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1 hour ago, Saastrajaa said:


You're quite foolish and wrong.  The issue here is not what US policy toward China and Taiwan should be.  The issue is, did the reality-TV-figure-elect have ANY idea what the <deleted> he was doing when he took that call?  Spoiler alert: he did not.  We are all in grave danger.


That isn't the issue at all. The issue is, what is the harm with  exchanging complimentary messages with any other democratically elected leader of any other country?


I have a feeling you often find yourself in "grave danger".

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On 12/7/2016 at 2:00 AM, Si Thea01 said:

I thought it was the Taiwan President who made the call.  Why are some going off over him being contacted, if that's what happened, after all doesn't the current administration sell billions in arms to them?  I don't hear anyone going off the deep end about this. Or is it,  what is good for the goose, isn't good for the gander. China commented but no where near what some others have and if anyone has the right it would be them not the whiners who can't stop with their undermining escapades.  :wai:


It's really quite entertaining when you think about it. We can sell Taiwan billions in weapons for decades, but Trump isn't allowed to accept a phone call from them?


Nothing short of hilarious.


Thankfully, there are people like you and I to remind people that we sell weapons to Taiwan. You certainly won't hear the MSM mention it when they bash Trump for daring to talk to a democratically-elected president. Trump said he was going to get tough on China. This is a mere shot across their bow.

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12 minutes ago, Shot said:


1. Deal with Iraq made by agreement with G7+1 and US Congress

2. Re-establishing diplomatic relations with Cuba made as a recognized soveriegn country by the UN with whom the US previously had diplomatic relations.

3. Sale of weapons to Taiwan made with Congressional approval.


POTUS-electTrump talks with Taiwan who not recognized anywhere as a soveriegn country (not even by Taiwan itself, without Congressional or State Department consultation, and in violation of US Taiwan Relations Act of 1979 http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/1999/04/the-taiwan-relations-act-after-20-years



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1 hour ago, Srikcir said:

1. Deal with Iraq made by agreement with G7+1 and US Congress

2. Re-establishing diplomatic relations with Cuba made as a recognized soveriegn country by the UN with whom the US previously had diplomatic relations.

3. Sale of weapons to Taiwan made with Congressional approval.


POTUS-electTrump talks with Taiwan who not recognized anywhere as a soveriegn country (not even by Taiwan itself, without Congressional or State Department consultation, and in violation of US Taiwan Relations Act of 1979 http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/1999/04/the-taiwan-relations-act-after-20-years




1,2 and 3.  Doesn't make them right despite what Congress has to say.  Some of those guys receive financial support from dubious sources and vote the way the money flows.  As for the UN, Anything it is involved in would have to be treated with concern yet now there is all this hoo haa about a congratulatory phone call, Why?


Is dealing with a state that supports terrorists ok?  Was dealing with a Dictator and is brother who, over the past 50 years, have killed and imprisoned numerous citizens ok?  The Cuban Americans really rejoiced when he passed, shows how much they thought of that regime.


The bit about Taiwan and the link provided does not state that someone needs any consultation with government bodies to receive a phone call from that country, nor is it a violation of the act quoted.  If it is, and I have missed it, I'd be happy for you to point out the section.


The following link indicates that Taiwan is a sovereign state and contains comments made by Colin Powell, when he was Secretary of State that indicates from the perspective of international law, Taiwan ceased to be a part of China in 1895 and can be considered a nation in today's world and has evolved into a sovereign state independent of the PRC. 


He also went on to say that Taiwan is Taiwan, and China is China. They are different countries, and Taiwan is not a part of China. There has not been a single day in the 55 years since the establishment of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1949 that China has had effective control of Taiwan.   I'd rather take his word than anything that comes out of the UN. :wai:



Edited by Si Thea01
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1 hour ago, Si Thea01 said:

There has not been a single day in the 55 years since the establishment of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1949 that China has had effective control of Taiwan


Some clouding of historical facts.


As the end of the first Sino-Japanese war China ceded control of Taiwan to the Japanese in 1895. After Japan's defeat at the end of WW11 the Allied Powers handed control of Taiwan to the then ROC. At the end of China's Civil War Chiang Kai-shek's ROC forces retreated to Taiwan and in reality became a dictatorship suppressing the local Taiwanese population for many years. In fact as a component of the process, in 1947, Chiang Kai-shek forces massacred 28,000 Taiwanese.


I visited Taiwan and Penghu Islands (big military base) earlier this year as my son is engaged to a Taiwanese and found the people we met friendly and welcoming. Hopefully in the coming years Taiwan can peacefully officially achieve recognition as a sovereign country.

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  • 3 weeks later...

MILITARY tensions have been raised after China sent a fleet of warships towards Taiwan in what it called a “routine exercise” in the South China Sea.


Japan said late on Sunday it had spotted six Chinese naval vessels including the Liaoning travelling through the passage between Miyako and Okinawa and into the Pacific.


The state-run newspaper Global Times said in an editorial: "The Chinese fleet will cruise to the Eastern Pacific sooner or later.


“When China's aircraft carrier fleet appears in offshore areas of the U.S. one day, it will trigger intense thinking about maritime rules.”



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